Their Story- Teddy Lupin (HP...

By ErinJorgiaxx

49.8K 652 364

Quinn Nymphadora Weasley was far from shy. Growing up an only child, having lost her mother at an early age... More

1 - Problem Child
2- Feast to end all Feasts.
3- First day jitters
4- Spook Fest.
5- what are you two supposed to be.
6- Pre-Game Snog.
7- butterbeer mustashe
8- glad to know i've been replaced.
9- The great adventures of Dan and Ted.
10 - Teddy's dancing should be made illegal.
11- Cats outta the bag.
12- Queddy
13- there will be no snogging.
14- I'm sure she can handle some dishes.
15- Christmas Eve in the Crazy House.
16- Vic and Quinn; the drill Sergeants .
17- What did you say?
18- i was scared you'd threaten to hex the poor boy.
19- New Year, Same old Shit.
20- Sick and twisted
21- Sleeping Dragon.
23- All we do is party.
24- Ew we're adults now.
25- She seems lovely.
26- Don't worry, it's not like we'll miss you.
28- The best memories.
29- A welcome home we didn't miss you, but we will pretend we did party.
30- What are we, chopped liver?
31- Tonks
32- Anniversery
33- Good Luck.
34- I'm this close to killing you.
35- They're 11, 13 and 15.
36- Hot coco.
37- Tell us what?
38- Goodbye.
39- Our weirdest christmas eve yet.
40- New Year.
41- I call maid of honour!
42- Do you have a death wish?
43- Haha suck it Vic!
44- Who needs em?
45- That was not bloody 10 minutes.
46- Gorgeous.
47- sounds fun
48- A white dress really?
49- Dancing in the kitchen.
50- I'm getting married.
51- Married.
52- Their story
53- Adam is banned from making any future speaches.
54- have a nive honeymoon.
55- Celebratory drink
56- Jealousy isn't a good colour on you.
57- Boat trips and skinny dips?
58- Happy birthday Uncle Harry.
59- No i'm not going to 'talk you out of it'!
60- April 5th
61- We are not calling our child that!
62- Theodore!
63- I'm gonna be a mum.
64- They're so small!
65 - Maisey and Wesley
66- One more surprise.
67- "How did uou gind out?"
68- "See you soon."
69- Lemmonade
70- Their Story

22- "Little Red."

625 7 0
By ErinJorgiaxx

Early the next morning Quinn woke to find the birthday boy sound asleep beside her. She grinned remembering the events of the previous night.

His ruffled blue hair sprawled across the pillow as he snored slightly. His slightly freckled, yet tanned skin glistened in the morning light that seeped through the thin curtain.

A gentle sigh left his lips as he rolled over in his sleep. Quinn couldn't help but coo at how adorable she thought he looked. She decided to let him sleep in, him being the birthday boy and all.

Then she thought that because it was Saturday they could afford to skip breakfast- not having lessons to rush to.

She slipped out of the bed, realising she was basically nude in just a thin cami top and her knickers. She headed back to her own room, hopping in the shower, then throwing on a pair of bed shorts and a white and grey top.

She headed back down to the common room.

She quickly got to work putting up a banner on the the mantle piece over the fireplace and quickly used her wand to blow up some balloons.

She went to go back up to Teddy's room but she noticed two mugs of coffee and a few breakfast muffins in a basket on a platter on the coffee table.

She grinned, knowing the house elves from the kitchens must be making an effort for the head boy's big birthday.

She chuckled to herself picking up the platter and moving it, taking out a spare piece of parchment from her bag near the door and scribbling a quick thank you note that read:
"Thanks so much for the coffee and muffins. They were a lovely surprise. Is there any a cake could be made to be sent to the Room of Requirement tonight?
-QW x"
Then she placed the note back on the table where the tray had been and headed back up the stairs.

Once back in Teddy's room she placed the mugs on the table by his bed along with the basket of muffins. Then she slowly climbed on top of her boyfriend kissing his nose and his cheek to wake him up.

"Happy birthday baby." She whispered as he woke up slowly. "Thanks." He whispered back sitting up slightly as she moved on to his lap.

"The elves made you some coffee and muffins." She said with a smile as he placed his hands on her waist.

"Well if you'd said there was food." He face brightened. She laughed hitting his chest lightly as he swung his legs around the side of the bed, Quinn still straddling him.

She giggled kissing him gently. He deepened the kiss before they pulled away and she shifted off of his lap. Teddy moved to lay on his stomach and patted the spot beside him as Quinn grabbed the tray for him.

"Muffins for my Puddin'." Quinn joked in her Harley Quinn impression making him smile as she leaned down to kiss him again.

"Yah muffins."

Later that day the couple sat in lazy clothes as they read together in the common room. They sat on the floor in front of one of the arm chairs, Teddy's arm around Quinn as her head rested on his shoulder. Her legs lay over his as he propped up his book on his other knee.

"Thank you." He mumbled into her hair making her look up at him. "For what?" She giggled.
"The perfect birthday." He smiled. This made her face break out into a grin.

