don't go underground | jjk βœ“

By -ggukblues

65.6K 3.5K 2.4K

"i told you we should've gone right," you choked out. "but if we had," jungkook smiled sadly, pulling you i... More

don't go underground
01. hot sauce
02. whipped cream
03. dinosaur chicken nuggets
04. cookies
05. grilled chicken
06. crackers
07. sandwiches
08. more crackers
09. piece of cake
10. tomato
11. donuts
12. lemon juice
13. vanilla
14. ramen
15. chocolate pudding
16. popcorn
17. iced lemon cake
19. lamb skewers
20. eggs
21. butter
22. soggy bread
23. fish
24. nutella
25. licorice
26. dumplings
27. marshmallows
28. grapes
29. strawberries
30. coffee
31. salsa
32. jellybean
33. bubble gum
34. fried chicken
35. cherry
36. oranges
37. pineapple
38. coconut
39. taffy
epilogue: feast

18. lollipop

1.4K 84 37
By -ggukblues

"Everyone, this is Suga," Jungkook declared, like a scene from a child's show in which a cheesy introduction was deemed stupidly necessary. "Ex-government-officer from the tunnels and saved our lives— I guess, twice?"

You let out a breath as you saw Jimin's face relax ever so slightly. "We can trust him." You added, hoping that would build upon the relief settling in the room. Jimin's remark of him wearing an officer uniform put everyone, who didn't know, on edge. "Also... this is everyone who knows about our trip down there."

"This is a lot of people." Suga cut in, voice low, but the room heard him nonetheless. His eyes were still unfortunately piercing through Jimin, and Hoseok noticed, clearing his throat.

You had to give the reddish-brown haired brother of Jungkook's a lot of credit. He was smart and put the pieces together fairly quickly as to why Suga must've been upset.

"Jimin's father is the top executive for tunnel interaction operations." Hoseok explained and Suga's eyebrows furrowed, lips parting in surprise. Jimin's head fell as he stared down at his lap, raking a hand through his hair. He'd heard those words more than he could ever want. Everyone knew of his connection to the government; lots of people used him as means to get away with things because of it. That was a part of his huge rift with Taehyung. "He's also trustworthy. He's obviously not going to rat anyone of us out, so stop murdering him with your eyes."

You and Jungkook were startled by Hoseok's harsh ending, as if he was testing the elder and you nervously glanced at Suga, who's eyes sharpened at the man. Hoseok's face was grim as he reached over from where he sat to soothe the younger who was the center of the conversation.

"How ironic." Taehyung grumbled and Jungkook slapped his arm before you could. Your elder brother glared at both of you and then looked at Suga. "Doesn't explain how or why you're here."

"Right," you murmured tiredly. "You were unconscious by then, but he saved us, Taehyung. Wouldn't have been able to get to that access point without him."

"Look," Suga cut in. "I don't fucking care about heroics. I wanted out of that horrid place so that's what I did." He noticed the curious looks approach some face and scowled. "No, I'm not going to answer questions about the tunnels. The less you know, the better."

Jisoo sighed in her spot and stared up at the ceiling. "What are we going to do? The government is sure to find out."

"They already have." Jimin's timid voice sounded and everyone turned to him. You pursed your lips, glancing at Jungkook, as the two of you already knew that. "They know there were civilians, kids included, involved."

"Fuck." You didn't really catch who said it, but it was a mutual reaction across the board.

"How long ago?" Namjoon asked, voice calm, and you envied him for it. "And how much detail do they have?"

You settled your head on Jungkook's shoulder, tiredly. He leaned into the touch and patted your arm to acknowledge you. Eyes and attention were darting around with the bouncing conversation, but you felt cold eyes chilling into your current position and glanced up to see Suga's gaze avert away at the last second.

"Just a few hours and not a lot of details. Definitely not even close to pinpoint exact people." Jimin answered.

Suga nodded, not risking to look at you again. "Makes sense. They don't use cameras and communication is always at a minimum. Too many chances of getting hacked."

"I'm sorry," Jin suddenly exclaimed, voice clearly unapologetic, making you jump and lift your head straight. "But what the fuck do they even do down there? What's so bad about it that makes it such a crime to know about? And like, how are you—" he pointedly spoke to Suga. "—an ex-officer? I can't be the only one curious."

"Jin..." Namjoon murmured, hoping to soothe his sudden outburst. All things considered, you didn't blame Jin for being demanding. He himself was very straightforward, and having constant cryptic words thrown at him was probably driving him insane.

"Wait," Taehyung's face fell, looking up at Suga. "were you following us? The whole time? I'm just beyond confused as to how you were there...?"

