2 am.

By ItsTenzy

3K 146 17

"Who did this to you, why are you here?" I asked the sickening creature in front of me. She just stuttered cl... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31

Chapter 6

130 7 3
By ItsTenzy

   Its been five days since our strolling, I was slowly getting closer to her though I didn't like it totally. Claire became more distant and I didn't have another Valak imagination. Although I still write and well, he's getting stronger.

     I entered the house closing the door, I dropped Kian off at Susan's for a play date. The house was oddly quiet and displeased me greatly.

    "Bel!" No answer, unlike her usual stay-at-home hobby. "Claire!" Nothing, what was I expecting from that girl, she always leaves early and return minutes past her curfew. "Mom!" Wow, I was alone.

     I entered the kitchen to get a cup of water for my dehydrated self when I felt someone slam a door. It was loudly annoying but I ignored it, expecting it to be Claire as usual.

    On turning to leave the kitchen I stared at something, someone. Her(I suppose) head was bent hanging off her neck. She looked like someone cut the neck and left it hanging, why not finish it off.

    I wasn't still sure it was a female cause her hair was cut low, I just assumed it was a she due to her tight jeans. I know, its stupid but that was all I could. Besides, she looks more feminine than a male would. Its settled then, its a she.

     "Who the hell are you?" I asked looking at her bloody body, her neck was hanged sideways so I could see a part of her disgusting face. Her bone and flesh showed through her sliced open neck.

     She glared at me coming closer without even answering my question. She stopped a fit away from me.

    "Who did this to you, why are you here?" I asked the sickening creature in front of me. She just ignored me shuffling her feet closer and I glared at her. "Stop." She stopped instantly.

    I walked over to her halted irritating figure looking at the neck. I had so many questions including who the actual hell did this. Its not every day I see half dead people, I don't even see them, but its every day I write them, so she wasn't frightening.

    "Now who did this to you?" I asked calmly but with an authority laced tone I never knew I had.

   "You...Valak...you" she kept quiet and I laughed.

    "Do I even know you?" She brought out her palm and on it was engraved Md. I stared at it mouth agape, I looked back at her face slowly.

    Md was my initial, I made Valak engrave it on all his victims, in my story. What was she doing outside the book? Was she still in character? I left her rushing up stairs to check my story.

     "I..I...left." I looked back at her. Left a story? Yeah, no shit. I opened my laptop and that was it, there was no extra word or action, meaning she was no longer in character. If she was, like that incident with Valak, I would have seen something.

     "How did you? You left a written fiction on a lap top!" I yelled but it sounded hoarser than I wanted. She didn't flinch or anything, just stood there looking at me with her right eye.

    "Fiction? You...you...you...think...its fiction?" She stuttered looking shell shocked.

    "I write it, what do you think it is, History?" I was getting slowly irritated. I can't even remember her character, I didn't need to, the initial convinced me enough.

   "Its the future" I laughed real hard, I tried keeping my sad and commanding mood but this girl was killing it. Future? So I'm like a supernatural being writing ones future? I wish.

   "Okay, first things first, what's your name?" I asked after seconds of laughing at the now exhausted girl, I would have told her to sit down, but she was too irritating. I wasn't a clean freak neither a hospitable person. So balancing my personality, she was to stand till she felt like leaving.

    "Olivia." Olivia? I thought trying to remember her, and it flashed. She was one of the first characters Valak had murdered, she to be precise, was his mom.

   "Liv?" That was what Valak called her, she nodded. Well, damn. "Its really you?" I am not familiar with all my characters but I made Valak torture her before cutting her neck.

   "Hi." She smiled stupidly. I stood up running my hand through my shoulder length hair. Why was she in my house.

   "So you escaped? You live where?" I saw hurt flash her eyes but it was replaced with exhaustion. She was even supposed to be dead, I made sure she did so. It was my book.

   Nothing was normal anymore, first Valak appeared in person to me, in my imagination. Like it wasn't weird enough his mom is here, half dead I don't know staring at me exhausted. She was sure not sleeping in my room, maybe Claire's. The girl will literally kill me before its suggested.

    "Why are you here? Aren't you dead?"

    "I am, I'm a spirit." And she escaped from where now? "All the dead characters still stay imprisoned in the story. At least till you lead them to hell." Lead them to hell? What the hell was going on. I definitely am doing so after this, I can't risk encountering more dead characters even if I don't understand half of what she's saying

    This whole useless characters being the future or whatever was slowly eating me up. I wasn't giving up my stories for this shit, that was a no-no. It kept me busy often than not.

   "Let me get this straight. I literally write people's stories. Like whatever I forge from my imagination." I paused stressing the 'my imagination'. "Happens real?" I don't get any of it.

    She let out an exasperated sigh. "I'd be back tommorow. But before I go, just know everything you write happens real, but not in this world, you create the world in your lap top. And destroy it through Valak. You are like a god." And with that she disappeared.

    Now, my first reaction would have been she was crazy but with the visible signs, I was left smiling like an idiot. Valak appearing to me, then Liv, it wasn't coincidence nor logical. My life wasn't logical any more.

    I am smiling mainly because it feel great. I know I don't believe in supernatural beings, but having my own world and creations seemed nice. Maybe I'd spice up things and make myself noticed in one characters to their world as the god I supposedly am.

   I sounded like a maniac and I wasn't concerned. The one thing I'm so sure about relating to this story, was it is my creation. All writers create their own little world, but knowing it is real and people are dying in a world somehow is strange.

    Meeting Liv alone in that irritating condition tired me. I wrote all those things out of the love for it, I would never had imagined in years to come, that people actually got hurt.

   I'm mean,I love harming people and threatening them. But to kill hundreds just by typing wasn't my thing. I loved the feeling but would I still love it, knowing they actually die and roam about useless, I wasn't that heartless. But again, its all I write, its all I live for, the thrill, the imagined cries, blood. Not the reality involved, not this, not the fact I'm killing actual people.

   I went over to my bed laying down. Liv was too confusing, tomorrow I'll know exactly what happens in their world, yeah I write it, but I feel the joy out of their supposed real pain. I wanted to feel a hint of the pain. But damn, I'm real bipolar

And do keep reading....

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