By ghostqueen23

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"Kiss my ass" "Would you like me to use tongue?" The Kim family and the Jeon family had been business rivals... More



49.3K 2.8K 8.5K
By ghostqueen23

1 more chapter left :(
I can't express how grateful I am for each and every one of you for the amazing support this book had been receiving. Thank you for being patient for me and hanging on till the very end

Here's a long chapter! Pay attention to the details!








Jeongguk flashed a fake smile at the old businessman who sat before him in the traditional Korean Restaurant as he tipsily talked about his daughter to the young businessman. Yoongi peacefully sipped his rice wine in silence next to Jeongguk. It was late night and Jeongguk and Yoongi were having a meeting with an acquaintance.

It had been two weeks since he'd met Jin. Since then, there's been no news from him, much to Jeongguk's disappointment. Over the course of two weeks, Jeongguk had been trying to grasp onto whatever information he could find on the case about Taehyung's company. He was proven unsuccessful. Whoever that was behind the downfall of Tan Corporation must've had planned it out much artfully, leaving behind no loopholes.

"Then I should be going" The old man before him said, standing up from the cross-legged position with the help of his secretary. Jeongguk and Yoongi stood up with him. After shaking hands with each other, all four men bid goodbye outside their private chamber they had dinner in.

"Well, that was a success" Yoongi said as he watched their acquaintances walk away.

"Yeah" Jeongguk said, smiling at Yoongi. They started walking slowly towards to exit past other chambers filled with people. They were walking in silence and Jeongguk was lost in thought. But something made him stop dead in his tracks.

Yoongi paused beside him, confused. Before Yoongi could question him, Jeongguk held his hand up, silencing him. He carefully listened to sounds coming from the room he had halted in front of.


But the laughter was too familiar to his ears. He had grown up hearing it.

It was his aunt. But she wasn't alone. What was his aunt doing here at this time of the night? Who is she meeting up with?

It was the next sound Jeongguk heard that made his body turn cold. Obnoxious laughter. The sound was also familiar to Jeongguk. Jeongguk may have only heard it a couple of times but the sound was too memorable for him to forget.

Kim Seokjin.

What the hell is Jin doing with his aunt?

Jeongguk looked at Yoongi and he looked as confused as Jeongguk. The younger of the two slowly made his way towards the closed door and pressed his ear against it, trying to grasp onto what they could be talking about.

Jeongguk didn't know why he was eavesdropping in the first place. It wasn't like his aunt would betray him or anything. His aunt's private matters weren't Jeongguk's business. But why is she meeting up with Jin? It was suspicious of Jin to meet his aunt when she didn't involve herself in anything related to the business world. And Seokjin is a businessman.

He trusted Jin too. But a part of him didn't. What if he's spilling Jeongguk's secrets to Aunt Mina?

"What are you doing here?" An unfamiliar voice said, making Jeongguk whirl around. It was Joe, Jin's assistant or whatever he called himself, Jeongguk didn't bother to remember. "Get out of here"

The man tried to push Jeongguk away from the door but Yoongi blocked the way. Joe being bulkier than Yoongi, wrestled against him, almost making Yoongi trip and fall.

Jeongguk, taking advantage of the situation, pressed his eat against the door, pulling the door ever so slightly so he can hear what they're talking.

"It was perfect" Aunt Mina was saying, her voice cheerful.

"If you gave me a job, I'd do it with no flaws" Jin said, making Mina laugh.

"Of course" She said. "We both got what we wanted. I suppose your sales are high and everything else is going as planned?"

"Well, yes. But there's a little problem. It's Jeongguk"

Jeongguk's froze at the mention of his name.

"My child? What about him?" Mina said, concerned.

"He was asking me to about the scandal at Tan Corporation. He's suspicious about what happened. He knows someone planned it out. He wanted me to look into it. But I didn't say anything, obviously"

"Does he think I involved myself in the scandal?"

Jeongguk stopped breathing for a moment. Everything around him became a numb buzz that the only thing he could hear his own heart thumping against his ribcage. He detached himself from the door and stared blankly ahead of him. His mind was full of question marks with no answers. A constant 'what?' played on and on in his mind like a broken record.

Until he heard a thud. Jeongguk shook himself off of his trance and looked around him only to find Yoongi on the floor. He was bleeding from his nose.

"Yoongi!" Jeongguk shouted and ran to help his friend.

