The Tale of the Lost Sister a...

By daughterofposeidon05

59.1K 1.1K 572

This will be the story of the Third Great Prophecy, a quest will begin with The seven, Reyna, Nico, Will, Rac... More

Introductions and Clarificarions:
The Third Great Prophecy is Decreed
My Friends and I Become Detectives
I Actually Have Hope For Once...It Was a Mistake
I Sense Death and a Problem
Frank, Reyna, and I Attack Inanimate Objects
I Have To Go On a Quest...Greatttttt
My Suspicions are Confirmed...Ugh
I Miss the Campfire But Learn Something Cool
I Take My First Real Shower In Months
Annabeth Goes Off on Chiron...And I Learn I Get to go Off to Scotland
I Blaze With Anger...Literally
I Accidently Cause a Spontaneous Combustion
I Get the Most Important Job...SIKE!! I'm the Babysitter
My New Friend Jumps off a Roof
Lady Artemis Tells Me What We're Up Aganist
I Eat More Cards
Thalia, Hazel, and Me Plan a Sleepover in Percy's Cabin
We Play Truth or Dare After Discussing Our Deadly Quest
The Game Begins
Blue Bottles Spin and Red Apples Fly
I Make a Huge Announcemt...Thanks to Nico
I Decide to go Shopping
I Come Scarily Close to Being Killed...Again
Languages and Threats
I Cause an Indoor Storm
I Clean Up a Bit
"I Do"
Everything Changes
Leo is Helpful
Annabeth and I Have a War
I Dream About Magicians
I'd Perfer the Loch Ness Monster
Uncle Leo is a Taco Master
I Annoy Repair Boy
Cliff Jumping Times Two
It Really is a Castle
Newcomers with a Warship
I Meet Someone Gorgeous
Draco is Heartsick
Author Note, Timeline so Far:
I Become a Prissy Greek Princess
The Ball
14 Items
Percy is Sick
Time to Go
Connecting Bridges
Grover's a Girl
OH NO! Edward Cullen gets Slayed
Tinker a Drama Queen
The Huntress, The Twin, and The Sacrificer
What's Worse Than Being the Seventh Wheel? Being the Twentith
Mom and Dad
Scared of the Future
Braids and Boys
Author's Note, Timeline so Far
Surprise Times Two
The Talk...
Ron and Me are Robin Hood...Apparently
Burrowing Away
Not my Daughter you-
Bridget my Love
Fly Away, Hide Away
Life is Good on the Other Side
A Choice
Then He Faded
idk what to name is chapter some imma just quote Obi-Wan for now, "gOoD jOb"
Author's Note, Timeline So Far
First Time
Time for a Change
The Battle Begins
Come Back to Me
The McShizzle Man is Back
hi <3

I Dont Want to Be a Chicken, I Dont Want to be a Duck, so I Shake my Butt

315 13 7
By daughterofposeidon05


Rachel's POV:

When we appeared where Harry was bringing us...I had to catch Piper, I wasn't bothered by the apparating much, nothing was worse then the feeling after sprouting a prophecy.

Piper looked at me confused when she stabled herself, "How are you okay?"

I just shrugged, "Remember I get taken over by a dead spirit sometimes, nothing can really top that feeling of sickness and wooziness." She opened her mouth then shrugged and muttered something like "true true" while wagging her finger up and down a bit.

Harry was somewhere behind us, I could hear him muttering a bunch of what to me sounded like nonsense. I looked around, we were kind of in the middle of nowhere on what was a rocky cliff but also there was a path down the rocks to water. I looked around to Harry, he was walking around the entire area and casting some sort of spell I assumed.

"Hey, Harry? Whatcha doing? Also where are we?" I asked looking around and putting my hands on my hips.

He turned to me, "Well, I brought us to a place I know from previous experience and adventure is deserted, we're going to camp here for a bit and discuss our plans, I know where we can get dragons though which is lucky. In Romania, I have a friend who works with and trains them. His name is Charlie Weasley. Another one of Ginny and Ron's siblings, he is the second oldest."

I thought about this, then thought about dangerous dragons can be...then realized maybe they are viewed differently in this world...then realized Fetus is awesome and so is the dragon that guards the fleece so my reaction was, "Sweet. We got the easy job then I guess."

