VenomousxReaderxShadowy: SPLT...

Από yumeyukisaki

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When Foxtail stepped down as leader of POINT, she secretly confides in (Y/n) (L/n) aka Stealth Mode about the... Περισσότερα

Chapter 1: Arabian Shadows pt. 1
Chapter 2: Arabian Shadows pt. 2
Chapter 3: Arabian Shadows pt. 3
Chapter 4: Arabian Shadows pt. 4
Chapter 5: Arabian Shadows pt. 5
Chapter 6: Arabian Shadows pt. 6
Chapter 7: Venomous and Shadowy?
Chapter 8: Finding Shadowy Figure pt. 1
Chapter 9: Finding Shadowy pt. 2
Chapter 10: Venomous and Shadowy? pt. 2
Chapter 11: Shadowy Reveal
Chapter 12: What are You?
Chapter 13: (Y/n) vs. Shadowy Figure
Chapter 14: A Bitter Truth
Chapter 15: Shadowy Jealousy
Chapter 16: Babysitting Fink?
Chapter 17: Accepting My True Self
Chapter 18: A Shocking Revelation
Chapter 19: Laserblast is Alive???
Chapter 20: A Shadowy Nightmare
Chapter 21: Three Questions, One Answer
Chapter 22: Venomous and Shadowy? pt. 3
Chapter 23: A Birthday Surprise
Chapter 24: A Birthday Present from Her Venomous Crush
Chapter 25: Why did you leave POINT?
Secret Ending: Shadowy Venomous Dream

Chapter 26: Special Girl

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Από yumeyukisaki

"Why did you leave POINT?" asked Professor Venomous.

You were in his car, now confronted by his question of your leaving from POINT. You sighed and said, "Well, even though I left POINT, I still stay in touch with my friends."

You took a deep breath, knowing that you had to explain about your top secret solo missions given from Fotail when she was still leader of POINT back then.

"Remember one of my solo missions? The one where I was undercover as a club songstress at Big Boss's Noir 201X where you and Boxman were his guests."

"Yes, I remember that." he reluctantly answered. "I was the only villain who knew that you're an undercover agent from POINT and you had your "precious" fans adore you as Ms. Violet." he mentioned.

"Yup, that mission was a special night to remember," you agreed. You then frowned to yourself. "And that was my first mission on stealing the glorbs from the glorb dealer Big Boss of the Noir 201X."

You then told Venomous everything about your top secret solo missions, "After my very first solo top secret mission on taking the glorbs from Big Boss, Foxtail gave me every top secret solo mission relating to the glorbs. At first, I didn't bother questioning Foxtail and her misguided approaches during her leadership, she and her troops took glorbs I stole from glorb dealers as "custody"."

After your every success on taking the glorbs from glorb dealers, you were given two rewards, your singing performance at POINT Prep Prom and later your big relaxing vacation. Not to mention, you mentioned about POINT's take-over on the Plaza.

"I was shocked when I saw the news about POINT during my long-term vacation. I couldn't believe that Foxtail made her move by taking over the Lakewood Plaza as well as taking advantage of the Lakewood Glorb Tree..." you recounted the events of POINT's take over on the Plaza. "And after the people of the Plaza defeated POINT, Foxtail stepped down as leader, but she still works at POINT Prep as the professor of Strength," you explained. "I know I left POINT because of my own personal reason, but I have a feeling I'm going to leave the future graduated students to part of POINT. I'm sure they'll be great individual heroes working for POINT."

Venomous sighed and stared at you once more.

"So what are you going to do now since you already quit working for POINT?" he asked.

"Who knows. I'll figure something out." you answered.

You then noticed Venomous staring at your current form, you hadn't returned to your original form with your (h/c) hair.

"When did you find out that you're a half neko yokai?" he asked.

"I found out about my mother and myself when I was sixteen... before I enrolled myself at POINT Prep," you explained. "At first... I was shocked but my mom reassured me that she loves me no matter what. And even though she cares about me, I made my own choice to join POINT just like my parents but I used a different heroic alter ego, a heroine spy agent known as Stealth Mode. Back then, I didn't tell my friends about my parents and my true lineage because I was hesitant at first."

You stared at yourself in the reflection from the window of Venomous's car. You gave a smile to yourself

"Right now, I've accepted my birthright as the daughter of Yori Shironeko and they accepted me who I really am. I will use my power... to protect those who are important to me..."

