My SEXY enemy (Stony Highscho...

By JezzieRS

50.3K 2.7K 4.5K

One thing Steve Rogers didn't expect with moving to Malibu, was meeting someone like the rich kid Tony Stark... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
Chapter 48
Chapter 49
Chapter 50
Chapter 51
Chapter 52
Chapter 53
Chapter 54
Chapter 55
Chapter 56
Chapter 57

Chapter 19

1K 64 120
By JezzieRS

With every step he took, he felt more and more how nervous he was. His hands were sweaty and his heart pounded in his chest so fast he thought it was going to pop out. The mall was pretty empty and would probably close in like an hour, so they had plenty of time to do whatever they were going to do.

God this was wrong. Steve had never stolen anything before. He had never done anything illegal, except that time he accidentally had driven a little over the speed limit the first week with a driving license. But that was something else. This was stealing. This was seriously illegal and he would probably get in big trouble for this.

"Jeez chill Rogers. It's not like we're gonna rob a bank." Tony said when he noticed how hesitant and nervous the blond next to him seemed.

"We can still get in trouble." Steve answered while walking through the entrance to the mall.

"And? What's the worst thing that can happen?" Tony asked while casually nodding hi to a lady that walked by. He probably knew her from before.

Steve shrugged. "I don't know I'm just..." He tried to play it as cool as possible, but it was pretty hard while walking through the shopping center, knowing that one of these shops were going to be the place for him to steal.

"Hey." Tony said before pushing Steve in the side a little, making the blond look down at him with a frown. "It'll be fine. You're with me remember." Tony smirked, his brown eyes traveling over Steve's handsome face, carefully so the blond wouldn't notice.

"That's why I'm worried." Steve responded, not being able to resist the urge to tease the younger guy.

"Hey! You were the one who wanted me here." Tony defended with a small smile.

"Well...I wouldn't say I wanted you here." Steve said and looked up at the roof with innocent eyes.

Tony opened his mouth to respond to something sneaky, but he closed it instead, focusing on which shop they should choose. It ended with him stopping in front of a huge dollar store.

"Imma head in here." He simply said.

"Why?" Steve asked stupidly.

"Um...cause it's a big fucking store and a smaller chance of getting caught." He said with an obvious voice. "God you're new to this." He then said with a roll of his eyes.

"Trust me this is the first and last time I'll do anything like this." He said while following the shorter guy into the store with hesitant steps. His eyes were looking carefully through the shelves while he fingered at the car keys in his pants.

He couldn't understand how calm Tony was where he walked in front of him with casual steps. Almost like he was there to do anything else but steal. How did he seem so unaffected?
Steve smiled a little awkwardly at a lady passing them with fast steps while he tried to not lose the smaller guy. He had a feeling that Stark was one of those persons who could run away and hide somewhere just to fuck with his head. (Me)

"Do you know what you're going to buy yet?" Tony asked over his shoulder.

"Buy?" Steve asked before he could stop himself. "I mean- yes! Yes of course." He said quickly, making Tony turn around and gave him a "really?" look.

Steve smiled nervously before looking away, feeling even more stupid than before as Tony's glare was buried into his soul. But instead of getting a rude comment about his short thinking,

Tony...smiled? What the- he actually found it amusing?

"You're an idiot." Tony said before patting his shoulder and turned around again. Ignoring Steve's warm smile that lighted up the whole store.

"Just take something and we can get out of here." The dark haired teen mumbled with a lazy tone.

Steve swallowed, knowing that what he was about to do was wrong. Tony was right, he wasn't going to rob a bank, he was going to steal something small. But it was still illegal. What if they got caught? What would his parents say?

During the time all those thoughts ran through his head, he walked up to a random shelf that seemed to be some kind of tourist souvenirs. There was everything from magnets to keychains with the signs California or Malibu written on them.

Steve bit his lip thoughtfully.

"Are you done soon? Just take something random." Tony muttered impatiently. Obviously not wanting to be in the store for much longer.

Steve obeyed and picked out one of the many, many items and pressed it quickly into his pocket. Knowing that he probably looked very suspicious.

"Done." He said which made Tony nod in answere.

"Let's get back to the jerks we call friends." He said jokingly and walked past the blond, already on his way out of the store with the same calm steps as before.

Steve took a deep breath through his nose before following. His nerves hadn't calmed down a bit and he tried to dry off his sweaty hands on his pants. Why was he so damn awkward?

It felt like the rest went in slow motion. So much happened at the same time.

Tony went through the alarm gates first, without any sound of an alarm and a little smirk on his face. But when Steve went through, the alarm went off. An irritating and panic raising sound that made Tony sigh when Steve looked at him with wide eyes, spread through the store.

The smaller guy only smiled at him though before looking at the lady by the pay desk and asked her calmly; is there something wrong with them? And pointed at the alarms.

The lady smiled at him before waving her hand, saying that it was probably nothing and let them go through again.
Tony thanked her with his normal flirty smile before grabbing Steve's arm, pulling him away from the store.