"I'm okay" Yoongi said. Jeongguk stood up and looked at the bulky man before them. Before Joe could decipher what Jeongguk was going to do, he was advancing towards Joe. Jeongguk gathered up all the bottled up anger and frustration and punched the bulky man in the face. He staggered backwards with force. Jeongguk was going to walk towards him and punch him again when the door of the room opened.

Jin and Aunt Mina ran out to see what the ruckus was. Their eyes widened when they saw Jeongguk and Yoongi outside. Yoongi quickly rose to his feet, wiping blood with his sleeve.

"Jeongguk what are you doing here?"

"I should be asking you the same thing, Aunt" Jeongguk's voice was venomous.

Aunt Mina sighed. "What got you so riled up? Oh Jeongguk, you're bleeding" She walked towards Jeongguk. He looked at his hand, it was, indeed, bleeding. She reached to take Jeongguk's hand but before she could touch him, he moved his hand away from her.

"Don't touch me" Jeongguk seethed. A look of hurt flashed through her face momentarily before changing back to worry.

"Care to explain what you did, Aunt?" Jeongguk said. Jeongguk was trying hard to keep his anger buried inside him. But his words were sharp that they made Jin take a shaky breath.

"Jeongguk, let's go home and discuss this. It's not a good place-"

"I won't go anywhere with you" Jeongguk spat.

Aunt Mina sighed. "Fine. It was me who planned the scandal for Tan Corporation. With Mr. Kim Seokjin's help, we were able to make it a success. Rose was part of the plan too. It was me who planned to put a chemical in the first batch of their products and for Rose to use it and immediately complain to the police the day after the conference. Everything went perfectly and according to plan" She said proudly.

Jeongguk couldn't believe what he was hearing. He trusted her. Mina was the only family Jeongguk had and she betrayed him.

"Jeongguk, why do you look so angry? This only benefited you"

"What?" Jeongguk whispered.

"Well, I think it was you who benefited most from this. First, with the downfall of Tan Corporation, your sales rose drastically. With the ruined reputation of theirs, now they'd never get all those precedential awards at the award ceremony. You'll be able to snatch all the awards! And me, I got my revenge. Finally the Kim's will pay for what they did to me" Mina said.

Jeongguk scoffed. "None of that mean anything to me! I didn't want to win those awards by cheating"

"Oh Jeongguk, you're so naïve. You have money. You need to use it for things like that"

"But Taehyung is marrying Jennie. He'll gain his reputation back. And they'll go back to how they were"

Mina shrugged. "Well, that went exactly according to plan too"


"You said you didn't want to marry. So she's marrying Taehyung"

"But your plan is ruined because of her. Their loss will be temporary because he's marrying Jennie!"

"I beg to differ" A voice said.

It had Jeongguk momentarily shook because the voice was definitely familiar. Jeongguk averted his gaze from his aunt to the place the voice came from. Behind the wall of the dinner chamber emerged a woman.

Kim Jennie.

Jeongguk's mouth fell open. Jennie smirked at him. She had never looked so evil in her whole life.

"You?" Jeongguk whispered.

"Hello, Jeongguk" Jennie said with her sugary voice.

"W-what are you doing here?" Jeongguk said.

"Well, she's the one who came up with this brilliant idea" It was Aunt Mina.

Jeongguk wanted to throw up. A bitter taste was engulfing his taste buds and he didn't know what to say or do at this situation. How could Jennie plan all of this? To ruin the man that she claims to be in love with? For what?

"But why? Why would you do that to Taehyung?" Jeongguk asked.

"Because he doesn't love me!" She screamed. "In this situation he has no other choice to marry me and merge our companies!

"You're pathetic and disgusting" Jeongguk really wanted to throw up. Everything was finally making sense. And at the end of the day, he was betrayed by the people who he trusted the most.

"He won't even love you" Jeongguk said.

"I'll make him love me"

Jeongguk scoffed. His face was red with anger and he wanted to punch all the people who stood before him. "You think? He's in love with someone else. And you've had your whole fucking pathetic life to make him fall in love with you but you were unable to. And you're still after him like the fucking pathetic and desperate bitch you are. If he even had the slightest bit of interest in you, he'd have at least hanged out with you. But you know what he did instead? He fell in love with someone he hated his whole life! He chose that person over you. You, who was friends with him his whole life. This alone shows how desperate you are. You've kissed him once? He hadn't even slept with you. But he dreams of making love to that person every fucking night. You're nobody to him. You're just a desperate delusional bitch who's after his dick. He's been rejecting you for years and you're pathetic enough to go beg after him for dates and call yourself his girlfriend. You're so desperate that it's ridiculous"

Jennie stared at Jeongguk, flabbergasted.

