The Hunter and His Dragon

By pokemonshadowhunter

29.7K 1.5K 962

Magnus Bane grew up with the staunch belief that all dragons were wicked monsters. Like his father, he was kn... More

A Prophecy Comes
Magnus the Hunter
Alec the Dragon
You Want Me To What!?
A Hunt's Discovery
A Convening of Friends
Forest Journey
Dragons find You, Not the Other Way Around
Little Humans mean no Harm
The Dragon's Head
Discussion and Travel
Star Flower Valley
Mother's Concern
Insults and Burns
Caves are Cozy
Michael and Mark
King Robert Lightwood
Magnus No!
Dreams of Glitter Drama
Speaking to the King
He Can Stay, For Now . . .
Jace and Clary
Simon and Isabelle
Suspicious Activity
Father Son Talk
Apology Accepted?
Princely Duty
Suitors, Suitors and More Suitors
An Old Memory
A Plan of Action
A Choice to be Made
A Fight Between Dragons
A Kiss so Lovely
Talk Talk Talk, Ponder some More
Interrogation and Treatment
Waking Up
The Plot Thickens
Malec in the Moonlight
Conversation Worth Having
A Ride in The Night Sky
Meanwhile . . .
"I Trust You"
The Story of Wood
Cave of Truth
Flight to Alicante
Full Moon Tavern
Discussion over Ale
In the Past Unbeknownst
The Night Before
Meeting the King
The Sting of Betrayal
Hazy Fog Runaway
Be Prepared
GET OUT, The Past Sadness
Overcoming Tribulations
Attack on the Valley
Darkness in the Heart

I can Help

441 25 16
By pokemonshadowhunter

Magnus sat down, back pressed up against the rock wall. The surface was smooth, permeating an endless cold to numb his tired muscles. He tilted his head back to gaze at the sky. Nightfall was fast approaching. Back home he would likely be in for the night, sharing the evening with his friends. Magnus pictured Maia. Would she wonder where he had gone off to? And what of Raphael or Ragnor? The two men would probably pretend to be happy he was gone. But they'd miss me. And I know they miss Catarina.

He frowned. Where exactly was Catarina? He couldn't remember hearing anything in regards to her whereabouts since the confrontation at the meeting. Where is she? A terrible worry clawed at his skin. Here they all were in the realm of dragons, a place where he should've never rested easy even once. And while his opinions maybe . . . subject to influence, still. Catarina could have had hundreds of possible things happen to her and he wouldn't even know it. I'm a terrible friend. I need to ask Alec about her right away.

His thoughts were interrupted by lumbering footsteps. They were nothing like the graceful footfalls Alexander would provide. Those were music to his ears, perking him up each time. His alert gold eyes trained on the newcomer. Michael stepped out of the cave, wings shaking behind him slightly. If he didn't no better, Magnus would have thought the older dragon was related to Jace. They're certainly similar enough.

"Oh. I'm surprised you're still here."

Magnus shrugged, gesturing to the rope harness foiled around him. "I couldn't exactly go anywhere else with this on me."

"Hmm, I guess so. I'm just surprised you followed his orders so easily. I can't recall a human behaving so . . ."

A new emotion clawed under his skin. This one wasn't as unpleasant, though it was by far more annoying. "The word you're looking for is obedient." He tried to keep the snappiness out of his voice. It was hard to tell if he was successful or not. Michael's expression did not change, but the fluid flicking of his wingtips paused. "I'm just trying to make amends. I shouldn't have attacked your king." Those words felt like acid on his tongue. They burned him, making it so excruciating to even breathe. Magnus forced himself to bear a smile, no matter how fake it was. There would be vengeance.

"Then that's good. I was worried you were trying to hide your true intentions being here." Michael murmured.

Oh, he doesn't realize how right he was. A wicked flame inside him greedily cackled. Dragons were so naive, too stupid for their own good. But this flame was quickly tampered down by something else. It had no name, but it's purpose was clear. What was wrong with him? Why of all times was this when the desire wanted to falter?

