Their Story- Teddy Lupin (HP...

By ErinJorgiaxx

49.8K 652 364

Quinn Nymphadora Weasley was far from shy. Growing up an only child, having lost her mother at an early age... More

1 - Problem Child
2- Feast to end all Feasts.
3- First day jitters
4- Spook Fest.
5- what are you two supposed to be.
6- Pre-Game Snog.
7- butterbeer mustashe
8- glad to know i've been replaced.
9- The great adventures of Dan and Ted.
10 - Teddy's dancing should be made illegal.
11- Cats outta the bag.
12- Queddy
13- there will be no snogging.
14- I'm sure she can handle some dishes.
15- Christmas Eve in the Crazy House.
16- Vic and Quinn; the drill Sergeants .
17- What did you say?
18- i was scared you'd threaten to hex the poor boy.
19- New Year, Same old Shit.
20- Sick and twisted
21- Sleeping Dragon.
22- "Little Red."
23- All we do is party.
24- Ew we're adults now.
25- She seems lovely.
26- Don't worry, it's not like we'll miss you.
28- The best memories.
29- A welcome home we didn't miss you, but we will pretend we did party.
30- What are we, chopped liver?
31- Tonks
32- Anniversery
33- Good Luck.
34- I'm this close to killing you.
35- They're 11, 13 and 15.
36- Hot coco.
37- Tell us what?
38- Goodbye.
39- Our weirdest christmas eve yet.
40- New Year.
41- I call maid of honour!
42- Do you have a death wish?
43- Haha suck it Vic!
44- Who needs em?
45- That was not bloody 10 minutes.
46- Gorgeous.
47- sounds fun
48- A white dress really?
49- Dancing in the kitchen.
50- I'm getting married.
51- Married.
52- Their story
53- Adam is banned from making any future speaches.
54- have a nive honeymoon.
55- Celebratory drink
56- Jealousy isn't a good colour on you.
57- Boat trips and skinny dips?
58- Happy birthday Uncle Harry.
59- No i'm not going to 'talk you out of it'!
60- April 5th
61- We are not calling our child that!
62- Theodore!
63- I'm gonna be a mum.
64- They're so small!
65 - Maisey and Wesley
66- One more surprise.
67- "How did uou gind out?"
68- "See you soon."
69- Lemmonade

70- Their Story

699 9 8
By ErinJorgiaxx

12 years later

It was September 1st 2038. Chaos reigned that morning in the Lupin household as Quinn Lupin stood in the kitchen of their home. Bright and early (8:30) she smiled as her second-from-youngest child joined her, her husband and their youngest for breakfast.

Emberly Andromeda Lupin entered the kitchen that morning, buzzing about the first day of her second school year at Hogwarts. Like her mother Emberly or Emmy, as her brothers and sister called her, was a bright young witch in Gryffindor house. She had excelled in her first year top of her class much like her older siblings.

Emberly giggled as her mother and father stood jokingly bickering about getting a new floo fireplace installed. "Honestly Ted, I just don't think it needs doing."

"And I disagree."
"Well why don't you continue to disagree while you set up the sofa to sleep on tonigh." Quipped Quinn as she stood chopping a fruit salad at their kitchen island.

"What are they fighting about now?" Emberly asked her younger brother as she snatched a piece of toast from his plate.

Ainsley Charles Lupin was born on the 17th November 2027, his mother and father's final child and the baby of the Lupin family.

Today would be his first day at Hogwarts school of Witch Craft and Wizardry and to say he was nervous would be an understatement.

"Mum doesn't want a new's probably gonna sleep on the sofa." He didn't even bother to look up from his copy of Hogwarts a history as he answered his older sister.

She rolled her eyes, "well I got that part you prat." She snapped at him as he seemed to ignore her presence, too stuck in his book to answer.

"Emberly Andromeda! Don't call your brother a prat!" Quinn scolded her youngest daughter. Emberly rolled her eyes, "ok mum."

"Where are the twins?" Teddy asked his daughter as she took a seat at the table and snagged one of her great-auntie Fleur's croissants. "Wes is in bed and Mais is still getting dressed." She answered.

