Betrayal Of My Best Friend.

By Whitewolfspirit29

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When Sailor Mars gets tired of being a loyal and trustworthy friend and gets sick of everyone's love for Sere... More

1. Broken Spirit and Hearted Goodbye.
3. Sailor Moon's Weapon.
4. Inuyasha's Inner Heart's Confusion. And Rei's Evil Planning.
5. Why Don't You Join Us.
6. The Group Learns More About Serena's Life.
7. The Fox and the Female Fox as Well.
8. Kagome and Inuyasha's Talk.
9. Rei's Dream Has Come True.
10. A Hot Spring of emotions and Naraku's Defeat.
11. Moving Forward Just Seems Too Hard.
12. Girl Talk.
13. Passionate Lovers.
14. The Truth Has Been Set Free.
15. Good Timing and Bad Timing.
16. Why, why, why?
17. I'm Not Returning To The Present.
18. The Group Together for The First Time in A Long Time.
19. Like It or Not
20. Rei's Actions and Her Protection Over Serena?
21. Darien's Threat. And Rei takes a Stand against him.
22. Serena's Acceptance and Forgiveness.

2. The New Sailor Moon.

397 6 0
By Whitewolfspirit29

So it had been a full week later since Serena arrived here in this time, She had to find away too survive somehow, She was super hungry she hadn't any money or anything too pay for, She hated too admit it, But even her clothes were like too noticeable they stuck out to much drawing in the wrong attention, Some people kept asking her if she was friends with someone by the name of Kagome, She was lost and confused, But she had heard them tell the story of how this enchanting and beautiful hearted and caring girl by the name of Kagome helped them out with her friends, And slayed the bad demons in the village that had attacked them, She thought about it, So she said no she hadn't met this girl or her friends, In fact she was new to the area, And was lost.

Of course, she was taken into a home for a short time, but then she got this creepy feeling when this boy or man she should say, The Man refused to stop watching her, He kept staring at her, until one night he tried to make his feelings well known too her, He was going to force himself on her, but she kicked him super hard in the balls and then ran away once again.

So, she had to hide herself in this strange world, she had to be more careful of who she trusted and who she can't trust.

So, she tried her hardest to get through the strange new world on her own, she was nearly starving the next day, she was in a new area of the markets, and she felt hungry, so she had to find a way to get away with a little thieving, she was super hungry.

So, she manages to wait until the right moment, until she figured out a man looked away when she manages to hide her face and head from his sights on her, she managed to grab a piece of bread fast off his platter and some cheese and a few other things and put them in her pocket.

She was rather careful, As the man was dealing with someone else, so he didn't see her taking it.

She hated to steal from anyone, but she hadn't any money in this world too give back, and at this point it was either starve or all about survival, so she went with plan B. And went for the good stuff and eat. So, she slowly moved backwards toward the exit of the village, until a woman shouted out that she was stealing...!!! As everyone looked at her.

She shouted out shit...!!! And took off running...!! As villagers were chasing her...!!! She went for the rivers path this time around...!!! She hated this life already, she just wanted something to eat for crying out loud.

As she was on a cliff now watching as the sharp rocks down below her, And the angry villagers right behind her now.

"You're trapped now girl, now you're coming with us, you shall be punished for stealing...!!! Shouted out an Angry man.

"All this for a little food for a homeless woman whose got nothing no money...!!! I am sorry I just was so hungry...!!! Replied Serena" scared as she was backing up, until she couldn't move anymore.

As she looked down at the river once more...!!!!

"Stealing isn't right no matter what...!!!! Do you know what the penalty is for stealing? Shouted another man with his sword.

Another man went to grab at her hands. And she had seen a man try it and his arm got cut off, she hated the thought of being one handed, so she took a leap of faith and jumped off the cliff...!!! As everyone gasped at her stupidity for jumping in such a dangerous river.

But too their shocked expression, she turned into Sailor Moon and flew into the air with real white wings of an angel.

As they all ran and shouted, she's a demon. She hated being called that, but if that was the only way to get respect, or to feed herself, she would have to do what she had to do, she grabbed her bag and sat in a tree later on that night, she ate the food she stole. She had to find a way to find something editable in the forest, she realized she had to learn to kill for her food too.