"Ah, well. You get to be pleasantly surprised then."

"I suppose I do. I was so worried you know. Of all the humans Robert didn't get along with, your Father was always the worst offender. The two of them always butted heads."

That put him off guard. "The two kings knew each other?" Why was he just now hearing this? Of course, he understood Robert and Asmodeus must've interacted at some point, but it felt bizarre to imagine the two as acquaintances, let alone in the same room together.

Michael nodded, seemingly unaware of the thoughts racing through Magnus's head. "Oh, they knew each other alright. Andrew Lightwood, Robert's Father and predecessor, wanted them to be friends, said it would be best for the two kingdoms to be at peace. Robert didn't like Asmodeus, mind you, but he was willing to work with the humans through any means necessary."

Something clicked in his head. Cold plummeted in his chest, making him go rigid. He can't be talking about her. Really, this doesn't make any sense. He remembered the scene in the garden. He remembered his mother's dead corpse torn open, blood and entrails on display. The sobs that had poured out of him that day, he promised to never allow himself such weakness again. His Father had been so angry, so enraged.

"Robert . . . he worked with Melati, didn't he?" He almost didn't even want to ask. There had always been a wondering of how the dragon king would've been around the queen to kill her in the first place, but now it was becoming oh so clear. If they were working together, there would've been so many opportunities. So many times he could've killed her. Melati had been strong but she was no match for the ferociousness of a dragon, especially when she was too foolish to be a threat.

"No matter what your Father tells you Magnus, dragons are good. They will lead us into the future with their power and love. Trust in this."

But how could he trust in such a fairy tale when everything before it became a terrible dream?

"Why yes he did. Said she was the cooperable one out of the two rulers. They were good friends before her death." As if realizing who exactly he was talking to, Michael ducked his head. Magnus could feel the pain swamping the corners of his vision. He scrubbed at his face furiously to keep his composure. "Um. I'm terribly sorry for your loss Magnus. Losing loved ones never is easy, but it does get easier."

"And how would you know that? In a sanctuary like this you probably never lose anyone."

Micheal's expression turned dismal. "Believe me Princeling, the dragons have lost more than you could possibly imagine."


The sound of wingbeats made both dragon and human look towards the noise. Alec was walking back out of the cave. There was an unreadable look on her face, the kind that showed just the beginnings of his incisors poking out. Alec's dark wings glittered like pieces of starlight, the unique silver scales embedded amongst the black making him akin to a starry sky.

"Thank you for watching him Michael," Alec said.

"Don't mention it Alec. Does the King . . .?"

"Yes, he'd like to speak to you."

"Alright then. I bid you both a good night."

And with that the elder dragon disappeared back into the cave. Alec and Magnus watched him go before returning their focus to each other. He tries to picture Alec in human form. The dragon was a lot less threatening when he was around the same size. And he's easy on the eyes too. Yes, it would be silly at this point not to admit how hot the human version of the dragon prince was. The fact that Alexander wasn't actively using his handsomeness to his advantage was beyond boggling. It made the prince innocent in a way he could never hope to be. Not with his seventeen past lovers.

"How are you?" Alec asked.

"Oh, fine. Why do you ask?"

Magnus blinked the tiredness out of his vision. The sun was just about fully swallowed by the earth. It took a bit of blinking to keep Alec in full focus. He imagined how much easier it was for dragons with their night vision to prowl around in the darkness. How much easier it was for the monsters of the darkness to commit crimes when their prey was visually impaired.

"I wasn't really thinking about it earlier in the day but . . . I haven't exactly let you spend time around your friends. That, and um, we kinda missed lunch," Alec said sheepishly.

"Huh," Well that explained a lot. As a Hunter, he was used to missing meals when in pursuit of a target, so it wasn't the end of the world if the rumblings of his stomach went ignored. But being so focused on Alec not to notice . . . how strange. He tried to force a smile as his stomach growled angrily. "Don't worry about it. Seeing them tonight and having a good meal should make up for it in full. We are going to see my friends right? I haven't seen Catarina in days."

