Star Slayer | Ahsoka X Reader

بواسطة cheesEPIC

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(updating frequently) In this story, you play the role of the 16 year old DOOM slayer in the Star Wars univer... المزيد

Chapter 1 - Hell On Earth
Chapter 2 - Priests
Chapter 3 - Journey Back Home
Chapter 4 - Master
Chapter 5 - Remember
Chapter 6 - Anger
Chapter 7 - Exultia
Chapter 8 - Hell
Chapter 9 - Return
Chapter 10 - Past
Chapter 11 - Training Discovery
Chapter 12 - Panorama Trouble
Chapter 13 - Trandoshans
Chapter 14 - Ahsoka
Chapter 15 - Rescue
Chapter 16 - Med Bay
Chapter 17 - Blame
Chapter 18 - Forsaken Word
Chapter 19 - Missions
Chapter 20 - Carlac
Chapter 22 - Terror Dome
Chapter 23 - Christophsis Crisis
Chapter 24 - Christophsis
Chapter 25 - Teth
Chapter 26 - Stinky
Chapter 27 - Prophecy
Chapter 28 - Questions
Chapter 29 - Meditation Trouble
Chapter 30 - Fake Friend
Chapter 31 - Lower Levels
Chapter 32 - Super Gore Nest
Chapter 33 - Aftermath
Chapter 34 - An Eventful Morning
Chapter 35 - Fun In Bed
Chapter 36 - Unexpected Departure
Chapter 37 - ARC Complex
Chapter 38 - Sentinel Prime
Chapter 39 - Council Report
Chapter 40 - Repaying Nightmare
Chapter 41 - The Gathering
Chapter 42 - Return Encounters
Chapter 43 - 79's
Chapter 44 - Hangover
Chapter 45 - The Show
Chapter 46 - Rescue Operation
Chapter 47 - Healing
Chapter 48 - Lethal Mistake
Chapter 49 - Broken and Breathless
Chapter 50 - Repaying Questions
Chapter 51 - Happy Together
Chapter 52 - Distress Call
Chapter 53 - Mortis
Chapter 54 - The Force
Chapter 55 - Dark Side
Chapter 56 - Ghosts of Mortis
Chapter 57 - Apology
Chapter 58 - Meditating Realisation
Chapter 59 - Separate Missions
Chapter 60 - Barracks and Blindness
Chapter 61 - Traitorous Loss
Chapter 62 - Distractions
Chapter 63 - Funeral
Chapter 64 - Resurrection
Chapter 65 - Phobos Facility
Chapter 66 - Lightsaber Training
Chapter 67 - Bane's Holocron
Chapter 68 - Children Of The Force
Chapter 69 - The Other Hole
Chapter 70 - Panorama Savage
Chapter 71 - Lux Gets Roasted
Chapter 72 - Lux Gets Bullied
Chapter 73 - Sacrificial Delay
Chapter 74 - Cyberdemon Alignment
Chapter 75 - Corrupted Control
Chapter 76 - Meditating 79's
Chapter 77 - Hungover Duel
Chapter 78 - Blue Shadow Virus
Chapter 79 - Underground
Chapter 80 - Virus
Chapter 81 - Talk
Chapter 82 - Morning
Chapter 83 - Rich Dress
Chapter 84 - Naboo
Chapter 85 - Worrying Talk
Thank You.
Chapter 86 - Past Marauder
Chapter 87 - Divinity Meltdown
Chapter 88 - Seraphim
Chapter 89 - Divinity Machine
Chapter 90 - Unnecessary Trial
Chapter 91 - Nekravol Kidnapping
Chapter 92 - Rage
Chapter 93 - Icon of Sidious
Chapter 94 - Urdak
Chapter 95 - Reunion
Chapter 96 - Icon
Chapter 97 - Portal
Chapter 98 - The Blood Swamps
Chapter 99 - Ahsoka
Chapter 100 - Peace
Chapter 101 - Helping Decision
Chapter 102 - Hell's Diner

Chapter 21 - Padmé's Introduction

1.6K 21 7
بواسطة cheesEPIC

I woke up to hear some beeping to my right. I opened my eyes and saw that R2 was beeping at us. We must've been back over Coruscant.

"Ok R2, you can stop now." I said. The little astromech beeped once more before walking off, if you could call it walking.

I didn't want to just lay Ahsoka on the hard bed, I wanted her to be awake with me before I had to go so I slowly fussed her head and lekkus.

"Come on 'Soka." I whispered. "Time to Wake up."

Ahsoka groaned as she stretched a little. I planted a kiss on her forehead and smiled.

"Morning 'Soka." I said to her. Ahsoka opened her eyes and smiled down at me.

"Morning (y/n)." Ahsoka replied. She looked into my eyes for a second before laying her head back down on my chest and exhaling loudly.

"We're back over Coruscant." I said as I stroked her head.