"I swear that girl takes a month to decide her hair colour." Quinn exasperatedly sighed as she looked to her husband, "I hate that she has your ability."
"I thought you loved my powers."

"I do sweetie, just not when they give our daughter even more reason to take longer to get ready." The father chuckled as he ruffled Emberly's hair from across the table.

"Sorry luv she just wants to look nice." He shrugged.
"Yeah to impress Levi." Mumbled Ainsley as he rolled his eyes.

"Teddy go get your son up will you." Quinn called to her husband as she checked on the eggs and poured out six glasses of pumpkin juice. "Wes is 17 mum, he can just apparate to the station when he finally gets up." Emberly offered her mother a solution.

"Oh I'll do it." Quinn huffed as she walked over to the stairs and yelled up them "WESLEY REMUS-EDWARD AND MAISIE EVA-DORA LUPIN! IF I DON'T SEE YOU BOTH DOWN HERE IN FIVE MINUTES I'M HEXING YOU BOTH INTO NEXT MONTH AND THERE WILL BE NO MORE FREE PUDDLEMORE TICKETS FROM UNCLE JAKE! FOR LIFE!" She screamed up the stairs as she heard two loud crashes followed by two sets of feet and two dragging sounds on the stairs.

"Coming mum!" Teddy heard his eldest yell as they ran down, dragging their trunks along with them.


"Quinn dear, not to hurry you....but we need to leave now if we want the kids there on time." Teddy called to his wife as he checked his watch.

His wife was now stood with their two eldest children sat on their garden bench, "ok smile." The woman held up her muggle phone and snapped her another photo of the twins awkwardly hugging on the bench.

Wes' had dark-brown hair that sweeper across his forehead and dark eyes like his mother with tanned skin and some freckles. He wore a loose shirt and tie combo with jeans and a 'snazzy' as he called his blazer.

While Maisie's hair was dark that day either green streaks (compliment of her metamorphic abilities.) she wore a grey jumper and blue jeans with high boots and a tartan scarf.

"Come on mum." Ainsley whined from inside the family car. Emberly was sat with her muggle earphones in while Maisie and Wesley sat scowling at her. "Mother! We're gonna be late and miss our last train ride!" Wes yelled out.

"Fine! Come on then." Quinn three her phone back in her bag and the two 17-year-olds sighed and followed her into the car. Their father shrunk the four trunks and shoved them into the car boot before he joined them all in the car and off they drove.


At 10:30 sharp that morning The two adults sprinted through Kings Cross Station, they grasped each other's hands tightly as they followed after their four teenage children who were pushing four trolleys between them full of giant trunks and animal cages.

The family of six eventually slowed down as they reached the brick wall between platforms 9 and 10.

"Mais you take Em and go first there's a good girl." Teddy called as he held his wife's hand and ushered his two daughters through the barrier.

His two sons stood in front of him with distant expressions as they waited in utter boredom for their sisters to hurry up.

Teddy watched his daughters magically disappear through the brick wall before he ushered his sons to follow together. Then he grabbed his wife's and they followed their children through.

The same rush of excitement that had shit through Quinn on her first year and last year, and every year in between shot through her once again as she watched her four children approach her friends and their children.

Her two girls had appeared on the other side of the barrier and were immediately met with the grinning face of their Aunties Stacey and Victoria who both enveloped them both in a tight hugs. "Oh there's my girls!"

"Mum! Your squashing my girlfriend!" Yelled a boy's voice as a sandy haired teenage boy appeared at Stacey's side, tugging Maisie Lupin out of his mother's arms and greeting her in his own way, with a hug.

Wesley and Ainsley appeared behind them and pretended to gag at Wes' twin and best friend.

Maisie pulled away and sent her brothers both a coy look before she pulled her boyfriend in for a kiss just to spite them.

Stacy rolled her eyes as her wife Laurie Wood-West appeared at her side, placing a kindly hand on Emberly and Ainsley's shoulders as she shook her head with a chuckle, "oh honestly you two!.....Levi! Get off the poor girl!"

Levi Wood-West had been adopted at age six by the Wood-Wests in November of 2026, he, Wesley and Maisie Lupin had been inseparable since their early years and since their fifth year Maisie and Levi had been dating.

