With Every Step Forward (Negl...

Por Dracopyre321

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Y/N Rose is the middle child of the Xiao Long/Rose family, being Ruby's older twin brother. Life was great... Más

Y/N Bio
Prologue Part 1/2: A Little Rose
Harem Update
Prologue 2/2: A New Home
Harem Update 2
Chapter 1: A New Rose
Chapter 2: Awakening
Chapter 3: Revealing the Truth
Chapter 4: Classes and Training
Chapter 5: Jaune Grows and Faunus Trouble
Chapter 6: Fight With the Fang
Volume 2
Chapter 7: Best Day Ever!
Chatper 8: Greeting an Army
Chapter 9: Awakening Pt. II
Chapter 10: Sharing the News
Chapter 11: Taking Inventory
Chapter 12: The Dance
Chapter 13: Field Trip
Chapter 14: The Reason Why
Chapter 15: The Real Reason
Chapter 16: The Long Ride
Chapter 17: Breaking Point
Y/N Bio Updated
Volume 3
Chapter 18: The First Round
Chapter 19: Gathering Info
Chapter 20: A Brawl Between Families
Chapter 21: Reunion
Chapter 22: Tastes Like Victory
Chapter 23: Giving a Choice
Chapter 24: Consequences and Conviction
Chapter 25: The Battle Between Kings
Chapter 26: Fear
Chapter 27: Battle of Beacon
Chapter 28: Unexpected Surprises, the Good and the Bad
Chapter 29: Chaos of the End
Chapter 30: Aftermath
Volume 4
Chapter 31: The Next Step Forward
Chapter 32: The Days Pass
Chapter 33: Fixing a Mistake
Chapter 34: Running
Chapter 35: Looking Forward
Chapter 36: Welcome Home
Chapter 37: Closing In
Chapter 38: Punishment and Consequence
Chapter 39: A Much Needed Talk
Chapter 40: Uncertainty
Chapter 41: A Hard Pill To Swallow
Chapter 42: Desolation
Chapter 43: Trials
Chapter 44: Arrival
Volume 5
Chapter 45: Welcome to Haven
Chapter 46: Dread Everywhere
Chapter 47: New Information
Chapter 48: What We Seek
Chapter 49: Unforeseen Truths
Chapter 50: Welcome Back
Chapter 50.5: The Twin Roses (Ruby Lemon, 18+)
Chapter 51: Decisions to Make
Chapter 51.5: A Night Out (Filler)
Chapter 52: I Burn For You (Yang Lemon, 18+)
Chapter 52.5: A Good Omen (Raven Lemon, 18+)
Chapter 52.75: A Mother's Love (Summer Lemon, 18+)
Chapter 53: Alone Together
Chapter 54: The Perfect Storm
Chapter 55: A Person's True Colors
Chapter 57: Confusion and Surprise
Chapter 58: Epiphany
Chapter 59: Together
Chapter 59.5: The Most Enjoyable Ice Cream (Neo Lemon, 18+)
Chapter 60: A Much Needed Explanation
Chapter 60.25: Mischievous Cats (Blake Lemon, 18+)
Chapter 60.5: Thunder and Lightning (Nora Lemon, 18+)
Chapter 60.75: Deflowering the Princess (Weiss Lemon, 18+)
Volume 6: Annoucement And Recap
Chapter 61: Planning Our Next Step
Chapter 61.5: Blooming Roses (Ruby/Summer Lemon, 18+)
Chapter 62: Return to Vale (+62.5: Required Extra Credit (Glynda Lemon, 18+))
Chapter 63: The Forbidden Tower
Chapter 64: Argus Ahead
Chapter 65: Relighting the Beacon
Chapter 66: Lost
Chapter 67: Truth
Chapter 68: Heightened Emotions
Chapter 69: Noice
Chapter 69.5: Overprotective (Saphron/Terra Lemon, 18+)
Chapter 70: Protection

Chapter 56: It Begins

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Por Dracopyre321

Inside the Boosted Gear

This is it. The night that Haven's going to be attacked. It's a half hour before Lionheart told Qrow to meet him at the school. How's tonight going to play out? Will you be able to protect everyone? What if Loke overpowers you again? What if-

Weiss: "Y/N, your face is getting crinkly again. You okay?"

You're currently in the Boosted Gear, looking around at your surroundings. The previously white background has turned a mixture of white and black, with the black slowly encroaching the white by the second. Only a few of the previous possessors of the Boosted Gear are still people, most of them being a collection of shapeless black beings.