"Didn't you move the alarm before walking though?!" He whispers yelled which made Steve look at him irritated.

"Weren't you supposed to help me?! I didn't think about it! I was under too much pressure!" He whispers yelled back.

"Well isn't that fantastic." Tony mumbled back sarcastically, but before he could do anything else, they heard a commanding voice behind them.

"Hey! You two!"

Tony pressed his lips together.


Of course the security guards had been there for some reason.

"Act normal. Maybe they aren't talking to us." He whispered with a stern voice.

"You with the red jacket!"

Steve looked at Tony with an unimpressed look. "Really?"

Tony gave him a death stare before hissing. "Run."

Without thinking, both of them took off through the mall with a security guard behind them. Thank god they both were fast or this wouldn't end as they hoped.

Steve was quite impressed with how fast the smaller guy was. Of course he wasn't as fast as himself, but still kind of impressive.

They were both running side by side while bearing how the man behind them tried to catch up as they ran through the exit. Both knowing that this man wouldn't stop chasing them.

Steve tried to keep his breathing as quiet as possible and looked over his shoulder now and then, suddenly becoming aware that Tony that fucker, was smiling.

"You think this is funny?" Steve asked while he passed a group of middle schoolers.

"A little." Tony answered through his breaths, suddenly pulling Steve's arm with him and they turned onto another street.

"Wait. Why are we running farther away from the beach?" He asked confused.

"Don't worry." Tony just said.

"I do." Steve answered dryly.

The dark-haired male looked at him quickly before turning his glare to the road. "Oh c'mon." He tried before again pulling Steve into another road and the blond realized that they were running into a small alley.

It got smaller and smaller while the light seemed to fade and he raised his eyebrows as a fence started to get visible in front of them.

"Do you trust me?" Tony asked with a smirk.

Steve bit his lip and turned his head towards the guard, who was very far away by now.

"I do." He answered shortly.

"Good." Tony said satisfied. "Then use your excessive body strength and climb." 

Steve rolled his eyes amusingly before turning his attention to the fence, not slowing down a second as he jumped and started climbing.
Tony was a little bit in front of him. He must have done this a couple of times.

They heard how the security guard let out an irritated groan as the quick-thinking teens jumped down on the other side. The sound of their shoes echoed through the other part of the alley when they with fast steps left the guard behind them.

The two friends didn't stop until they were out on the sunny street again, where they finally stopped running and leaned their backs against the nearest wall, trying to calm down their breathing.

The evening sun burned in their faces and Steve had to lean his hand over his eyes as the yellow ball tried to dazzle him.

"Well." Tony started. "That was fun."

"I honestly can't understand the fun in that." Steve responded dryly.

Tony shrugged. "It was your own fault."

The blond turned his head, still leaning against the wall as sea-blue eyes met big chocolate ones with a serious facial expression. Both teens probably thinking about something sneaky to say to each other. But non of them could stop their smiles from escaping and soon they were both laughing.


The sun was barely visible on the horizon and the sky was completely cloud-free as the blue sky turned darker every minute. The waves from the sea sent air of salt and seaweed towards the restaurants and grass-covered park.
The sand was soft under Tony's feet as he walked with a smug smile on his face and his hands in his pockets. The blond was talking on the phone with Natasha while giving Tony an annoyed glare now and then when he mocked imitated his hand movements.

The genius couldn't help it. He found it rather funny how Steve articulated with his hands even though Nat couldn't see him. But soon he got tired of it and stopped, turning his head toward the sea instead and breathed in the salty smell.

The sea always made him feel calm.
There was something with the water and the waves that made him soar away from earth and just forget all of his problems. He always came down here when his father had drunken himself to sleep, which happened like once or twice in a month, so it wasn't that bad. There was something with the sea that made him feel safe and he could usually sit in the warm sand for hours. Trying to gather and solve all of his messy thoughts which usually just ran around in his head like a hurricane. It worked a lot of times and he could actually return home without getting frustrated with his alcoholic father.

He tried to remember when it all had started, but he couldn't. It felt like this had been going on for years and had always been there. It was a part of his life. God he couldn't wait to get out of there. To finally be on his own.

Tony sighed. His hand traveling to his hair as the wind made it messier than it already was and his gaze turned itself to the blond again.

How could he be so...what was the word? Perfect?

Yes, he was an idiot, but a very nice idiot. A very kind, funny, and handsome idiot who always caught everyone's attention. Of course, Steve didn't notice it, but Tony had seen the way people looked at him.
It was either in lust or jealousy. It was so obvious, but Steve never noticed.


"Yeah, bye Nat." Steve said with a small laugh, finally putting away his phone after what felt like hours.

They had been walking for a few minutes thanks to the fact that they had to run into the center of the city, trying to get away from the damn security guard. But there was a positivity thing about it, at least now they can see the sun go down behind the horizon.

