Back Home (A Larry Stylinson...

By TimeToRead2485

523K 15K 28.9K

Harry Styles became the fastest selling record artist with sold-out concerts and an award winning actor. He p... More

Chapter 1 - We had some good times, didn't we?
Chapter 2 - Happily?
Chapter 3 - Spaces between us
Chapter 4 - When we were 18
Chapter 5 - The music is so loud
Chapter 6 - The script was written
Chapter 7 - Looking in the dark
Chapter 8 - I want to write you a song
Chapter 9 - Does he know?
Chapter 10 - Story of my life
Chapter 11 - It's gotta be you
Chapter 12 - Better than words
Chapter 13 - Silence and Sounds
Chapter 14 - See you smile again
Chapter 15 - Sweet Creature
Chapter 16 - I wanna tell the world that you're mine
Chapter 17 - Tell me that I'm wrong
Chapter 18 - Don't Forget Where You Belong
Chapter 19 - We don't say what we really mean
Chapter 20 - How many nights till it takes
Chapter 21 - I show you my heart
Chapter 22 - Taste of my Tongue
Chapter 23 - Midnight Memories
Chapter 24 - If I Could Fly
Chapter 25 - I get down on my knees for you
Chapter 26 - I was like... Nanana!
Chapter 27 - Perfect For You
Chapter 28 - We Made It

Home (Epilogue)

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By TimeToRead2485

Ten Years Later

Louis' POV

I woke up from a knock on the door.

"Harry, get that door for me, please?" I asked lazily. I was cuddling him and he was wrapping his arms around me. However, there was no single movement coming from him and the knocking of the door was continuous, so I had no choice but to get up and as I opened the door, burst of laughter greeted me.


"Lexie! Heath! My beautiful twins! Good morning, love!"

I knelt down adjusting myself on their height. Both hugged and kissed me on the cheeks.

Yes, they are our twins. Meet Lexialle Johanne and Heath Raille Styles-Tomlinson. They are five years old. They are a product of artificial insemination coming from Harry's. They had his curly hair, color of eyes and the dimples, Lexie has one on the left side, and Heath has on the right side. They are so kind yet playful and energetic.

"Papa awake, Daddy?" Lexie said, fixing her hair.

"Papa! Wake up!" Heath screamed running towards his father not waiting for my answer. Struggling, he jumped on the bed, shaking and poking the chest of his father. "Daddy, Papa not wake up?"

I chuckled. I knew Harry was already awake. But knowing him, he just wanted to play with his twins.

"Oh yeah?" I walked at the side of the bed as I carried Lexie. "Try harder. Maybe, you need to do something for him to wake up."

"Ehmm..." He put his index finger on his lips thinking of what to do next. A dimple was poking on the side.

"A kiss! Heath, give Papa a kiss!" Lexie suggested which her twin brother immediately obeyed, but it was not working.

"Nope! Not working!" He slapped his forehead. He and his mannerisms were so like Harry minus the curly hair.

"Let's kiss him together! Dad, put me down." I put her on the other side of the bed.

"At the count of three, yeah?" I signaled. "One, two, three!"

As expected, he still did not move. And I knew what happened next.

"Dad, kiss Papa on the lips. Heath and I on the cheeks, yeah?"

I giggled. I knew he would say that, but I played along because I was enjoying myself too. I climbed on the bed and sat on top of my husband's stomach.

"Okay! At the count of three!" Heath began. "One, two, three!"

And as we all kissed him together, that was the time Harry screamed hugging us all. I did not know how he did it but the three of us could fit on him. The twins were giggling and was so fond with their Papa.

It felt so good waking up in the morning with the love of my life on my side. While we were playing on the bed, there was another knock on the door making us all stopped.

"Dad!? Papa!?" A little girl screaming from the door.

"Olivia, why are you screaming, Love?" Harry asked.

Meet our second child, Olivia Fritzy. She is already eight years old. Right after we got married, Harry and I decided to look for a surrogate mother. Luckily, with our connections, we got one. Also, she is the mother of the twins, only she is from my sperm. She is like the female version of Freddie, same eye-color as mine, blond hair, and a bit of a sassy.

"I'm gonna be late if you won't get up. I'm hungry now. The food is already served." Olivia said with her hands on her waist. "Heath, Lexie, stop hurting Papa, will you? He is tired. He just arrived last night."

