Encoded in our DNA (A BTS Rev...

By Writing-Pixie

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The year someone turns 18 they have the opportunity to be injected with a serum that will produce a soulmate... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2 - BTS (3rd person)
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6 BTS (3rd person)
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13 - BTS (3rd person)
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18 - BTS (3rd person)
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30 - BTS (3rd person)
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35 - BTS (3rd person)
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
Chapter 48
Chapter 49 - ??? and BTS (3rd person)
Chapter 50
Chapter 51
Chapter 52
Chapter 53
Chapter 54
Chapter 55 -- ??? & BTS (3rd person)
Chapter 56
Chapter 57
Chapter 58
Chapter 59
Chapter 60
Chapter 61
Chapter 62
Chapter 64
Chapter 65
Chapter 66
Chapter 67
Chapter 68 - ??? & BTS (3rd person POV)
Chapter 69
Chapter 70
Chapter 71 - BTS (3rd person POV) & ???
Chapter 72
Chapter 73
Chapter 74 - BTS (3rd person POV)
Chapter 75
Chapter 76
Chapter 77
Chapter 78
Chapter 79
Chapter 80
Chapter 81
Chapter 82
Chapter 83
Chapter 84 BTS & ??? (3rd person POV)
Chapter 85
Chapter 86
Chapter 87
Chapter 88 - BTS & ??? (3rd person POV)
Chapter 89
Chapter 90
Chapter 91
Chapter 92
Chapter 93
Chapter 94
Chapter 95 - BTS & ??? (3rd person POV)
Chapter 96
Chapter 97
Chapter 98
Chapter 99
Chapter 100
Chapter 101 - TDS and BTS (3rd person POV)
Chapter 102
Chapter 103
Chapter 104
Chapter 105
Chapter 106 - BTS, CCS, and WBS (3rd person)
Chapter 107
Chapter 108
Chapter 109
Chapter 110
Chapter 111
Chapter 112
Chapter 113
Chapter 114
Chapter 115
Chapter 116 - BTS & ??? (3rd Person)
Chapter 117
Chapter 118
Chapter 119
Chapter 120
Chapter 121
Chapter 122
Chapter 123
Chapter 124
Chapter 125 - BTS & ??? (3rd Person POV)
Chapter 126
Chapter 127
Chapter 128
Chapter 129
Chapter 130
Chapter 131
Chapter 132 - Candace, CCS & WBS, and BTS 3rd POV
Chapter 133
Chapter 134
Chapter 135
Chapter 136
Chapter 137
Chapter 138
Chapter 139
Chapter 140
Chapter 141
Chapter 142
Chapter 143
Chapter 144 - 3rd person POV
Chapter 145
Chapter 146
Chapter 147
Chapter 148
Chapter 149
Chapter 150
Chapter 151
Chapter 152
Chapter 153
Chapter 154
Chapter 155
Chapter 156
Chapter 157
Chapter 158
Chapter 159
Chapter 160
Chapter 161 - BTS 3rd POV and Daisy POV
Chapter 162
Chapter 163
Chapter 164
Announcement: Future Projects
Chapter by Chapter
Bonus Chapter #1 - The Sasaeng's Histories
Bonus Chapter #2 - Jiwoo's Soulmates Part 1
Bonus Chapter #3 - Jiwoo's Soulmates Part 2
Bonus Chapter #4 - Jiwoo's Soulmates Part 3
Bonus Chapter #5 - Jiwoo's Soulmates Part 4
Bonus Chapter 6 - Jiwoo's Soulmates Part #5
Not a Bonus Chapter! A celebration!
Bonus Chapter #7 - Neil

Chapter 63

9.4K 384 115
By Writing-Pixie

A/N:  NSFW chapter.  

Added note 10/27/23

Because this has come up more than once in this chapter I wanted to directly address this.  I have had some readers (more than once now) contradict how long birth control should be taken before via their knowledge versus what I have written in this chapter.  I wanted to address that while I haven't been on a medical contraceptive long myself I did do my research before writing the information out.  Via the website I used for my research the mini-pill only has to be taken two full days before other contraceptives (condoms) are unnecessary.  This is not me saying that you should follow this information!  Every contraceptive is different so always follow what your gynecologist suggests!  If your gynecologist doesn't readily give you this information then be sure to ask!  I will include the website used for my research in the comment attached to this paragraph.  It is from a medical clinic btw!