"What did Romanoff say about your fantastic attempt to steal?" Tony teased.

Steve snorted. "I didn't tell her." He admits.

Tony raised one eyebrow before biting his lips together confused. "Why not? Embarrassed?" He asked while elbowing the blond gently.

Steve pushed him away, trying to look irritated even though his lips were formed in a joyful smile. "No. I'm trying to put it behind me." He said. "It was your stupid idea after all."

"Rhodey said it."

"But you gave him the idea." Steve pointed out, making Tony shrug.

"Maybe. But it was his choice to obey or not." He defended nonchalantly.

"Of course he would obey, weren't you a royalty?" Steve asked in a teasing tone while doing a fancy gesture with his hand.

"Were?" Tony asked, making both him and Steve smile before turning their heads to the sea.

The wind was blowing in their hairs as they stood side by side, both with their hands in their pants pockets.

"I used to go to the beach every day in Brooklyn." Steve suddenly said. "The sunset wasn't as cool as this one though."

Tony hummed while watching the yellow ball disappear behind the horrisont second by second, creating a beautiful yellow-redd color in the sky.

"Do you miss it?" He asked. "Brooklyn."

Steve thought for a moment. "A little." He answered after a while, making Tony nod understanding. "But not as much as I thought." The blond explained. "I mean, of course, I miss my friends and the soccer team...and Peggy."

"Your girlfriend?"

Steve bit his teeth together before slowly shaking his head. "Ex-girlfriend. We had to break up when I moved. Which was a few months ago. She decided that it was better that way and broke up with me a month before I left." He said, feeling the pain grow back in his heart.

"But it was better that way." He repeated, making Tony turn to him with his eyebrows raised.


"Well...long-distance relationships are hard, and I don't think we would have made it.." he explained with a sad smile.

To his surprise, Tony snorted sarcastically.

"What?" He asked, his smile disappearing. "You think it was the wrong way?"

"Yes." Tony answered shockingly. "I mean, phones and flights exist. Yes it takes a lot of effort but you should at least try it before deciding that it won't work out."

"How do you know that?" Steve challenged.

"I just do."

Their eyes met again for what felt like forever. It was like fire meeting fire. Both of them knowing that if they kept going, this conversation would only grow and grow and grow..

They would end up fighting again. Just like every conversation ended.
Steve didn't want that. And neither did Tony. They didn't want to fight anymore. They enjoyed being with each other, even though they were both very very different. But at the same time not.
Tony could definitely see some similarities in Steve's fascinating eyes. Similarities that made him feel warm and comfortable.

He liked Steve. He likes being with him. He liked his looks and he liked his personality. God, now when Tony looks at him closer, he was fucking gorgeous. Those eyes, that hair, those muscles, that face, that body, those lips.

Wait lips? Where they?

Oh my god.

They were coming closer.

Tony didn't know what he was doing and desperately tried to remain still, only to realize that he wasn't the one moving.

Steve was.

Tony's heart beat like crazy when those pretty lips connected to his, a little hesitantly. Almost like they were testing. Touching gently and slowly as if they were asking for permission. Like they were trying to see if this was right.

Fuck yes this is right.

Tony inhaled sharply as his mind only now seemed to realize what was happening.
He was just about to kiss back, showing the beautiful blond that he wanted this. So fucking much.

But they were already gone.

Steve's cheeks were deep red and his eyes were wide. Almost like he didn't understand what he had just done.

"I-I..." he stuttered. "I'm sorry I-...I don't know what happ-"

"Just shut up." Tony interrupted with a smirk before diving in. His lips connecting with the blond again as he felt how Steve froze before finally losing up.

He wrapped his arms around the smaller guy's waist and pulled him in, moving his lips slowly and passionately while Tony tugged at his golden hair gently. Finally feelings softness between his fingers.

He couldn't help but let out a small moan in the kiss as Steve's hand fell a little lower than he had planned to.
When Steve realized it, he quickly pulled his hand up again.

Tony couldn't help but smile in the kiss. God he was so cute.

Steve's lips were just as amazing as Tony had hoped. Soft and smooth as spit slowly started to wet them up.

Tony wanted more.

He wanted to taste him.

Slowly and gently he pressed the tip of his tongue against Steve's lips, asking for entrance while placing small kitten licks on the softness.

But before he could do anything, they were gone.

Steve pulled away as if he had burned himself. He was panting while looking into Tony's big and waiting eyes.

"I-I'm sorry I.." he started again, gently pushing Tony away from his warm body. Making Tony feel colder than he actually was. "I can't do this...I-" he swallowed thickly as he saw how the glow in Tony's eyes disappeared.

"I'm sorry." He said again. Knowing that he had made a big mistake.

Tony didn't say anything. He just looked at him confused while wrinkling his forehead. Not knowing what to say.

"I-..I have to go." Stevemumbledd before turning around, leaving the younger guy alone at the beach with his mouth half-open with a questionable look.

Did I do something wrong?

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