The Tale of the Lost Sister a...

By daughterofposeidon05

59.1K 1.1K 572

This will be the story of the Third Great Prophecy, a quest will begin with The seven, Reyna, Nico, Will, Rac... More

Introductions and Clarificarions:
The Third Great Prophecy is Decreed
My Friends and I Become Detectives
I Actually Have Hope For Once...It Was a Mistake
I Sense Death and a Problem
Frank, Reyna, and I Attack Inanimate Objects
I Have To Go On a Quest...Greatttttt
My Suspicions are Confirmed...Ugh
I Miss the Campfire But Learn Something Cool
I Take My First Real Shower In Months
Annabeth Goes Off on Chiron...And I Learn I Get to go Off to Scotland
I Blaze With Anger...Literally
I Accidently Cause a Spontaneous Combustion
I Get the Most Important Job...SIKE!! I'm the Babysitter
My New Friend Jumps off a Roof
Lady Artemis Tells Me What We're Up Aganist
I Eat More Cards
Thalia, Hazel, and Me Plan a Sleepover in Percy's Cabin
We Play Truth or Dare After Discussing Our Deadly Quest
The Game Begins
Blue Bottles Spin and Red Apples Fly
I Make a Huge Announcemt...Thanks to Nico
I Decide to go Shopping
I Come Scarily Close to Being Killed...Again
Languages and Threats
I Cause an Indoor Storm
I Clean Up a Bit
Everything Changes
Leo is Helpful
Annabeth and I Have a War
I Dream About Magicians
I'd Perfer the Loch Ness Monster
Uncle Leo is a Taco Master
I Annoy Repair Boy
Cliff Jumping Times Two
It Really is a Castle
Newcomers with a Warship
I Meet Someone Gorgeous
Draco is Heartsick
Author Note, Timeline so Far:
I Become a Prissy Greek Princess
The Ball
14 Items
Percy is Sick
Time to Go
Connecting Bridges
Grover's a Girl
I Dont Want to Be a Chicken, I Dont Want to be a Duck, so I Shake my Butt
OH NO! Edward Cullen gets Slayed
Tinker a Drama Queen
The Huntress, The Twin, and The Sacrificer
What's Worse Than Being the Seventh Wheel? Being the Twentith
Mom and Dad
Scared of the Future
Braids and Boys
Author's Note, Timeline so Far
Surprise Times Two
The Talk...
Ron and Me are Robin Hood...Apparently
Burrowing Away
Not my Daughter you-
Bridget my Love
Fly Away, Hide Away
Life is Good on the Other Side
A Choice
Then He Faded
idk what to name is chapter some imma just quote Obi-Wan for now, "gOoD jOb"
Author's Note, Timeline So Far
First Time
Time for a Change
The Battle Begins
Come Back to Me
The McShizzle Man is Back
hi <3

"I Do"

660 16 8
By daughterofposeidon05


Annabeth's POV:

Holy Hera.

I'm 10 minutes away from walking down the aisle and marrying my soulmate...

While I absolutely HATED Aphrodites makeover process I have to admit she did not stray too far from who I am.

The dress was greek goddess style [hehe here come the photos like I said]

The shoes were gold greek sandals:

My hair was actually done by Bridget, I learned she was her own god at hair styling, she was hesitant at first but then she agreed. We didn't talk while she was a work though, while she was talking and being more open to everyone since she found another good friend in Leo she still wasn't really comfortable around anyone else. But she did an incredible job. She stopped by to do my hair before she got dressed herself, I really liked the accessory she added to the braids as well:

I did not have a lot of jewelry, I kept on only my camp necklace, my engagement ring, and then Aphrodite gave me a gold arm cuff:

My lovely bridesmaids all had these lovely mintish/sea green dresses:

and gold sandals:

Aphrodite didn't do much else, she wanted me to be the very center of attention. They all left their hair down. We all had very natural makeup on.

I was very anxious. All the girls had left to get in position just as the boys had. Chiron walked through the door. While my father was here...Chiron had always been more a father to me than him and he u sera told why I had asked Chiron to give me away. He was blood...but the demigods and everyone at the camps were my true family.

"You absolutely stunning darling, are you ready?" he asked me with a sweet smile...I nodded nervously. Everyone was here, all the gods came, my mortal family, Percy's mortal family, Magnus, Alex, Sadie, Carter, everyone from the camps, Calypso, and the Hunters.

The actually ceremony was being held on the beach, they had decorated and stuff but I hadn't seen anything really yet, we decided to have the reception on the deck of The Argo ||| I also had not seen that. I hadn't seen the groomsmen and of course I hadn't seen Percy either.

"Chiron...what if I choke? What if he chokes?" I asked anxiously.

He looked down at me with his warm smile, "Then like I have heard many of your friends saying to both of you when you get anxious they will hold you at swords point, I know for a fact they all found ways to hide their weapons in their wedding attire. Have you?"

