The Curse Of Power

By Sereena1246

3.8K 70 8

This is the Normal Life of Brianna Waters and Dimitrius Wetmore. Age 15 was the year, or people say, but they... More

Chapter 1 The Curse Of Power
Chapter 2 The Curse of Power
Chapter 3 The Curse of Power
Chapter 4 The Curse of Power
Chapter 5 The Curse of Power
Chapter 6 The Curse of Power
Chapter 7 The Curse of Power
Chapter 8 The Curse of Power
Chapter 9 The Curse of Power
Chapter 10 The Curse of Power
Chapter 11 The Curse of Power
Chapter 12 The Curse of Power
Chapter 13 The Curse of Power
Chapter 14 The Curse of Power
Chapter 15 The Curse of Power
Chapter 16 The Curse of Power
Chapter 17 The Curse of Power
Chapter 18 The Curse of Power
Chapter 19 The Curse of Power
Chapter 20 The Curse of Power
Chapter 21 The Curse of Power
Chapter 22 The Curse of Power
Chapter 23 The Curse of Power
Chapter 24 The Curse of Power
Chapter 25 The Curse of Power
Chapter 26 The Curse of Power
Chapter 27 The Curse of Power
Chapter 28 The Curse of Power
Chapter 29 The Curse of Power
Chapter 30 The Curse of Power
Chapter 31 The Curse of Power
Author Note:
Immortality: Chapter One
Immortality: Chapter Two
Immortality: Chapter Three
Immortality: Chapter Four
Immortality: Chapter Five
Immortality: Chapter Six:
Immortality: Chapter Seven
Immortality: Chapter Eight
Immortality: Chapter Nine
Immortality Chapter Eleven:
Immortality Chapter Twelve:
Immortality Chapter Thirteen:
Immortality Chapter Fourteen
Immortality Chapter Fifteen:
Author's Note

Immortality: Chapter Ten:

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By Sereena1246

Hi Readers! I'm sorry for being such a lousy writter! I stopped writing, I lost interest in it. So If it weren't for T971399. I wouldn't have started writing this story again. So Thank you! So I decided since I didn't write for two years that in this month I have written five chapters for all of you. Thank you for reading it! I hope you enjoy it!


Chapter Ten:

I woke up in the morning in covers. I thought I flopped onto the bed? I guess not. I get out of bed to see a backpack packed on the nightstand beside me with a note on top of it.

‘It was a pleasure meeting you. I hope you find your way and figure out your problems. I wish I gotten to know you better, but people have to do things on their own. I’ll remember our day yesterday. I really hope I can see you again in the near future. I grabbed some clothes from my sister who is roughly your size and packed some food as well.’


‘P.S. I’m 284 years old.’

I folded the note and put it in the bag for a souvenir of this time I had have. I opened the bag and grabbed some clothes to wear for today. Green shirt and beige shorts. I put them on and they were my size. I put my hair into a ponytail and slipped the backpack on my back. I looked at the time. 5:18 am. I raise my eyebrows. That early eh? Well at least I could get a head start. I look around the room to find a pen and paper and quickly wrote a thank-you note and left the only cash I had, 2 dollars, on the nightstand. I quietly opened the door and slowly walked down the hallway so I wouldn’t wake anyone up. I climbed down the steps, but stood in the hallway below. What way do I go? Right or left?

“Left” a gruff voice spoke above of me. I jumped not expecting that and glance up the stairs to see one of the boys, which I forgot his name already, up on top.

“Thanks” I whispered and walked down the hallway he told me to go. When I reach the doorway. I quietly opened it just enough I could fit through and quietly shut it behind me. I hopped off the deck and walked towards the forest. I’ll eventually find my way back. I’m all prepared now. Everything was starting to light up and the sun was rising. I continued to walk in what I thought was a straight line. It took me a couple of hours before I reached the creek where I first met Noel. I smile at that thought. I will always remember the time I had here. I sighed I need to get back. I can’t give up forever and live in isolation. I check through the bag and found two water bottles. One full and the other was not full. I fill the empty bottle from the creek and started to head back where I remember. On my way back I picked up berries I first found. I still can’t get over the taste. I started to hear cars zooming pass and I knew I found the road again. Once I reached the road I deicide to go the direction where most of the cars are driving. I didn’t bother using my speed because I wasn’t in any hurry. I whistle tunes I remember from way back then. I look towards the late morning sky and notice how thick the clouds look and right on cue I started to feel the small drips of rain coming from those clouds. I sighed and continued to walk, the rain won’t affect me I prefer the rain actually. I finally made it to the town I ran from. My hair was damp from the drizzle and the water starting to seep into the clothes. I walked into the closest diner and seated myself in at a table near the window. An elder woman came up to me. I notice the clothes she was wearing and knew she worked here. She didn’t look all to please to serve me.

“Welcome to Betty’s Diner, I’m Agatha I’ll be your server tonight. What would you like to order?” she asked.

