The Secretary

By xandra320

92.5K 4.3K 596

"Mr Daniels I would like you to meet Miss David." Max looked up from the memo. He saw a very pretty lady with... More

Author's Note
Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight
Chapter Nine
Chapter Ten
Chapter Eleven
Chapter Twelve
Chapter Thirteen
Chapter Fourteen
Chapter Fifteen
Chapter Sixteen
Chapter Seventeen
Chapter Eighteen
Chapter Nineteen
Chapter Twenty
Chapter Twenty one
Chapter Twenty Two
Chapter Twenty Three
Chapter Twenty Four
Chapter Twenty Five
chapter Twenty Six
Chapter Twenty Seven
chapter Twenty Eight
Chapter Twenty Nine
Chapter Thirty One

Chapter Thirty

1K 54 8
By xandra320

Sandra felt really uncomfortable under his gaze. The way he took her in from her head down to her long legs. She had to admit she was glad she was making an impact on him but at the same time she felt the floor should just open up and swallow her, she couldn't Believe she was so clumsy...well she wasn't really that surprised but did it really have to happen to her right in front of him. She mentally face palmed herself and didn't notice that Mr Daniels moving and was standing right in front of her.

She tried as much as possible to hid her blush but she was very sure that it was still evident on her cheeks and it must be a very dark shade of red. He held her hands causing her to look up at his amazing sparkling blue eyes, she couldn't believe that just someone eyes could be so deep and sparkling at the same time. He cleared his throat and she had to look at his lips while he talked "Miss Sandra there's no need to be ashamed of yourself, that would have happened to anyone and my shirt suits you so perfectly and I have to admit I prefer you in my clothings." Smirking as he said the last phrase.

Sandra tried to swallow the lump in her throat, she had no idea what to say to that. Especially with their lips just some inches apart. He moved a little bit closer with his breath fanning her face. She swore he could hear her heart beating so fast, she felt it was going to come out of her chest anytime. He was still holding her hands and she could feel sweat beginning to form on it.

He leaned towards her and just when there lips was about to meet "Am I interrupting something?" Max cursed while Sandra looked over his shoulder and saw Mrs Abgail. She immediately removed her hands from his hold, still nervous she let out the breath she didn't know she was holding.

She ran to Mrs Abgail and gave her a big hug. She was grateful she was saved from that situation where she felt she was getting an anxiety attack but at the same time she was kinda disappointed that nothing happened because she wanted to feel his lips all over her. She immediately removed the thought from her head and smiled broadly at Abgail.

"It's been so long Hun, how have you been? I'm sure Mr Daniels has been treating you well." She wiggled her eyebrows at her. Sandra felt uncomfortable she guessed Abgail noticed it too and whispered that she will meet her in her office.

As though she was been chased, she dashed out from his office and released the breathe she was holding. She felt a sweat dripping down her face. She quickly went to her office and checked if the air conditioner was turned on before she unbutton the top part of her shirt. She sighed in relief when she wasn't feeling sweaty anymore and was lost in thought. 'oh, how can someone's eyes feel like they can penetrate through your soul and his coffee breathe was so...'

She was caught off by Mrs Abgail's knock, she stepped in with a teasing smile on her face. "Sandra dear, how are you doing and I hope I didn't distract something earlier"

There was a stain of blush on her cheeks. She shook her head because she didn't want to embarrass herself by saying something stupid.

"No need to be ashamed Hun. I know your boss is a hotty" she said the last part with a smirk. "Sophie told me how the dinner went and she spoke so highly of you. The way I saw Max looking at you I won't be surprised when I see little Max and Sandra running around Sophie and Joseph's house" Abgail burst into laughter at Sandra shocked face.

She taught Max's mother and Amy were the worst but clearly Sophie's best friend, Abgail was way worst in trying to get them together. "Mrs Abgail it's really not what you think."

"If that's what you say then there's no need in getting the truth out of you because you are clearly drooling all over your boss" she winked. "Well I have to get going, I just wanted to drop by and say hi. My husband and I are headed for a date in town. He seems really happy these days after I quit my job. We are always together and that always reminds me of when we were newly a couple. I miss those days when I felt nothing could tear us apart but now with his illness...I really don't know anymore. I will just make the most of the remaining time left." Sandra could see some tears clouding her eyes. She handed her the tissue paper on her desk and stood up to give her a warm hug.

After Abgail composed herself she smiled at Her. "You are just like a child to me. I always loved you whenever I came around the coffee shop, you are really nice and charming. I just hope you find love deeper than what my lovely husband and I share." She said with a genuine smile. "Sometimes people are going to break you, make you feel you should give up on love that it doesn't exist but it does Hun and I know what it feels like. If you meet someone that gives you the hots just like the spark I saw between you and Max from the first day I introduced him to you. Don't fight it. You never can tell if he might just be your Knight in shinning armor" she said with her evil smile back on.

