It's A Mafia X Agent Kinda Th...

By LiuhWrites

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AU Video


148 6 0
By LiuhWrites

Nabi's POV

"Nabi, if you could only know how I actually feel about you" Taeyang kind of whispered. I softly smiled, knowing he couldn't see my face right now. What is it that you feel Taeyang? I wish I will never find out. I can't. You're purely a mission I need to accomplish. Even if I did have some feelings for you inside my heart, my sister is in danger and KAOI is offering me money to buy her freedom. The thoughts alone already wanted to make me cry. It's like I have a difficult decision to make. Either save my sister by handing Taeyang over to KAOI or give myself to my feelings, betray KAOI and get my sister killed. I can't do it. I'm sorry Taeyang.

I was listening to some noise around me so I decided to wake up. I saw Taeyang getting changed so I immediately closed my eyes and pretended to still be asleep. Once I knew he was done I opened my eyes. I yawn and looked at Taeyang. "Goodmorning," He said. "Morning," I said. "You actually slept this night. That's good" Taeyang said. I smiled until I realized he was planning to leave. "Where are you going?" I asked. "I have to go to work Nabi. Rowoon is going to take you to the cafe. Even though you can't work it's for the best because nobody will be home and you need someone to help you. Rowoon volunteered" Taeyang announced. "Ah, okay," I said, almost sounding a little sad. Taeyang didn't notice it.

I tried standing up while holding on to my wheelchair. "What are you doing?" Taeyang asked me as he ran towards me to catch me if I was going to fall. "I'm going to get changed and go to the bathroom," I said while holding myself up and walking slowly but surely with my wheelchair. I was already sick and tired of not being able to walk. After about what seemed 5 minutes I got out of the bedroom. I stopped and was almost about to cry, but I kept it together and started walking again. "You're doing amazing Nabi! You can do this!" Taeyang yelled. I smiled but a tear slipt out of my eye at the same time.

Everybody got out of their rooms once they heard Taeyang yell. Everybody was looking at me in amazement. "Stop staring, you're embarrassing me," I said while I felt my cheeks heat up. Everybody just stayed silent and watched me make my way over to the bathroom. Right before I could open the door... I fell. Tears were prickling in my eyes. I couln't even walk, how am I going to finish a mission within a month? The tears eventually got out but I wiped them away as soon as they did. That's when I felt two hands wrap around my arms to pull me up. I wasn't prepared for it so I fell forward to whoever just pulled me up. I looked up to look straight into Rowoon's eyes. Hwiyoung came over with a cooling pack and gave it to me. I looked at him with a questioning look. "Whether it hurts or not, you fell pretty hard, so use it wisely," Hwiyoung said. I put it on my lower back as Rowoon was still helping me up, putting me in my wheelchair carefully. "You need to be careful Nabi. You can't save your sister if you don't heal" Inseong said.

This sent me over the edge, making me throw the ice pack tot he ground and crying my eyes out. "Who actually thinks I can save my sister? Who actually thinks I will be able to walk again?!" I cried out. They looked at me with a shocked expression. "You will. You'll walk again you'll find your sister and live a happy life" Rowoon said. "You know nothing about my life. I've never been happy. I never had a home, never had a time where I didn't have to stress about something... never had time for me alone because I was always out in the street. My dad will make sure I will continue living like that for the rest of my life... He might even make sure I won't be able to walk ever again because that's the man he is!" I yelled.

Someone else kneeled beside me. It was Taeyang. Didn't he have to go to work, didn't they all? "Listen Nabi. You will heal, you'll save your sister and live happily. Do whatever it takes to achieve it. Fight your way through the obstacles. You'll achieve anything you want as long as you keep cutting through every obstacle in your way" Taeyang said. I sighed. "I'm going to get changed and I'll be ready to go to the cafe," I said to Rowoon as I rolled myself into the bathroom, closing the door behind me.

Here I was, sitting in my wheelchair at a table all day. I couldn't help Soojin or Rowoon, all I could do was not cause any trouble and sit still. I just decided to look at the videos and stuff I got from E. There's this one video that keeps haunting me. The same sentences were stuck in my head.

"Good. She's going to be my little murder weapon" Cha smiled evilly. "What name did you give her?" Mr. Lee asked. "Nabi"

Does this actually mean I'm not Mr. Cha's daughter? Is Haeun even his real daughter? Does he have any children at all? I have so many questions that need to be answered. "Is there anything I can help you with?" Someone asked as the man sat in front of me. "I'm sorry, do I know you?" I asked. "Maybe. I need to give you something" He said as he gave me a little box. "What is this?" I asked. "It's from KAOI. It's information about your sister. They know where she is" The man said. My eyes grew big. "How did you get this?" I asked. "Let's say someone is trying to help you," The man said as he got up. "E?" I asked. "I don't know. It was given to me anonymously. Whoever it is, I think he's on your side" He said as he walked out the cafe. I looked around, noticing that Rowoon was working and couldn't have seen what had happened or heard what was said.

I was about to open the little box but I got a phone call. E. I immediately picked up. "Hello?" I asked.

"Did you get the box?" E asked.

"Yes, how did you get that?" I asked.

"Not important. I'm right outside the cafe, DON'T turn around and look. I need you to know that if someone finds out you have that information. Your, mine and Haeun's life are at stake. Do not let anybody know. Good luck with your mission, mafia catcher. Sounds good, doesn't it?" E asked sarcastically.