"Jeongguk! That's no way to speak to a lady!" Aunt Mina scolded. Jeongguk ignored her.

"Oh so you're friends with him now?" Jennie scoffed. She looked like she was about to cry but he didn't give a damn.

"Did you forget I worked with him for a couple of months? I got to know more about him in those few months than what you've known your whole life!"

"Well, guess what? I'll have the rest of his life with him! So sucks to be the person he's in love with" Jennie said.

Jeongguk rolled his tongue against the inside of his cheek. "Good luck living a lie for the rest of your life"

Jeongguk shot one last venomous look at Mina and Jennie, and turned on his heel to leave.

"Jeongguk! Where are you going? Let's go home together!" Aunt Mina said.

Jeongguk stopped and turned back to the three people watching him. "Home? Home is where people I can trust, lives. I don't have a home now. I don't want to live in the same house with the people who betrayed me"

Jin visibly gulped when Jeongguk's gaze flickered over to him. "You" Jeongguk spat, "You're an abomination to our whole friend circle. Taehyung trusted you. I trusted you. Taehyung had known you most of his life. I can't believe you'd betray him like this. For money. I'll make sure Namjoon knows about this"

With that said, Jeongguk left.


The moment Jeongguk stepped into Yoongi's apartment, he ran to the bathroom and unloaded the contents of his stomach to the toilet bowl. Tears streamed down his face and Yoongi held him from his shoulders, stroking his back.

When the disgusting feeling was finally gone, he retreated to the guest bedroom of Yoongi. Without a word, he laid in bed.

Yoongi muttered an apology every now and then but they both knew that there was nothing either of them could do. Jeongguk needed to be alone. Knowing this, he left the younger to process everything.


Taehyung used to think that love was the most powerful force on the earth. He used to dream about a future where he would find someone so special that he'll feel like he's home whenever they're together. Someone that made him relax and bubble with happiness the moment he hears their voice.

Taehyung had found that someone.

But it was in his teenage days that he used to have such opinions about love. They soon faded away as he got in touch with reality. At least, reality of the life he'd been born in to. He was doing fine. He knew he was going to be the owner of the empire his grandfather and great grandfather built. With that came a huge responsibility. The weight of all the blood sweat and tears the previous generations put into building their company was on his shoulders. With high spirits, when Taehyung was handed over the CEO position of their family's business, he promised himself, no matter what, he'll bring this company to a higher place than it had ever seen before.

And he was working on it for a couple of years. He did great, needless to say. His father was proud of him. And everything was fine. He had this plan for his life; his company. He knew what to do, what his responsibilities were. He thought everything was fine until Jeongguk came and pushed him off of his path. And now, his morals had changed. His priorities had changed. He was in love.

He didn't know what the correct thing to do is anymore.

Should he follow his heart while risking everything he'd ever built up? Everything he'd lived up for his whole life?

If love is the most powerful force on earth, did honor, family, tradition crumble in front of love? If so, why was Taehyung still doubting whether he should follow his heart or fulfil his duties?

Doesn't his duties always come first? His family? Yes, they do.

He kept saying this to himself over and over and over again until the words felt like poison on his tongue. It left him with a bitter taste lurking in his mouth.

Must he really sacrifice his happiness for his family?

The cigarette between Taehyung's nimble fingers burned with a fiery red, like the way Taehyung's soul used to burn whenever he was with Jeongguk. He brought it to his thin lips and took a drag, the hot cancerous smoke burned through his pipes and Taehyung closed his eyes. The burn seemed adequate enough to eclipse the pain at his heart. He breathed in the war thinking the fight at his heart will fade away when his lungs slowly start to deteriorate. Because at that moment, sitting in a chair on his rooftop under the twinkling stars and the delicate moon who knew every fraction of Taehyung and Jeongguk's story, there was nothing else he could do than breathe in the demons and breathe out the light. Repeat the cycle because he didn't want to fight.

"You're at it again" A voice said behind Taehyung. He didn't have to look to know who it was. Jimin sat next to Taehyung in his chair after placing the cans of beer on the floor. He opened one for Taehyung and handed him and opened another for himself. "You'll catch your death"

Taehyung hadn't smoked for months. He had stopped soon after he and Jeongguk started hooking up. But then he had found himself practicing the old habit again as soon as things went sideways with him and Jeongguk. The destructive habit only helped him cope when things got difficult.

