The Tale of the Lost Sister a...

By daughterofposeidon05

58.8K 1.1K 572

This will be the story of the Third Great Prophecy, a quest will begin with The seven, Reyna, Nico, Will, Rac... More

Introductions and Clarificarions:
The Third Great Prophecy is Decreed
My Friends and I Become Detectives
I Actually Have Hope For Once...It Was a Mistake
I Sense Death and a Problem
Frank, Reyna, and I Attack Inanimate Objects
I Have To Go On a Quest...Greatttttt
My Suspicions are Confirmed...Ugh
I Miss the Campfire But Learn Something Cool
I Take My First Real Shower In Months
I Blaze With Anger...Literally
I Accidently Cause a Spontaneous Combustion
I Get the Most Important Job...SIKE!! I'm the Babysitter
My New Friend Jumps off a Roof
Lady Artemis Tells Me What We're Up Aganist
I Eat More Cards
Thalia, Hazel, and Me Plan a Sleepover in Percy's Cabin
We Play Truth or Dare After Discussing Our Deadly Quest
The Game Begins
Blue Bottles Spin and Red Apples Fly
I Make a Huge Announcemt...Thanks to Nico
I Decide to go Shopping
I Come Scarily Close to Being Killed...Again
Languages and Threats
I Cause an Indoor Storm
I Clean Up a Bit
"I Do"
Everything Changes
Leo is Helpful
Annabeth and I Have a War
I Dream About Magicians
I'd Perfer the Loch Ness Monster
Uncle Leo is a Taco Master
I Annoy Repair Boy
Cliff Jumping Times Two
It Really is a Castle
Newcomers with a Warship
I Meet Someone Gorgeous
Draco is Heartsick
Author Note, Timeline so Far:
I Become a Prissy Greek Princess
The Ball
14 Items
Percy is Sick
Time to Go
Connecting Bridges
Grover's a Girl
I Dont Want to Be a Chicken, I Dont Want to be a Duck, so I Shake my Butt
OH NO! Edward Cullen gets Slayed
Tinker a Drama Queen
The Huntress, The Twin, and The Sacrificer
What's Worse Than Being the Seventh Wheel? Being the Twentith
Mom and Dad
Scared of the Future
Braids and Boys
Author's Note, Timeline so Far
Surprise Times Two
The Talk...
Ron and Me are Robin Hood...Apparently
Burrowing Away
Not my Daughter you-
Bridget my Love
Fly Away, Hide Away
Life is Good on the Other Side
A Choice
Then He Faded
idk what to name is chapter some imma just quote Obi-Wan for now, "gOoD jOb"
Author's Note, Timeline So Far
First Time
Time for a Change
The Battle Begins
Come Back to Me
The McShizzle Man is Back
hi <3

Annabeth Goes Off on Chiron...And I Learn I Get to go Off to Scotland

1.1K 18 13
By daughterofposeidon05


Percy's POV:

For my Free Time after the Campfire I went straight to Chiron. Annabeth and Grover followed me. We knew our suspicions were true.

We bust down the door to his room which he sadly groaned about because he has fixed Zeus only knows how many times because the campers always break it down when going to talk to him.

"Must you knock my door off it's hinges every time you walk into this room, Perseus," he said with an annoyed face. I flinched when he used my real name, it was rare that people did.

Annabeth pushes me aside and wagged her finger in the air, "We gotta bone to pick with you!" she exclaimed.

Chiron just said sarcastically, "Get in line. The line consists of my Father and Mr. D who just gets annoyed at me because he has no one else he can get annoyed at without getting electrocuted or something."


At that statement, he looked taken aback, "Uh....Annabeth dear—"

"You usually tell us three everything, did you think we wouldn't notice you were acting strange?" Grover cut him off. He tried to start again.

"Grover, did—"

"No Rachel did not tell us!! But is this why we are gonna start training her!! are we all apart of the Third Great Prophecy and for some reason you just didn't tell us because you wanted to wait and spring it on us at the last minute??" this time I cut him off. He tried to speak once more.

"Percy, I was going to tell you as soon as—"

"As soon as the person that needed to show up for it to begin, showed up or the crazy event that needed to happen before it could begin, happened? And it was that girl. we had been noticing yours and Rachel's faces all day and then when Rachel told her bogus lies we decided to trust her but then you guys made the worried concerned faces again and we knew that our suspicions were true. TELL US THE PROPHECY!!!" Annabeth went off on him when she cut him off.