"Aw, do I have to get up?" She whined into my chest.

"I'm sorry but you do. I can't stay for long." I replied. Ahsoka groaned once more before pushing herself off the bed and standing up. Once she had done so, I too got out of bed and stood next to her.

"I'm going to miss you." Ahsoka said as I put my suit on.

"Don't worry about me. I'll be fine." I replied as I finished putting all but my helmet on.

"I know you'll be fine, it's just, I love you and it'll be hard spending time away from you." Ahsoka said as she hugged me.

I wanted to reply by saying something like 'I spent trillions of years away from you and was fine' but that would be a lie and it would just make her feel worse, so I didn't.

"Ahsoka, you'll be fine. I'm sure they'll be stuff to do while I'm away." I said as I kissed her forehead.

"Yeah." Ahsoka said. She stared into nothing before R2 came in and began beeping. "What's that R2? Oh yeah, I should probably land the ship." Ahsoka said before walking out of the bedroom. I followed behind her and into the cockpit. Ahsoka had already sat down and was beginning to steer the ship down to the landing bay on the Jedi temple. Ahsoka was definitely a good pilot and it didn't take long until we'd landed.

As we did, we saw Anakin, Padmé and some of her guards walking towards us.

"We should probably go say hi or something." I said as I began to walk towards the exit.

"Wait." Ahsoka said as she rushed next to me. I stopped and turned to face her just as she pulled my head into hers and kissed me on the lips. We kept our lips pressed for a few seconds until we broke apart. "I'm not going to be able to do this for a while." Ahsoka said with a sad smile.

"You'll be fine. I'm not that big a part of your life, am I?" I asked Ahsoka. She looked down at the floor out of embarrassment.

"Um, l-lets go say hi to the others before you have to go." Ahsoka hurriedly replied before walking to the exit and opening the door. I followed behind her and we walked out of the ship. Ahsoka rushed down to Padmé and greeted her with a hug.

"Hello Ahsoka. I'm glad that you're ok." Padmé said with a smile.

"I'm glad that you're to." Ahsoka replied as they stepped out of the hug.

"What happened to you after you and Lux ran off?" Padmé asked. Anakin gave Ahsoka a glare but Ahsoka played it off.

"Lux tased me and took me to Carlac to meet Deathwatch. He went there to give Deathwatch the location of Count Dooku, only for them to take us on. Lux was fine but I was forced into the kitchens, which would have been much worse if it wasn't for that fact that (y/n) was going undercover there to try and learn the location of a hell priest. To cut it short, (y/n) beat up anyone who did anything to me and then we killed most of them and found out where the hell priest is before throwing Lux back home and returning."

Anakin glared at me and Ahsoka.

"Why did you kill them? It isn't the Jedi way." Anakin said.

"They forced me to partake in the destruction of a peaceful village and then tried to execute me when I rebelled. If it wasn't for (y/n) and R2, both me and Lux would be dead."

Anakin took a step back and lost his glare.

"Sorry for misunderstanding." Anakin said.

We all just stood in silence, although I noticed Padmé looking at my suit and me.

"So I take it that you're (y/n)." Padmé said as she walked up to me.

"Yes I am." I replied.

"Anakin's said a lot about you." Padmé said as she looked me up and down. I looked at Anakin as he put his hands above his head. "How can you kill people with such ease? How can you just take the lives of others and not feel anything?"

I turned around and looked at Ahsoka.

"Tell her before I get angry." I said to Ahsoka.

"(Y/n)'s past is, not a nice one." Ahsoka started. "He sealed himself in with the demons for aeons. He either thought he would die or be rescued in a few years, but neither of those happened. (Y/n) was not willing to give up however and fought through everything which happened to him. He killed billions of demons before being sent through to a different dimension. The demons followed him through and although (y/n) led the people in that dimension against the hordes of hell, the people's god and their own priests betrayed them and handed the realm over to hell in return for unlimited power to heaven and hell. (Y/n) fought his hardest and then some to try and kill the demons, but it wasn't enough. Eventually, all of the people who (y/n) swore to protect had fallen, all due to (y/n) going through to a different realm, and even more die today due to a place which was constructed for their god."

"Nekravol." I growled as I turned back around. "So when I kill someone and feel nothing, it's because adding one death onto the billions I already carry is not going to change a thing."

Padmé stood still in shock. "Oh I, I'm sorry for bringing it up." She said.

"Don't be, because now I've become the most powerful being across dimensions. Anakin, prove my strength." I said as I took the armour off of one of my hands. Anakin stood still in confusion for a second before pulling his lightsaber out. He ignited it and looked at me.

"Anakin, what are you doing!" Padmé shouted.

"Trust me." I replied as I grabbed onto Anakin's blade with my bare hand. Anakin let go of his lightsaber as I held it in the air Infront of Padmé.