"But Oliv, I miss Papa so much..." Lexie whined.

"I miss him too, but have you seen me hitting him with a pillow?" My older girl defended.

"Ehmm, sorry Papa." Heath apologized. "Does it hurt?"

"Not at all, sunshine. Papa is fine." Harry answered kissing the twins on the temple. "Oliv, we are just playing around. No need to be worried so much. Come here."

Olivia went closer to us immediately. She kissed and hugged her Papa making the twins did the same. My heart melted witnessing moments like this.

Harry just looked and whispered something to the kids. Now, everyone was looking at me with a smirk on their faces.

"What?" I asked.

And with just a second, all of them came to me and crashed me by laying on top of me. They tried to kiss me all at the same time.

Then all of a sudden, my phone rang. I tried to reach my phone from the nightstand despite the weight on my body. It was from Freddie. He was FaceTiming, I instantly answered it.

"Oii oiii!!!! Freddie!!!" Everyone greeted him.

"Oiiii oiiii! What is happening out there, guys?"

"We are just playing on the bed. Your brother and sisters just missed your Papa, so they went here in our room first thing in the morning and here we are! What's up, love?"

"Well, it's Friday and it's the Styles-Tomlinson Weekend Getaway and I'm coming home. I was just asking what do you want guys. What's your plan?"

There is our Freddie... as you all know is already 21 years old and is currently studying at Cambridge University with a major of business. He is already a grown-up man, very responsible I must say and live independently near his school. We bought him a flat on his birthday. And once in awhile, during our special Styles-Tomlinson Weekend Getaway, he visited us. He is the same smart, caring and thoughtful son to us and a big brother to his siblings.

Harry took the phone from me and answered his question in our behalf. "Well, Olivia here suggested that it will be a Talent Show and we all agreed that the winner will have an access to be the Home's Royalty for a week. What do you think?"

"Sounds fun! I take the challenge!"

"Great! See you later, yeah?"

"Drive safe, sunshine!" I said.

"I will, Dad! Bye guys! Love you all!"

"We love you!"

That night after our early dinner, everyone was so busy preparing for the show. It was our first time to have it, and knowing each member of the family, taking from Harry and my genes, we were all very competitive. The kids were on their own rooms, I had no idea what they were doing, because they did not even let us enter.

Even Harry and I, though we were in the same room, we did not talk or share what we would present. He was in our closet room, and I was in the en suite bathroom. I must admit I was already nervous because I did not know how would my family react, especially Harry. Well, let us see and find out...

"Ladies and gentlemen, welcome to our very first Styles-Tomlinson Talent Show!" Alex, our butler, began as he stood in the middle of the living room making everyone screamed. "It is my pleasure to be the host of this prestigious show..."

Everyone giggled.

"But before we proceed to the presentation, let me introduce the judges. They are three of the members of the best boyband of all time, let's give it up for, Niall, Liam and Zayn!"

Cheers and claps roamed around the living room as my three best mates stood and waved to all of us. By the time I called them inviting to be the judges, they did not hesitate and just agreed on it.

"I know you are all very excited and thrilled," Alex continued. "So without further ado, please put your hands for Olivia!"

As we clapped and cheered for her, she walked confidently in the center with her ballerina costume. She positioned herself and looked at our maid signalling to play the music. And there she was gracefully dancing presenting what she had learned in her ballet lesson.

Once she bowed down, we gave her a standing ovation. The twins immediately ran towards her to hug her.

"Thank you, Oliv, for that magical dance presentation. Our next performer came all the way from the University of Cambridge. Ladies and gentlemen, Freddie Reign!"

At first, we had no idea what he would perform, because when he arrived home, he asked his Papa to borrow one of his suits. Without questions, Harry let him through his massive closet room where all his expensive clothes, shoes and accessories were there. After minutes, he went out and on his hand a glittery white and yellow suit.

There he stood facing away from us. He was adjusting something on his face. And when the song "We Will Rock You" played, he turned around. Everyone was laughing so hard because he was portraying and even looked like Freddie Mercury because of the fake moustache.

He was so good at performing, lip synching that made everyone swaying hands and sing-along with him. He stood by his name and I did not regret naming him after the great artist of all time.

"There you have it, guys! Wow! What an incredible talent you have, Freddie!" praised by Alex. "Our next performer needs no introduction at all. He is the one and only, Harry Styles-Tomlinson!"