Venomous narrowed his eyes, staring at you and your new determination.

"I did told you that you really just look like your mother already." He then said those words you heard for the very first time since... you last saw him when you were a child, that very day you first met him when he was a famous hero of POINT, "You really are his special girl."

You turned to Venomous.

"I hope you don't mind telling me a story of your life as Laserblast when you met my parents."

"Only if you keep a secret not to tell your friends..." replied Venomous.

"Deal." you smirked, you shaking hands with Venomous.

And then, you were told a story of how Laserblast witnessed your mother being a member of POINT and her powerful abilites as a neko yokai.

It all started way before you were born and the new three junior members joined POINT. POINT HQ was under attack by an army of Mecha Lizards.

"There's no end to this!" exclaimed Dr. Greyman, analyzing how many Mecha Lizards are left now; about a million or so.

"Don't worry! Leave it to me!" that was when the three heroes turned to see their female teammate Yori Shironeko, Yue's partner. She then looked at the night sky to see the full moon rising before her.

That was when she wanted to protect those who are precious to her such as her fiance Yue and her teammates, Foxtail, Dr. Greyman, and Laserblast.

"Are we sure we can leave this to her, Master Yue?" asked Foxtail.

Yue nodded and explained, "Tonight's a full moon, and this is her ace up her sleeve, in other words her trump card."

"Her trump card?" asked Laserblast.

"Why tell you when she can show you?" Yue gave a vague smile.

Yori stared at the full moon and everyone witnessed a powerful transformation coming from her. Her (e/c) feline eyes turned into a different color. Her form began to glow and sparks began to encoat her body. Yori closed her eyes and underwent a shapeshifting process.

Yori gave a powerful feline-like roar.

After her complete transformation on the night of the full moon, Yori revealed her true form before her enemies and allies.

The member of POINT became amazed by Yori's current form. Yori's feline eyes turned crimson red and her snow white hair was longer than her normal (h/l) locks. They witnessed Yori's capability fighting against the army of Mecha Lizards.

Once she managed to defeat every Mecha Lizards, Yori, now exhausted, then closed her eyes for a strange reason.

Yori then collapsed but Yue came to her aid just in time.


"Don't worry, I got you now." Yue spoke to Yori.

Yori smiled, feeling the warmth in her romantic partner's arms.

"Yue... Did I protect everyone?" she asked slowly.

"Yes, you did protected everyone. In fact, you made them speechless."

Yue then took a black blindfold and placed it over Yori's eyes, making sure it was tied firmly, but not too tight at the back of her head.

After their battle against the army of the Mecha Lizards on the full moon, Foxtail praised Yori and thanked her for helping them out of a tight spot when dealing with their enemies such as the Mecha Lizards.

As they cleaned up their messes during the aftermath, Yue informed his teammates about Yori's trump card. Even though this powerful form is a special form of both the Kuroneko family and Shironeko family of the Neko clan, this form has a dangerous effect.

If a member of the Neko clan used their Moon Nekomata form too long, they will face severe exhaustion or even their own demise. Yori had been trained to control her Moon Nekomata form ever since she was young, taught by her father the Neko Shogun.

That is why this is the true power of the Neko clan.

Of course, Dr. Greyman even mentioned he had witnessed an actual werewolf being exposed to the full moonlight, who suddenly turned himself into a human. A little strange reversal, quite an opposite of how a human turned into a werewolf under a full moon.

Laserblast stared at the now recovered Yori, resting on her bed.

He couldn't believe that Yori Shironeko is a natural neko yokai and she has a vastly superior trump card on her sleeves. Laserblast couldn't help but feel a little jealous of his rival's fiancee's special form the Moon Nekomata.

"That's how your mother fought the army of the Mecha Lizards, protecting her teammates and your father from harm's way." Venomous finished. The purple-skinned villain looked down before he stared at you. "Seeing you like this... I couldn't believe I found myself staring at your own mother when she was your age."

You chuckled and explained, "No wonder you went surprised after I first found out that Dad invited you on my birthday hanami picnic."

And then, you closed your (e/c) eyes and reverted to your original form. You then went exhausted as you couldn't believe that you kept your neko yokai form for the entire day on your very special birthday. Venomous suggested that you should be escorted back to your pad since you already became exhausted because of your half-Shironeko form.