Sandra laughed a little and they hugged once again before Abgail left. She went back to her desk to finish up with work with her head drifting back and forth to what Mrs Abgail told her 'don't fight it'

It was already 6.30pm and just like he promised Sandra he called her through the intercom "Miss Sandra are you done with the emails I sent?"

"Yes sir, do you have any more request?"

"Well not really but I'd promise you that I will be dropping you off today and it's already pretty late. I will give you five minutes to round up then we will go."

"Ok sir" He hanged up then packed the little paper work he would do later that night into his suit case before heading to Sandra's office

"Already done?" She looked up from her desk.

"Just give me two more minutes to arrange this files." He sat down and couldn't help but notice that the top part of her clothes were open and he caught a glimpse of her cleavage. He quickly looked away so as not to be caught.

"I'm done sir" He looked up at her. He also stood up and opened the door for her to walk through. He followed suit and locked the door.

They entered the elevator and didn't bother saying anything. He didn't Know what force that always wants him to be close to her whenever they were in the same room. That could explain the almost kiss that happened few hours ago. He couldn't control it when he saw how her coffee stained shirt hugged to her chest showing off her bra and later when she put on his shirt, she looked extremely breathe taking. It felt like a magnetic force and he knew he shouldn't be doing this because there should be no intimate relationship between employees but he couldn't help himself.

He was going to take his chances and see how it plays out for him. She was basically the only girl that set his soul on fire. With the innocence in her eyes, her firmly shaped lips, he also admire the way she did her job. He could go on and on but he was distracted by the elevator opening. The ground floor was empty aside the receptionist and few security men who were making sure that everywhere was secured.

"Have a lovely night rest Mr Daniels" The middle aged woman said with a smile.

"You too Mrs Victoria. My regards to your husband and kids. Drive home safely"

"Ok sir." Sandra was behind him and he noticed them exchanging pleasantries before waving at each other. He led her to where his car was parked.

He opened the door to the front of his black car and she entered inside. He could see she was amazed at his ride. He smiled and rounded the car to get to his seat. He started the engine and was reversing, his hand placed on the head rest of where she sat, he saw her feeling a little unease and he could see glimpse of her breasts too. He focused on reversing the car out of the parking lot.

He could feel the heat inside of him even though the Air conditioner of the car was turned on to the highest. Trying to ease the tension "so which side do you live, tell me the directions"
Sandra told him the directions. He knew exactly the streets and it was about 10 minutes ride.
"I'm sorry for keeping you this late"

"No problem sir. At least I finished up everything concerning the meeting tomorrow."

He was amazed at that, he almost forgot he had an important meeting and here was his secretary done constructing the contract and paper works.
"Oh, that's lovely. That means I have the work cut out for me then, thanks a lot Sandra" he said while placing his hands on her lap and the other on the staring.

He immediately removed it when he felt a spark. Probably he's head playing games on him. "No problem sir, it's part of my work to make things easier for you" a nervous smile stuck on her face.

"What do you say we go out on a date tomorrow" he saw a confused look on her face, "at least to thank you for everything, let's just say a friendly date"

"Oh...ifff you say so sir." She stammered a little bit. "That's my apartment right there." He stopped in front of a red storey building.

He got out of the car and opened the door for Sandra. "Thanks a lot sir for the ride"

"You can drop the formalities Sandra, we are outside of the office now." He couldn't help but lean closer. He glossy lips were drawing him closer. He looked into her eyes for permission, when he didn't see any form of disapproval he caught her lips with his.

It was electrifying, he could feel Sparks flying around, she tasted so good. He held her face and his other hand slipped down to her ass and he drew her closer. He swore he heard her moan and with that movement she opened her lips and giving him entrance into her mouth. He used his tongue to explore. He was grateful everywhere was dark. Her lips was so sweet a hint of strawberry and coffee. He couldn't stop, her kiss was so addicting and he loved the way she was responding to it.

He hand placed on his chest and was exploring. The kiss was demanding and deep. He could feel her heart racing and she pulled away from him, her chest raising and falling rapidly, trying to catch her breath. She couldn't look into his eyes and he could tell she was really nervous.

"I am really sorry, I should not have done that." He held her hands while stroking it. "I must admit I loved it and I'm sure you did" her cheeks beginning to change a shade of red.

"I have to get going sir, thanks a lot for the ride." She tried to walk past him in a haste but he held her hands and drew her closer. He perked her on the cheeks before whispering good night in her ears.

He saw as she shivered and was dumbstruck. He shook his head with a smile...he entered the car waved at her before he zoomed off with a silly smile still stuck on his face.

Hey guys, hope you enjoyed this part because I really tried my best in it. If there's any corrections, do well to correct me. Nobody is above mistake.

Thanks a lot guys for the reads. I'm sorry I haven't been consistent in updating but I will really try my best.

So how was their first kiss?😏
What would you have done if you were in Sandra's shoe?

Pls do click that little star🌟 below and share your thoughts with me by commenting.
Thanks a lot guys.
Loads of love😘😘

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