Before Harry stood, he kissed me on the lips.

"Good evening everyone! The song that I'm going to sing is very special to me. Someone wrote this for me ten years ago. It is an eye-opener for me how much he means to me. I cannot live a life like this without this song. And I will never get tired of singing this song because this is us. To my favourite song-writer, my bestfriend, my ultimate crush, my husband, Louis, I love you so much!"

He started strumming his guitar.

"Make a little conversation, so long I've been waiting, to let go of myself and feel alive..."

My heart stopped when he started singing. This had been what I felt every time he sang our theme song. I was always moved by the he sang it. It was so emotional and nostalgic making me thought of what had happened to us since we were like sixteen and eighteen. And after twenty years, here we were... stronger and happy.

"You make me feel like home."

Right after he finished the song, I could not help but to stand and walk towards him. He opened his arms for me and that was when I gave him a hug. He gave me a peck on the lips.

"Get a room, mates!" Everyone laughed when Niall shouted at us.

"Thank you, Sir Harry, for that very emotional performance. The next to present is an award winning song-writer, producer and businessman. Let us give a big round of applause for Mr. Louis Styles-Tomlinson!"

My heart beat so fast while walking towards the grand piano. I took a deep breath and looked at my family, all smile staring at me. The twins waved at me making me blew them a kiss.

"Hello everyone! Before I begin, I must admit. I am so nervous right now. Ehmm... the song that I am going to sing tonight is a very special one for me. I wrote this unexpectedly in a very magical place ten years ago."

"Is that the place where you and Paps got married?" Freddie asked.

"Yes. I have kept this song for so long. Well, I almost forgot I have this, but then when I see where I am today, being with you, Harry, with our lovely children, it was a nostalgic moment. This song reminded me of the best decision I have ever made, that all through these years, I will always love you. I hope you like it. This is for you, babe."

I blew him a kiss. He caught it and placed it on his chest and mouthed 'I love you so much'. I sat in front of the grand piano and started playing keys.

"I went to Amsterdam without you, and all I could do was think about you, and, oh, I should've known. I went to Tokyo to let it go, drink after drink but I still felt alone. I should've known. I went to so many places, looking for you in the faces. I could feel it. Oh, I could feel it. I'm wasting my time when it was always you, always you. Chasing the high but it was always you, always you. Should've never let you go, oh-oh. Should've never let you go, my baby.

As I ended, I saw Harry on tears. He stood in front of me now. Despite the cheers and claps around us, it was that moment that it was only us in the living room, holding hands and just staring at each other. I gave him a shyly smile.

"Did you like it?"

He nodded. I wiped the tears on his face. Since he was still in awe, I guided him back to our seat.

"Thank you, Sir Louis, for a captivated-heart number. The last one or rather two but certainly not the least to perform the cutest and the most adorable creatures in this house. May I call on, Lexie and Heath!"

The twins excitedly ran in front with their adorable Mario and Princess costumes. Lexie whispered something to Alex which was a cue to play the song.

Everyone was laughing because they were re-enacting the music video of Best Song Ever and trying to copy the steps made by us, making Freddie and Olivia joined them. They were so lovely to watch!

However, I noticed the grip of Harry on my hands. I looked at him. I raised my eyebrows wondering what he was thinking.

"Thank you for believing me and for loving me." He said.

I knew he was still thinking of the song. I gave him a genuine smile, followed by a kiss on his lips.

"Thank you for not giving up on me and for loving me too." I replied.

"We are home." We both said ending with a kiss.



And that's the end of my story. I am so emotional writing this note because it has been a year since I started publishing this story. I can't believe someone recognized this story and even liked this. All I wanted at first was just to publish not even caring the numbers of reads and votes. And here I am, ending this story. This is like my baby. And I will set this free and will let you guys judge of the beautiful love story of Louis Tomlinson and Harry Styles.

I humbly and deeply thank these two for always inspiring me to live a happy life and for letting me realize that love is love, that love is a powerful feeling that can touch everyone's heart whoever and wherever you are. I will always support you. I love you both!

And to my readers, thank you very much for boosting my confidence and inspiring me to write stories. Your positive comments and feedbacks are greatly appreciated. It melts my heart. You never fail to make me happy. Hopefully, you will spread and recommend this to your friends or to everyone.

As I ended this story, and same as I always say, keep on believing Larry! Until we meet to my next story! I love you all!

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