You whined a little and said, "Let me have this cat nap for five minutes."

Venomous shook his head and responded, "Sorry, but I can't let you sleep in my car."

The villainous bioengineer got out from his driver's seat and helped you head back to the apartment. Once you two are inside your apartment, you even instructed Venomous to take you to your bedroom.

You were now fast asleep in your own bedroom. Venomous watched you and your resting form. He placed your blankets over you. Your purple cardigan jacket was placed on your desk chair and your matching ankle boots on the floor at the foot of your soft bed. Also, your apartment keys are on your desk as well.

Venomous then stared at your sleeping visage for a few minutes before leaving. Just when he was about to leave, he suddenly heard you sleep talking, "Have fun... destroying the Plaza with Lord Boxy, Venny Darling."

He went speechless but he gave himself a quiet laugh.

After he heard your message in your sleep, Professor Venomous left and exited but he went surprised to see Ed holding the container of your mutant bonsai.

"Where's my BF? I hope you didn't try to make harm on her." Ed asked him about you.

"Rest assured, she's fast asleep in her bedroom." reassured Professor Venomous.

"Good. Thanks for looking after her."

Just when she was about to close the door, Ed turned to Venomous, "By the way, I promise I won't tell Foxtail and Greyman about your miraculous survival from your fake disappearance 6-11 years ago, L.B."

Venomous went shocked as he couldn't believe Ed is aware of him formerly known as Laserblast. Of course, Ali, the half-genie who has the ability to give three answers of three questions to one person, must have revealed Ed and his Arabian sisters about what really happened to Laserblast 6-11 years.

"Don't worry, your secret is safe with us, Mr. Evil Rich Bioenigneer." Ed gave Venomous a big smile, reassuring the purple-skinned villain not to worry.

Then she closed the door on Venomous, who was still stunned at what happened. He sighed to himself. He then muttered, "I don't know if I want to have this special night to remember." Professor Venomous then headed back to his car, only to notice Yue standing in his way.

"What do you want?"

Yue then gave Venomous three bento boxes, "Here, some dinner bento boxes for you and your business partner in crime, and for your special rat minion," Yue then whispered, "Let's just say I just found out that you've been buying expensive takeouts almost every night lately."

He sighed once more. Venomous had no choice and accepted some dinner bento boxes from your father. Venomous got inside his car and began to leave once he started the engine.

"Venomous," called your father. The level -7 bioengineering villain looked back at your father. "Good luck trying to destroy the Plaza with your Boxy business partner in crime."

Venomous just chuckled, "Will do."

Yue then watched his villainous old acquaintance leave. He sighed and became concerned despite having a nice chat with Venomous.

"I wonder if Shadowy Figure found out something interesting despite he didn't take control of Venomous..." he wondered to himself. He looked back at the apartment before leaving.

And so, the next morning, you and Ed found out that Sonny and Kumori became next door neighbors. Also, Carina decided to move in her new apartment next to yours. Carina is now offically roommates with Sonny and Kumori. Of course, you're aware that your old middle schoolmate is an excellent cook. Then, you found out that Big Boss and Vice Boss decided to have a long nice vacation, and Big Boss placed Carina in charge of his Noir 201X club.

Carina made a new management, merging her restaurant business with her father's nightclub business. She and her loyal followers of the Shirohana decided to make things new such having male patrons whether be a hero or a villain. Also, she decided to have Sonny and Kumori as two bussers as their night part-time jobs.

Carina reassured your BF/roomate to keep you company whenever Ed's busy working for POINT with Jeanne and Aliya. Carina's fiance Ali is still busy helping his loyal subjects and political affairs in Arabian City. Of course she will always visit her special Arabian Prince whenever he gets a chance to have a day off.

After Ed left to work at POINT, you then received a belated birthday surprise from Carina.

You then received a letter from your father. He then bestowed your inheritance and true leadership of his special group, the White Moon Dragon.

You also were reassured by Sonny and Kumori that the O'Charm brothers will protect your friends from harm's way.

That was when you made a declaration, "I know there's a lot of villains getting their evil dirty hands on those special glorbs, but I will not let them have them."

And that's how you used your Shironeko form whenever you receive a secret mission relating with glorb dealers across the world. From then on, you became Eva Glow, the leader of the White Moon Dragon, a vigilant group of anti-glorb dealers who can only take back the glorbs from villainous glorb dealers.

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