I for once when asked about weapon accessibility shook my head, "Today is the only day I will ever leave my knife and sword in my cabin. Everyone can have them but I leaving my weapons." Chiron and I laughed.

We started to walk off towards the beach, I thought about how Percy had tried to vouch for us using the song "18" by One Direction [I know that by the timeline of when they were born that song didn't exist yet but I say screw it, only a few years off] when I walked down the aisle because it was sort of true in our case...but it was shot down because we weren't even 18 yet, but loved each other enough and old enough physical and mentally to know that this was we wanted. I case something happened on this quest, we wanted to know we had done it instead of going off and regretting not doing it.

We kept getting closer and I could see my groomsmen and bridesmaids walking down. Grover and Thalia, then Piper and Jason, Hazel and Frank, Rachel and Leo, then Will, Nico, and Reyna all walked together. Reyna on the bride side and then the boys on the grooms side so they could separate easily at the end of the aisle. We didn't have a flower girl. Tyson who was the ring bearer was standing next to Sally, who was the Officiator. She looked gorgeous with her pregnant belly and beautiful dress. The lake was glittering extra bright due to what I was assume Percy's father.

I could finally see Percy and everyone including him...could see me. Everyone stood from their seats and looked at me. I felt a bit self conscious.

I wasn't even two steps down the aisle and Percy was crying. It made me also start to develop tears. Thankfully Aphrodite had made the makeup tear proof so if they decided to fall I wouldn't have to worry about mascara smudges.

While I walked down the aisle I caught a glimpse of Bridget, she cleaned up very beautifully, if we had been able to get closer I would've asked her to be in my wedding party as well but it didn't seem right especially since she had been weary about just doing my hair. Also when I did see her I thought how much she would've been robbed of displaying herself in a different way than she normally did if she had been on of bridesmaids because of Aphrodites bridesmaid law of not being anywhere near as stunning as the bride, which I thought was dumb. I didn't mind that she looked stunning, I was glad she came. It made me smile even more.

Before I knew it I was facing Percy and holding his hands in mine.

"Hey Wise Girl," he whispered. "You look more beautiful than words could even describe."

"Hey Seaweed Brain," I whispered back. "You look more handsome than words could even describe."

Sally giggled at the two of us, "You may be seated." she addressed everyone. "Today we are all gathered together from many different cultures, lives, camps, species, and through all of the differences we are a family. We all are here to support the joining of these two young demigods. Annabeth Chase Daughter of Athena and Perseus Jackson Son of Poseidon to be joined together today in holy matrimony. This young couple met one another when they were twelve years old and have been best friends ever since their first quest to return the lighting blot and it's thief. Though they weren't a couple until last year the feelings had been growing stronger everyday since their meeting. They went on another quest the next year to save their friend and find the Golden Fleece to save this beloved camp. They saved each other many times as well in that process and also saved one more friend than intended at the start. Then after saving two young demigods Percy went on a quest to save Annabeth who had been kidnapped during that rescue. They both gained a permanent streak of grey in their hair from the same burden of holding up the sky. Lives were lost yes but they were reunited in this journey. They always save one another. They it was the labyrinth, a strain was put between them during this time, and Percy went missing. Thought to be dead Annabeth was devastated and then Percy came home to her and everyone again and their bonds grew as did the strain. Growing older different people came into their lives making them question their feelings towards each other. Labyrinth was completed and there strain. Then there was the war. They protected one another through the entire battle, there was an almost fatal injury but Annabeth recovered and Percy tried to stay by her side almost the entire time. Eventually with their teamwork and trust they were able to defeat Kronos. After that battle they shared their first kiss and finally to everyone's relief made it official." Everyone laughed at that.

I smiled and got scared at the memories, I knew that the Giant War recollections was coming next. No one at all minded that it was a long speech, it all needed to be said.

"Next we saw Percy get taken away from Annabeth and sent to Camp Jupiter while the intentions were good it was...forgive me Hera...and awful thing to do. Though they were reunited once more when the quest of seven began. They traveled to Rome and Annabeth had to leave on her own. While she made it through her personal journey and succeeded, in the end while Percy was trying to save her from the floor cave in and being dragged by web from Arachne they both were dragged down into Tartarus. It was impossible to save them at the time but the rest of the demigods while they were falling started to the Doors of Death to be able to save them. They marched through hell together and actually made friends. They never gave up and kept each other sane. While there are horrors they never even told us for reason of it being too horrible we all know that it was more awful than any of us...with the exception of Nico...could ever dream or imagine. They made it out together and from then they never left each others sides. They while this was awful were the ones to have their blood spilled to raise the Earth Mother. They still stayed together and kept each other and safe. Finally the Earth Mother was defeated and the camps were united after a hard battle. We now four months later and on the cusp of sadly a new Great Prophecy quest are joining these two in marriage so it can never be doubted their love of commitment for one another."