Chiron held his hands up in defeat and simply said, "Fine." he then handed Annabeth a piece of paper. I had a prophecy on it and at the top was the The Third Great Prophecy. Annabeth read aloud:

"14 shall set out most old and one new

The Huntress, the Praetor, and the seven, are a few

The Panic, the sun, and the dark, will also help out the gods

The Oracle and previously unknown child who has beat all the odds

The land is unsafe, air and sea must be used

Back again to ancient lands, whom state is unimproved

Some more shall be met in the homeland of Loch Ness

But whether to trust could be the factor that decides success

Groups separate to far and wide

To find details of information that an enemy will provide

The first ever mother now rises for vengeance

For being forgotten and left casted down into nothingness

Together she joins with the two previously defeated

Because with her help they may finally be succeeded

She brings all those lost back to life at her side

But only of course if they were to evil allied

This journey shall be long and put strain on all friends

One will get lost but return, on which side? it depends

The god whom bore the new will need to be found

Or all plans to succeed will become drowned

While the brethren may believe the end draws near

The Lord of Darkness shall make the path veer

Memories forgotten and friends split apart

Once a team together now a team not

Past must be recalled

Before to the First Mother the world does fall

Fail without trust, without friends, and without magic

Without those three elements the results will be tragic

But keep these in mind and you'll make it home free

For the fate of the universe forever now rest with thee"

"Oh Styx," I muttered, the sky rumbled. "We have to go out again..."

"T-the Panic, t-that's me..." Grover stuttered, he hadn't been on an actual quest for the camp since the labyrinth. He went on his own quests to spread the news of Pan's fading and start fixing nature and stuff and he helped with the wars but it has been about a year since his last camp quest.

"Why is it always us...." Annabeth whispered.

"Jason, Piper, Hazel, Frank, Leo, Reyna, Thalia, Nico, Will, Rachel, you three, and our new friend. Who's name I forgot ask Will about. We will all find out tomorrow. And now that you three know, I will call a Head Councilor Meeting tomorrow and ask Frank, Hazel, Reyna, you Grover obviously, and our new friend to come as well. Rachel always comes to meetings," Chiron sighed, "Just know that you children cannot leave until she is claimed, we have to know who her parent is because of you read correctly, her father will have to be revised at some point. You also if you read will need another flying ship, The Argo ||| we're going to have to call it and it will need to be bigger and better than the last two Argos for this many people and after we saw what happened to the last one." Chiron explained, "We will discuss this more in depth tomorrow. Please all of you go enjoy the rest of your free time, Percy remember you have Rachel's training later the harpies have been informed, and do not ask her about the prophecy, she is already stressed enough about it without being bombarded with questions."

We all nodded our head and left the Big House. We went back to my cabin to talk about and try and figure some stuff out ourselves.

Annabeth being, Annabeth, memorized the prophecy, so we were able to go over the lines:

"14 shall set out most old and one new"

"That's an obvious one, everyone who Chiron said are the old and then the new girl is a obviously 'one new'," I said.

"the Huntress, the Praetor, and the seven, are a few"

"Thalia, Reyna, The Seven, which is you guys plus the others. Again, and obvious line," Grover said.

"the Panic, the sun, and the dark, will also help out the gods"

"Grover, Will, Nico, that one is also obvious," Annabeth said.

"the Oracle and previously unknown child who has beat all the odds"

"Rachel, and the new girl. Again, obvious. But this beat the odds line...that reminds me of your prophecy you know the 'A child of the eldest gods shall reach sixteen against all odds' line, you don't think she is a child of the Big Three. Do you?" Annabeth asked. Grover and I shrugged, it was possible and reasoning behind thinking it made sense.

"the land is unsafe, air and sea must be used"

"We can only travel by air and sea like last time so we'll need another flying ship, but like Chiron said we need to design it better, I can help Leo out more this time since boat's are like my area of expertise, and also this time instead of only Leo, Jason, Piper, the Hephaestus kids, and you Annabeth we can get Hephaestus and Vulcan kids to help and all 14 going on the quest can help," I pointed out how many more number we'd have to make sure it was an even more structurally sound and stuff than last time.

"back again to ancient lands, whom state is unimproved"

"Ancient Lands, Greece and Rome again like last time. Wow gods really wanna going International lately, not complaining though, those countries are beautiful and have so much rich history and cool architecture ," Annabeth exclaimed.

