A Dragon's Love (Young Justic...

By wolfangel3

68.4K 1.8K 152

Esmeralda's had a pretty interesting life. After having been banished from her home realm, she is found by Dr... More

The Day
The Six of Us?
Burnt Cookies
A Plan
A Gift
Cult of The Kobra
Bike Riding
Soothing Heartbeats
Going to the Beach
New Mission
You Are Not My Master!
Going to the Tower of Fate
The Tower's Tricks
Old Friend
A Fight Between Fate And Chaos
The Best Of Travels To You, Kent...
Who Is Esmeralda?
Little Miss Dragon Scales With Her Racing Heart
Are You Convinced That You Belong?
What Is This Pain?
You Like Him...
Running Through The Hallways And... Going To Rhelasia?
Jem And Tula
If Only
Get It Away!
Better Than I Would Have Done...
Alpha Male
Irrational Anger
An Angry Atlantian Is A Scary Atlantian
A Gorilla And A Brain... Interesting...
Can I Keep Him?
Saved By A Brother
Apology Accepted
CCC: Creepy Clown & Crew
Look At Me
Why Look For A Dragon When We Already Have One?
Please, Don't Do This To Me...
Hunting Down An Android
Professor Ivo's Telling The Truth
Magma? You've Got To Be Kidding Me.
More Human
The Loss of An Archer
Just In Case I Don't Get The Chance Again...
Bringing Courage To The World
Invading the Mothership, And Gaining A Broken Heart...
How Are We Alive?
Is It True?
A Day For Celebration
Tattoo and Dancing
Running From A Black Heart
Secrets Out and Legends Foretold

Did I Hit A Nerve?

689 19 0
By wolfangel3

"Take Sportsmaster and Dragon Master. Cheshire's mine." Red calls to us, aiming an arrow at her. "So territorial, and only our third date." Cheshire states. "Whatever floats your boat." I mutter. "You take Sportsmaster, and leave Dragon Master to me." I growl, glaring at the masked boy. "Oh yes, please. Leave me be with one of my own." Dragon Master retorts. I can hear the smirk in his voice.

"Fire within," I begin, placing a hand over my heart, "Scorch the earth with your flames!" I yell out, sending a raging flame in the form of a dragon after him. He jumps to the side, throwing a smoke bomb into the mouth of the dragon as it turns to come back at him. The dragon disperses into a mixture of fire and smoke. I send a fireball at him.

Almost effortlessly, he jumps right over it. "So tell me, Dracona, do your teammates know what you really are, yet?" I hear a grunt to my right and turn to see Kaldur get knocked onto his back. Upon instinct, I spit a flaming seed of fire at Sportsmaster, hitting him between the eyes, and knocking him over, onto his back and buying Aqualad some time.

Immediately, I'm hit in the head with a blue ball of fire. "Oh, so that's how you want to play?" I question, glaring at the masked boy in front of me once more. "You didn't answer my question, little one." He states. "You can't use that on me anymore, Jem!" I shout, instantly regretting my words.

"How dare you call me that!" Dragon Master explodes, sending fireball after fireball at me. I duck and dodge them all, going further and further backwards with each one. "As if I meant to!" I shout back, "Do you really think I want to be fighting against you?!" "Then how about you get out of my way, peasant!" He screams. I freeze, staring at him. Never before has my own brother insulted me in such a way.

He notices that he's hit a nerve, although he doesn't realize what nerve, and he still doesn't know who I really am. "What? Did I hit something? Did I hurt the poor peasants feelings?" He mocks. I shake my head, anger flooding my system. "Oh, you did not just call me that." I growl, the fire at my hands turning purple with my anger. He notices, and I can see his eyes widen behind his mask. "Ah, so you're nobility, then. Tell me, which family name disowned you? I'd like to congratulate them." He mocks again.

I growl once more, finally having had enough of this. "Red Arrow, shoot the water sprayers on the ceiling, Aqualad, create a barrier to cover yourselves and the citizens!" I yell out. "What are you planning?" Red calls out. "Just do it!" I scream. Then, finally letting go of my restraint, I give the greatest roar I've ever made, my eyes slitted in their narrowest form, my scales showing in their purest white, my hair turning black as midnight as everything outside the barrier began to catch fire.

Cheshire jumped and landed in front of Sportsmaster, putting her mask on, before sending a smoke bomb at me. It hit me in the chest, cutting off my roar, and making most of the fire die down. I hear coughing all around me. I slowly stand up, feeling pain in my chest, hearing the two Rhelasian leaders gratefully thanking Luthor for saving their lives. I look over in confusion, my anger slowly fading away.

"They owe him their lives?" Red asks, discredulously. "Tell me about it." I say, standing by them, not too close though. They both give me strange looks. "What?" I ask. "Your hair, Dracona. It's black." Kaldur says. I take a strand and look it over. I sigh. "Yes, and it's going to be staying that way for a while." I say. I lift my hand in front of my face, and instantly, it's back to skin from scales.

"Oh, and which part did Dragon Master say that finally made you snap?" Red asks. I freeze. "What's the score you have to settle with him? And why did he get so angry when you called him Jem?" He continues. I growl, grabbing the collar of his suit's shirt. "It doesn't concern you what any of my business is, not if you're not on the team, who I will trust with my life, and will give my life to protect. Unless your on the team, you don't need to know what I don't want you to know about me. Now get over it." I say, letting him go. He falls to the floor, before quickly getting up and glaring at me. I don't care. I walk out and down the stairs.

(A.N.: Hey everyone. Hope you liked it. By the way, I'm not usually very good with the insults thing, so if it sounds cheesy or anything, I'd appreciate a comment or message. No hate, but I think some constructive criticism would be good for me to improve. Thanks!)

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