The sun has long since set and the stars are twinkling in the inky dark sky when we get back to the house. Once we get out of the SUV I pull Jimin to the side of the door to talk privately to him before we go in. "I was curious if you want to--"

He silences me by first putting a finger to my lips, but that soft touch of the pad of his finger to the velvety flesh of my lips must kindle another reaction within him since he immediately removes it and replaces it with his mouth. The minute the plush softness of his lips press against my own my thoughts are scattered and completely obliterated. It takes only seconds for the tender strokes of his lips to coax mine into eagerly reciprocating the loving attention. Before I know it our kisses ignite a scorching inferno of need and that is even before we both sigh at the myriad of sensations evoked and our tongues come into play. The minute that happens seems to set us both off, and I barely register when he presses me up against the side of the house with his frame and kisses me with absolute abandon, as if nothing else in the world exists. I completely have forgotten what I was about to ask him by the time he finally pulls away and utters, "yes."

"Yes?" I find myself asking in complete bewilderment.

He chuckles against my lips. "Yes, my sweet flower, I will spend the night with you. I don't want this night to end any more than you do."

I find myself smiling automatically. "Okay." It wasn't precisely the question I was going to ask but the thought was still pretty much the same. I regretfully glance at the door. I know that they probably aren't asleep yet. It's only a little after nine, but I feel a bit strange about the possibility of our date being intersected by time with my other soulmates.

"Don't worry, love." And that's all he has to say. Because despite those little things that we are still slowly learning about each other every day I still know him. I know that Jimin loves that I have a relationship with them all. I know that to him my other relationships are just as important as our one on one relationship. I also know that while he could be a tad upset to have our night disturbed, in the grand scheme of things, he is still more than able to set aside those feelings and cope with it for the time being.

We are both surprised when we go in and find the main floor completely empty. Glancing out the back door surprisingly doesn't turn them up in the pool either. "I guess they are giving us some space?" The sentence I utter comes out as half a statement and half a curious question, because I am truly not sure what to make by their lack of presence.

Jimin doesn't waste another moment questioning it. "Then let's make the most of it." He takes my hand and leads me upstairs. Once we get to my room he pecks my cheek. "I'll be back after getting ready for bed." I shyly nod at him then head into my room.

With trepidation causing my fingers to shake I open up the drawer that has tucked away all my silky secreted garments. I trace my fingertips over each one for a moment. One in each color of their personal handheld microphones. But, Jimin's, his is different and now it seems to make some kind of cosmic sense why I chose a different one for him. All the gold ones I had tried on when attempting to find the perfect sexy garments hadn't seemed to work. They all looked gaudy or were somehow ill-fitting. It was when I stumbled across a creamy white one with gold embellishments that I knew I found the one meant to be purchased and worn for him. Now, it feels like the symbolism is playing a secondary note tonight.

There's so much symmetry in this moment that I know my choice is right. I trace my fingers over the mark on my arm. My first mark. Somehow corresponding with the first mark of theirs I have seen that adorns his plush cheek. When I mentally add those to the fact that the chemise I purchased is white, a symbolism of purity, it just seems like this moment was fated.

I know I don't have too long to get ready, and while I didn't tell him he could just let himself in I fear he still might do so regardless. I could lock the door honestly, but there is also a small part of me that wouldn't mind if he did let himself in. That doesn't mean I am completely on board with the idea of him seeing me before I am ready though.

I grab the chemise and a matching robe and head into the bathroom, just in case he comes in quicker than the allotted time I have to get prepared myself. I strip down to my undergarments and apply moisturizing lotion with the same scent as the body mist I wear. Then I take those off too and replace the panties with the pair that match the chemise and pull the next silky garment over my head. I'm almost thankful for the braid now because after I pull the plaited woven strands apart my curls are kept tame and even more wavy around my shoulders. I put the robe on just as I hear the knock on my door announcing his arrival. I make sure the folds of the robe are completely closed and knot the belt before heading in the direction of the door. I take a deep breath to calm my nerves before I grasp the doorknob.

Once I open the door his eyes immediately track a path down my body and widen. He hasn't even seen what's under the robe, but as he traces his tongue over his lip I can feel his eagerness to remove the garment and find out as if it were my own. No, that's not quite accurate, because as much I might try to shy away from it I am most definitely as eager as he is. He moves past me to get inside and takes the door from me to shut it himself. Once the sound of it sealing hits our ears he doesn't hesitate to lock the world beyond the door out.

