Star Slayer | Ahsoka X Reader

By cheesEPIC

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(updating frequently) In this story, you play the role of the 16 year old DOOM slayer in the Star Wars univer... More

Chapter 1 - Hell On Earth
Chapter 2 - Priests
Chapter 3 - Journey Back Home
Chapter 4 - Master
Chapter 5 - Remember
Chapter 6 - Anger
Chapter 7 - Exultia
Chapter 8 - Hell
Chapter 9 - Return
Chapter 10 - Past
Chapter 11 - Training Discovery
Chapter 12 - Panorama Trouble
Chapter 13 - Trandoshans
Chapter 14 - Ahsoka
Chapter 15 - Rescue
Chapter 16 - Med Bay
Chapter 17 - Blame
Chapter 18 - Forsaken Word
Chapter 19 - Missions
Chapter 20 - Carlac
Chapter 21 - Padmé's Introduction
Chapter 23 - Christophsis Crisis
Chapter 24 - Christophsis
Chapter 25 - Teth
Chapter 26 - Stinky
Chapter 27 - Prophecy
Chapter 28 - Questions
Chapter 29 - Meditation Trouble
Chapter 30 - Fake Friend
Chapter 31 - Lower Levels
Chapter 32 - Super Gore Nest
Chapter 33 - Aftermath
Chapter 34 - An Eventful Morning
Chapter 35 - Fun In Bed
Chapter 36 - Unexpected Departure
Chapter 37 - ARC Complex
Chapter 38 - Sentinel Prime
Chapter 39 - Council Report
Chapter 40 - Repaying Nightmare
Chapter 41 - The Gathering
Chapter 42 - Return Encounters
Chapter 43 - 79's
Chapter 44 - Hangover
Chapter 45 - The Show
Chapter 46 - Rescue Operation
Chapter 47 - Healing
Chapter 48 - Lethal Mistake
Chapter 49 - Broken and Breathless
Chapter 50 - Repaying Questions
Chapter 51 - Happy Together
Chapter 52 - Distress Call
Chapter 53 - Mortis
Chapter 54 - The Force
Chapter 55 - Dark Side
Chapter 56 - Ghosts of Mortis
Chapter 57 - Apology
Chapter 58 - Meditating Realisation
Chapter 59 - Separate Missions
Chapter 60 - Barracks and Blindness
Chapter 61 - Traitorous Loss
Chapter 62 - Distractions
Chapter 63 - Funeral
Chapter 64 - Resurrection
Chapter 65 - Phobos Facility
Chapter 66 - Lightsaber Training
Chapter 67 - Bane's Holocron
Chapter 68 - Children Of The Force
Chapter 69 - The Other Hole
Chapter 70 - Panorama Savage
Chapter 71 - Lux Gets Roasted
Chapter 72 - Lux Gets Bullied
Chapter 73 - Sacrificial Delay
Chapter 74 - Cyberdemon Alignment
Chapter 75 - Corrupted Control
Chapter 76 - Meditating 79's
Chapter 77 - Hungover Duel
Chapter 78 - Blue Shadow Virus
Chapter 79 - Underground
Chapter 80 - Virus
Chapter 81 - Talk
Chapter 82 - Morning
Chapter 83 - Rich Dress
Chapter 84 - Naboo
Chapter 85 - Worrying Talk
Thank You.
Chapter 86 - Past Marauder
Chapter 87 - Divinity Meltdown
Chapter 88 - Seraphim
Chapter 89 - Divinity Machine
Chapter 90 - Unnecessary Trial
Chapter 91 - Nekravol Kidnapping
Chapter 92 - Rage
Chapter 93 - Icon of Sidious
Chapter 94 - Urdak
Chapter 95 - Reunion
Chapter 96 - Icon
Chapter 97 - Portal
Chapter 98 - The Blood Swamps
Chapter 99 - Ahsoka
Chapter 100 - Peace
Chapter 101 - Helping Decision
Chapter 102 - Hell's Diner

Chapter 22 - Terror Dome

1.5K 15 6
By cheesEPIC

As I got to the weapons store, I saw a few clones walking around. I looked around to see if Cody was there and quite luckily, he was.

I made my way over to him and held the plasma rifle Infront of him.

"How's it work?" He asked as he put down some form of blaster and faced me.

"Works like you'd planned. Melted right through Mandalorian armour. The only thing which could stop it was the dark saber." I replied.

"Well that's good to hear." Cody responded. "Is that what you've come here to tell me?"

"I'm here to get some more ammo for it because it ran out." I said.