“Water please” I gave her a small smile.

“Is that all?”

“Yes, I’ll just have some water, I’m waiting for the rain to die down so I could walk home” I made an excuse. I’m going to have to fine a job so I could at least have some money. I sighed.

“Alright, I’ll be right back” the waitress nodded and walked away. I looked down at the table and fidget with my hands. In my peripherals I notice someone pulling the chair in front of me. I looked up to see a boy a little older than me; he looked maybe 17 or 18. He had bright colourless grey eyes with dyed black hair. He wore black eyeliner around his eyes making his eyes brighter. I notice he was wearing red skinny jeans with a black Kiss shirt. He has two sliver lip rings and an eyebrow piercing as well.

“Is anyone sitting here?”

I shook my head and looked out of the window. What I expected him to do was to bring the chair somewhere else, but I was wrong when he sat himself down at the table. I look back at him shocked. He kept an emotionless face. I shook my head and looked out the window ignoring this boy. The waitress came back with I water I order.

“Hello I’m Agatha, welcome to Betty’s Diner. What would you like to order?” she sighed and pulled out her notebook from her apron pocket. Huh she didn’t even do that to me.

“Double bacon cheese burger with a side of fries and a large chocolate milkshake, and for this fine lady she would have the same” he smile at the waitress and I have to admit it was a pretty charming smile for a boy with lip rings. She narrowed her eyes towards me. I gave her a small smile. She walked away.

I looked towards the boy and gave him a small smile, “Thanks” I looked back towards the window. How am I going to pay for it? I can’t assume him going to pay for me. That’s just rude, even though I didn’t actually want to have any of it, I just didn’t want to sound rude so I didn’t say anything. I took a sip of water,

“No problem. I have been through being homeless. It isn’t fun only surviving on water from diners” he winked at me.

“Who says I’m homeless?” I questioned him.

“Your whole outfit and stance just screams it at me. Don’t worry I wont tell” he winked at me again.

“Well then, I guess I have to prove it to you that I’m not homeless” I smirked.

“Well if you say your not homeless, pay for this meal,” he challenges me. The waitress came back with two trays of food. She set it down in front of the boy and me.

“That’s 24.65” she said. I paled. I can’t pay for that. The boy smirked realizing he won. He dug into his jeans pockets and pulled out his wallet and pulled out a twenty and five-dollar bills. He dug into his coins and took out a toonie for a tip.

“Here you go, have a pleasant evening” he gave her one of his charming smiles. I slumped back into my chair and continued to stare at my free meal. I feel pathetic. He stared at me, waiting for me to eat something first or to say something I don’t know. I heard his stomach growled from where I was and instantly felt bad for keeping him waiting. I don’t know why he didn’t just dig in when it first arrived here.

“Eat. It will do you wonders,” he ordered.

“Why don’t you eat?” I snapped back.

“Stop mopping for being homeless, I’m giving you a free meal that’s going cold. Eat it,” he snapped back. I narrowed my eyes. I reached forwards and picked up a fry and put it in my mouth.


“Tremendous, now eat more,” he smirked. He lifted his burger and took a giant bite out of it.

“Mmm…you should try it” he spoke with his mouth full. I stared down at the burger. Slowly I lifted the burger to my mouth and took a small tentative bite. The bacon taste exploded in my mouth and I took a larger bite. I realized I was hungry since I haven’t really eaten since two days ago. I had few snacks, but I never really had a meal since then. I finished the meal quickly and slumped into my chair. The rain started to pour even more. I didn’t want to go back out there now. I wished I stayed at Noel’s house a little longer.

“You know we never exchanged names. I’m Chris” he smiled at me.

“Ronnie” I muttered.

“Pleasure to meet you” he smiled. I gave him a small smile.

“You know I could get you a job for you. I work at this other diner and we’re looking for staff…” he trailed off. I shook my head.

“Why not?” he asked. I shrugged my shoulders. He is giving me everything on a platter. Why am I not taking it? I thought it over. It just doesn’t feel right. I shook my head again.

“You’re just going to say no to someone who’s trying to help you?”

“Why?” I spoke so softly that even I almost didn’t hear myself.

“Why what?” he asked confused.

I looked outside not wanting to see his face, “Why do you want to help me?”

He took awhile to answer, “I just thought you would want help, but clearly you don’t,” he stood up and started to walk away.

“Wait!” I called out. He stopped and turns around to face me.

“When do I start working?” I smiled a little. He eyes lit up with excitement.

“Come with me and find out,” he chuckled and waited for me to catch up to him. He wrapped his arm on my shoulders and led me out of the diner. When we reached outside, he direct us down the road. We had our head ducked like it would protect us from the rain. When we reach his car he opened my door for me, “Here we go, milady” he tried to put on a British accent.

“Why Thank- you young gentleman” I replied while getting in. he laughed and shut the door and ran around to the other side and slid in. he turned on the car and put the heaters on full blast. I started shivering when the heat didn’t come.