Svartur: "Y/N, don't worry about it. You're going to do fine." he reassures you.

Y/N: "What if I lose control of my power?" You answer him. "I'm the only shot we have at killing Loke, but what if I can't? Everyone's dead if I fail!"

Ddraig: "While it's true that it's getting worse..." You look at the blackness that's covering the entire right side of your chest/back, part of the left side, and the upper part of your right arm. "You mustn't submit. You're the only hope, so use that as your drive."

Y/N: "Can I do this?"

Weiss: "Y/N!"


You're snapped out of the Boosted Gear by Weiss, who's shaking you back into reality. Her face says that she's worried about you, so it's time to lay her fears to rest.

Y/N: "Yes, Ice Princess?" you lovingly call her.

Weiss: "Oh shut it, dummy. You weren't answering me, so I thought something was wrong." She calms down. "You're deep in thought that we might not succeed, aren't you?"

Y/N: "..."

Weiss: "I thought so. Come here."

She sits on her legs and pulls your head down on her lap. Despite her cold appearance due the paleness of her skin and her somewhat cold demeanor, she's warm, just as she's always been.

Y/N: "Weiss, what are you-"

Weiss: "Shush. You're getting to experience my lap right now. Look, even if you fail, I'll still be here for you. I'm not the only one. All of us care about you and we'll all still be here for you. As long as you remember that, you'll never truly fail. You only fail when you quit trying."

Y/N: "Yeah, but Weiss, there's a chance I-"

You cut yourself off. Most of them don't know about what's at stake with you. The only ones who do are Qrow, Raven, and Neo, and you don't want to worry them.

Weiss: "When I was trapped in my room, you know what I did? I pulled a 'Y/N'."

Y/N: "I don't understand. A me?"

Weiss: "What I mean is that I didn't give up. I kept on with my training and I eventually was able to escape and make my way here. No matter how many times I wasn't able to do it, I never stopped trying and I eventually succeeded. We might not another chance with Haven, but as long as you're here, nothing's lost. You're our dragon, after all."

Y/N: "...thanks, Weiss. I needed to hear that. I have a lot of people depending on me, so I can't afford to let them down. Even if the Gods themselves stand in my way, I'm going to put up a fight." you declare with renewed conviction.

Weiss: "Good."

She bends down and kisses you on the lips. You know she's doing her best to make you feel better and honestly, it's working, if only a little.

Svartur: "Come on, Ice Dragon, settle down. There'll be plenty of time for that and more after the battle."

Weiss: "'Ice Dragon'?"

Svartur: "It's your ship name. He's a dragon, you're icy."

Weiss: "Huh... What are him and Ruby then?"

Svartur: "That's easy: Twincest."

Y/N: "*sigh* I get it, but why that name in particular?"

Ddraig: "Enough. Svartur's right, even if he is a bit of a fanboy. We'll have plenty of time later. Let's go."

Y/N: "Right..."

You still feel uneasy considering you know the full truth of what might happen, but you're determined not to let it. Weiss helps you up and the two of you go to the living room where the others are waiting, raring to go. Well, not so much 'raring' to go, but just ready to get this over with.

Y/N: "Alright. Here's the plan: We know they're planning to attack tonight, so Neo, Summer, and I will look around the outside of the Academy and take out anyone we see. The rest of you, go inside and distract whoever's in there. Try to stall the fighting until we get there, but if push comes to shove... show no mercy."

The girls surprise you by swarming on top of you, hugging and squeezing you tightly. Tonight's going to be rough and they know it, but...

Y/N (thoughts): 'I swear I'll do whatever it takes so that you survive.'

After you get back up from the impromptu dogpile, you open the door.

Y/N: "Shall we?"

Qrow's POV

Qrow (thoughts): 'Man, that corruption's really getting worse. It seemed like he didn't even notice himself slip back there.'

Y/N (memory): '...show no mercy. Destroy all in your way. Don't hesitate or you'll die.'

He takes a sip from his flask while walking. The way his voice sounded there didn't sound like him. Hopefully the others are just thinking it's stress...

The group arrives at Haven Academy and stops.

Y/N: "Alright, here we are. Summer, you to the left. Neo, right. I'll head back behind the main dome."

Qrow: "Y/N, listen..." He wants to say something to him about it, but can't. "...be careful and come back."

