A Second Chance - Superflash

By Korijin

223K 3.9K 1.1K

During the batttle of Infantino Street, instead of Savitar killing Iris , Barry does the unthinkable and save... More

A Hero's Sacrifice
A Whole New World
Scary Sister
A Quiet Place
Lake Day
Suprise Visitor
The Moves
You're The Only One For Me
Yes, Yes It Will Always Be Yes
Secrets Revealed
Proper Introductions
The Return of The Flash
Wedding Bells
He's Alive?!
Original Team Flash Is Back
The Return Of Barry Allen
When Kara Met Kara
Room For One More?
Truth is Out
Where it All Started
Double Trouble
Tornado Twins
A Crisis is Coming
Christmas Time
Haunting Past
The Merge
Becoming One
Heroes Unite (Part 2)
Heroes Unite (Part 3)
Heroes Unite (Part 4)
Heroes Unite (Part 5)
Just in Time
Hurting Without You
Future Sight
Sooner Then expected
Visiting Roots (Part 1)
Realities War (Part 2)
Realities War (Part 5)
Realities War (Part 8)
Visiting Roots (Part 2)
A Hopeful Future
Crisis Arrives
Lost Hope
A Hero's Duty
The Fight of Their Lives
A New Multiverse
A Gift That Keeps Giving
Remnants of Krypton
Family Reunion
Welcome to Earth
Dead or Alive
Back Then
Hyperion and Aurora

Heroes Unite (Part 1)

3.2K 56 16
By Korijin


"Woah, woah, an unidentified object just entered Earth's atmoshpere and is rocketing down towards Central City." Cisco said as Team Flash listened in shock and curiosity. Wally being the only one brave enough sped out to investigate the crashsite. He stopped when he saw it wasn't a meteor but instead an alien pod.

"Guys it's not a meteor, it's an alien looking pod." Wally said into his comms as he ventured further into a crator. What suprised him the most was that it didn't look like a pod it looked more like a ship.

"Okay be on your guard." Joe said as Wally kept going further until an elongated looking alien came rushing out, followed by many more. They let out a high pitch screech before hurrying off into the city.

"What was that?" Cisco asked concenred

"Aliens." Wally breathed out as he regained his composure and sped back to STAR Labs

"Aliens?" Iris asked with her hands on her hips

"Oh you have no clue what i saw, they were like these giant, long, pale and scary creatures." Wally panicked as somone enter the Cortex

"They're called Dominators." Lyla said walking into the Cortex

"Oh just c'mon in, why not brings friends over as well." Cisco said sarcastically earning a slap on the back of the head from Caitlin

"With a name like that i assume they're not here to make friends." Joe said as Lyla nodded and handed everyone a series of photos

"They came here once back in the 50's, in-" Lyla said as she pulled up a bunch of files on the screen

"Redmond, Oregon" Joe finished, "That was them, the government tried to cover it up." Joe's intimate knowledge about aliens and government cover-ups weirded Iris out as Joe shrugged

"I've watched the Sci-Fi channel before." Joe defended

"How much do we actually know about them?" Wally asked

"We know that they attacked in 1951 in a similar fashion, a drop ship came from the sky with little to no communication, then they attacked and hundreds of soldiers lost their lives, then for some inexplicable reason they left." Lyla said 

"If they are as dangerous as you say they are we need to do something and fast." Wally said

"We are, nearly every member state in the UN is in talks to co-ordinate a defensive line, action is being taken." 

"So you want us to sit this one out?" Iris asked

"Yes, this is a matter left up to the higher-ups, you getting involved could turn this into something much bigger and deadlier." Lyla said before taking her leave from the Cortex and letting Team Flash stir in there thoughts.

"We need to do something, right guys?" Iris said as Cisco smiled

"If we are going to fight aliens, we're going to need one of our own, and maybe another speedster." Cisco said as everyone caught onto his drift


When Kara woke up with her head on Barry's chest and his arms wrapped around her she knew she wasn't dreaming, she finally had it all. She smiled up at him for what felt like hours just admiring him and mentally thanking The Moniter.

"Why are you smiling like that?" Barry asked as his eyes slowly fluttered open

"Can't i smile at my husband?" Kara asked hugging his waist tighter

"Yes, yes you can, because you have a very beautiful smile." Barry said kissing the top of her head as she blushed.

"I'm so glad i got this chance." Kara said listening to Barry's steady heartbeat

"Me too, Kara, me too." Barry said resting his cheek on the top of her head, their blissful silence was interupted by the crys of their children

"I got it." Kara said jumping out of bed

"Are you sure?" Barry asked

"Yeah, i love spending time with my children." Kara beamed

"And i love spending time with my beautiful wife." Barry said lifting Kara from behind and kissing her neck, she started giggling uncontrollably and trying to squirm from his grasp.

"Ba-Barry st-stop that tick-les." Kara said inbetween laughs

"Okay, okay." Barry said putting her back on her feet and walking with her to Grant and Melissa's room

"Mama." Melissa said loudly reaching her arms for Kara

"Right here sweetie." Kara cooed picking her up and craddling her

"Are we talking today Grant?" Barry asked as Grant stirred in his arms

"Guess that's a no." Barry chuckled kissing his forehead. Kara saw Barry talking with Grant and smiled she truely did have everything, but one thing was missing.

"Barr, can we get a dog?" Kara asked excitedly, Melissa also seemed to share Kara's excitement because she started to squeal

"Maybe, i mean having these two is hard enough, so maybe." Barry chuckled as Grant giggled

"Please, Barrrr." Kara whined

"I thought i was supposed to have only two kids." Barry laughed as Kara pouted with Melissa still in her arms

"Don't give me that look." Barry chuckled as Kara pouted further

"I'll think about it." Barry sighed as Kara and Melissa both squealled. A police siren was rang throughout the city and on instinct Kara was ready to fly out the window as Supergirl, but she stopped when she remembered Melissa was still in her arms

"Kara?" Barry asked inching towards her

"How can i be Supergirl and a mother?" Kara asked looking at Barry hoping he had all the answers

"Honestly, i haven't even figured out how to be a good husband, let alone a good father." Barry said as Kara shook her head

"Stop it, you Barry Allen, are the best husband any Kara can ask for and you are the best father anyone could ever wish for." Kara said kissing his cheek multiple times

"Can we do this, be superheros, and parents?" Barry asked

"Which is more important to you?" Kara replied

"I don't know, i've always had this drive to portect people, but whenever i hear a siren i hesitate, i think about all the times i've nearly died, and i don't want to do that to you or the kids, i want to be a hero, but i need to be a father." Barry said as a tear slid down his cheek and landed on Grant's forehead. 

"Barr, i get the same feeling, so how about we promise to only use our powers if it's absolutely necessary or it's a very big emergency." Kara smiled as Barry did the same

"Deal." Barry said wrapping his free arm around her waist and pulling her into his side as she kissed his cheek, they smiled at eachother basking in eachother's warmth until a breach opened and Cisco came through.

"Hey Kara, Barry, we have a very big emergency." Cisco smiled sheepishly

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