"some more shall be met in the homeland of Loch Ness"

"Land of Loch Ness? What the heck is that?" Grover whined.

"Loch Ness as in Loch Ness monster I am assuming, so it is talking about Scotland," Annabeth explained to Grover and I.

"Oh cool, we're going to Scotland!!" I whooped.

"but whether to trust could be the factor that decides success"

"So that means when we meet these new people in Scotland we'll have to make the decision to either trust them or not and depending on what we choose could mean the difference between success and failure..." Annabeth gathered.

"Groups Separated to car and wide."

Grover groaned, "All I know is that probably is bad."

"To find details of information that an enemy will provide."

Annabeth shrugged, "I mean that sounds okay but what do we have to sacrifice or do to meet this apparent enemy?"

"the first ever mother now rises for vengeance"

"No idea what that means," I said, the other two nodded in agreement.

"for being forgotten and left casted down into nothingness"

"See that lines explains why I have no idea what the previous line means," I said and we all laughed

"together she joins with the two previously defeated"

"That could either mean Gaea and Kronos or the Titians and the Giants," Grover shivered next to me just thinking about that. we all did at the thought.

"because with her help they may finally be succeeded"

"I have a feeling it is the Titans and Giants because there have been two wars each with them so maybe this time whoever this mother is gives them a better shot at winning," Annabeth guessed.

"she brings all those lost back to life at her side"

"Uh oh," That was all I needed to say for them to understand what I meant.

"but only of course if they were to evil allied"

"double uh oh," Grover said.

"this journey shall be long and put strain on all friends"

"Greattttttttt, loving all this vagueness, wouldn't be a prophecy if it wasn't vague," I said sarcastically and rolled my eyes.

"one will get lost but return, on which side? it depends"

"Awesome, so one of us might end up on the wrong side after running away or something," I said sarcastically.

"the god whom bore the new will need to be found"

"If she is a child of the Big Three that means this new enemy is going to be powerful enough to imprison one of the most powerful gods there are, that is a scary thought, what the heck are we up against," I shook at the thought.

"or all plans to succeed will become drowned"

"Wow, so if we don't find the imprisoned god we'll fail, like when if we didn't free Hera all her plans and stuff would've been ruined," Annabeth observed.

"While the brethren may believe the end draws near"

"So like when we think it's end it won't be? Awesome." I said unenthusiastically.

"The Lord of Darkness shall make the path veer."

"Blahahaha, don't want to meet that guy!" Grover bleated.

"Memories forgotten and friends split apart"

"It always has to be my memories doesn't it!" I groaned.

"Once a team together now a team not"

Annabeth sighed, "Obvious one."

"Last must be recalled"

Annabeth scoffed, "Well duh if they were taken!" she was getting annoyed at this prophecy and I could tell. We all were.

"Before to the First Mother the world does fall"

"Awesome." I said monotoned.

"fail without trust, without friends, and without magic"

"okay so we have to remember trust, friends and...magic? maybe she is a child of Hecate. Or what if Sadie and Carter are in Scotland and we'll meet up with them.....wait no it says we need to decide to trust and we already trust them. Maybe it is talking about Hazel and her Mist magic and connection with Hecate," Annabeth went on a through rant.

"Remember Prophecies are never clear don't strain yourself trying to figure it all out right now, half this stuff won't even make sense on what it meant until the quest is over," I reminded her.

"without those three elements the results will be tragic"

"I'm really loving all these warnings about how we can screw up," Grover said.

"but keep these in mind and you'll make it home free"

"Yeah you said that already," I groaned.

"for the fate of the universe forever now rest with thee"

"Yeah, for the third time in a row. Hah, no pressure there," I rolled my eyes. Annabeth grabbed something paper and Riptide our of my pocket, she took the cap off and it sprang into a sword but once she placed the cap at the bottom of the hilt rather than on the blade's tip, it changed into a pen. She wrote the prophecy down and then folded shoved the paper in her back pocket that didn't have her hat. she turned Riptide back into a closed pen by doing the opposite of what she did before and handed it back to me.

"Thanks, I'm so happy we learned how to turn it into a pen, cause it means we always have a writing utensil now," I said. All three of us laughed again.