Y/N: "But of course. Who do you take me for?" he says with a cheesy smile.

Y/N (memory): "Uncle Qrow... I'm scared! I don't know if I can beat this! I don't know how much longer I'll keep being Y/N!"

It's a fake smile. In his life as a Huntsman, he's seen it too many times. That damned smile that says "I might not be coming back."

Qrow: "...yeah."

He takes a drink from his flask as Y/N and the two girls go off to their duty.

Qrow: "Don't die..." he says to himself.

Ozpin: "Come. We should move forward. Leonardo's waiting for us inside." He gives control back to Oscar, who slightly stumbles forward.

The rest of the group goes inside Haven, arriving in the foyer, where they see Lionheart waiting for them at the top of the grand staircase at the back of the hall.

Lionheart: "Why hello. Thank you for, uh... coming. There s-seems to be more of you than last time."

Qrow: "Eh, you know what they say, 'The more the merrier.' So what's going on with the council?"

Lionheart: "Why... did you bring your weapons?"

Qrow (thoughts): 'So, Oz and Y/N's suspicions were correct... But how correct? Need to buy time.'

Qrow: "What? Leo, we're Huntsmen. You okay?"

He notices Yang start looking around while he keeps Leo talking.

Lionheart: "Of course! Of course, sorry. Just haven't had my evening coffee."

Qrow: "Look, it's nice to see you, but we got work to do. Are we getting support form the council or not?"

Yang: "Mom?" he hears to his right.

Qrow quickly pulls out Harbinger, changes it to gun mode, at shoots at the spot Yang's looking. The bird dodges the shot and flies down next to Lionheart, changing into Raven Branwen, his twin sister.

Ruby: "Raven..."

Nora: "They... They really are magic." she says in slight disbelief.

Raven takes off her helmet to greet them all properly.

Raven: "If you're going to shoot me, shoot me." she criticizes. "That was insulting."

Qrow: "What are you doing here!?" he asks angrily. "You're not supposed to be here!"

Raven: "I could ask you the same thing." She descends the staircase. "You've been scheming, little brother. Planning to attack your own sister."

This new development gets Qrow extremely pissed. Why was Raven here? She said she didn't want to fight Salem, but to think that she'd work for her!? It's apparent now that Lionheart's more than complicit.

Qrow: "Leo... What have you done!?"

Lionheart: "I-"

Raven: "Leo did what any sane person would in his position: he looked at all the information he had in front of him, assessed the situation," She comes between the group and Leo, "and made a choice. And it seems you all have too." She looks directly at Yang.

Qrow: "You have the Spring Maiden." he calms down a bit, remembering why they're there.

Raven: "I do."

Qrow (thoughts): 'So it's like we thought. Leo doesn't know Raven's the Maiden.'

He puts away Harbinger.

Qrow: "Then hand her over and let's work together! We can beat Salem!"

Raven: "All that time spying for Ozpin and you still have no idea what you're dealing with. There is no beating Salem!"

Ruby: "You're wrong..." Raven looks over to her. "We've done things that most people would call impossible, and I know the only reason we were able to do it is because we didn't do it alone! We had people to teach us, people to help us. We had each other. And then there's Y/N-"

Raven: "Don't speak to me about him."

She pulls out her sword, Omen, and opens a portal, through which a fireball comes out and blasts Ruby backwards.

Yang: "Ruby!"

She goes to her little sister's aid.

Qrow (thoughts): 'What is going on? I thought Y/N and Summer said she was at least not against us? So why is she here helping them?'


As you jump across the rooftops of the school on the lookout for either the White Fang or Loke, you find no one. Absolutely nobody. It's almost as if the White Fang wasn't here...

Y/N: "There's nobody here... Are we early? No, no, Lionheart called us here knowing they'd be ready."

Ddraig: "Kid, watch out!"

A wave of energy shoots past you, nearly hitting you, and destroys two of the supports for a nearby tower.

Y/N: "They're here..."

You turn to where it came from and see Loke, Gilda, Quin, and- No...

Y/N: "What are you doing here!? How are you here!?"

Tai: "Ahaha! Good to see you! Oh Y/N... you see, Salem did me a favor. Gave me a new leg, nursed me back to health, and oh yeah!" He slams his fists together, causing a fiery aura to encompass his body. "She even gave me a Sacred Gear! Say hello to Variant Detonation!"