"Oh ok. Follow me." Cody said as he began walking off. I followed behind him.

We walked through a few corridors and down some steps before we came to a locked room with a sign 'warning - explosives' above it. Cody enter some form of code into the keypad and unlocked the door before walking in. Once again, I followed close behind him.

Cody walked over to some form of freezer and opened it up before taking some odd looking batteries from it.

"Power cells for it. If it runs out, take this part out and swap it with one of these. Don't worry about taking the empty ones home, they're worth nothing." Cody said as he pointed at a similar looking cell already in the gun. I clicked the buttons on either side and took the cell out before jamming the new cell into it. "There you go." He said as he took the empty cell out of my hands and threw it in a metal bin. "Anything else?" He asked.

"No, that's it." I replied. "Thanks Cody." I said as I began to walk away.

"No problem commander (y/n)." He replied.

Vega lit up on my HUD where he would open the portal. It looked like it was back up where Ahsoka, Padmé and Anakin were earlier. If I was quick enough, I could maybe meet them, so I began to jog threw the armoury to the surface.

As I got to the surface, I saw that Ahsoka, Anakin, Padmé and Obi Wan were all still there. I began to walk over to them. As I got nearer, Obi Wan noticed me and pointed towards me. Ahsoka turned to look at what he was pointing at and saw that it was me. She ran over to me and slung her arms around me.

"Is he dead?" Ahsoka asked.

"I haven't even gone to kill him yet. I'm only coming up here to say that I'm going now." I replied. Ahsoka looked down at the floor with a sad expression on her face.

"Aw, it looks like I'm going to have to spend time away from you." Ahsoka said depressingly.

"Come here." I said as I pulled Ahsoka into my chest. "I won't be gone for long." I said as I hugged Ahsoka.

"I know, it's just, I don't feel safe without you around." Ahsoka said.

"You'll be fine, ok? Nothing's going to hurt you."

Ahsoka sighed and backed out of the hug. "Yeah, I suppose so." She said.

"Anyway." I said as I pulled her head into mine and pressed our lips together. Ahsoka was shocked at first but immediately got into it once she'd realised what I was doing. We kept our lips pressed for a while before splitting apart, Ahsoka gasping for air. "I'll be back before you know it." I said as I stepped away from Ahsoka and Vega opened the portal.

"Goodbye (y/n)." Ahsoka said sounding a little sad. I didn't want to have to go, but I had no other choice.

"Goodbye Ahsoka." I said as I turned to the portal and stepped through.

I landed on some sort of train. It was moving quite fast but not too much. I looked to the sides and saw that we were going through some snowy wastelands with mountains in the distance. I walked up to the front and looked at where it was going.

"Location, terror dome, sector D-17, Alzoc 3." The computer screen said. As I looked up from it, I saw quite a few demons spawning, including a bloody Mancubus. I hadn't seen one of these in a long time and I'd much preferred those times when I hadn't seen one.

He roared at me and began to fire his flamethrowers at me, to which I responded by dashing out of the way and pummeling him with plasma rifle rounds. Even though 1 round could melt through 6 inches of steel, he took well over 50 rounds to kill. When he finally went down, he exploded, showering everything near him in blood.

As he died, tonnes more demons began to spawn onto the lower levels of the train. I dealt with them by smashing the coupling holding the front platform and the rest, causing the rest of the train to disconnect and begin to slow down. A few imps jumped the gap between the trains but they were all met by either my fist, my lightsaber or my doom blade. To put it plainly, they all died very quickly.

After a few more minutes, I got to the terror dome. I was immediately greeted by a massive hologram of Deag Ranak.

"It was not easy to find an opponent worthy of the slayer, but I think you'll be impressed." He said before disappearing. I made my way into the terror dome and was immediately presented with a charging pinky. Just as he was about to hit me, I stepped out of his way and sliced his side with my doom blade. He growled at me but was silenced by my lightsaber penetrating through his neck.

I continued on through the terror dome murdering everything which stood in my way. Nothing I'd come across was new, until I saw a rocket launcher being suspended in a cage. I went up to the cage and smashed it in before grabbing the rocket launcher. As I did, 2 different demons spawned around me. One was like a snake and the other looked like a big imp, until it began to teleport around the place.

The snake whipped me with something which hit quite hard, but didn't hurt at all. I fired a rocket at it but it dashed to the side and dodged it. I went to fire another but the teleporting imp appeared behind me and began to claw at my suit. I turned around and was just quick enough to grab the big imp by his neck before he could get away. I threw him at the snake and fired a rocket simultaneously, killing them both.