I started letting the tears fall at that.

"Now Percy and Annabeth, face one another," she addressed us, "Now for the personalized vows. Percy, you may start."

"Hi everyone," he said as he pulled a speech out of his pocket and when he did he pen fell out he didn't bother picking it up though, everyone laughed. "It'll go back on it's own. Anyways," he finally started, "Hey, Wise Girl, I'm writing these vows at about 3 am the day of our wedding. Not because I in any way forgot but because I just couldn't think of the right words. How do you put all your love and emotions into one measly speech. I know you could and probably did because your amazing but I am bad at writing. Here is what I came up with though: I have loved you since the first time we told me I drooled in my sleep, I have loved you since we went on Ares mini quest in the middle of our quest and found Aphrodites scarf and you snatched it away saying 'no love magic for you', I have loved you since the first time we really talked on the truck with the animals, I have loved you ever since you snuck out of camp with me to go save Grover and find the Fleece, I loved you since you saved me from being a guinea pig for the rest of forever, I have loved you since I saved you from the Sirens, I have loved you since we saved you from dying on the way home from getting the Fleece, I have loved you since you were taken away from me and I broke a thousand rules to go save you, I have loved you since I felt the burden you bared holding the sky when I did the same, I have loved you since we fell in the labyrinth together the first time, I have loved you since the first time you kissed me on Mount St. Helens before I blew myself up and ended up on Oygigia, I have loved you since I longed to be back with you away from offense Calypso, I have loved you since you hug and screamed at me when I came back at my own funeral, I have loved you since you were my image for my life line when I bathed in Rivers Styx, I have loved you since you got stabbed and I was broken seeing you almost die, I have loved you since you were the only person I ever told about my Achilles Heel spot, I have loved you since our second kiss, and our third that was underwater. I have loved you since you were the only person I could remember when I was taken away, I have loved you since we were reunited, I have loved you since we slept in the stables on The Argo || and talked about our future, I have loved you since our lunch in Italy where I was uncultured and got tourist food, I have loved you since I had to let you go again, I have loved you since we fell into Tartarus and all the way through the horrible experience, I have loved you since we escaped, I have loved you since our kiss at Athens to end the rivalry where it started...metaphorically sadly it isn't ended, thanks parents, I have loved you since our blood was spilled, I have loved since we wanted to try and to back to college but we couldn't, I have loved you since I proposed to you. I love you now. You are my other half and my soulmate, I could never live without you. I love you my Wise Girl and I always have I didn't know it at first but I did, and I always will love you no matter how long my life ends up being. I will love you in death and we'll share a home in Elysium."

my tears were unstoppable, "Thank you...okay, is my turn I guess. Seaweed Brain, I have this committed to memory...I thought you were a dork when I met you, then for a while I thought of you as a brother, then I realized I loved you and was very jealous of all the girls throwing themselves at you....well the two at least. I never thought I would be good enough for you and even though I used to think I loved was always you and always has been you and always will be you. Now that I am saying this speech I realize how much better yours is than mine and I wish I could just repeat it because that is how I feel. I love till the end of forever and all the way back again. We will share that home...I never want to loose you again. I love you Seaweed Brain."

"May we have the rings please? Tyson?" Sally took the rings from Tyson. Our wedding bands were matching, mine was a bit thinner than Percy's though.

Sally addressed Percy, "Percy, take this ring and place it on Annabeth's finger. Repeat after me: Annabeth I give you this ring as a symbol of the promise I made to you today."

"Annabeth, I give you this ring as a symbol of the promise I made to you today," he said placing the ring on my finger with my engagement ring.

She then addressed me, "Annabeth, take this ring and place it on Percy's finger. Repeat after me: Percy I give you this ring as a symbol of the promise I made to you today."

"Percy I give you this ring as a symbol of the promise I made to you today," I placed the ring on his finger.

Sally addressed Percy again, "Percy, do you take Annabeth to be your wife?"

Percy looked at me the the most adorning eyes, "I do."

She turned faced me, "Annabeth, do you take Percy to be your husband?"

"I do." I said it with no hesitation, now that we were here all the anxiety was gone.

"I now pronounce you husband and wife. You may now kiss the bride," Sally said at last the words I had been waiting for, "Ladies and gentlemen, I am proud to present to you for the first time ever Mr. Perseus and Mrs. Annabeth Jackson."

Ahhhhhhhhhh!!!! That was long and I am so happy about it!!! I felt empowered for some reason to give Percy his little moment of genius and wisdom, and I knew that if these two were to say vows they would be very a like so I feel no guilt and making Annabeth's shorter than his. I hope you guys liked the wedding ceremony. Exciting and crazy things now to come at the reception. Please send me feedback <3

~Daughter Of Poseidon

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