2 am.

By ItsTenzy

3K 146 17

"Who did this to you, why are you here?" I asked the sickening creature in front of me. She just stuttered cl... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31

Chapter 3

240 9 1
By ItsTenzy

     "Madd." I turned from my laptop looking at the intruder, I was having one of my me and Valak time. Bella stood there waiting for a come in, I suppose. "Can I?" Aha! I nodded and turned my seat to look at her carefully.

     "I'm sorry about earlier." I apologized again smiling, maybe I meant it, maybe not. She nodded not smiling, she was sad? That was new, damn I've seen alot of new things today.

   "You really broke my leg on purpose?" I bit my lips holding in the grin forming, she figured! Wasn't she the smart one now. I looked up at her after making sure my lips were not curled, I pressed them together in a thin line. She sighed, did she notice my predicament?

    "Maybe, I guess?" I asked now composed. She looked away having one of those I-can't-believe-you-could-stoop-so-low looks. Even if I knew little about looks and their meaning, I was slightly irritated, she knew nothing about me.

     "I always knew you never liked me," She paused looking at me. "But this extent?" She asked still standing up. Now, how do I politely tell her to sit the hell down? My neck was hurting from looking at her taller figure.

     "Can you um...sit?" That sounded so good in my head. She chuckled lowly sitting, she chuckled! I rubbed my forehead disappointed.

    "If its apology, I don't need it." Who's apologizing? I laughed at this stupid possibility in my head, trying to be less me and more nice around her, was not going anywhere right now. She was freaking naive.

   "Well, sucks." I chuckled releasing a bit of the built laughter in me. "Bel, yeah I hate you and well I just hate you." I said sighing, I didn't realize telling her to sit without a perfect explanation would be stupid. I never acted stupid.

    "Talk to me Madd, I care about you."

   "That's the problem." I blurted out tired of putting on my fake facade for her, she deserved better. I stood up moving away a little with my back to her. I turned back looking at her composed self. "Bel I don't need this your attitude around me, I love being myself, not having to act the way you expect around you. And if hurting you pushes you away? I'm afraid I'll do so." Wow voicing an opinion felt great. She stood up, apparently her neck hurts too from looking up at me.

      "Madd." She called inhaling. "I want to know real you, Kian told me you don't like my way of seeing things, but I can't change neither can you. Its who we are, I care and I'll still do, you don't need to be what I expect. Heck I expect real you, not fake nice you." She paused looking at my laptop. Here we go. "I write stories too, all type except horror though, you could teach me?"

     I laughed pouring all my mind to it. At least she wants to see me in action, and I was more than pleased to be me. I stopped looking at her confused expression, oh darling she was cute.

    "One, I don't teach stories, I write. And I don't know if you noticed, but what I write, its humor, not horror. If you write then you should know I don't joke with one misunderstanding my genre of writing. But eh I like you too much to let it ruin this." I did like her, even if I didn't plan to admit, she makes me laugh.

    "Oh. You still have that horror humor attitude huh?" She giggled sitting on my reading chair. She stared at my laptop, seeing someone in my place made me uncomfortable, but I let it slide, again.

    "Valak closed the door staring at the terrified girl, he chuckled darkly stabbing her to the chest, and with a beautiful smile, watched her bleed to death" She read looking at me dumbfounded.

     "What?" I asked defensively sitting on my bed, she had tactically switched our position and no I was still uncomfortable.

    "You call this humor? What's funny about this writing?" I smiled widely lying on my bed. I was going to love spending time with Bella, more than I would wish for.

    "Everything. You know the feeling of watching someone bleed to death, the joy that someone made a dumb decision and died dumbly?" I asked smiling at my ceiling, catching interest in the white painting. I heard Bella chuckle yet again, I rested on an elbow looking at her.

     "I loved you when we were 12, but I even love you more now." Saying I was shocked was a century lie, I felt happy. Happy to change that love to undying hatred, I smirked lying down back.

    "Good to know." Soo good to know, my smirk changed to a wide smile as I thought of something blessed. Sitting up I admired the girl now backing me, reading my story. "You know, I feel lonely here. Would you mind we share the room?" I asked expectantly. Making her hate me was going to start with my kindest gesture, having her stay with me.

    "Really?" Her eyes lit up and I nodded already taking it as a yes. "Yes of course, anything for you cuz." I glared at her at the word, Cuz. She's my cousin and here I was devising a plan to create hatred, I'm so becoming like Valak. "Quick question, you don't sleep with your lights on, do you?" My glare changed to a smile.

    "We are so going to get along quicker than expected." I commented and she nodded backing me again. Seeing her so smiley and taking interest in my story made me proud of my self. Soon, she would look at me dead in the eyes with hatred.

    "Is Valak some sorta protagonist or what?" Durhh. Its obvious.

    "Absolutely." Valak would never be a villain, they always die at the end of a story. And besides, I literally made his character strong, he was my crush after all.

    She shrugged turning back to her story. That night we went to my mom in the kitchen. Claire went out and Kian was on the couch watching a movie.

    "Aunty Blair." Bella squealed as we entered the kitchen, mom turned to us and I leaned on the counter. She turned down the gas to put her undivided attention on us, on Bella precisely.

    "Yes sweetie?" Mom asked glancing at me and back at Bella beside me. Our kitchen like the house wasn't big, but comfortable enough.

    "I'm staying with Maddie in her room, we got along pretty well." Yeah we did, for now. I grinned evily in my head. I've been imagining her pretty face laced with hatred staring deep in my eyes for the past ten minutes.

    "You did?" Mom asked surprised, I smiled at her and her look was a hilarious one. I don't know if its me but home suddenly got slightly funny. Everyone believing my sweet self and well, loving me. Ha!

    "We did mom. Why else would she be staying with me?" I asked calmly with my signature cutest smile, or so I think. I don't always glare, I too smile cheekily and express gratitude sincerely.

    "Who are you and where's my baby?" She asked me ignoring my comment, I sighed leaving the kitchen to our fairly large living room.

    "So you and Bel huh." Kian remarked eyes fixated on the screen, I shrugged lightly. "I wonder what else you're planning this time." He added looking at me.

    "What makes you think I wanna hurt her?" I asked feigning sweetness. He laughed and I joined a split second after, Kian knew me so well that if I were to be Valak, he would be dead.

    "You don't grow nice on someone in hours, you don't in weeks." He replied looking at the screen. That simple logic never slips into mom's head.

    "Tell me more about myself." I chuckled and he smiled. "Did you talk to Susan today?" I asked looking at the screen. The scene was a boring dialogue between two crazed teens obsessing over what to wear for a party.

    "Yeah. She's no longer mad even if I know better." He sighed and I glanced at him, still not knowing where the courage came from to insult her that way, I was so proud of my baby brother.

     "Madd, let's go get my things from my room to yours." Bella interrupted my thought joining us on the couch. I looked at Kian and he smiled looking away.

    "Sure." I stood up going with her beside me." Later K." I ruffled Kian's hair again hearing him grunt  disapprovingly. My summer was off to a great start.

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