"Rach!! Don't jinx anything, we already have the worst luck ever," Piper scolded me, she was laying down doing what looked to me like tanning.

I cocked my eyebrow, "Are you tanning right now? Seriously Pipes?"

She propped herself up on her elbows, "Hey, wizard boy is casting spells and stuff and said we'd be here a while, so I say, why not?" I considered this, then laid down next to her.

Harry came over and sat near us when he finished whatever he was doing, "So, do you want to use your tent that you guys brought, or my magic tent that has a magically extension charm?"

"I mean...which do we think would be more suitable?" I asked propping myself up to look at him. I studied his scar, it was something very different, and had a long story I wanted to know more about, especially after my visions and dreams.

He pushed his glasses up onto his nose a bit, "I mean, I think because of the mixed genders maybe I'd be better to have a larger tent for more privacy and that sort of thing? Don't you think?" Piper then sat up and bit and smiled.

"You are such a gentleman. I already like you," she jokingly punched his shoulder, he smiled. I could tell that made him feel good, it was no secret he probably felt out of place like all his friends in the other groups probably do too. They were new and different and all thrust away from their lives and now...each other.

"Hey, I'm sorry that you had to get dragged into all this and then on top of it get separated from your friends," I sat up more and placed a hand on his shoulder, "I know it can be really difficult, I don't usually go on quests but when they all leave for one my heart almost stops in a way and I'm basically holding my breath until I can see them all back home and safe again."

He twiddled his thumbs a little bit, "Yeah, I feel like Hermione, Ron, and I have barely ever been apart like this in the eight years we've known each other. Sure we leave each other for most of the summer and have been a part, but we were always either safe or knew where one another was. There is almost never a time I worried for their whereabouts. Now...and then especially Ginny, I love her so much. I don't know what I would do without her. Draco I'm not as close to he was a bully most of our lives up until recently but I would still he hurt to loose him after just really meeting him and getting to know him."

Piper modded next to me, "It's hard, but don't worry, we'll help you out and if you ever need to talk about anything we're here. We've done this a million times and have been separated...not necessarily like this...but we have be separated and put in dangerous situations and didn't necessarily know where the others were. We can talk you through anything, and you'll have us to lean on, don't be nervous. We're very open and welcoming...just like don't double cross us. You'd probably loose cause I can make anyone do anything."

I laughed, "Pipes, you can't just say that so casually, he's gonna be scared." I looked at Harry, who looked super taken aback and a little nervous.

"Uh..." he stuttered, "We have a spell that can makes someone do whatever we want but it is illegal and an Unforgivable Curse and could have you sent to Azkaban, it's called the Imperius maybe explain a bit more."

Piper laughed, "So, my mother is the goddess of love and blah blah blah gross stuff. She has the power of charm, so some of her children...including me, can do something called Charmspeak. Allow me to demonstrate. Rachel, do the chicken dance."

my whole body was almost like suddenly moving on it's own and I found myself doing exactly as I was told to do. I was doing the chicken dance.

Harry laughed, "Okay, but you guys could've planned that. Try something on me."

Piper raised an eyebrow, she liked a challenge, "Harry, go jump in the lake."

"Wait what..." he started moving, "Piper...this isn't funny. Piper no!!!" he was getting extremely close. Right before he was about to jump in she called out.

"STOP!" I stopped dancing and he was able to walk back. She laughed, "Believe me now Wizard of Oz?"

Harry just laughed, "Yeah...I do. Thank you for not letting me soak my clothes. I appreciate it very much."

I giggled, "I love your accent, everything sounds prettier in an english accent. Right Pipes?"

She rolled her eyes, "I think everything sounds prettier in french."

I playfully shoved her, "That's cause you speak french Beauty Queen."

she shoved back, "Oh shush, Crystal Ball. Tu as pénible."

Harry just laughed along, "Okay, you guys have to explain all the nicknames and why there are so many at some point. Also how you are so quick at coming up with them."

We all fell onto our backs into fits of giggles I can't tell you for how long. Our team bonding was off to a great start.


I hope you liked this more on the goofy side chapter, a little break from the serious and dramatic talks and just some good bonding and laughter. I hope it didn't bore you. please send me feedback <3

~Daughter Of Poseidon

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