He grabs one side of the belt and wraps the tail end of it around his hand pulling me closer to him in the process. "You look and smell amazing, love." His eyes shutter halfway as a result of his obvious desire. He leans in and traces his nose against my throat as if to fully embrace the scent of the fragrant lotion I massaged into my skin. "I love that you did all this for me, but I am going to need to know why you did all this before my mind and body take an improper directive."

I coyly pull away slightly and let a sheepish smile grow on my face. "What do you think it means, Jimin?" I don't give him a moment to reply. "I invited you into my room. I'm wearing a soft silky white robe. What could I be hiding underneath this fabric do you think?"

"Damned if I know. But I most definitely want to find out." He exhales deeply in what sounds like measured anguish. "I am starting to wonder if I need to head back to my room."

I frown at him, hoping that I might be misunderstanding his intentions. "What do you mean? Why?"

"I didn't bring anything with me, love. I'm not...I didn't presume that tonight would be the night you were ready."

I seriously don't understand how his inclination to be responsible has suddenly ramped my need up higher. He's one of the sexiest people on the planet, and with that simple statement he has somehow become even more so in my eyes. "Jimin, it's been two days since I started taking the pills. We're covered in that rega--"

Before I can finish my statement he fuses our lips together once again. Within mere moments our kisses become sloppy and eager as we explore each other not only with the pinkened flesh but also with teeth, tongues, and open mouthed sighs. I don't realize he has been skillfully navigating us to my bed until I feel the fabric of my comforter rub against the back of my thigh where the silken edge of the robe somewhat tickles me.

When he realizes we made it to his intended destination he pulls his lips away. His dark irises are practically swallowed by his blown pupils and I'm thrilled that our shared actions colored them that way. "I need to see what this robe is hiding." I honestly didn't realize he had already untied the knot until the silky fabric parts, and he makes a raspy noise in response to the visual. His fingers immediately reach out to the upper swells of my breasts that the garment couldn't quite contain. Yet, he pauses before coming in contact with my skin and instead places his hands on either shoulder to edge the garment completely off my body. "Tell me, love. When did you purchase this garment?"

I wonder how he will respond to this fact. "Before, I met you." I lick my lips. "But, I bought it with you in mind."

"Me specifically?" He arches his eyebrows.

"Yes, you specifically."

"Why white and gold?"

I explain to him my intended purchase and the reason why. "I realized after purchasing it from reading group profiles online that your favorite colors are blue and black. So, I'm sorry if--"

He puts his finger to my lips again, echoing the action he had used not so long ago. "Shh. This is perfect. You are perfect." I shake my head at that comparison. "Before you interrupt me and say you are not or something silly like that, let me rephrase it. To me you are perfect." He sighs. "I think the minute I saw you I knew you were ours. Even before you started talking, there was this sense of rightness about your presence being there."

I'm tired of standing. I'm equally tired of waiting. I sit down on the mattress and scoot myself further on the bed, and before I can say something to him that would probably come out sounding cliche. 'Claim me.' 'Take me.' Or even, 'I want you.' He follows my action with his own body mirroring mine.

"Let me show you how much you mean to me. Let me show how much I love you." He leans down and laves my neck with his lips and teeth tracing a pathway down to my shoulder, once he gets there he peels the strap away so it now rests on my upper arm. Then he trails his kisses to the other side and repeats the process. "It's been too long since that morning I woke up with you in my arms. The morning you assured me that I could see you for the first time, but we got interrupted. I'm more than thankful to finally ease my mind of its endless curiosity." He helps ease my arms out of their confinement and peels the fabric covering my breasts away. "You're even more beautiful than I imagined." He stares down at me with smiling eyes for a moment before that look turns heated once again and he traces his tongue over his lips. "That scent of yours is driving me crazy. It makes me wonder if you taste as good as you smell."

Before I can respond he palms my left breast with his right hand. His touch is measured and intentional because he is not able to contain its abundance in his small hands. Then he lowers his head to my right breast and takes the pebbled nub into his mouth. If I thought his mouth was lethal before, I am even more convinced now. His lips have to be illegal. His mouth has to be registered as a lethal weapon.

He chuckles slightly against me. "Oh love, you've seen nothing yet."

Oh, I guess I said that out loud.

I don't realize he has traced his unoccupied hand down my body until that moment when I feel the skirt of my chemise shifting up my thigh. I pull my leg up so it's bent at the knee and shift my stance to widen for him. He diverts the path his hand is tracing to the inside of my thigh, and once he reaches the lace covered apex he hisses. "Fuck, you're drenched love." He pushes his fingers past the obstacle and touches my bare dewy flesh for the first time. "Fuck, you're so soft." I know he is getting closer and closer to the tether of his resolve breaking when he scoots completely away and attempts to gently remove the garments restricting his access completely away.