(A/N If you don't remember, it's the same Sacred Gear that Heracles has in High School DxD Hero)

Standing next to Loke is your biological father, Taiyang Xiao Long. Just thinking of him as your father makes your stomach turn. The fact that he's sided with Salem proves he's sunk even lower, which you hadn't thought possible.

Ddraig: "Looks like he's telling the truth. That's definitely the energy of a Sacred Gear, but I don't feel a creature inside it. It might be one of the original Sacred Gears and not a recreation."

Loke: "Look at this heartwarming family reunion! I'm so glad I could reunite the two of you! Now Y/N, what do you say?"

Y/N: "Screw you!" you scream with a voice full of anger and hatred.

Loke: "Now see, that's what I wanted you to say..." He turns to the other. "Find the others who are outside. Make sure they don't interfere with the White Fang's plans to destroy the Academy."

Gilda: "Right! Quin, you're with me. As for you..." she says to Tai. "Go somewhere else."

Tai: "Quite the firebrand, isn't she?" he asks Loke.

Loke: "Yes, now do what you were ordered."

Tai: "Alright, fine, fine. Silly kids..."

The three of them go off to find the others. You unleash a Getsuga Tenshou at Tai, but Loke diffuses it with his axe.

Loke: "Now that we're all alone, we need to talk."

Y/N: "We have nothing to talk about! Ready your weapon!" you scream angrily.

Loke: "*sigh* I tried to give you an out, but you just wouldn't listen..."

The Boosted Gear and Regulus Nemea shine as both powers are focused within their hosts. Ddraig's gem shines with a bright green light and a dull golden aura shines around Loke's axe.


The two of you transform into your Balance Breakers and dash at each other, locking blades to start your battle.

Qrow's POV

This isn't good. A fireball just came out of Raven's portal, which can mean only one thing.

Cinder: "Hello, boys and girls."

From behind her come Emerald, Mercury, Lapis, and Vernal, one of Raven's staunchest supporters.

Ruby: "Cinder..."

The portal closes as the six villains in front of them stand together and everyone tenses up at the sight.

Mercury: "C'mon guys, is that any way to greet your old friends?"

Yang starts growling in anger at Mercury's direction. After all, it was their fight that started the widespread doubt in the tournament.

Qrow: "Everybody, stay calm." he commands.

Lapis: "Calm, old man? Now why would we do that?" She taps her sickle on her shoulder with a sadistic smile on her face. "After all, you guys are here, we're here, and there's obviously some tension that needs to be... worked out."

As soon as she says this, the door behind them opens and a face familiar to Oscar and Ozpin walks through it. A big man in a green coat with rolled up sleeves and mutton chops adorning his face.

Oscar: "Oh no..."

Hazel: "The White Fang is prepping demolition and securing the school grounds." He closes the doors behind him. "No one's getting in... and no one's getting out."

3rd Person POV
Outside Haven

Hazel was right. The White Fang is setting explosive charges around the school to blow it even more sky high. Leading the operation is Adam Taurus, the new Supreme Leader of the White Fang.

Adam: "Once the charges are set, move back to perimeter watch." he commands. "Tonight, Haven falls!"

Qrow's POV

Qrow (thoughts): 'We knew they'd be waiting for us, but- Where's Loke?' he asks himself.

Weiss: "So this really was all just a trap?"

Ren: "It appears so."

Qrow: "Raven..." His fist clenches up more. "Tell me. How long have you been with them?"

Cinder: "Aww, don't take it personally, little bird." she fakes sympathy in her voice. "Your sister was a very recent addition. The lion on the other hand..." Everyone looks up at Leo. "Entrance into the Vytal Festival was a real treat, but Leonardo's been sending Salem all sorts of information for a very, very long time. Isn't that right, Professor?"

A realization hits Qrow like a truck. He knew Leo was complicit, but didn't know how much until now and what that meant...

Lionheart: "Stop it..." he says in shame.

Qrow: "It was you... You sit on the Mistral Council. You had information on every Huntsman and Huntress in the Kingdom, and you gave it all to her."

He's trying to stifle his anger at Leo's betrayal. He's angrier at Leo than he is at Raven right now.

Lionheart: "I..."

Qrow: "I couldn't find any of them because you let her kill them!"

Lionheart's face shows nothing but pure shame at his actions, but his gaze is still fixed on the group of Qrow and the kids in front of him, accepting what he's done.