"I wouldn't mind" Taehyung said after taking a sip off the cool, bitter liquid. "Better than suffering like this"

"Taehyung" Jimin said, turning to look at him. His voice was thick with worry. "You can call this off, you know."

Taehyung chuckled humorlessly. "You know damn well I don't have the power to do that. I need to do this to save the company. And for my family. Besides, it's not like I completely own the company. My father is always behind every decision I take. If I had the power, I'd have married Jeongguk already. The wedding is in two days. I can't do anything"

Jimin sighed. "You know, the loss we faced isn't as big of a deal as your father makes it. It's not something we can't cover. It's not like the company is bound to go bankrupt-"

"I know. But the reputation-"

"-Isn't something that can't be gained back from something simple"

Taehyung stared at the faraway city lights of Seoul. Each light that shone bright is from one human who's working hard for their ambition. It was wonderful, if someone thought about it; everyone is either happy or sad or both or neither out there.

"I know" The moon had been engulfed by clouds, making the two men bask in darkness. "But this is what I must do. It's my responsibility. This will only benefit our company and also get us out of this situation we're in"

Jimin sighed. "You must stay true to yourself"

"If I follow my heart I'll lose everything me and generations behind me had built up. When I marry Jennie, the company will have a much stronger backbone. Marrying her will help me regain my company's reputation and Namjoon's company is the third biggest company in Korea. This is what's right. They've planned to marry me off like this since the day I've been born, I suppose. So this is my responsibility. If I didn't do this, I'll be letting everyone down. Honor, tradition, family means a lot to people like us"

"What's the honor in living a lie?"

"I must do this" Taehyung said sternly.

"That's just a lame excuse for you to justify to yourself that what you're doing to yourself is right"

"This is what's right" Taehyung gulped back the sob that threatened to escape. Instead, he took a long drag from his cigarette. The smoke almost made him choke. He needed something stronger. But at least it overthrew the sadness. The ache in his heart.

"Taehyung" Jimin whispered. "What about love? What about Jeongguk?"

"Don't say his name" Taehyung shouted, abruptly sitting up. He was breathing heavily. The mention of his name only brought back all the memories. All the things he wanted to suppress. "I'm tired. I need rest"

Taehyung walked out of the rooftop, leaving a wide-eyed Jimin staring after him.

Taehyung marched into his bedroom and closed the door behind him. He leaned against the door, much for support and let out a shaky breath. He turned his gaze upwards to keep his tears at bay but the action was proven fruitless as tears started streaming down his cheeks. He choked out a sob as he sank to his feet and sobbed silently.

He needed to end this. The only reason he's suffering so much is that he's still attached to Jeongguk. The string hadn't been cut yet and what was he waiting for? His wedding is in two days. So he has to end this before the sadness drowns him out.

After what felt like minutes, he was wiping his tears away and fishing out his phone from his pocket. His wallpaper was still Jeongguk. He ignored it and quickly dialed up Jeongguk's number.


Jeongguk's phone started ringing.

Jeongguk groaned sleepily as he tried to wake himself up from sleep. Who could be calling Jeongguk at this hour?

He wasn't feeling nauseous anymore; he was glad for that. But the memories of earlier that night lurked like a thick poisonous fog at the back of his mind.

Jeongguk dragged himself into a sitting position and picked up his phone on the nightstand, presumably kept there by Yoongi as Jeongguk had no memory of placing his phone anywhere. His eyes widened and his heartbeat sped up upon seeing the caller ID.


He almost slid his thumb over the green call icon; happiness powering his actions. He and Taehyung hadn't called or texted in a couple of days. And he missed him a great deal. He hesitated the moment his fingertip met his phone screen. Memories of a few hours prior flowed into his conscious. What's he supposed to tell Taehyung now?

Should he reveal the truth?

Jeongguk would have no regrets to throw his useless family under the bus if it meant Taehyung would get out of this mess. But right now, Jeongguk feared if he would only mess up Taehyung's life more if he knows the truth.

At the same time, Jeongguk can't let the love of his life live a lie for the rest of his life. Whatever the outcome of it may be, wherever Taehyung and Jeongguk may find themselves at the end of it, Jeongguk had to tell Taehyung the truth.

He slid his thumb over the call icon.

"Hello" Jeongguk said breathlessly. He didn't know why he felt so happy to talk to him.