"How do you know all of this?" I asked.

"I have my ways," E said "Goodbye Nabi"

He hung up and I immediately turned around. I saw someone looking directly at me and putting his phone away. He quickly turned away and started walking. If I wasn't crippled right now, I would've gone to run after him, but that's probably why he came in the first place... he knew I couldn't follow him. "Nabi, are you okay?" Rowoon asked me and Soojin gave me a glass of water. "Yeah, I'm fine," I said and gulped down the water.

The rest of the day went by pretty quickly. I kept wanting to look inside the little box, but I can't get caught or the information would be useless. There are so many things on my list that I have to do.

- Save Haeun

- Visit Yoojin

- Hand Taeyang over to KAOI

- Find out who I am

There would be more on that list, but they are less important. Now that I'm thinking of Yoojin, I forgot to bring my rose she gave me. "Hey, Nabi, ready to go home?" Rowoon asked. I looked at him. "Yes. Yes, I am" I said. Before Soojin, Rowoon, and I could leave the cafe, Taeyang came in. "Taeyang? What are you doing here? You're not done with work yet" Rowoon said confused. "I know, I'm here to take Nabi," Taeyang said. My head snapped towards him. "Why? I can't do anything" I said. "You don't have to. Let's go" Taeyang said as he took the wheelchair from Rowoon. "See ya" Rowoon waved.

"What are you doing? I don't want to do anything. I can't" I said. "You will like this very much, believe me," Taeyang said. We didn't get into a car but instead walked to wherever we need to be. I was just silent, I don't know what to do. "Stop" I suddenly said. Taeyang abruptly stopped walking. "What's wrong?" He asked. "I don't like depending on someone. I want to walk" I said. "We're almost there. I have crutches there if you want them" Taeyang said. I nodded my head heavily.

Eventually, we walked into a large building. It was the same sort of building as in Busan, his 'company'. "Why are we here?" I asked. "Well first of all. When you get healed, you can work with the planning department. You said you wanted to help me, then help. Also, there is someone here who can't wait to see you" Taeyang said. I get to help them? Even though it's just the planning department, it's better than sitting at home doing nothing. I can also find things out about my dad in the meantime. I can figure out who I really am. "Who is waiting for me?" I asked.

We turned around a corner. There was a hospital bed and a little girl on it. Tears were in my eyes. "Yoojin?" I cried. "Nabi?" She yelled with a questionable voice. She ran towards me and hugged me. "How are you?" I asked her. Her doctor came into the room. "She refused to take her medicine unless she saw you. So Taeyang took her here so you two can see each other whenever. Taeyang saw how much you two care about each other form the moment you two met" The doctor said. I looked at Taeyang and he looked at me with a proud smile. I mouthed the words thank you to him. He nodded his head slightly.

Yoojin was sitting on my lap right now and I immediately hugged her and was not planning to let her go. "I missed you Nabi," Yoojin said. "I've missed you more" I claimed. I didn't know why I cared so much for this girl, what I do know is that I wasn't going to let her die. She is too young and to innocent. "Yoojin, you ready for your treatment?" The doctor asked. Yoojin nodded and got off of my lap and onto her hospital bed. "Will I see you soon?" She asked me. "Yes. Of course" I answered her with a bright smile. Yoojin smiled happily and was finally ready to get her treatment.

"There's something else" Taeyang whispered in my ear. He handed me the crutches. I grabbed them and slowly started making progress by walking with them. I can do this! I slowly but surely followed behind Taeyang. "You know. This building looks the same as in Busan, but there's one more addition" Taeyang said with a smile. We soon walked to what seems like a big garden to this building.

It was a huge garden full of flowers. It was amazing. I wanted to run around but that I sadly enough couldn't do. "Oh my god, It's beautiful," I said. "My mother made this garden before she died. She told me to keep taking care of it. Kept saying I should show it to my girlfriend when I had one. My mom was the best florist and always loved working with flowers. My dad hated them and I just loved all the colors and the smell" Taeyang started explaining. I looked around and noticed in the middle a round shape full of roses. I walked towards it and kneeled down. When I looked at the roses, I saw myself. I put my hands in it and noticed it was a fountain. "How are these alive?" I asked. "I don't know. My mom never told me her secrets" Taeyang laughed. "These are amazing," I said as I lifted one out of the water and looked at it. "My mom told me that my girlfriend will be as beautiful but as dangerous as a rose. And I think she was right" Taeyang said. "You mean your ex? She sure is dangerous and firey" I said. Taeyang stayed silent for a while. "No Nabi, I'm not talking about Semi," He said. I looked at him confused. He quickly gave me a peck on the lips. I froze with the flower still in my hand. He pulled back and looked at me. "I meant you," He said.

I dropped the flower back into the fountain. He grabbed my face gently and got his face closer to mine. Gently placing a kiss on my cheek. He then stopped his lips right in front of mine. I hesitated for a second but then kissed him. Taeyang surely didn't expect me to kiss him because he froze for a second but then kissed me back. The kiss was deep, passionate, and emotional. Deep inside I knew this was wrong since he was just a mission and it will never work between us, but it still felt right in some way.

We both pulled away and smiled. "Well, this isn't fair... I can't even walk away if I wanted to" We laughed.

End of this chapter

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