Lapis: "C'mon now, don't beat yourself up about it, teach. I'm sure Tyrian and Hazel would've found them on their own eventually, even without your help. Still, even if they didn't... I would've."

Jaune: "What is wrong with you...?" he says softly.

Lapis: "What's that, hun?"

Jaune: "How can you be so broken inside... To take so many lives... and then come here and rub it in our faces like it's something to be proud of!?"

Nora: "Jaune..."

Jaune: "All with that damn smile on your face!?"

Tears are rolling down his face. He's talking about all the pain everyone's had to go through, especially Y/N when he very nearly died in the coliseum and Pyrrha when Cinder almost killed her. Ruby and Yang ready their weapons.

Qrow: "Everybody, stay calm. Remember."

Jaune: "I'm gonna make you all pay for what you did! From our school! To our friends! To my brother! Do you hear me!?"

Qrow: "Kid!"

He's trying to keep the peace for at least a little while longer. However, Weiss, Ren, and Nora ready their weapons as well.

Jaune: "Well!? Say something!"

Cinder and Lapis look at each other for a moment and then turn back to Jaune.

Cinder/Lapis: "Who are you again?" they ask in unison.

Jaune's taken aback by their disregard for him and their actions, but his anger reaches its boiling point. He takes out his greatsword and charges at Lapis, who blocks with her sickles. Emerald pulls out her kusarigama and Cinder creates a glass sword in response.

Ruby: "Jaune!"

Wielding Crescent Rose, she hurries over and fires herself into the air, only to be caught by Emerald's chains, plummeting to the ground.

Emerald: "You're not going anywhere near them."

3rd Person POV
With Jaune

Lapis disengages Jaune and goes on the offensive, strikes hard and quick while uses the blade to block. She's having a little bit of trouble blocking his heavy strikes with her twin sickles, but that's offset by the fact that she's dodging most of his attacks.

With Yang

As Jaune's battling Lapis, Yang runs up to get Ruby. However, when she's on her way, she's met with Mercury.

Mercury: "Hey there, blondie. I'm thinkin' you owe me an apology for my leg, don't you think?" he challenges with an air of mockery.

She pushes off with her gauntlets to attack him, giving them a proper rematch.

With Ren and Nora

Nora: "Cinder!"

Cinder: "Oh? You're approaching me?" she asserts with a haughty smile. "Instead of running away, you're coming right to me? Even though I'm the Fall Maiden and you're nothing, you two are coming to me?"

Nora: "Of course." She readies her hammer.

Ren: "We can't beat the shit out of you without getting closer. Nora!"

Ren shoots at Cinder, who blocks his bullets with her sword. However, she's met with a swing from Nora's giant hammer, which blows her into the air and breaks her glass sword.

Cinder: "Hrr... You're better than I thought."

She creates another glass sword to prepare to do battle with the duo.

With Raven

Raven: "Deal with the heiress. Don't bother wasting your power, she's not worth it." she orders Vernal.

She immediately draws Omen to block a blow from Harbinger, which has a very angry Qrow on the other end.

Qrow: "Running away was one thing, but this... Y/N and Summer trusted you, and you-"

Raven: "Sorry brother." Her face turns serious. "But sometimes, family disappoints you like that."

Qrow: "We're not family anymore." He pushes her back more.

Raven: "Oh, I think we are." She gives a smirk. "In more ways than one, now, idiot brother."

Raven (mouthing): 'Play along.'

She directs her eyes first at Cinder, who's engaging Ren and Nora in combat, then at Hazel, who's watching the battlefield. He disengages, backflipping to dodge another of her slashes, going off to the side and being subsequently kicked back a few feet.

With Weiss

Ever since their first meeting, Weiss and Vernal have had somewhat of a rivalry, considering Vernal was the keeper of Myrtenaster while Weiss was imprisoned.

Vernal: "Let's see what the Schnee name really means."

Weiss takes the challenge presented to her and points her weapon at the bandit.

Weiss: "I'm more than a name."

Vernal's surprised but rolls her eyes in response.

Vernal: "Prove it."

Weiss summons a Glyph and dashes at Vernal, their weapons going hand in hand.

With Oscar

As the others are fighting, Oscar climbs the stairs to face Professor Lionheart. Lionheart's looking over the battlefield in shock as Oscar gets to the top. Lionheart turns to the sound of his footsteps and shifts his stance to face him.