"Jeongguk" Taehyung's voice from the other end was heavy. Jeongguk's smile fell as he heard his lover's tone. Something was incredibly wrong.


There was silence. Jeongguk waited for a response, or just any kind of sound to fall upon his ear from the other side of the line. But the few moments stretched like eternity between them. Jeongguk was suffocating.

"I don't think this is going to work" The man from the other end said, voice a mere whisper.

"What?" Jeongguk's voice was almost inaudible.

"I'm getting married in two days"

Jeongguk felt his heart break.

He wasn't daft. He saw this coming the moment Taehyung told Jeongguk about his marriage. There was barely any hope. And Taehyung can't go against his family's wishes.

He knew Taehyung's wedding is in two days. It' been everywhere. In the news, in the tabloids, in the radio. They're announcing it like some sort of festival, as if the king of the nation was getting married. Jeongguk just chose to ignore them. Taehyung was still his.

Jeongguk gulped down the sob trying to escape him and tried not to sound like he was seconds away from crying. "Is that what you want?"

"It's not about me, Jeongguk. It was never about me. This is what's right. I have to do what's right for my family"

"I know you love me" Jeongguk wasn't helping. It was out of his mouth before he could stop it. It had already fallen into Taehyung's ears. Jeongguk hated how desperate he sounded.

A silence stretched between them. And yet again Jeongguk was suffocating. He had nothing to lose at this point. Everything he believed in was crumbling down around him. The ground he stood on threatened to break and swallow him whole. There's nothing for him to hold in to. "I know you want me as much as I do"

"Emotions are never black and white, Jeongguk" Taehyung said. "You should know that more than anyone. Our duty to our family supersedes our personal desires"

"You're right" Jeongguk said after a few moments. Even though Jeongguk felt like his whole world was falling apart, it would stop, right? That's how it happens in movies and books. They'll get over each other. They'll heal individually. They have to let go of each other for their own good.

"I'm sorry, Jeongguk" Jeongguk heard his voice break. It only made the younger's heart break even more. But the older of them continued nevertheless. "I can't do this. I thought we were doing the right thing"

"So did I" Jeongguk whispered. "But I guess everything was wrong with what we had"

"I know" Taehyung said. "We were never meant for each other but I'm glad that even for a sheer moment it felt like we were"

Jeongguk hummed. A stray tear left his eye, trialing a wet path down his cheek. He made no attempt to wipe it away because another followed its path, then another until his cheeks were wet with emotions spilling in the form of tears.

"I'm sorry"

"I'm sorry too" Jeongguk replied. "I understand you"

"Let's not cross paths anymore"

That's impossible.


"Goodbye, Jeongguk"

Before Jeongguk could reply, the line was cut off, leaving him with a silence to swallow him whole.

He didn't know what he could do in that broken moment other than clutch his phone close to his chest and let out agonizing sobs. He was lost, because it really had ended. He was ripped from all hope and it's ripping him apart inside out.

He just didn't know what to do. So he wept, like a widow. It hurt even more because, he was weeping about losing something that was never even his.


Taehyung could hold the heartbreak no longer and he fell to the floor in a disheveled heap as his grief poured out in a flood of uncontrollable tears. His phone held close to his chest and Jeongguk's broken voice ringing in his head, he wept, heart-wrenching sobs escaping him.

Taehyung silently cursed the universe as he lay there on the floor, tears running down his cheeks like a waterfall. Why did She ever allow him and Jeongguk to cross paths when there's no way for them to be together?

He didn't regret meeting him. Taehyung had learned so much, made so many happy memories with Jeongguk. They were imperfectly perfect. They completed each other. Taehyung had transformed into a better person after meeting Jeongguk. Jeongguk had broken all the walls he had built up around himself and engulfed him with the warmth of love, introducing him to a newfound happiness. He had become someone capable of loving and caring. Taehyung couldn't afford to even think about loving anyone other than Jeongguk. But it hurt so much and Taehyung didn't know how to exist anymore knowing he wouldn't have Jeongguk by his side anymore.

Taehyung didn't know when Jimin came but he knew it was him when strong arms wrapped themselves around him and whispered "Taehyung-ah" in such a broken way. And with nothing else to hold on to, Taehyung wrapped his arms around his best friend and they rocked back and forth. Taehyung sobbed like a toddler. He felt so naked without him. His home; his other half; his only hope.

He wept. Because that was all manageable for his pathetic self.