Levi's cheeks burned a bright red as he held his girlfriend's waist. "Sorry mum."

"Stace! laur!" The voice of Quinn Lupin echoed from behind her friends, nephew and daughters as she and her husband appeared.

"Ansley, go find your uncles, Grayson and Marley for me would you sweetie." Quinn leaned down and kissed her youngest's head as she patted his shoulder, sending him off to find Adam and Jake Sparrow with their son and daughter who were in second year with Emberly and first year with Ainsley.

It would be Grayson Sparrow's   Second year and Marley Sparrow's first.

Teddy and Quinn joined their family on the platform and all of the departing children, including the newly arrived Grayson were being grabbed into hugs by their parents.

"Ok, behave.....don't you go getting into trouble in your last year." Quinn warned Wesley who had been made Quittich captain and a prefect yet still had a pension for mischief. He was a Gryffindor like his mother while his twin was a Hufflepuff along with their best friend.
"Sure mum....whatever. Can I go?" Wesley struggled to claw his way out of his mum's arms as Teddy stood threatening Levi about taking care of Maisie in their final year.

Eventually, the kids were all released and their parents waved them good bye.

Emberly dragged Grayson as they ran off, eager to find their mixed group of Gryffindor and Slytherin (Grayson's house) friends for their second year, while the twins waved their parents good bye and Levi received a finally hug good luck for his NEWTs from his mothers.

"Ok.....their gone." Teddy held his rather emotional wife to his side as she cried over their eldest children's finally year.

The red steam train slowly pulled away from the platform.

Laurie and Stacy, Quinn and Teddy, Jake and Adam and Dan and Vic (who had dropped of their youngest daughter Olivia for her first year with Ainsley and Marley) all watched as their children waved goodbye.

"I cannot believe it's been thirty years since our first year." Quinn said with a flabbergasted expression. "Time moves so quickly....gosh I remember when I first met you idiots on our first day." Sat y agreed with a nostalgic smile.

"You guys wanna go get a butter beer at the Cauldron?" Dan asked the group.
"Sure why not." Teddy replied.

"Can we just stay for a little while longer, I just......I just wanna take it all in."
"It won't be the last time we're here Q.....come on it's only Ainsley, Marley and Liv's first year there'll be six more." Laurie tried to to reason with the girl.

"I just feels like the end of something." She sighed with a melancholy face. "I know sis......but's not the end of our story.....and now it's time for our kids to have theirs......." Adam nodded along as he held a sobbing Jake to his chest.

"I's time for Their Story." She nodded.....then she composed herself and together the eight friends walked, arms linked back through the barrier and into the world.

"Let's face it our story has been pretty great."

"Yeah yeah it has." Stacy chuckled in agreement as she nodded along with Dan.

"I need a group picture." Laurie gushed as she ran ahead and handed her phone to a random stranger.

The person waited for them all to stand with their arms around each other.


(Quinn, Teddy, Laurie, Adam, Stacy, Jake, Vic and Dan.)


That evening, Quinn and Teddy arrived home to their empty house and poured themselves a glass each of 'Marqell's Miracle' wine.

Sitting at their kitchen island and pouring over a memory book of photos.

From their first day at school, to their last day, to their year away. Then there was their first days at work and their first apartment photos.....then there was their engagement party and their wedding.

Maisie and Wesley's birthday to Emberly's then Ainsley's.

The twin's first day of school and then to their OWL results.

More family weddings and birthdays......

And missing was the pictures of Ainsley's first day.

"You ok?" Teddy asked noticing a sad smile on her face.

"I'm perfect. I love you.....and our life together."

"I love you too Little Red."

"Oh hush up Crayons."

"I love the story they tell."

"Our story."

That was their story.

Full of love, laughter, happiness and a little bit of sadness.

Quinn and Teddy got their big beautiful family. Stacy and Laurie has their wonderful jobs and lovely son. Vic and Dan has their kids and got to travel the world and Adam and Jake became Quittich stars and still settled down for their family.

The story of Quinn Nymphadora Weasley and Theodore Edward Remus Lupin.

Their story.

///thank you for over 1K reads and all of the amazing votes and comments. I hope you've all loved reading Their Story as much as I have adored writing it. Thank you.

-Erin xx

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