❄️Icy Hot🔥|| Shoto Todoroki...

By kiki_kean

108K 2.3K 3.5K

You finally convinced your mom for you guys to move. You were always quiet since you got bullied for being a... More

He's Kind of Cute...
"Thank you..."
Captured by Who?
10K READS!!!
Amusement Park
Baking with Icy Hot
Ice Skating
Physical Attraction, Chemical Reaction
Camping, Relaxing and Crash Landing Pt. 1
Camping, Relaxing, and Crash Landing Pt. 2
Day 1: Hurricane Pt. 1
Day 1: Steaming Hot Water Pt. 2
Day 1: Wild Things Pt. 3
Day 2: Lay Your Hands on Me and Teach Me Pt. 1
Day 2: "Shhh..." Pt. 2
Day 2: From the Best Pt. 3
Day 2: Just You Pt. 4
Day 3: Last Night's Dream Pt. 1
Day 3: Rogue Combustion Pt. 2
Day 3: Breathing Blue Pt. 3
Some Messages & Updates
Day 3: Sushi & Ramen Pt. 4

Camping, Relaxing, and Crash Landing Pt. 3

783 21 17
By kiki_kean

 Here's the rewritten chapter since the last one got deleted, I'm still mad. 😡 But enjoy this one and the upcoming ones this week! 😁 Also, are y'all finally happy that you guys got to pay instead of Todo? 😂

    The rest of the class finished doing their business and buying snacks like chips, candy, and gum. Everybody settled in the bus and the driver got ready to start driving again, and off you all went to camp. Mina turned around to face you as she held a box of Pocky and started pointing at it. 'Oh no', you thought, you already knew where this was going. You widen your eyes at the huge grin she had plastered on her face, "What...do you think you're doing?" You squint your eyes, hesitantly asking her.

     She laughed evilly, "Hehe, we're playing as soon as we get to camp!"

     "Oh no..." You cringed and sank into your seat, facepalming.

     Mina lowered the box of Pocky, giggled, and slowly returned to sitting in her seat. To forget about Mina's 'evil' plan, you remembered how you got to pay for Todoroki. "Hey, Todo." You poked his cheek, a smile growing on your face.

     He turned to face you, "Hm?"

     "You wanna know who paid? I did!" You pointed at yourself and happily cheered. "I did! I beat you!"

     He scoffed, "That was only one time." He said holding up one finger.

     You ignored that comment and proceeded to get into character, "Finally, after—hahahahaha—all these years, I've—haha—defeated him! Victory is mine!" You cackled evilly, trying your hardest to stay in character without breaking into fits of giggles for every word you said.

     "I'll get you next time." He stated.

     You laughed some more, "As if! You will never beat me, nor silence me! I have won this battle! I am the GREATEST!" Your face turned red from laughing so hard, you could barely breathe. "HAHAHAHA!" You kept your arms down, holding your stomach. Before your face turned purple, you felt Todoroki put a Hot Cheeto into your mouth. "Mmph—hey!" You chewed and swallowed it, then turned to Todoroki.

     "I needed to take matters into my own hands, you were going to suffocate. The GREATEST was going to die from laughter." He emphasized 'greatest' and held his hands out to the sides, doing the quote motion with two fingers.

     "I wasn't!" You playfully punched his shoulder and laughed with him.

     After you finally calmed yourself down and got you breathing back into order, you popped open your Takis bag as Todoroki did the same with his Hot Cheetos that you—HA—paid for. You smirked, still remembering how you paid for him. A laugh was rising up your throat, but you suppressed it and instead, put Takis in your mouth. You turned to look at Todoroki who was innocently gazing outside of the window, while munching on Hot Cheetos. 'How can someone be so graceful and elegant?' You thought. After about fifteen minutes of you two eating your chips and you blankly spacing out, you decided you were kind of tired of eating Takis. You tapped on Todoroki's shoulder, "Hm?" He replied.

     You held out your bag of chips to him, "Mind trading?" You smiled.

     He returned the smile, "Sure." Casually, he took your bag of chips and you took his, trading. You reached your hand inside of the bag and threw some Hot Cheetos into your mouth.

     After ten minutes, you two both finished each other's bags. Tsuyu, who was seated in the seat behind you, asked, "Ribbit. Hmm, Y/n, how did you and Todoroki become friends?"

     You looked back and saw her peering up behind the back of your seat. "Well, we first met when I first attended school here. Then, you know, we got partnered up and we talked. So I guess, that's how we became friends." You gave Tsuyu a smile.

     Little did you know, Momo was looking back and listening in on the conversation. She giggled, "Well then, how did you two become a couple?" Mina overheard the conversation as well and turned back to look at you. At this moment, Tsuyu, Momo, and Mina were all waiting for your response and staring at you with anticipation.

     "Well, I think it started on Valentine's Day!" You giggled and blushed, while looking at the two bracelets you wore, one from Valentine's, another from the other day, but both from Todoroki.

     "Oooh..." They all made reactions and wriggled their eyebrows at you.