"Hey, I asked something—"

Suga promptly cut Jin off, the elder gasping in anger and crossing his legs and arms frustratingly. "No. I wasn't following you all. I was with others going to the location of the underground transport. We have to purloin supplies from the government's weekly resources to keep our separate bases running. There was a stray trail of officers detached from the stampede and they were bickering over some child sighting. I knew you all had fucked up when I heard that."

"So you went and saved the day?" Hoseok asked, voice pouty in curiosity.

"By the time I got to the base, everything was clouded in that monstrous white and Y/N was about to be shot in the head." Suga shot a look at you three tunnel wanderers sitting on the same couch together. "You all were supposed to go right, who in their fucking right mind decided on left? Did you decide to completely ignore the map?"

You flinched at the words, putting your hand on Jungkook's tense shoulder. "It was an accident, we got off track from the map so we didn't know."

"You guys can argue about that later." Namjoon sighed from across the room. "We need to focus. We can't hide forever and we all need to be on the same page."

Namjoon was undoubtedly the smartest out of all of you, but not the most resourceful to this topic. When it came to tunnels, your best bets were Jimin and Suga.

"When I called the ambulance," Jisoo started. "I told them I found Taehyung in the alleyway behind the restaurant, beat up on the ground unconscious. I gave them Jungkook's number and Y/N's name because that was all I had;
but seeing as Jimin was there, that's probably why they didn't contact you."

"I said you weren't well so they wouldn't bother because I had no idea what effect that poison would have." Jimin clarified. "Had to use your home address, though, for the bills."

"Couldn't afford it with your dad's money?" Taehyung scoffed under his breath and your eyebrows furrowed in anger at your older brother.

"Taehyung, that was uncalled for." Jungkook hissed.

"You two can stay the fuck out from now on." He grumbled back, noticing your glaring eyes. "Stop trying to put him in my life."

"Would you stop being selfish?" Jimin suddenly snapped, having heard the comment from his place not too far, and everyone went still as the two stuffed the room with all the anger of the world. "I don't fucking care how much you don't like me, Kim Taehyung, but I'm done being scared. You're just being inconsiderate now. Just shut the fuck up about how much you hate me because, right now, our fate is very well in my hands."

"You don't get to tell me what the fuck to do or how to act when you left me to be ruined, Park!" Taehyung seethed, shooting to his feet despite his injuries and Jungkook was standing up beside him to keep him from collapsing.

"Taehyung," your best friend mumbled quietly to him. "This isn't something to argue about right now."

"No, fuck off, Jungkook," Taehyung shoved him and you felt your head spin with anger as the younger groaned when he fell harshly into the couch, twisting his back. Taehyung was not in his right mind, he was losing control. You didn't know what the hell it was, but there was sweat on his head, his chest was shuddering in pain from breathing uncontrollably, and an obvious concerning sway in his stance. "You, son of a bitch, can just use that money to save yourself again, right? Your father wouldn't let you get in trouble anyways. Why wouldn't he just do that and save his skin? 'Wouldn't be surprised and I don't know why any of you aren't worried about that!"

"Four fucking years ago I might have made that mistake, Taehyung!" Jimin jumped up, and you noticed how even Suga wavered the slightest bit. "I'm not naive like that anymore. I care about you all, I would never do that! God fucking dammit, why can't you just forgive me? I just—"

"Both of you, cut it out." Jin's annoyed voice sounded and the two of them looked at their mutually respected hyung, faces falling at the disappointment on his face.

"But, Jin—"

"Kim Taehyung," he sighed, pinching the bridge of his nose, angrily. "If I hear one more damn word out of your mouth about Jimin, you will not be happy."

"Oh, so I just get the blame now?"

"Taehyung!" You finally bolted to your feet, wavering for a second from your lack of balanced figure, but Suga's arm whipped out to hold you steady. "Stop. You're injured and this is not the time. We have bigger issues to worry about."

If there was one thing only a miracle could cause Taehyung to do, it would be forgiving Park Jimin.

"No," Jimin said softly, and you turned to him with a worried expression, heart falling as you saw his teary eyes looking down at the floor. His hand ran through his hair and he shuffled around the living room in the direction of the door. "I-I need to go anyways. My dad expects me soon. I obviously can't be in the same room as Taehyung, so I guess I'm sorry there isn't much I can do." He glanced over the room and smiled sadly, making Taehyung roll his eyes and sit back down on the couch. "Fill me in, but I'll find out what I can."

"Jimin," you called out, but he just shook his head and sniffed, putting on his shoes, grabbing the doorknob and letting himself out.

"I'll go talk to him." Hoseok was the first one to his feet, right behind the shorter male who had just left.