Lionheart: "Young man, I don't know who you are or what you think you're doing, but for you sake, I suggest you leave. Now."

He adjusts the shield on his wrist, but Oscar starts up the stairs to the platform Lionheart's on with a serious expression.

Lionheart: "I'm warning you!"

He gets into a battle stance and the shield activates, turning from a regular cross to a full buckler. Oscar reaches behind him and Leo pulls a cord on the shield.

Lioneheart: "That's enough!"

A blast of fire and earth erupts from the shield and hits Oscar directly. However, when the dust clears, Oscar's shown to be bracing himself, generating a defensive Aura. He continues his climb up the stairs until he's at the same level as Lionheart, pulling out his cane handle and extending it, surprising the good professor.

Lionheart: "Ozpin?" he asks in disbelief.

Oscar: "Not quite."

He charges at Lionheart, hitting him with strike after strike, Lionheart blocking the incoming strikes and moving around the stage.

Oscar (thoughts): 'Be a bullet. Be a bullet!'

He jabs Lionheart with a cane a few times, knocking him backwards at the base of the platform's stairs. Oscar jumps down and puts all his weight into his next strike, catching Leo off-guard. When Leo tries to attack, Oscar simply counters with a move of his own, showing his extraordinary progress with the help of everyone else. Lionheart's pushed back to the wall, stunned at being beaten by, who he thought was, a mere child.

Lionheart: "This can't be... I knew you would be back, but... You made it here! You found Qrow! How?"

Ozpin (mentally): 'Leo...' His disembodied voice rings in Oscar's head. 'What happened to you?'

Lionheart: "Wait. You can't have had that form for long. You're not really Ozpin right now." He realizes. "Boy. Child. If I deliver you to Salem, she'll have to be pleased with me, and I can finally get out of all of this! I can finally be free!"

With renewed vigor, Lionheart resets his battle stance, aiming at Oscar.

Oscar: "What do I do? What can I do?"

Ozpin (mentally): 'Fight.' he answers simply.

Neo's POV

Outside of the school, Neo takes down a few more White Fang grunts. However, she notices a few sounds and points her umbrella, Hush, behind her, blocking something from hitting her. When she looks, there's a blowgun dart on the ground, with the person who fired it about twenty-five feet away.

Gilda: "Looks like your senses have gotten sharper since the last time. Hopefully you'll put up more of a fight, too."

Neo (thoughts): 'You bitch...'

Quin: "Gilda, let's just get this over with. Our orders are to take her to Loke." He throws out his spiked whip. "Dead or alive." He gives a slight smile.

Neo (thoughts): 'Remember last time... Keep a calm head and go for the kill when you can.'

She closes Hush and pulls the sword out of its sheath, getting ready. Gilda blows three more darts at her, breaking her physical illusions.

Gilda: "I've seen that trick before! Quin!"

Quin: "Right!"

He throws out his whip at where Neo is likely to be, behind them. He sees this whip hit her, but he's met with another illusion.

Quin: "Another one? Wait... Gilda, watch out!"

Neo delivers a righteous slash to Gilda's face from above, similar to how Y/N defeated Loke in their first match. She then stabs Quin right below his dominant shoulder, causing him to switch hands. Gilda retaliates by wielding the blowgun for close-quarters combat, hoping to catch Neo off-guard. This works and Neo's unexpectedly hit in the face a few times as Gilda knocks her around. Quin spins around to slam Neo with the whip, but Neo jumps away at the last second in between both opponents' strikes, causing Quin's whip to wrap around Gilda's blowgun. Seeing her opportunity, she lunges forward and slices Gilda across the chest deep, her Aura barely managing to block the damage.

Summer's POV

Summer: "It's you... Hrr..." She's growing more restless. "You son of a bitch..."

Tai: "Oh come now, honey, aren't we still togeth-"

Something flies past his face, causing a cut on his cheek.

(A/N I found this on Deviant Art and the source is on the picture. It is awesome. I'm going to name these "The Rose's Thorns" unless someone has a better name.)

Summer: "Don't you dare try to act friendly with me after what you did to our children, you bastard!"

Tai: "Tsk, tsk, tsk. So you really know, huh? Well, that's a problem. You see, I promised Salem that in return for my new power that I'd present both you and Ruby to her. Such a shame, really. Why don't you join us, Sums? I'm sure she'll spare your life if you willingly come with me."