Two days later Taehyung stood in front of a large mirror, dressed in his specially designed tuxedo, skin glowing and face covered with layers of makeup to hide signs of his distress.

It was the day of his wedding.

His fashion designer admired him, standing with his hands clasped together in glee. Taehyung may have looked magnificent. But that day, he just stared at his reflection with a blank expression, when on other days he's admire himself with pride, find the simplest imperfection on his clothes. But today, he didn't care. He felt nothing. The numbness was almost painful. He had felt so much in the last two days, cried so much that he felt no more. There were no tears left to cry.

He couldn't recognize his own reflection; a man who couldn't keep his word; a coward who doesn't gave the guts to do what he really wants. A spineless man who can't fight for what he believes in.

He is being crushed under the consequences of his own decisions.

"You look perfect, sir" The fashion designer said in a French accent.

Taehyung flashed a small smile at him. "Thanks" The way he was checking Taehyung out didn't go unnoticed by the young CEO.

The door to the changing room opened and in came his parents. His mother was beaming at Taehyung while his father had a gentle smile on his face.

"Oh my son" His mother said, tears in her eyes. "You look so handsome. I've been waiting for this day my whole life"

Taehyung smiled at her but it didn't reach his eyes. How possibly could he smile? When he'd sacrificed the source of his happiness? Every ounce of happiness was ripped away from him. He was just a corpse. An emotionless robot. Without Jeongguk, he was the stupid immature boy driven by money and lust, just the way he was before he fell in love with Jeongguk.

Taehyung's father approached him. "I'm proud of you, son. This will only bring more profits for our company. This is the best thing you can do for this family. Your grandfather and great grandfather will be proud of you. This is your responsibility. This is what you should do"

"Even if it's the right thing to do for my family, it's not the right thing to do for myself. But that's okay, right? Sacrificing my happiness for yours?" Taehyung said, words sharp as knives. He'd never felt so angry before. He was angry with everyone and everything, even himself.

Taehyung's mother gasped. "Taehyung! Don't say such wretched things at a time like this. You'll find happiness together with Jennie. That's what marriage is all about"

Taehyung rolled his eyes.

The door to the room opened and Jimin peeked inside. "Taehyung, it's time"

The young groom took a deep breath, promising himself that he'll suppress his sadness. Then he followed Jimin, out of the room without sparing a single glance at his parents, who stared after him.


"You will not touch that" Yoongi shouted at Jeongguk as he snatched the bottle of vodka out of the younger's hands.

Jeongguk whined, sprawled on Yoongi's couch in his suit. He had just arrived at Yoongi's house, the place he stayed at for the last two days, and had attempted to steal one of Yoongi's bottles of vodka.

"Yoongi" He whined again. "I need it"

"You will not have a drop of alcohol today. You've been drowning yourself in alcohol for the last two days and I'm done with you trying to kill yourself"

"I'm not trying to kill myself!" Jeongguk said. "Just trying to drown these thoughts"

Yoongi sighed. "Get a grip, Jeongguk. He's getting married today"

"Which is exactly why I need that bottle of vodka"

"You're fucking stupid" The older of the two said, opening the cap of the bottle and pouring himself a drink. Jeongguk made grabby hands towards Yoongi only for him to move the bottle away from Jeongguk.

"Your love isn't going to go away just because you drink until you pass out" Yoongi said, "You're so encouraged on moving on from him, then do it right"

"What do you mean?" Jeongguk sat up.

"Jimin told me something before all of this went down" Yoongi said, taking a sip from his glass of vodka. "He told me that before he met you he used to be this stuck up stubborn jerk. His whole life used to be his company and his family. Those things were what his world revolved around. That's all that mattered to him. He didn't believe in love for ages and all it took was you to throw all of his beliefs away. In the heartbeat, you became his reason"

"Hyung why are you telling me this? You aren't helping my situation" Jeongguk groaned. He knew how hard it must've been for Taehyung to choose. It wasn't like he had much of a choice. Jeongguk knew that his company wasn't owned by Taehyung alone.

Maybe it did hurt; knowing that Taehyung chose his company over him. Over everything. It might sound selfish of Taehyung for a moment. But at the same time, he sacrificed his happiness and that seemed so selfless.

"I'm just saying. Because today is the only day these things can be said"

"I know he loved me" Jeongguk muttered. His heart still felt like being ripped open. The pain never stopped. No matter how much he cried. How much he drank to stop feeling. It just didn't work.