"Taehyung, get it together. You're not fucking children anymore. I know he hurt you," Jin ranted, making you also sit down in gratefulness that someone else would give him the earful. "and I know you aren't going to speak to him on good terms, but for god's sake, be the adult you're supposed to be. You literally have just committed the worst crime of this town in the last twenty four hours, so yes, your hatred for Jimin is the least of our worries. All of us are apart of this, so if not for Jimin, think about the rest of us. We need him to help us."

"I should have just stayed in those tunnels, damn." You heard the soft voice, belonging to the uniformed man, mutter. It made you crack a smile despite your conflicted mood to the prior incident.

"Sorry, Hyung." Taehyung whispered, not even able to meet the elder's eyes anymore.

"Don't apologize to me until you're ready to apologize to him." Jin finished and Taehyung shut his mouth, pursing his lips because you all knew Jin wasn't getting his apology anytime soon.

Once the air cooled like the heated nerves in Taehyung's body, you all relaxed and let the earlier conversation continue.

"So," Namjoon began again, hoping to collect all the details. "the hospital has Taehyung's recorded entrance and statement for injury, right? No one can forget that incase it's asked. Y/N is supposed to be sick, and they have Jungkook's number. They know there were kids involved... when are Lisa and Jennie supposed to go back to their parents?"

"Tomorrow." Taehyung mumbled.

You sighed and rubbed your aching shoulder. "We have to talk to them. Taehyung and I can do that. They know they can't mention anything about it, but the reminder is definitely necessary. It's just..." you glanced up nervously and heard a knowing grunt of noise come from Jungkook's mouth. "... if they do accidentally slip— I'm terrified to even think about that."

"This is why I said I wouldn't care if you all rotted in hell for bringing them down there." Suga cursed and you frowned, knowing there was another minor case amongst you all.

"Well, we can't change that, so get over it." Jungkook scoffed.

"So, you both talk to Lisa and Jennie." Jisoo said, shaking her head. "When they come to the restaurant, because they will figure out about the access point, too, what the hell do I say?"

The room quieted. Jisoo was the only one working at that hour, and how many excuses could she make for not knowing that would actually be believable? And she'd said she had found Taehyung out back, so she was definitely there. Trying to come up with something viable didn't seem possible. Everything that came to mind had a counter that just put the thought to shame.

Shit, you thought, seeing Jisoo's face pale despite her calm expression, not good.

She knew, too, that she'd be the first one targeted.

"Let's..." Namjoon sucked in his cheeks with frustration at the common lack of ideas. "Let's think about that one."

And you needed to figure it out soon because that was where they were definitely going to start.

The front door suddenly opened and you snapped your head to it, seeing Hobi pushing a resisting Jimin back inside.

"Hobi, stop, let me—"

"Jimin!" You exclaimed. "Perfect timing. We are stumped. Help, please."

The said male slumped at the sudden need of his presence and scowled at the beaming Hoseok, ripping off his shoes and stalking to the couch to thump down into it.

"Jesus, he's got strength for his size." Hoseok breathed out tiredly and Suga shot him a look. The reddish brunette chuckled. "More than one shorty is tough here, I guess."

"I suggest you stop smiling like a child with a lollipop." Suga growled, Hoseok's smile not faltering a single millimeter, stupidly shining up the room as he found his seat.

"What do you need my help with?" Jimin sighed, looking at everyone except Taehyung, which didn't matter because your brother was just picking at his fingernails and staring at his lap, thankfully keeping to himself that time.

Namjoon filled him in on the predicament that was Jisoo's case of an excuse for her 'lack' of knowledge on the escapees.

"Fuck, that one's not easy." Jimin replied. "They will start there. It's the best place to start, but they won't go during businesses hours. Probably when your parents are available to talk."

"Okay, and?" She seemed more torn by the mention of her parents.

"The fact that the ambulance was called there doesn't help at all, ah, shit." Jimin muttered. "Let me think. So, the timing makes Taehyung a risky suspicious, but his story is believable. The train station is sketchy at night— 'm surprised you even work there alone that late. Anyways, my father won't have an exact time. There's no way for him to. I think if you say you left fairly soon after the ambulance came, it'll skim by as valid."

"What about them getting out? Everything would be locked up if she had closed up." Jin countered.

Once again, silence filled the room.

"I could say I accidentally left a door unlocked in a hurry?" Jisoo suggested and you inwardly cringed.

"You'd have to weave that in correctly or it'll definitely sound like an excuse." You said slowly. "Like... maybe say it in dismay of how worried an employee was finding the door unlocked or something when opening this morning."