Summer: "No thanks." She smiles. "I know which side I'm on, and that's Y/N's!"

Tai: "Y/N this, Y/N that. Where were you when I was smashing his head in, huh? Where were you when I cut off patches of skin? Breaking his bones? Burning him!? You're a horrible mother."

Her face turns from confident to shocked. It had occurred to her that if she was around more, that maybe none of that would've happened. If she were around, she might have seen the abuse or never allowed it to happen in the first place. Maybe Tai was taking all of his anger for her out on Y/N. These thoughts fill her head, but that look of shock turns to being incredibly pissed.

Summer: "You have absolutely no right to speak to me about being a horrible parent!"

She swings her chain axes in his direction, causing him to backflip to gain some distance.

Tai: "So be it." A fiery Aura coats his body and he slams his gauntlet-covered fists together. "I'm stronger now than you ever were."

He charges at her, knowing full-well he has the advantage in close quarters. To keep him at bay, she keeps backing up with throwing her axes at him, trying to entangle him in the chains. However, whenever they even start to get close to him, he blasts them away with his fists in an explosion of energy. The speed at which they're fighting is makes it look like they're teleporting. Summer's using her Semblance to make sure she keeps her distance while he uses his explosions to propel himself to wherever she tries to run.

Back to 3rd Person POV
With Weiss

Weiss jumps from Glyph to Glyph as she's dodging Vernal's crescent blades being thrown at her from a distance. She deflects a shot and goes to the next Glyph, but is caught by surprise when she's thrown against a pillar instead. She quickly recovers, but this gives Vernal enough time for an opening to strike, with Weiss barely managing to summon a gravity Glyph to push her away. She forms an ice wall to separate herself from Vernal and stabs her rapier into the ground to summon her Knight, but Vernal cuts the ice wall and the Knight in half with a yellow laser beam, causing the partially summoned Knight to disappear. Weiss looks up and sees Vernal's weapon flying towards her, hitting her in the face, and knocking her back a few feet.

Vernal: "Don't think I'm going to let you take the easy way out. After all, I'm just doing my job here."

With Jaune

As he's fighting Lapis, Jaune swings a few times, but these swings leave him wide open and Lapis kicks him onto his back.

Lapis: "Oh yeah, that's right! You're Y/N Rose's brother. The pathetic Jaune Arc. You were on the list of 'People Not to Worry About'. Sorry, but them's the breaks, hun."

He arcs his sword across his body to get her to back up, letting himself get up.

With Ruby

Ruby looks over at Jaune taking on Lapis while deflect Emerald's kusarigama. Emerald withdraws the sickles at the end of the chains and switches them to revolvers, firing shot after shot at Ruby. Ruby spins Crescent Rose to deflect each shot.

Ruby: "Why are you doing this!? Salem's-"

Emerald: "I don't care about Salem!" she interrupts. "But I owe Cinder everything." She stops firing. "You want to fight her that bad? Be my guest."

Ruby's head feels slightly fuzzy as Emerald uses her Semblance to make her hallucinate into fighting Cinder. 'Cinder' lunges at her and while Ruby blocks, the hallucination fades, leaving her wide open for Emerald's attack.

With No One

Weiss deflects more of Vernal's shots at her. Vernal jumps up and tries to land on her, but Weiss blocks with a basic Glyph and throws her behind. She attempts her summoning again, but Vernal shoots her in the back, knocking her away. She fires more and more bullets at Weiss, who uses her agility and her Glyphs to knock them all away, but Vernal manages to corner her and make Weiss kneel while blocking her blades. Weiss uses all her strength and pushes Vernal backwards a few yards before putting a Glyph beneath Vernal's feet, sending her up.


Something comes through the ceiling and skips a few times before landing on the ground in front of the statue below where Lionheart and Oscar are fighting. Everyone stops to see what happened. When the dust clear, red armor is battered and broken on the ground, covered in blood. Really, it's hard to see where the armor ends and the blood begins. It's Y/N.

Ruby/Jaune/Qrow: "Y/N!"

He coughs a few times and blood spurts out of his cracked helmet. He tries to get up, but Loke, covered in a dull golden armor and blood, comes through the hole in the ceiling and rests his foot on Y/N's stomach, holding him down. His helmet's busted, the lion on the front of his armor is cracked, and there's blood coming out of the joints of his armor, indicating their fierce battle.

