Drarry Soulmates AU

By DisasterChild20

67.2K 2.1K 259

In a world where everyone has a mark that represents and matches with their soul mates mark. Harry Potter, a... More

The Beginning
The Snake And The Burn
Letters And Shopping With The Weasley's
Gringotts And Lazy Day
Meeting Your Soul Mate
Hogwarts And The Sorting
First Night At Hogwarts And Breakfast
Potions And Hagrid's
Flying Lessons
First Quidditch Practice And Parcels
Day With Cissa
The Quidditch Match
Start Of The Christmas Holidays
Mirror Of Erised
Snape? Referee?
Snape's Match
Dragon's Egg
Exams and Through the Trapdoor
Chess and the Man with Two Faces
End Of First Year
First Night of Summer
R.I.P Helen McCrory
Beginning of the Summer Holiday
Dadfoot And Moomy
Not a chapter but something I drew
Back to the Dursley's
Quidditch and Stories
New Hogwarts Staff
Back to Diagon Alley
Second Year Welcome Feast
Breakfast and Mandrakes
Cornish Pixies
Ministry Delegate and a Lazy Day
Detention and Quidditch Practice
Slugs, Slugs and... More Slugs
Detention with Lockhart and the Disembodied Voice
Kwikspell and the Invitation
Deathday Party
Writing on the Wall
History of Magic
Spiders and Myrtle
Moste Potente Potions
Bludger Attack
Dobby in School?
Starting the Potion
A/N: Competition
Potion Explosion
The Snake

Midnight Duel

1.8K 63 5
By DisasterChild20

That night Harry, Ron and Draco all lay in their beds listening to Dean and Seamus falling asleep, Neville hadn't returned from the Hospital Wing yet. "Half past eleven, we better get going" Ron finally told the two boys. The three of them pulled on their dressing gowns and met Hermione in the Common Room. "You three ready? Now remember if he tries to curse you dodge as you still haven't got hold of the shielding charm." Hermione told Harry. "Come on then." Draco told them. As they walked down the staircase they stopped when they thought they heard something. It turned out to be Neville, "I've been out here for hours. I couldn't remember the password. " "Shhhh Neville you're going to get us all caught. The password is Pig's Snout, it won't do much good though the fat lady is gone." Draco told the boy. As the four friends carried on walking Neville rushed after them, "Don't leave me out here alone. The bloody baron has been past twice already." "Fine but if you get us caught, I'll never rest until I've learnt the curse of bogies Quirrell was telling us about and used it on you." Ron warned him.

When they got to the Trophy room they realised that Nott and Crabbe weren't there. "Maybe he's chickened out?" Ron whispered. Suddenly there was a noise and they saw Filch's and Mrs Norris' shadows. "Sniff around my sweet they might be hiding." The five of them looked at each other and ran out the room as quietly and quickly as possible. "This way!" Draco said grabbing Harry's hand and dragging him down a corridor full of suits of armour. Neville tripped and knock a suit crashing down to the floor. "Run!" Harry yelled not caring if Filch was following them. "I think we've lost him." gasped Ron as they came to a hault. "Nott tricked us and then told Filch." Hermione told them. They turned a corner and saw Peeves who squeeled in delight. "I should tell Filch I should." Peeves laughed. "Get out the way." Ron swiped at him, big mistake. "STUDENTS OUT OF BED DOWN THE CHARMS CORRIDOR!" Peeves shouted as the five ducked under Peeves and slammed into a locked door.

"We're done for." Ron moaned. Hermione grabbed Harry's wand pointing it at the lock and whispered "Alohamora." The door clicked and they ran in at shut the door putting their ears to the door. "Which way did they go Peeves?" Filch asked. "Say please." "Don't mess with me Peeves, now where did they go?" "Shan't say nothing if you don't say please." "Alright - Please." "NOTHING! Ha Haaa! Told you I wouldn't say nothing if you didn't say please." Peeves laughed. "He thinks the door is locked. I think we're okay - What Neville?" Harry asked Neville who had been tugging on Harry's dressing gown sleeve for the past minute. They all turned and saw that they weren't in a room, they were in the third floor corridor, the one that was forbidden. The saw a giant three headed dog, mouths in a snarl, drool dripping down from their yellowish fangs. All five screamed and ran out into the corridor and towards the Gryffindor Tower.

"Where have you been?" the Fat Lady asked. "Never mind that. Pigs snout" panted Harry. Once in the Common Room Neville rushed up to the dormitory. The four friends looked at each other "What do they think they're doing keeping that thing in a school?" asked Ron. Hermione rolled her eyes at Ron "You didn't look at the floor did you?" Hermione asked. "I was kind of busy watching the three heads that were growling at us.
Hermione sighed slightly laughing at her Soulmates explanation." It was standing on a trap door dear, obviously guarding something. Now I'm going up to bed before you three think of another idea to get us all killed or worse expelled." she kissed Ron on the cheek and headed up to her dorm. Ron turned red and then went up to the boys dorm.

Harry looked at Draco tilting his head up slightly to look in the taller boys ice blue eyes. Draco smiled at him and glanced at Harry's lips before slowly leaning down. Harry leaned up putting his arms on Draco's shoulders and closed the gap kissing Draco gently, who wrapped his arms round Harry's waist. The pair smiled into the kiss before pulling away. Harry blushed and looked down with his arms still round Draco's shoulders. Draco laughed and put his finger under Harry's chin and pulled his head up to look at him. "Let's go to bed we've had a exhausting day." he told Harry kissing his nose. Harry smiled and nodded. "By the way I wrote to Mother today and asked if she could come to your first game. I'm just waiting for her response. She also said that you are welcome round our house anytime and that she's going to have a word with Dumbledore." Draco told him. Harry smiled at this happy that he finally had an adult that cared for him and actually didn't mind he being around. They headed to the dorm and climbed into their beds. Harry fell asleep happy and thought about the fact he had found where the grubby package from the vault was.

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