Just Internet Friends {m.g.c}

By IrwinsLaughing

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Friend /frɛnd/ noun a person with whom one has a bond of mutual affection, typically one exclusive of... More

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By IrwinsLaughing


 ⌨ ⌨ ⌨ ⌨

Packing to go to England is probably the most exciting thing I've done in all of this year.

The fact that she was ok with everything that I told her, that was better than finding out that I was going to be in England for three months. She hasn't even changed how she acts towards me, it's like nothings changed and I didn't tell her that I'm part of a pretty big band..

And holy mother moley, have you seen her? Of course you haven't just I swear I jizzed in my pants when she sent her selfie. Now you're all thinking that that's gross and I shouldn't have put that in here but I'm an honest teenage guy, this shit happens.

"Michael, you're like a fucking girl! Have you finished packing?" Calum shouted up my stairs forcing me to quickly throw in the rest of my clothes -  unfolded - and zipped up the case.

"Leave him alone, Calum, he needs to look fab for all his encounters with Ariel." Ashton smirked up to me from the bottom of the stairs and I made my way down.

"What if she falls for my ruggedly looks?" Calum grinned as he leaned on his arm against the wall, "What would you do, Michael?"

"What ruggedly looks?" I teased pushing by him and setting my suitcase down next to my front door.

My mum and dad say their goodbyes as I hear Ashton console with Calum reassuring him that he has ruggedly looks. I rolled my eyes at their behaviour as pulling out of the hug with my mum before quickly changing my facial expression to a solemn smile.

"Have fun and good luck." My dad winked at me pulling me in for what he liked to call a 'man hug'.

"Ok, yes off to England we go!" Calum shouted sticking his right hand out like superman and charging out of the front door with Ashton trailing behind him. I gave my mum and dad one last goodbye before walking out of the house aswell, not forgetting my suitcase as my mum picked it up herself and thrusted it upon me.

I quickly ran to Ashton's car and put my case in the already open boot shutting it shortly afterwards. It seems like an eternity away when in reality I'll be meeting Ri tomorrow all we have to do is pick up Luke, get to Sydney International Airport and take a twenty-four hour plane ride to England.

 ⌨ ⌨ ⌨ ⌨

"Deal?" Ashton looked at Calum and Luke smirking evilly.

"Dude, that's not even a game! We all know I'm gonna get a hot english chick first, heck I bet I could get one before Michael even meets Ariel!" Luke smugly said leaning back in his chair crossing his arms across his chest.

"Seen as she will be waiting for me at the Arrivals Gate I very much doubt that." I gave Luke a skeptical look, rolling my eyes in the process.

Luke always thought he was the bees knees, and always thought he could get the ladies. Which in most of our cases was true, however, because of this his ego was through the roof. People said he looked like giraffe but you could also say this about his way of thought around women, everyone has put him on a high pedistal and for a 17 year old boy it's going to get to a point where he's going to believe it... and sadly I think he believes it too much.

"There will be chicas on the plane! Hello!" Luke practically shouted throwing his arms up in the air almost frustrated as he probably thought that he had to think of everything in our group. "So anyway Calum, which episode are you up to for coven?"

I decide to drone out the conversation about American Horror Story, also known as a load of weird shit in my opinion. I know that you're going to hate me for this, but everyone has an opinion right? I don't like American Horror Story, for the pure fact it's given too much credit for what it's actually for and it's not the kind of thing that I watch anyway, give me Arrow or Dexter anyday and I'll happily watch that with you.

"So, what are you going to do when you finally see Ariel?" Ashton asked leaning over the table to grab my attention by making the metal object squeak under his weight.

"I don't know.. I'll probably poke her several times to check that she's real.."I suggested out loud but as soon as I said it I knew how wrong it sounded, you don't just randomly poke someone.

"Dud-" Ashton started before I quickly interrupted.

"I know that sounded weird.. sounded better in my head." I chuckled slightly shrugging my shoulders in a nochalant manner.

"Well you have a whole plane ride to figure it out pal." he placed his hand on my shoulder giving it a reassuring squeeze just as our gate number was called up for passengers getting ready to board.

Taking a deep breath we all stood up and made our way towards the terminal. I knew that the plane ride was going to be a pain in the leg. 

⌨ ⌨ ⌨ ⌨

 Plane rides are never that fun right? I wouldn't know because it was my first time on one, it was my first time travelling to another country, another continent thousands of miles away from the west of Sydney.

For the most part of the ride I couldn't sleep, I was a juttering mess. My right leg couldn't stop bouncing up and down and it even got to the point where Ashton found it annoying.

"Dude, calm down it's not like you don't know what she's like." Ashton reassured me patting my knee.

"That's exactly my problem Ash!" I complained. "I know exactly what she's like and I know that she's terrible around new people. Eventhough I'm technically not a new person in her life she's I don't know, awkward." I stated the last part almost as a question looking over to Ashton to see if I said the right word but quickly looked away as how would Ashton know.

"You're just going to have to trust her and give her time." Calum chirped up before immediately stuffing his mouth with prawn cocktail crisps.

"But oh my god what if she finds you guys more attractive and likes you guys more?!" I panicked sitting up straighter. That's always been my biggest fear when I'm with these guys, that girls I like will prefer one of them, I've always had insecurities with how I look.

"You guys have been talking for almost a year now, she knows what you look like it's not like she's gonna get a bad surprise when she sees you." Calum reasoned offering me his bag of crisps in an attempt to make me feel better.

"Thanks you two, damn if Luke was awake I would've said let's all bump our phones but he's being a noob and sleeping." I chuckled leaning back in my seat slightly more relaxed than previously.

Whenever me and the guys had a heart to heart we always bump our phones together, I don't know why, it just stuck and we enjoyed doing it anyway. We all had a silent agreement that it made us feel like power rangers, well that's what I thought anyway.

⌨ ⌨ ⌨ ⌨

WIth all four of us being at the back of the plane and me having the window seat, I was the last person to leave the plane and Luke being the leggy person he is got the isle seat to stretch his legs, so he was the first one off the plane from our group.

Only I didn't know that letting him off the plane first and letting him wander off by himself without me, Ashton and Calum was a huge mistake and I would regret it for a good couple months...

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