Their Story- Teddy Lupin (HP...

By ErinJorgiaxx

49.7K 652 364

Quinn Nymphadora Weasley was far from shy. Growing up an only child, having lost her mother at an early age... More

1 - Problem Child
2- Feast to end all Feasts.
3- First day jitters
4- Spook Fest.
5- what are you two supposed to be.
6- Pre-Game Snog.
7- butterbeer mustashe
8- glad to know i've been replaced.
9- The great adventures of Dan and Ted.
10 - Teddy's dancing should be made illegal.
11- Cats outta the bag.
12- Queddy
13- there will be no snogging.
14- I'm sure she can handle some dishes.
15- Christmas Eve in the Crazy House.
16- Vic and Quinn; the drill Sergeants .
17- What did you say?
18- i was scared you'd threaten to hex the poor boy.
20- Sick and twisted
21- Sleeping Dragon.
22- "Little Red."
23- All we do is party.
24- Ew we're adults now.
25- She seems lovely.
26- Don't worry, it's not like we'll miss you.
28- The best memories.
29- A welcome home we didn't miss you, but we will pretend we did party.
30- What are we, chopped liver?
31- Tonks
32- Anniversery
33- Good Luck.
34- I'm this close to killing you.
35- They're 11, 13 and 15.
36- Hot coco.
37- Tell us what?
38- Goodbye.
39- Our weirdest christmas eve yet.
40- New Year.
41- I call maid of honour!
42- Do you have a death wish?
43- Haha suck it Vic!
44- Who needs em?
45- That was not bloody 10 minutes.
46- Gorgeous.
47- sounds fun
48- A white dress really?
49- Dancing in the kitchen.
50- I'm getting married.
51- Married.
52- Their story
53- Adam is banned from making any future speaches.
54- have a nive honeymoon.
55- Celebratory drink
56- Jealousy isn't a good colour on you.
57- Boat trips and skinny dips?
58- Happy birthday Uncle Harry.
59- No i'm not going to 'talk you out of it'!
60- April 5th
61- We are not calling our child that!
62- Theodore!
63- I'm gonna be a mum.
64- They're so small!
65 - Maisey and Wesley
66- One more surprise.
67- "How did uou gind out?"
68- "See you soon."
69- Lemmonade
70- Their Story

19- New Year, Same old Shit.

698 8 4
By ErinJorgiaxx

It had finally reached New Years Eve 2015.

It was about seven thirty in the evening and Quinn was putting on the final touches to her make up as she stood at the vanity in her room at the Burrow.

Because he traveled so much, Charlie didn't bother to buy a house in England and preferred to just stay at his parents house with his daughter over Christmas and summer breaks. This meant that Quinn was given her Auntie Ginny's old room once Ginny moved in with Harry and she loved living there with her grandparents.

The reason she had been staying with the Potters before Christmas was that Molly and Arthur had been away for the first week of the school holidays with Bill, Fluer and their kids.

Quinn finished with her lipstick and did a quick once over before sitting down to pull on her shoes.

She wore a thin, black, button up blouse with three quarter sleeves and a rose-gold, shimmering skater skirt. She pared this with some rose-gold heels:

And some rose-gold jewellery.

Her hair hung in loose waves as her face was elevated with golden-brown smokey eye make up and dark burgundy lips.

She smiled at her self in the small mirror one more time before heading to the door of her room. On her chest lay the silver necklace Teddy had gifted her on Christmas Day. She smiled touching it slightly as she headed down the stairs of the burrow to meet to her father and grandparents.

Normally Charlie would take Quinn's arm to apparate but seen as she was now 17, he left her to her own devices.

Charlie smiled at his sighted re-assuringly before he apparated away and her grandparents soon followed.

She forced herself to think of the Potter manor. Picturing it in her mind, before she felt herself being squeezed through a tube until she landed. Outside.

She cautiously opened her eyes to find herself exactly where she intended. A sigh of great relief passing out her mouth as she collected herself and approached the front door, seeing her father already there ready to knock once she joined him.

Once she joined them on the porch her Grandfather gave the door a cheerful rap and they waited as they could see Ginny approaching the door from the window.

The door was thrown open and Ginny was immediately ushering them all in. They were after all the last of the family to arrive.

Quinn quickly found Teddy along with Jake (who had arrived earlier that day after Harry picked him up) and Scorpius (who had stayed the night before with Al), and her cousins in the sitting room, all decked out for a party.

Lucy and Molly wore matching pink and grey body suits with pretty flower embroideries.

While Lily wore a black and pink dress with black heels. Roxanne wore a black dress with lace patterning and Rose wore a cute pink skirt and a white lace top.

Victoria wore a gold dress that shimmered in the light while she walked.

Finally Dominique wore a sparkly emerald pair of shorts with a nice white shirt and a black blazer and tights.