I put my new toy away and continued on through the terror dome. Yet again, not much happened. I did some long distance parkour on some floating coffins over a several thousand meter drop, listened to the dreary overconfidence coming from Ranak as he explained how his creation would kill me and watched as he constructed his masterpiece Infront of me, step by step. I could have just destroyed it all before even getting to him, but I wanted an actual fight since he hadn't really given me one yet.

After slaughtering another wave of pathetic demons, I walk into another room and see the so called 'doom hunter' getting his weapons attached. I didn't really care until I saw something I recognised. My super shotgun! The priests took it from me in Argent D'Nur and this is what they were now using it for! I went to go grab it but the demon flew up into a hole in the ceiling. I tried to follow it but the hole closed off, leaving me with no option but to continue and take it from the doom hunter by force.

I continued to make my way through the terror dome, still slaughtering everything I came across. Even the Mancubus was turned into a gaping hole when he met the rocket launcher a few times. The only problem I had was ammo conservation, but when you and your enemy use the same guns, ammo isn't too hard to find.

After not too long, I came across another new demon. This one was a fat little thing with 3 robotic legs. I pulled my rocket launcher out and fired it, just as he projected a barrier Infront of me. My rocket hit the barrier and exploded, knocking me to the floor. God damn it hurt, but luckily his accuracy was terrible as he missed all of the 3 energy rings he fired at me. I dashed over the shield he put up and into his face. I kicked him to the floor and before he could react, he'd met my boot to his face at a quite high velocity.

I continued through the dull and dreary terror dome until I finally found it. A big corridor with a just as big a door at the end of it. I walked down to the door and opened it up. As I walked in, the nearly complete doom hunter with my super shotgun began to be assembled.

"It was not easy to find an opponent worthy of the slayer, but I think you'll be impressed." Ranak said from somewhere. "The great Agaddon hunters from the Telos realm, though long thought to be extinct, created only to destroy the slayer and his knights sentinels during the unholy crusade. Enjoy what is undoubtedly my finest work." He said as the doom hunter finished being assembled. As he did, his eyes glowed yellow and he looked up at me.

"Slayer identified." He said as the supports holding him down detached. He began to float towards me before raising his gun in the air and roaring as loudly as he could. He was trying his best to be intimidating, but all he was was annoying.

He fired my super shotgun at me, to which I dashed around it and returned the favour by launching a salvo of rockets at him, his shield absorbing it though.

"Your plasma rifle should be able to overload the shield and allow you to damage the doom hunter." Vega said to me. As he did, I dodged past the rockets it launched at me and pulled my plasma rifle out. I threw the old cell out and put a brand new one in before unloading into him. As I did, I noticed his shield get redder and redder. It only got so red before it exploded, giving me a window of opportunity to damage him.

I pulled my rocket launcher out and fired several rockets at him. He became dazed at all the firepower I was throwing at him, giving me a tiny window of chance to take my shotgun back.

I rushed up to him and tried to tear my shotgun off his arm, but it didn't move. I got my doom blade out and began to whack at his arm, trying to cut it off, but I didn't accomplish anything.

The doom hunter whacked me with his chainsaw into a wall and flew over to me.

"Excellent. Smash the heretic!" Ranak shouted. I stood up and let the argent control me once again. The doom hunter moved back in fear, but not far enough. I leapt at the doom hunter and tore all the pipes and cables running down his side, allowing me to tear my shotgun out of his hands.

As I leapt off of him, all of his circuits began to fry and his chassis began to explode.

"Critical error." He said as he detached from his chassis, just as it exploded.

"Useless machine, attack!" Ranak yelled.

The doom hunter, now floating around with only a chainsaw and a laser as weapons, began to swing at me with his chainsaw. I dodged the first few and responded with my good old friend, the super shotgun. The lead pellets tore chunks of his flesh off as he grunted in pain. He swung at me again but once more, he missed. I dashed behind him and unloaded another round into him, causing him to fall to the floor. Before he could get back up, I stood on his back and crushed his head into the floor.

As I did that, a hole in the center of the arena opened. Vega had highlighted that the priest was below me, down the hole, so I jumped down. As I landed, I saw 2 more doom hunters, but these two feared me more, I could sense it. I could sense that these two doom hunters were scared. They knew that they were less powerful than the other one, and I'd just killed the other one so these two would be easy to kill, and they were.