It was like some sort of magic spell was connecting them. The more Jeongguk thought of getting over Taehyung, the more it hurt.

"I don't want to get over him. I don't know how I could ever stop loving him" Jeongguk said. He had barely talked to Yoongi the last two days. Every time he offered to help. Jeongguk would turn him down, telling him that he needed to be alone. There was nothing to be said. Nothing to be discussed. Taehyung and Jeongguk were over. There was no comfort anyone could offer.

"I keep telling myself that I'll find someone better. It hurts to even think that" Jeongguk continued. "I don't know why I even tell myself that. How could I find someone better when he was the best?"

"Jeongguk I've known you since we were kids" Yoongi said. You've had many flings in your lifetime but you never fell this hard. You've not been in love with Taehyung for more than six months. And look how wrecked you are. I've never seen you like this"

Jeongguk kept looking at Yoongi.

"The thing is you've built these walls around you so that you won't get hurt" Yoongi continued. That's why you barely cried when you broke up with all your previous boyfriends. You didn't let yourself be attached to them. At least not like this. Am I wrong?"

Jeongguk shook his head no. Jeongguk had been in love, or so he thought. He didn't think he had been in love before because what he felt with Taehyung was fresh, something he'd never felt before.

"I knew that someone will come and tear those walls around you. And that someone is Taehyung" Yoongi said.

Jeongguk felt a stray tear fall down his cheek.

"You need to fight for that love, Jeongguk. You both should. I don't see either of you doing that. Taehyung is just an a boy trapped in a lost adult's body. He can't take decisions on his own and he'd proved it over and over again. Not when it comes to his own life. He might be the controller of a multi-million company. But he's just a lost puppy, unable to figure out which way to go"

Jeongguk just stared. "What do you want me to do, hyung?"

"I want you to fight for what you think is right"

"But it's too late. The wedding has almost started" Jeongguk said, briefly glancing at his watch.

"Is it?"

Jeongguk looked at Yoongi, dumbfounded. "What do you mean?"

Yoongi started fishing his pocket and took out a small device. A voice recorder.

"W-what's this?"

"I recorded you and your aunt's conversation. Jennie's included. You know I carry it around"

Jeongguk stared, open mouthed. "Why didn't you tell me earlier?!"

"You didn't let me! You were busy shooing me away every time I came near you!"

Jeongguk cursed under his breath and took the voice recorder. "What should I do, hyung?"

"Everything to fight for what you think is right"

Jeongguk flipped the small device in his hand. He stood up and started marching towards the front door of Yoongi's apartment.

"Where are you going?" Yoongi called behind him.

Jeongguk grinned, adrenaline high in his veins. "To get back what's mine"


Taehyung stood on the altar decorated with flowers in the banquet hall. Lines of white chairs were placed on either side of the red carpet leading to the altar. The wedding was small. Less than hundred people were sat in the banquet hall. Only their family and close friends were invited. A couple of people stood at the end of the hall: the reporters and photographers.

Everyone was seated by now. He could see Namjoon, Hoseok and Jin sitting and talking with each other. His parents sat on the front row. Jennie's parents too. Taehyung looked to his side and saw Jimin, standing next to his in the altar. He placed his hand on Taehyung's shoulder and squeezed it, trying to silently comfort him. Taehyung flashed him a tight-lipped smile.

The front doors opened, making Taehyung avert his gaze straight ahead. All the chatter reduced into silence as two small girls dressed in pretty dresses, holding two baskets of flowers walked in. They threw flowers on the red carpet as they walked.

Then, in came Jennie, holding her father's arm.

People stared at her in awe, open-mouthed at her beauty. A low murmur went through the crowd, as they talked among themselves about how beautiful she looked. Her doll-like face was lit up with a smile, the tight long dress clung to her slim body and her veil dragged long behind her.

Taehyung watched her with a blank expression.

She may have been more beautiful than she had ever looked in her life but Taehyung's head was empty as he watched her. No thoughts crossing his mind. Not a single one except ones of Jeongguk.

He wished to see Jeongguk instead of Jennie on that aisle. He would've looked gorgeous. He would look at Taehyung with twinkling eyes and his bunny smile and Taehyung would erupt with happiness.

Instead, is was Jennie who was smiling at him

Taehyung averted his gaze towards the ground and took interest in his polished shoes. When Jennie finally came to the altar, he took her hand and led her to the top of the altar so they stood facing each other.

After they settled down, the officiant spoke.