The boys all looked smart for once in shirts and dress pants.

Jake stood beside Teddy whole he gave Quinn and quick hug and greeted her happily, "nice Christmas?"
"The best."

He wore a striped black and white blazer over a smart black shirt and matched with black dress trousers.

Finally Teddy stood up to greet Quinn looking dashing as ever:

He wore a white shirt under a smart blazer with dress pants and a relaxed brown belt to match his brown shoes. His hair was it's perfectly quaffed blue that made Quinn smile as he pecked her cheek.

Victoria pulled Quinn in for a hug and made her sit down on the sofa beside her. They all chatted and laughed until the door began to ring and people began to flood into the house.

The adults who had been hiding in the kitchen moved back into the room and began to greet their guests.

The first of Teddy, Quinn and Jake's friends to arrive was Stacy with her mother and father who both greeted Harry and Ginny and the other adults. They were all old school friends so they soon all fell into comfortable conversation.

Stacy escaped their watch to approach her friends, hugging Quinn hard before moving on to the boys. "Guess what." She said to them making them nod at her "what?" Jake said.
"I came out to my parents." A huge grin was clear on her face making Quinn smile and clap her hands, "aw Stay I'm so happy for you."

"Thanks Q. How did your dad take you and Teddy?"
"Well, he was happy. Turns out my dad's got a new"
"Well that's nice?"
"Yeah I'm supper happy for him, I'm really excited to meet her." Quinn told her friend who smiled and rubbed her arm.

"Wanna show me where to get the drink?" Quinn laughed at this and showed her Scottish friend over to the drinks table.

The brunette wore a short black body suit that showed some cleavage but was still classy. She had pared it with some nude, Grecian-style heels and a nude clutch. While her hair was in a low bun at the back of her neck.

"I love your skirt." She complimented Quinn. "Thanks. Your body suit looks amazing." Quinn returned a compliment.

"Thanks for the gifts, by the way, the drawings were so good Stace. I loved them. And the bracelet and the display."
"No problem. I loved my socks and the eye mask." Stacy knew those thoughtful gifts must have been from Quinn's ideas despite being from the group as she was the only one who knew Stacy needed an eye mask to sleep.

"Like you said, it was no problem." Then two girls laughed as they returned to the boys and waited for their friends to arrive.

"Oh look there's Dan!" Stacy pointed into the crowd noticing the boy who waved at them. He slowly moved away from his parents and greeted them all with hugs. "Danny! My boy!" Jake cried placing a hand on the other boy's shoulder in a brotherly way.

"How was your Christmas?" Teddy asked their friend as he placed his arm around Quinn. "Good, mum and dad had a huge dinner and my annoying cousins all came."

"Too bad your cousins suck I actually like ours." Quinn said making Dan stock his tongue our at her.

Dan wore black trousers with a grey jumper over a blue shirt.

"Hey Dan, how'd you like the new broom wax?" Asked Jake as the other boy looked around the room. "Aw it works wonders." Dan grinned.

"Good to hear. Dad said it was the best." Stacy said making them all follow her hand as she pointed at her father who was in deep discussion with Quinn's Uncle George and Aunt Angelina.

"Hey Dan, now that Oliver is here why don't you go ask him a few tips on how to take down Stace, merlin knows you could use some tips." Jake said making Quinn snort and Stacy cackle and Teddy dropped his head onto Quinn's shoulder and laughed against her neck.

"Ha ha, very funny." Dan said sarcastically. "Not our fault you can't beat her." Jake furthered. "Beat is Jacob, he cause beat US." Quinn corrected him.

"Yeah J, by the way, I am loving the jacket." Stacy complimented their friend. "Cheers Stace. You two look smoking." He spoke to the two girls.

"Watch it mate Teddy and Laurie might get jealous." Dan said making them all bust out laughing.

"What's so funny?" Came the voice of Adam. They all turned around to find said boy stood with Laurie, the two of them smiling at their friends. "Found this one wondering around, thought we'd find you guys together." He said pointing a t the girl who he towered over height wise.

Laurie rushed forward embracing Stacy with a kiss while Adam stepped forward and planted one on Jake's lips.

Laurie wore a shimmering, golden too and black tight jeans with sleek, black, heeled boots. Her make up was dark and shimmery to match her outfit perfectly.

Adam wore an outfit that mirrored Jake's with a striped shirt and black blazer as the opposite of Jake's and the same black pants and shoes.

"Well now that we're all here, let's get this party started." Cheered Jake. "I don't really see the huge deal in celebrating New Years, I mean we all get so excited for the new year when all that happens is that it's a new year but it's all still the same shit."

"New year, same shit. You should put it on a shirt." Adam laughed. "I'm sure it's already on one." Dan said making them all laugh.

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