     You just laughed along with them and soon enough, you all calmed down. Your eyelids kept dropping and you were getting sleepy, given that you woke up extra early today because of camp. Your head kept falling and you were falling into little naps before shooting back up. After ten minutes of trying to fight the sleepy feeling overcoming you, you decided to give in and sleep.

x Todoroki's POV x

     I gazed out the window while looking at the view. A weight fell on my shoulder, so I turned my head to see a sleeping Y/n. Her head fell on my shoulder, I smiled and felt my face heat up. The girls peeked their heads over the seats and stared at me and Y/n. They all smiled, blushed and giggled, whipping out their phones and snapping some pictures. I looked up at them, "Be quiet. She's sleeping." They all furiously nodded their head, took a few more pictures, and hesitantly sat back down. I gazed back at Y/n's sleeping figure. Her face was so peaceful, her hair was soft, and her lips were tinted their beautiful color. I reminisced on the times we first met. I remember the project, and presentation, laughing at how we teased each other with our quirks. I thought back to the beach and the party just a while back, she said the funniest and cutest things when she was drunk. I love how she'd blush for the littlest reasons, and how she covers her face and is embarrassed when her friends talk about me. A smile crawled up my face as I thought about the funny times together. She tried to cook a hamburger patty on me! I chuckled at that memory. Her face lights up the room and her smile is blinding. I wonder how I ever got to be with her, she's so amazing. She is always so nice and accepts everyone. She puts smiles on everyone's faces and makes them feel better, even Bakugo! But then I remember the dark and sad times she's been through. Her mom, who was as bubbly as her had died, and she got kidnapped by her father. All the torture and sadness she faced must've been overwhelming. I sympathized with her and did my best to comfort her. She's been through hell and back, and yet...she still puts a smile on her face, that's what made me like her. She's heartwarming, kind, thoughtful, generous, caring, and lovable.

...That's what made me fall in love with you, Y/n...

     I was feeling quite sleepy myself, so I gently rested my head on hers and drifted to a deep sleep, with thoughts of her still swarming in my head.

...I love you, Y/n...

x Your/Y/n's POV x

     Your eyes were fluttering open as you felt something on your head, you realized it was Todoroki resting his head on yours and sleeping! You carefully take out your phone, making sure not to wake him up, snapped a pic, and smiled at it. You moved your head out and supported his back and head without waking him. Todoroki's lips were parted and his hair was silky. You lay his head down on your lap to make him more comfortable. You gently grazed his cheek with your hand and placed a soft kiss on his forehead. You didn't mind, everybody around you was sleeping already. You remembered all the fun times you had with Todoroki, he made you feel welcome, as well as the rest of the class. He did so many things for you, paying for you, protecting you, and giving you beautiful, intricate bracelets. He was always there for you, pulling your skirt down to cover you, being there to walk you to school, bringing you to fun places and activities, and most importantly...being there when you lost your mom and when you were kidnapped.

...He was your savior...

     You wondered how he even liked you in the first place.

...Did you even deserve him?...

     You comb your hand through his hair for a little while before resting one hand on his shoulder and the other on your side. Closing your eyes once again, you fall into a peaceful and tranquil sleep.


     I woke up with myself scooted towards Todoroki and leaning against his chest. I felt him tapping me, "Y/n, wake up, we're here." You looked up at his soft face.

     "H-huh?" You rubbed your eyes and pulled away from him, sitting up.

     Mina looked back at you, "Oh Y/n, you're awake! Just in time!"

     You stood up as the rest of the class did too, filling out on the bus. As you were walking down the aisle with Mina in front of you, and Todoroki behind you, Mina stopped suddenly. "Ah!" This made you fall backwards, you braced yourself for the impact but instead felt hands under your arms, carrying you. Looking up, you saw Todoroki gazing at you and he lifted you back up. You heard Mina giggle and you already knew she had planned that.

     A smirk washed up on your face and you flat tired her shoe. "AHH!" Her arms flew into the air and she stumbled forward, needing to grab onto the seats to stand back up. She looked back, "Y/n!?"

     You giggled, "Yes?"

     "I'll get you back for this..." She smirked because she already knows that you know what's about to go down as soon as we arrive at camp. 'Oh no, not the Pocky, please?' You thought.

     The whole class made their way out of the bus and began to take their belongings out from the storage of the bus. As soon as everybody grabbed their bulky luggages and bags, Aizawa spoke up, "Everyone, follow me." And just like he said, everyone obeyed his command. There were two concrete paths, each leading to a big and small cabin. Aizawa pointed at the two sections, "These are the girls cabins," He said pointing to the left, "and these are the guys cabins. If you look to the girls cabins, there is a big cabin and a slightly smaller one. The big cabin has all your rooms, a kitchen, and a living space. The small cabin has the bathrooms, showers, sauna, and hot tubs. Same goes for the guys."

     Everyone's face lit up and they all cheered, high-fiving and pumping their fists into the air. "This cabin's gonna be amazing, huh, Y/n?" Asked Ochako. She smiled brightly.

     You smiled back, "Yup!"

     Aizawa spoke up again, "Remember, you are all still training." There was a large, vast space behind the cabins, he pointed to it." That is all training grounds, including that lake. 'Ideal for me, huh?' "Go to your cabins, pick a room, and get ready for our five day stay here."

     This was gonna be one heck of a ride.

Credits to my editors! Request, vote, and comment! I'm releasing another chapter this week! I promise!

~ Kiki

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