She missed her mom's cooking, but she had no choice she had to eat and that was a fact of life, so she went out on her first hunt one day, she manages to meet a man in a pub one night, in another village she manages to get too before the sun left the sky the next day.

She had heard of a demon causing issues for people on the road, she asks him where it was at? She could handle it, she could beat it, For a fee. So, the old man laughed and said a woman fight a beast what a joke. She slapped him hard and walked around and told the high priest she can kill it and free their village for peace, just she has one request a small fee that's all.

So, he nodded his head and agreed to it and sign on an agreement. So, she went after the beast on her own.

Of course, no one truly believed a woman who traveled alone could completely handle this demon on her own or by herself. But Sailor Moon had no choice, she refused to give up...!!! So, she went into that fight with that beast at the edge of the village's forest.

As blast could be heard from far away. As people wondered who would win the beast or her? She was there only hope for a peace, or they'd have to hire some demon slayers or something.

As she had to admit it, He was fast, it was the first time she had fought a hard battle with a monster alone no help from the girls or Darien. So, she had to be strong for herself, she had to be able to prove too the world she can do this alone, she can fight and win, she had the powers of the girls love and Darien's love, she might appear to be alone, but she was never alone, not really and with that in her mind, As the demon nearly ate her, she was in his mouth when she stabbed her dagger into his mouth super hard......!!!! It was just enough time to get him to open his mouth and she jumped out of it...!!! As she looked for the source of his powers......!!!! And she finally found something shining, something she hadn't noticed before...!!!! So, she took all of her strength in her rode...!!!! As she had done everything possible to bring it down to its knees or dead for that matter.

And she had done it. As his body laid upon the ground, afterwards she removed her dagger from his mouth one and then she grabbed the purple glow in his body, and out she pulled a jewel shard.

"Interesting, it's pretty, Say's Serena" looking it over. She hadn't for sure understood, but she took the shard with her, and then grabbed the head of the monster...!!!! As she walked to the village.

Meanwhile as Kagome and the rest of the gang had happened into the same village, she was heading for Miroku had offered to help when the villagers talked about the same Beast. But wasn't needed because a man shouted out, she's coming back.

"She? Asked Kagome" confused. "She's coming back. Who? Asked Shippo" confused as he sat on Kagome's shoulder. "I don't know, Say's Sango" shaking her shoulders.

As they all looked at a blonde-haired girl walking up with a huge head behind her. As she dropped it in front of the priest of the village, Or the man she made the deal with. "As Promise...!!! I slay it, so pay up? Asked Serena" dropping the head in front of him.

As he looked down at the head. He was shocked she manage to kill it. "You did it, I am surprised. "Are you a priestess or something or demon slayer? Asked the man" confused. "Not exactly, but a girls got to eat, Say's Serena" annoyed. As he paid her as promised.

"Pleasure in doing business with you, Good luck sweetie, Say's the man" taking the head and walking away. As Miroku told him he would like to make sure the spirit was gone, so it wouldn't haunt these lands again. So, he accepted that. He placed a sutra on Its body and its spirit disappeared.

Kagome's eye's got senses on a jewel shard. As she spoke up too Inuyasha the other's that, that girl has a jewel shard. As Inuyasha stopped Serena from leaving. "You got a problem with me? Asked Serena" annoyed with them blocking her path.

"You have something that we've been looking for in you're pocket, it's called a Jewel shard, it's pink light, I can see it, we need that stone? Asked Kagome" seriously. As Serena pulled out the shard.

"This? Asked Serena" holding it out too them all. "Yeah, that's it, it's a real Shard alright, spoken up Kagome" nodding her head and agreeing on it.

"Perfect...!!! Now hand it over right this minute girl were not playing around, so hand it over too this girl right now...!!!! Shouted out Inuyasha" not in a mood.

"You know there's a lot of other ways you could have just asks me nicely to give it to you, one of those things you could have just said please can I, have it? Not just give it to me now......!!! You should be ashamed of yourself for speaking to a lady like that, now can you ask nicely for its dog creature? Asked Serena" trying to figure him out. As she put it back into her clothing.

"See now you hurt her feelings, never mind him, Inuyasha is always a bully, I am sorry miss, might we start over, I am Shippo and this is my adopted mother Kagome, Say's Shippo" smiling and showing her no harm.