"Glad you're enjoying it so far...cause it's about to get ruined."
"What do you mean?"
"Stace, Laurie and the boys are coming up at lunch, they're bringing snacks, so we can watch you open your gifts together. Then later we're going to the RoR. Dress nice." She said with an evil grin on her face.

"What are you plotting we'll do there?" He asked with a smirk.
"Never you mind." She laughed making him raise an eyebrow.

She put down her book on t he coffee table and watched as he lowered his too before she kissed him quickly, hearing a knock on the door down stairs.

She hopped up running to answer it. "Ah you're alive!" Called the voice of their boisterous Scottish friend as she and the others came up the stairs behind Quinn the door slamming shut behind them.

"Happy birthday!" Yelled Adam as he ran in holding a present, followed by Jake who also held one.

They all piled into the room. Quinn quickly running up the stairs to her room to grab her gifts and the ones from, Harry, Ginny and Andromeda she was told to hide.

She ran back down the stairs with three gifts in her hands. And placed them on the pile in the middle of the room.

Along with his present for Teddy, Dan has also brought two pizza boxes and a bag of paper cups.

"Guys this all looks amazing. Thanks." Teddy hugged each of the girls then bro-hugged the boys. "Dude you're eighteen now. That's insane." Dan said with wide eyes. "Hell yeah he is." Stacy smiled.

They all sat down in a circle on the sofa and chairs with the pizza open on the table. And before they could begin the celebration, Stacy whipped out her Muggle camera and Dan gladly snapped a quick picture of Teddy and Adam with the girls giving a hearty 'cheers'

(Teddy, Laurie, Stacy, Adam, Quinn.)

Once the camera was put away they all turned to watch teddy open his gifts.

First he opened the gift from Laurie which was a hamper of his favourite Muggle sweets:

Next he opened the gift from Dan:

A cap which bore the Hufflepuff emblem. He laughed out loud allowing his best mate to reach over the circle and put in on his head for him "cheers mate." He laughed happily.

"No problem man."

Next was Adam's gift:

A shirt that evoked another laugh from him and the group. "I love this." Stacy laughed.

"Cheers man." Teddy chuckled moving the t shirt out of the way to get to the next present. This time from Stacy.
It was another shirt, this time one for his favourite band:

"Thought you'd like that and it goes with the thing Jake got you." Stacy said making Teddy smile as he reached over and gave her a quick hug.

He decided to open the matching gift that made him smile:

"It's from '97. Get it? It's old like you." Jake said which made them all laugh. "I love them thanks guys."

"Mines just some small bits." Quinn passed him over the next gift. He smiled giving her a quick kiss thank you. Before he found three things wrapped in the box.

The first gift was a hoodie that made Teddy laugh as he saw it. "Boyfriend material." He read making him laugh.
"One hundred percent." She said making him laugh.

The second was a small pendant necklace that held two wolves and a tree. This reminded him of his and Quinn's patronises making him smile, "turn it over."

Just like Quinn's name for Teddy "Crayons." He has one for her, calling her "little red" after the fairy tale character they had read of as children. And on the back of the pendent was inscribed:
'Love Little Red x.'

He smiled leaning over to kiss her. Before he opened the final little gift, a small piece of parchment. "That's Stacy's first drawing of us." Quinn told him making him grin.

"Thanks guys." Teddy smiled making them all smile at him. "No problem buddy." Adam said, "now crack those last two bad boys open so we can eat." Adam said making them all laugh.

"Ok." Teddy picked up the small of the two small gifts from his godparents and grandmother.

The first he had chosen was from Harry and Ginny, two small pieces of parchment fell out. The first a letter from Harry and Ginny and the second, a post card with an attached photo.

(Imagine it's a photo)
Teddy's eyes watered as he looked at the posh card his parents had sent to Eva and Charlie when he was born.

Quinn hugged his arm gently as Dan rubbed his shoulder. "You ok man?"
"Yeah. I love it." He smiled sadly. Looking to the letter. It read:

Dear Teddy,
Harry and I are so so proud of you, our brave boy. We have spent 18 wonderful years watching you grow and we can't wait to see what you will do next. We love you so so much and know that if you're parents can see you now they are beaming.

We love you and hope you have the most amazing birthday. Hope you enjoy the gift- we know you could use it. Won't be able to get it fully till summer but we hope you'll use it as much as he did.
Love always - Harry and Ginny xx."

Teddy smiled down at the letter. Then out of the box he lifted a set of keys. "Those are for Sirius' bike." Quinn told him making him grin.

Finally Teddy picked up the final box. Inside we're two smaller boxes. The first was larger then the other and inside was:

An old watch.
And the second was:

A ring.

Confused by the second girl the retreaved the note inside the bigger box.

This is your grandfather's watch. Treat it well. The second is not particularly for you, but it is for you to give to the right girl, at the right time. I love you and hope you are having a wonderful birthday. Your mum and dad would be so proud. I love you so so much.
-Grandma. Xx"

It was perfect.

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