Loke: "*huff* You know, you came really close to beating me there, Red King. *huff* Good thing I had this."

He pulls out an empty vial with a tiny bit of black liquid still stuck to the bottom. He pours the rest onto Y/N's armor, causing him and his dragons to cry out in pain.

Y/N/Ddraig/Svartur: "S-STOP!"

Loke: "Hey, *coughs blood* whatever it takes, eh Red Dragon Emperor? Or do you prefer Black Dragon Grimm King? So many titles!" he jovially states.

Lapis looks at Jaune with a smirk on her face.

Lapis: "Let's make things a little bit more interesting, shall we?"

Jaune: "What are you-"

But it was too late. Lapis sneaks behind Weiss while she's distracted by Loke's brutal punishment of Y/N and cuts open her side with her Aura-inhibiting sickle.

Weiss: "AHHH!"

Everyone stops their fighting to see what in the hell just happened. Her skin cuts open and blood starts draining from her. Y/N sees her just crumple to the ground and his eyes go black. The small patches of skin that can be seen in the broken armor also turn black, all over his body.

Jaune: "NO!"

He throws down his sword and runs to Weiss's side and presses on the wound to try and stop the bleeding. Lapis rejoins with Cinder, who's fighting on par with Ren and Nora.

Cinder: "Wow... You know, I didn't think I'd like you, considering who your boss is, but that... That was just perfect."

Lapis: "Well, what's a show without someone dying?"

Cinder: "Boring, I say." she agrees.

Loke, who's still standing over Y/N, turns back to him.

Loke: "Are you going to let someone else die?" He hears Y/N muttering something. "Huh? I can't hear you?"

Y/N: "...kill you all. Burn you. Massacre. Complete destruction." Power erupts from his body, throwing Loke backwards into Cinder and Lapis. "YOU'RE ALL GOING TO DIE BY MY HANDS!"

Loke: "I see what you're doing... I shall answer your conviction with my own!"

In response to Y/N's transformation, the armor around Loke's body glows purple and black and the entire building starts to shake.

Ruby remember his transformation in Juggernaut Drive and what it did to him the last time.

Ruby: "Y/N NOOOOOO!"

Silver light shoots from her eyes in their direction, but Emerald knocks her over the head, knocking her down before she can affect them. Cinder pulls back in pain, both because she was in the vicinity of Ruby's light and because she's remembering the pain that Y/N caused her in that form. Y/N and Loke fly out of the hallway into the sky, away from the distractions, and stare each other down.

Summer, Tai, Neo, Gilda, Quin, and the White Fang stare at the two figures surrounded by green and purple/gold light as storm clouds gather above them.

Summer: "Y/N!"

(A/N Loke and Regulus are doing their chant at the same time as Y/N)

Y/N: "I, who shall awaken"
Loke: "This body, this soul, even if it falls into an endless ravine!"
Regulus: "My... L-Lord and I.. exhaust soul- endless royal road!"

Y/N: "I am the Heavenly Dragon who stole the principle of Domination from the Gods..."
Loke: "Raze, triumph, play, and shine!"
Regulus: "This is body- Demonic Beast!"

Y/N: "I mock the infinite and fret over the dream..."
Loke: "Lodged on the top of my fist in the glorious imperial authority!"
Regulus: "Dance!"

Y/N: "I shall become the Red Dragon of Domination"
Loke: "Dance!"

Y/N: "I shall drown you in the depths of crimson purgatory"
Loke & Regulus: "Bloom!"


(A/N Really, this was the best I could find for something like Loke's Breakdown the Beast)


Y/N's body is covered is a sea of green and black aura while Loke's covered in black and purple. The true battle between Kings begins.

And so it begins!

For those of you who might be confused, in DxD, Breakdown the Beast is the Regulus Nemea equivalent of Juggernaut Drive that the Boosted Gear and Divine Dividing have. It temporarily removes the seal Regulus to bring forth his true power, like what Juggernaut Drive does to the Heavenly Dragons. The name of the form Regulus takes is called "Regulus Rey Leather Rex Imperial Purpure".

However, the problem is there isn't a picture of RRLRIP in the light novel (that I could find), so I had to make do with searching "Golden Lion Armor" on google and picking what seemed the best.

Back to the story, what will happen? Will Y/N lose his body to the darkness inside of him? Will he find some way to beat this darkness? Even if he does, can he beat Loke, who can match him in power?

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