"Kagome? As in the time traveling Kagome every village has talked about. Asked Serena" confused.

"Yeah, I guess so, yeah that's me, so you've heard of us then I suppose? Asked Kagome" blushing.

"I have, and therefore, I shall give you the shard, but only if you ask nicely and say please and an apology from him...!!!! Replied Serena" looking at him.

"Please can we have the shards back, And I am sorry for his rudeness? Asked Kagome" willing to take one for the team.

"That's nice for you to say it, But I suggested that He say he's sorry for speaking to a lady in that tone of voice, I bet you're mother would be very ashamed of you speaking with that mouth, Now say you're sorry and asks me nicely for the shard, I will give it over, but only until you say you're sorry and please. Asked Serena" crossing her arms. As they all looked at each other.

And then Miroku was shocked she scolded him, But not from a face of fear of Inuyasha either.

"You have to say it, just get it over with, Say's Sango" seriously.

"She's right, make it quick would you I'd like to eat sometime this night, Spoken up Miroku" annoyed. "Just say you're sorry, Say's Kagome" glaring at Inuyasha for his mouth got him into this mess. He hadn't had a girl scold him like this, but she brought his mother into this fight as well, He finally rolled his eye's.

And said just hand over jewel shard or I'll come over there and take it for myself...!!! Shouted out Inuyasha" annoyed with the answers in his throat. "Just try it and see what happens...!!!! Shouted back Serena" protective.

He got into her face, she got into his face, Not backing down at all. Neither one wanted to give up or back down from each other. As they glared and glared and growled at each other.

As Miroku stated that Serena should join them for dinner. She rolled her eye's and said she was done here, this creep needs some serious manners, all he had to do is say please and I'm sorry and that's all, is that so hard for you to do...!!! She shouted out.

As the others said she wasn't asking for much. Inuyasha wouldn't apologize.

"He rolled his eye's when hell freezes over, why should he have to say sorry too some girl he doesn't even know...!!! And then glared at her and then he turned around and jumped on her grabbing for the jewel shard.

Kagome didn't think he'd do that she was about to shout out sit. But Miroku told her if she did that Inuyasha could slam into the girl's body and hurt her.

But as soon as he grabbed something that wasn't the jewel, Inuyasha's hand was on her boobs...!!! As his face went bright red, as did everyone else, Serena however was glaring and even more angry now...!!! As she blasted him away from her body with her own powers...!!! She shouted out no one and she repeat no one but Darien was allowed to touch her like that......!!!! As she threw the jewel shard at the priestess, and then walked away pissed off.

Inuyasha got slapped by her hands though before she walked away. He felt his face where she had slapped him.

As she walked away with her head held high. His eye's watched her walk away.

She had some balls for a girl alright, she hadn't the temper like Kagome's, but in a way, he felt strange about this whole encounter now as he felt his face where she had slapped him? It made him curious even more.

Kagome shouted out he deserved that, He had no right to jump on the poor thing, what was he thinking.

Miroku stated he obviously wasn't thinking, and he was thinking he'd rather fight then say he was sorry, so he'd rather make her back down first.

Sango told him a good slap too the face should teach him lessons about a woman's private parts too.

He growled and said he wasn't trying to grab those, it wasn't his intentions too, It was an honest a mistake by grabbing for the shard that's all.

As they all went to bed that night. Serena was surrounded by a fire, she was still mad at that demon or whatever he was, she couldn't believe he had the nerve to grab her boobs.

"Creep, that stupid jerk, all he had to do is say sorry is that so hard for him to say, Man what an asshole, I should make a note if I ever see that guy again to slap him again, Stupid jerks like that deserve a true ass kicking, Say's Serena" growling under her breath.

As she ate her dinner......!!! She was glad the money she earned she had enough to find a good magical swords maker, and she was heading for the man who made Inuyasha's sword. She had heard rumors, so she was going to need a sword that might be able to help her just as much as her rode could. In fact, maybe for when she really needed help too.

So, she would make her way too his home, she laid there on the ground under the trees for now and rested for the night, she knew she would be safe if she remains closed to the fire of all things, Or normally. But she had to try and rest for now. SO, what will happen next? Inuyasha and everyone never got a chance to know who she is? Who is this mystery girl? Keep reading and find out.

To Be Continued.

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