"What?" Padmé asked.

"Argent for you." I said as I handed Anakin his lightsaber back.

"Wh-what else can you do?" Padmé asked.

"A lot of stuff ranging from smashing 30 foot tall demons to bits with my bare hands, to tanking almost any blaster round you fire at me, to making Ahsoka fall asleep in seconds." I said as I smiled at Ahsoka. She went even more red than usual and smiled.

"Ahsoka?" Anakin asked. "Is this true?" Anakin said as he walked up to Ashoka.

"Um, maybe." Ahsoka said with a smile. Anakin looked between me and Ahsoka. I walked behind Ahsoka and held her close to me. "What? I can't help it. It just feels to good." Ahsoka said as she put her hands on mine.

"What I'd like to know is how you found out." Anakin said.

"It was the night after I said hell in hell. (Y/n) came into my room as I was crying and tried to help me sleep. I asked (y/n) to sleep in the same bed as me so he did. I couldn't go to sleep because my mind was still so full of all the demons guts and gore and, all of that stuff." Ahsoka said as she tilted her head towards the floor. "(Y/n) began to fuss my lekkus and I didn't realise how good it felt until he did it. It was so nice. My mind just blanked and all I could think about was the feeling of (y/n)'s hands fussing my lekkus and not the blood and guts and, gore and death and all the demo-"

I cut Ahsoka off by slowly rubbing her lekkus once again. She lifted her head to look at me and smiled.

"This is nice." Ahsoka said as she rolled her eyes. She almost fell forward but I stopped rubbing her lekkus and caught her just before she fell out of my reach. As I did, Ashoka opened her eyes and realised what had just happened. She saw me holding her around her waist as we were leaning over at an angle. "What? Oh, did I almost fall over?" Ahsoka asked as she stood up straight. Anakin looked like he was supressing a laugh.

"Yeah you almost did fall over." Anakin said with a laugh. "The only reason you didn't was because your boyfriend caught you."

"What? No no no, (y/n) is not my boyfriend it's just, he, we like, he's just a friend, a close one." Ahsoka stuttered as she looked at Padmé. Padmé just smiled at Ashoka.

"Oh stop lying you." I said as I pulled Ahsoka's head into mine and kissed her on the lips. She melted into it and kissed me back, but only briefly.

"Ok, maybe I lied, he is my boyfriend." Ahsoka said with a huge smile.

Anakin shook his head a bit. "Snips I was joking about him being your boyfriend."

Ahsoka looked between me and Anakin. "Um..."

"Don't tell Obi Wan, ok?" Anakin said.

"Um, why?" Ahsoka replied.

"Uh, no reason." Anakin said with a small smile.

"He put a bet on you two being a couple." Padmé whispered.

"Hey." Anakin said.

"Well, did you win?" I asked.

"Of course I did." Anakin said with a triumphant smile.

We all just stood there and smiled at each other.

"Anyway, I should probably get going. I've got a feeling this priest isn't going to kill himself." I said as I made my way towards the armoury.

"(Y/n) wait!" Ahsoka shouted as she ran up to me. Once again, as she got to me, she pulled my head into hers and kissed me on the lips. This time it was for a bit longer though.

At the end of the kiss, we broke apart and stared at each other.

"Be safe, please." Ahsoka said with cute puppy dog eyes.

"Of course. Anything for you." I replied.

Ahsoka smiled the most loving smile at me, making me realise just how perfect she was and how lucky I was. "I love you (y/n)."

"I love you too Ahsoka." I replied as I began to walk off towards the armoury. As I was walking, I did however catch a glimpse of Anakin looking like he was boasting to Obi Wan, which did bring a smile to my face.

3rd person pov

Master Yoda and Mace Windu watch from inside the Jedi temple as Ahsoka admitted that (y/n) was her boyfriend and kissed him.

"Attachments are strictly forbidden against the Jedi code." Windu said.

"Hm, indeed they are, but forgot about the code, (y/n) has, more important matters, he has dealt with. A friend, he requires." Yoda said.

"A friend and a girlfriend are two completely different things." Windu said.

"Perhaps, but strong (y/n) is. A connection, help him will. A purpose he believes in, help him to fight, it will."

"But how about padawan Tano? She isn't as strong and she could easily get distracted and fail a mission because of it."

"Hm. Difficult, this situation is. Together they will stay, for now. Discuss this matter in the future, we must."

"Perhaps an exception could be made, although the council will have to agree on it." Windu said to Yoda as he watched the couple from inside. "It's probably best just to leave them for now and see what happens. If they stay together and it works out, then we'll probably have to hold a council meeting and decide on whether or not an exception could be made."

"Agree with you, I do. Leave them for now, we shall. Decide on action later, we must." Yoda said before walking off. Windu quickly followed behind leaving the only thing to be heard as that of the laughs and chatter of the couple and friends down below.

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