For the first one, I melted his shield with my plasma rifle before completely annihilating his chassis with my super shotgun. As his chassis broke, I pulled my lightsaber out and cut his arm off before decapitating him. I turned to the second just as he hit me with a laser round. I could sense his fear as he realised that I was completely unharmed from it though. He began to fire rockets at me, but all of them missed. I unloaded the rest of my plasma rifle's rounds into his shield before just turning to my full auto shotgun mod which Vega had added. I pulled my shotgun out and cocked it ready for the full auto. The barrels began to spin faster until the mag-fed auto shotgun began unloading into the doom hunter. His shield took a few but broke almost immediately after how much damage I did with the plasma rifle. Once his shield was down, the battle was won. He grunted and groaned as each round hit him, tearing more and more of his body to shreds. Eventually, all that was left of him was a destroyed chassis in pieces and pulverised body which would have been impossible to recognise.

As I looked up from the dead doom hunters, I turned to face the hell priest who was standing behind me.

"Uh, the beast, does he not seek, power, enhanced gifts, to aid him in his, noble quest, perhaps in exchange for my-"

I tried to listen to his final monologue, but I just couldn't be bothered, so I quite literally cut it short. His head hit the floor as his lifeless body followed suit. As it did, his life signal disappeared and Vega began to open a portal back to Coruscant. I walked over to the portal and stepped through.

I landed back outside on the platform I was at earlier. It was dark, but still visible. I saw a few clones walking around the place but nothing I really cared about. I knew Ahsoka would be worrying about me so I went straight to our rooms to see her.

As I got to our rooms, I saw Ahsoka talking to Anakin just as Ahsoka was about to go into her room. Anakin noticed me and smiled.

"Who's that?" He said cheekily as he pointed at me. Ahsoka turned to face me and as soon as she realised that it was me, she ran over to me and hugged me tightly.

"Hello Ahsoka." I said to her.

"Hello (y/n). Are you ok? You're not hurt are you?" Ahsoka asked as she began to check me over.

"Ahsoka, I'm fine, you can stop worrying." I said to her. She gave me a little smile.

"Just checking." She said.

We stared into each others eyes for a second before Anakin walked over.

"I'm heading back to my room now. Snips, remember you've got a mission tomorrow so don't stay up too late." Anakin said as he walked off.

"I won't master." Ahsoka replied before walking back to her room. I followed her and went to open my door but Ahsoka tugged my arm. "You're sleeping in here now." Ahsoka whispered with a smile.

"I can't really deny that now, can I?" I replied.

"You don't have a choice." Ahsoka said as she took my helmet off and smiled at me. She went to kiss me but she heard something down the corridor. "Quick into my room." Ahsoka said as she dragged me into her room and locked the door behind us. We stayed silent as the people walked last. It sounded like master Unduli and her padawan Barriss. As their footsteps quietened down, Ahsoka let out a sigh and walked to her bedroom. I followed behind her. I saw that it was already 11:30, which was still quite late in my eyes and Ahsoka did seem quite tired.

"I'm tired." Ahsoka whined, confirming my theory.

"Let's go to bed then." I replied. Ahsoka looked between me and the bed and smiled.

"I can't say no to that." Ahsoka replied as she began to take her combat gear off until she was in nothing but her pants and bra. Once she'd done that, she snuck herself under the covers and smiled as she watched me. In the time it had taken her to do all of that, I'd barely been able to start taking my suit off. Eventually though, I had finished taking my suit off and I got into bed with Ahsoka, still wearing my top and trousers like I always did.

"Take these off." Ahsoka said as she tugged at me shirt and trousers.

"What are you planning on doing?" I asked.

"What? No we're not doing that, yet." Ahsoka said with a smile. God that smile was just intoxicating. If I saw that, I'd enter some kind of trance where I'd do everything to keep her safe and happy.

"Ok, as you wish." I replied as I began to take my top and trousers off. Once I finished, I laid down next to Ahsoka. She snuggled close to me and I pulled her closer. She had one hand against my chest and another against my neck.

"You can go to sleep now." I whispered.

"I love you (y/n)." Ahsoka said with a smile.

"I love you too Ahsoka." I replied as I began to fuss Ahsoka's lekkus. She let out a moan of enjoyment before presumably falling asleep in about 10 seconds flat. I soon followed her into a deep sleep, now more relaxed then ever since I was with Ahsoka, she was safe and there was only 1 priest left. Soon, this entire invasion would be over and I could live out a happy life with Ahsoka, maybe until the end of time if she chose to join me on my path, but I was getting ahead of myself. Now was a time for me to sleep, relax and enjoy hugging, cuddling and kissing the love of my life Ahsoka.

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