Alec nodded vigorously. "Yes, yes. Of course we are. But I'm not sure if Catarina will be there or not. She's been busy learning about dragon medicinal practices in the Healing Den."

"Oh. I see."

Why am I not surprised. Catarina would try to benefit from this experience in any way she could and dragons were known for being advanced in areas such as healing and medicine. So she's been doing things useful for the kingdoms. Meanwhile you're sitting around here doing nothing. Typical Magnus. The last thought sounded eerily like his Father's voice. Asmodeus would be displeased if he found Magnus was wasting his time here. But what can I do . . .

"If you're that worried about her, we can go visit after dinner. I'm sure you two have some catching up to do. And, well, I need to discuss battle plans with Mom so if anything it'll be killing two birds with one stone," Alec said.

A new idea occurred to Magnus. The best idea he'd had in awhile. Well, in his opinion anyways.

"Discussing battle plans? I didn't realize the situation was so serious."

Alec appeared sheepish again, rubbing the back of his neck. "Yeah, Valentine will be a piece of work to deal with. He's done a lot of bad things to a lot of good dragons."

"I'm guessing you're talking about Jace," Magnus cut in.

Alec's eyes narrowed briefly. "And how do you know that?"

He crossed his arms over his chest. The weird mesh material crinkled underneath them. "Clary may have been told by Jace and then she may or may not have not been told by me. Why, does it matter?"

Alec growled, seemingly exasperated. "Yes it does. Jace should know better than to reveal such things. Getting close to Clary will only be a problem in the long run."

"Because he has a predestined?" Magnus inquired.

"Yes." Alec grit out.

"Oh, then I guess we're in trouble too then."

Alec frowned. "What do you mean?"

"Well, you and I have been spending a lot of time together and getting closer but we're not predestined and you seem to have no problem with it."

Alec looked down at his claws, feet shuffling. "Well, I just . . . I don't know. I don't see anything wrong with it. With us . . . being together. You said it yourself, that you think dragons are monsters so . . . even if . . ."

"Even if what?" Some part of him yearned to hear what Alec was going to say. His heart could sense an importance his mind could not. "Spit it out."

"Ugh, never mind. You won't want to hear it anyways, and I doubt your feelings have changed." Alec's expression had closed off between one blink and the next. Magnus still wanted, no, needed to know, but he knew better than to press the matter now.

So he tried to change the subject. They were walking down the many hills, towards the smell of savory food riding the winds. The rumbling in his stomach was louder now. He ignored it as best he could. Alec's stripes were lit up providing a weird built in flashlight to guide them through the dark woodlands surrounding them on all sides. Who this was to benefit was clear as Alec's eyes weren't the slightest bit narrowed.

"So, um . . . You're going to be fighting another dragon soon, right?"

Alec nodded. "Yes, but capturing is more likely. We don't kill without a trial unless it's in self defense. Otherwise we keep things civil. Not that Valentine deserves it after what he almost did to the Kingdom."

"Capturing? Have dragons ever captured other dragons before?" A door was beginning to freak open. He was not about to miss an opportunity to shove his foot in.

Alec was looking away from him as he responded. The prince's blue gaze seemed distant. The dark scales surrounding brilliant irises gave off a mysterious edge people who didn't know him would probably fear him for. Magnus was not an Alec expert, but he knew him well enough. This was the dragon after all. The one he needed for their plan.

A plan that frankly was giving him second thoughts at this point. Probably because the dragons are manipulating me somehow. I just have to stick to my resolve.

"No. I don't think we have. But I'm sure we'll think of something."

"Or . . ." Magnus trailed off, hinting, baiting, wanting Alec to be curious.

Alec took the bait. "Or what?"

Magnus gave the handsome dragon his best smile as he gestured to himself with a sauntering confidence he hoped would convince. "Or you could just let me help. Catching a dragon would be easy with a hunter on your side."

A part of him wondered if Alec would be unsure. How much convincing would it take for the prince to agree? But, like so many times before, the blue eyed beauty surprised him.

"Okay. What do you have in mind?"

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