“Sorry, car is very old so it’s going to be awhile until you feel heat. I have a jacket in the back seat it that helps?” he smiled. I nodded. He reached behind him and pulled out a black leather jacket. I put it on. He pulled out of the parking lot and headed across town. We ended up at a place called Everlasting.

“Nice name. Sounds catchy. Welcome to Everlasting, how may I take your order?” I mimicked. He shook his head and hopped out of the car. I took the cue and opened the car door and got out. He was giving me a pouting look.

“What?” I asked.

“I was going to open the door for you” he pouted like a child.

I chuckled, “I’ll let you open my door next time,” I bargained. He smiled and took my hand and dragged me in.

“Janet! I found someone who can work here!” Chris shouted when we entered. All the costumers looked towards us and started whispering. I squirmed behind Chris. The middle age women came out from the back. She had auburn hair with light blue doe eyes. She looks roughly 5’5” and she has the face of a kind person. I think it was from her eyes. She smiled towards us.

“Hello Chris, I thought you were sick?” she raises her eyebrows at him.

He faked cough, and rubbed his throat, “yea, I am, but I think I’m starting to feel better” he smiled at her.

“Go to work,” she pointed him to the kitchen. He hung his head and shuffled his way to the kitchen. The woman, Janet, shook her head, amused at his childish ways.

“Is he always like that?” I asked.

“Yes, a true child at heart. Amazing boy. He’s a pleasure to work with. Now, come to my office. I’ll give you a towel to dry off” she escorted me to her office. She went to grab a towel for me.

“Sit, sit. Make your self comfortable,” she ushered me to her desk and I sat down onto the chair provided for me.

“Why do you think I should hire you?” my mind went blank. I couldn’t even answer the question. She gave me a kind smile; “Let me guess, Chris found you on the streets?”

“More like in a diner, sipping only on water” I replied casually, smile.

“Do you know how to waitress?” she asked me.

“I have a basic idea, but I’m a fast learner”

“Your hire. You start today because were under staff at the moment and lunch rush is about to began. I have an extra uniform, it might be a little big on you, but it wouldn’t be a problem. Today all I want you to do is take orders and give it to Chris. He’ll do the rest and come find me if there’s any problems. My name is Janet if you didn’t know from when Chris screamed it” she winked at me and gave me a kind smile.

“Ronnie” I grinned. She stood up and went to a closet and pulled out a black blouse with black dress pants and a red apron. She set it on the desk and looked through her desk for a pad of paper and a pencil.

“Here you go; sadly it’s just you, Chris and Will working today. I’ll leave so you can change in here, then I’ll introduce you to Will. He will teach you how to use the cash register and filing checks,” Janet smiled at me. I smiled and nodded. She left and I hurried to get into my work clothes. Janet was right they were too big for me and shockingly they were size small. I need to start eating on a regular base again or I’m going anoxic. I sighed. I tied the apron tighter then I would have liked so I could keep my pants on where they’re supposed to be. I opened the door and Janet bounced push off the wall she was leaning on and started walking down the hallway.

“There usually more worker’s, but they all called in sick. I was about to close today, because Will was the only one who could show. It was devastating! I’m so glad Chris found you and that he forgot that he called in ‘sick’ well Ronnie, I hope you feel welcome. I hope you have a good time working here,” she looked back over her shoulder and smiled. She walked into the main diner area and headed for the kitchen. She pushed open the swinging door and the door went swinging back and nearly smack me a good one if I didn’t move out of the way. I walked right into a food fight. Ketchup sprayed all over me, the followed the mustard. I gasped in surprise.

“Christophe James Reynard! William Harold Lowe! What is going on in here?” Janet shouted both their full names. They both stop the food fight and looked at us with wide eye. Chris reacted first and pointed at the boy with umber hair full of ketchup and mustard with large gorgeous amber brown eyes. He is tall and lanky. The boy looks like he is about 15 years old.

“He started!” Chris accused. The boy, Will, eyes grown a lot larger of surprise.

“Only because he was going to leave me with all this work today!” he excused. Janet continued to stare at these boys and they squirmed under her stare.

“Well, what are you doing just standing around, start cleaning. Chop chop!” Janet smiled. They both sighed and when to the janitor’s closet to grab a mop and a bucket for the water.

“Oh Will, I like to introduce a new employer that you sprayed ketchup all over,” he walked over to where I was standing. He checked me out, his eyes finally landing on my face.

“I’m Will, I’m so sorry for spraying ketchup on you,” he smiled sheepishly.

“Ronnie, nice to meet you and I forgive you, I started a few food fights before,” I winked and smiled at him. He visibly slumped with relief.

“Well we will leave these boys to there cleaning,” Janet narrowed her eyes on them.

“You know you love us anyway!” Chris shouted. Janet shook her head and we headed out into the diner.

“So I guess I’ll teach you the basic, let’s start with the cash register,” Janet led me to the cash register and started training me.

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