I lift my hips up to assist him, but once my garments are gone I find myself frowning at the pajamas he is still wearing himself. I pull myself up to a seated position to start tending to the task of unbuttoning his top. When I have gotten two buttons unfastened he stills my hands with his own and simply pulls the garment over his head. "Sorry, love, it was taking too long."

Then he's kissing me again and coaxing my body back to the mattress. He shifts his hips inside the space created by my own and settles his pelvis against mine. When I feel his growing excitement settle against me I find myself pulling away from his lips to make a whimper like moan at the sensation.

He grins and once again attends to my body with his lips and his hands. Travelling down and revisiting the places he has already been. He keeps one hand tending to my breast while still travelling further downward with the other one. Once he gets to the apex of my thighs he grins up at me salaciously. "I did mention wondering if you taste as good as you smell. I might as well find out for myself."

Before I can utter any kind of response he is setting words to action and not only does my back arch off the bed but I swear my eyes roll back in my head. Then he growls, just like some of those growls he utters when singing on stage to add another sexy element to the notes. He growls, and the way the vibration of it travels against my core leaves me immediately keening in response. Liquid heat building up inside me as I am already cresting to that height when he has barely laid his mouth on me. His thick tongue tends to me in a way that has my eyes shuttering closed because I fear that I won't be able to see straight. My toes curl as that delicious darkness begins to skirt behind my eyelids. I teeter at the precipice and the light flickers at the corners just like it has before, but I haven't quite crested over that wave. I'm teetering there and keening my impending release when he adds his fingers to the mix and I'm finally falling over that edge.

He climbs back up my body and kisses me heatedly. Apparently in the midst of all that he had ditched the rest of his clothing because I feel his velvety softness at my opening and the thrill evoked from that sensation has me wanting to feel more. I curiously look down his body. If someone told me that finger size would be a judgement to the rest of his anatomy I would have to tell them that, at least his case, they were completely wrong. His size was enough to make me nervous, but not enough to make me completely fearful. Not having seen one before really I would guess he was just slightly larger than average size, both in length and girth. I relax my body as he shifts and traces his tip against my opening. "Are you ready, love?" I nod. "Please don't tighten. Keep relaxed. I apologize if it hurts."

He slowly shifts inside me, and at first there is a weighted discomfort that I assume is caused due to the stretch. Then there is a painful, almost pinching sensation, but not quite that. I can't really describe it though. I make a whimper noise that is solely in response to it, and not one of need this time. He stills for a moment. "Tell me when you are okay, love. I hate hurting you. Tell me when I can move again."

His concern has me relaxing once again. I hadn't realized I had automatically tightened once it started hurting. My body must have simply been running on autopilot. I pause for only a moment or two and nod. "You can move now."

He eases gently in and out of me, testing to make sure I am actually okay and not just placating his concern. Once my body begins mimicking his own he kisses me again for a moment before pulling away once more. "You feel so good, love." He groans against my ear before nibbling down my neck. "I love you so much."

"I love you too." His strokes are still gentle, yet become more eager and demanding too. He strokes his hands all over my body, one finger begins to toy with my clit and just like that I begin to feel that sense of rapture I only recently began to understand. I whimper as I climb closer.

"That's it, love. That's it. I'm so close, but I want you to come for me first. Please, love."

Just like that with his vocal encouragement I am spiraling over the precipice and falling into the abyss. This orgasm is so much different than the others. The many bursts of sensations from several sources multiplying the sensations that built in my body. His own guttural release is something beautiful and equally primitive to behold. A sense of feminine satisfaction making me feel elated and somewhat aroused despite the soreness and exhaustion of my body.

He pulls away and cleans us both off before coming back and snuggling into my body. "Are you feeling okay?"

I push back a strand of hair that has fallen over his eyes. I nod. "I'm more than okay."

"If I was rougher than I intended I'm sorry."

I frown in confusion. "Not even remotely. I forgot in the moment to relax. I wasn't sure what it would feel like, and my body didn't listen to what my mind remembered. Besides, you more than made up for it. You made me feel really good after the initial pain, Jiminie."

He grins. "That's the first time you called me Jiminie."

I smirk in response. "Seemed to fit the mood. Now get up and turn the light off then cuddle with me. I'm tired."

"Anytime." He responds. I shift on my side and become his little spoon and know nothing other than sated happiness for the next several hours.  

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