Jisoo's eyes lit up. "Rosé. I can ask her to do that favor for me. She won't ask for an explanation, so don't worry about having to explain to another person. She also worked this morning and opened. Perfect, so the escapees slipped by once I left and I had no idea about it?"

"It's a good start," Jimin sighed. "You'll just really have to sell it."

"Put your acting skills to use," Jungkook grinned at her and she nodded, face not as dull because a plausible solution was in place.

"Thank goodness," Namjoon breathed out, pinching the skin at his neck. "Listen, some of us are more involved than others, and we should try keeping as many people out of it as possible."

"The three of us and Jisoo need to stay on our toes." Taehyung cut in and everyone nodded in agreement.

"I don't think I have to worry," Jimin added. "I'll just stay careful while keeping an eye on my dad and his work."

"Joon and I won't really have to worry about anything. None of our involvement was public." Jin then said. "Hobi, you probably won't either, only if it comes to Jungkook."

"Lisa and Jennie might still be a problem, but putting that aside..." all eyes turned to Suga who stared back with a narrowed glare and grit teeth.

"I just need to stay low and blend in." He concluded. "They won't miss me and my escape is just going to blend in with theirs."

"Wouldn't they recognize the uniform wear, though?" Hoseok frowned. "They would know one of their own escaped."

You sucked in a breath remembering how Suga had mentioned that they didn't care if the ex-officers stayed away, they just couldn't leave the tunnels to prevent an information leak.

Suga blinked once, then took his gaze to the floor as his arms crossed over his chest. The way his shoulders caved in, hair falling in front of his eyes, made him look defeated.

"No, you're right." He mumbled, voice hard for even you to pick up from beside him. "They will be looking for me the most. I'm their most dangerous threat right now because I know everything about that place."

"Which you have yet to answer my question about." Jin sighed.

"I'm not saying anything, it will put you all in more danger. This isn't just a local thing— it's a full national scaled project concentrated in this town. "

"What?" You gasped, remembering the experiments you had seen in the labs. "The federal government? What the fuck?!"

"You know what it is?" Namjoon asked in surprise.

"We passed by the labs." Jungkook shrugged. "I didn't pay much attention, but... I guess Y/N did."

You looked at Suga, who's sharp gaze gave you a strict answer to the curious gazes now on you. "Uh... sorry, my lips are sealed. Honestly, you don't want to know."

"Well, that just makes me more curious." Hoseok murmured and Jimin was grimacing in his seat. The boy must've known the basics of what happened, but probably not a lot. He wouldn't ever be trusted with full details.

"You just need to stay the most hidden, Suga." Jimin sighed.

The ex-officer stuffed his hands in his pockets. "Not going to be difficult if I stay in one place and away from public. I technically don't exist in above ground records."

You were going to go insane with shock at some point. Everything just kept piling on more and more confusion and the feeling was mutual in the room.

"So..." Taehyung was rubbing his forehead. "We just act normal?"

"Everyone, but Jisoo, should." Namjoon nodded.

Silence settled. Anxious, stomach churning, silence.

"I should get back, my shift starts soon." The girl stood shakily, giving a nervous smile to everyone, and heading to the door to slip on her shoes. "Thanks for helping and I'll let you all know what happens...?"

No one gave her a direct response, solemn nods and soft murmurs of goodbye coming out instead. Her smile faltered at the uncertainty, but she waved and left the apartment nonetheless.

You let out a breath and slumped in your spot, Jungkook putting his arm on the spine of the couch and resting his hand on your opposite shoulder.

"Can I get some food?" Suga asked quietly and Hoseok was jumping to his feet, apologizing and saying something along the lines of being a rude host. The two left the room and you could feel the tension relax as the officer left.

"My dad does actually expect me soon, so I should go, too." Jimin cleared his throat and stood, waddling over to the door, you waving at him and noticing how his gaze lingered on the mop of silver hair beside Jungkook. "Wait." The six of you perked up. "We should make a group chat or something. To keep everything in place."

"Good idea." Namjoon was nodding, nudging Jin's shoulder. "You probably have almost everyone's number. Don't put Jisoo in, too risky."

"I actually have everyone's number, I think." Jimin frowned, and your eyes widened. Jimin seriously knew a lot of people. "I can do it."

"You still have my number?" Taehyung grumbled. "I'll have to unblock it."

"Oh." Jimin's voice was soft and both you and Jungkook looked at him sympathetically before looking at each other and sighing in defeat. "Okay, do that. I'll get going."

Then he was out the door, too.

"I don't want to unblock his number."



this is so overdue sorry.
just realized how complex this book is going to be if I want to include everything so funnn

agust d 2 is still on repeat— im in love.

thank you for 500 reads!!!

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