"Okay, we're gonna have to share all our thoughts at the meeting tomorrow. Maybe less of the sarcastically ones though, we should only comment when we have something smart about it to contribute," Annabeth said. Grover and I nodded in agreement. she looked at the clock on my cabin wall and saw that it was 10 minutes to curfew. "Okay we gotta go. Talk to you guys tomorrow," she said.

Grover gave Annabeth and I hugs and then left, Annabeth gave me a kiss and then walked out to go to her cabin.

I instead wait for it to be 23:45 and then headed out to the swords arena. Chiron has left the lights on for Rachel and I. She was already sitting in the arena looking up at the stars.

"Hey Rachel," I smiled at her. she smiled back at me.

"Hey, Perce, so how does this work, do I pick out a sword first?" she asked me. I nodded. We walked to the weapon shed. She looked around until something caught her eye. She picked up a Harpe sheath and unsheathed a celestial bronze Harpe, a sword with a curved implement at the top, the hilt was sliver and had a claw like design on the very end, also a snake attachment at the top of the hilt so it looked as if it was curling around the top of the hilt and then starting to slither up the blade.

"This feels right," Rachel smiled at me, she looked at the carving on the hilt, "Άρπας του Περσέα..."

"Hey, that means 'Harpe of Perseus' that is the original Perseus's sword, he decapitated Medusa with that," I smiled for the first time seeing my namesakes famous weapon.

"Sweet, I like it," Rachel said in a fiery voice. she

Once she got her weapons we started training. We went until 01:00 because we just went over like parts of the sword and different stances.

After we finished Rachel took her new sword back to her cave, and I went back to my cabin and fell asleep.


The next morning I was excited, well...not really. More nervous about how everyone else would react it made me sad thinking about what their reactions would be. I got out of bed and combed my hair and threw on some clothes, that was when my fountain shimmered. Tyson was on the screen.

"Hello brother Percy," he smiled his toothy grin. I was so happy to talk to him.

"Hey Big Guy, how are you," I asked him kneeling down next to the fountain.

"I am good. Daddy is good too, he wanted to come talk to you but he is busy doing stuff for palace," Tyson said in his lovable baby voice.

"Oh well Bud, I gotta tell you something, The next Great Prophecy was spoken...and I have to go on another quest soon...." I told him sadly.

His smiled faded, he knew Great Prophecy were always extremely dangerous, he did want me to get hurt, "Does Annabeth? and Goat Boy?" he asked worriedly.

I wanted to say no but I couldn't bare lying to him, "yeah Tyson, they gotta go, and my friend Reyna, you remember her from the Roman camp?" he nodded. "And Rachel, and the rest of The Seven from the last prophecy, and Nico, and Thalia, and Will Solace, you remember him?" he nodded again, he knew all these people some not as well though, which why I asked, "And this new girl who came into camp last night."

"P-promise you'll be careful brother," he started to cry.

I started to cry too, "I-I will. T-tyson, bud. P-please t-tell Dad for m-me. He probably a-already kn-knows, b-but please still tell him f-for me," I shudder along my sentence. Seeing Tyson sad always made me like this.

"Okay P-Percy, I w-will tell D-Daddy for you," and with that he swiped through the message, I think because he didn't want me to see the tears actually fall from his large brown eye.

I wiped my own eyes before heading out to breakfast. I didn't even really care that my cabin was kind of a mess right now, it was good enough for a 3 and inspectors were always very impressed with all the cool workmanship Tyson did to decorate the walls and stuff with carved images like on the shield he made me that they always gave me extra points even if my room wasn't that clean. Annabeth was the only person that did not.

I walked down to the Pavilion for breakfast. I settled down at my table across from Grover. Once everyone was at the Pavilion Chiron held up his hands for silence.

"I am calling a Head Councilor meeting after breakfast. Including Grover, and our new friend who I still haven't asked the name of. Will will have to tell me later. While you children eat I must also go gather Frank, Hazel, and Reyna," he said, everyone started murmuring wondering what it could be about and then he left to go notify the other three.

Hey, woohoo!!! Annabeth, Grover, and Percy finally know!! Can anybody guess who they're are gonna find in Scotland and who/what goes with the magic reference in the Prophecy. ALSO, I forgot to ask before, but what do you think of the prophecy?! It took me two tries to get it how I wanted it (that was the second draft the first one was awful) and it was like an hour going on rhyme websites and think of phrases😂😂I hope you guys like it!! please send me feedback <3

~Daughter of Poseidon

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