"The ceremony of marriage between Kim Taehyung and Kim Jennie will now commence"


Jeongguk ran. He had parked his car a long way from the banquet hall of Taehyung's wedding since he couldn't find a proper place to park his car. He couldn't possibly leave the car in the middle of the road.

When he finally reached the hall, the entrance with flooded with hundreds of reporters. He silently cursed himself as he kept his head low and swept through the crowd, apologies sprawling from his mouth.

"Hey! Isn't that Mr. Jeon?" A reported said, making Jeongguk almost halt. Before the other reporters could process what's happening, he was pushing people away and running to the entrance.

He ran inside, trying to find which hall the wedding was in. He didn't have to look around for long. He guessed the door guarded with several men in black must be the one. He ran towards it, hoping to God that he wasn't too late.

The guards saw him running towards them. Recognizing him, they stared at him, looking confused. Before they could process what Jeongguk was going to do, he was running past them.

He pushed open the doors of Taehyung's wedding hall.


The double door of the banquet hall burst open with a thud. Taehyung turned his head to see what the ruckus was about.

His heard dropped when he saw who was standing at the entrance.

Taehyung watched Jeongguk walk a few steps along the red carpet bravely. Taehyung had his hand holding Jennie's ready to put the ring on her. But he was no longer looking at her. He was looking at his Jeongguk, staring right back at Taehyung with those big doe eyes of his.

Taehyung wanted to cry.

He took a shaky breath, mind an absolute chaos as his brain and heart screamed different orders at him. He was sweating profusely, breathing uneven and fast.

A low murmur went through the crowd and Taehyung's father stood up, eyeing Jeongguk with anger.

"Taehyung! What are you doing? Put that ring on me!" Jennie whisper-yelled.

Taehyung looked at her. Her hand in his seemed absolutely wrong. It was so, so wrong. He pulled his hand away from hers in a heartbeat, as if it burned. Jennie looked at him, confused and angry.

He averted his gaze towards the boy standing in the middle of the aisle. He didn't look lost, Taehyung saw. He looked determined. His eyes were full of wonder and love. There was some halo around him, as if he was glowing with anger and determination. Taehyung's heart swelled proudly.

This was his Jeongguk. The Jeongguk he fell in love with. The one who was always fair and fought for what he thought was right.

Taehyung didn't have to question himself why Jeongguk was here, at his wedding. He knew.

Jeongguk had come to claim what's his.

He was risking everything for Taehyung. If he was kicked out, it would be in the papers. He would be the victim of so much humiliation. But he had come here ignoring all possibilities just for Taehyung.

Taehyung sucked in a breath. This was his chance. This was his part of the plan. Every ounce of his own and Jeongguk's happiness depended on Taehyung's next move. This was his chance to tell the world that Jeongguk was his and he was nobody's but Jeongguk's. His one true love. This is the only chance he'd get to prove to everyone and himself his love for Jeongguk. Because, actions speak louder than words. And the only way Taehyung had proved his love for Jeongguk was with words. Now he must prove it with his actions.

"What's the Jeon doing here?" Taehyung's father was already advancing towards Jeongguk but the younger kept his eyes on Taehyung's

"I can't do this" Taehyung whispered to Jennie.

"What?!" Jennie asked, flabbergasted.

Taehyung shook his head. He started stepping down the altar. The murmurs in the crowd grew as he did. Jennie tried to desperately grab his hand and push him back towards her but Taehyung jerked his hand away from her, the ring he was holding falling on the floor with a loud clatter in the process.

He started walking down the aisle.

"Taehyung! What are you-" His father started.

"Father, enough" Taehyung said sternly as he walked past him. There were hundreds of reporters in the entrance and the guards were trying to keep them from entering the hall. It's even better. Taehyung will be proving the truth in front of the whole world.

Adrenaline high in his veins, he walked towards the boy waiting for his on the other end of the red carpet. Jeongguk was looking at him with amusement and surprise. His eyes twinkled ever so beautifully.

But as beautiful as Jeongguk looked in that pregnant moment, Taehyung saw the way he had dark circles around his eyes and the bags under his eyes. He looked tired but his eyes gleamed with love and excitement.

Oh and those eyes. Taehyung missed them so much. He missed staring into them and getting lost. He missed falling in love with his over and over again every moment they spent together.

Taehyung started walking faster.

The moment Taehyung was within hand's length from Jeongguk, he grabbed the other boy from his shirt color and pulled him towards himself.

Then he kissed Jeongguk.


Love and kisses,

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