Their Story- Teddy Lupin (HP...

By ErinJorgiaxx

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Quinn Nymphadora Weasley was far from shy. Growing up an only child, having lost her mother at an early age... More

1 - Problem Child
3- First day jitters
4- Spook Fest.
5- what are you two supposed to be.
6- Pre-Game Snog.
7- butterbeer mustashe
8- glad to know i've been replaced.
9- The great adventures of Dan and Ted.
10 - Teddy's dancing should be made illegal.
11- Cats outta the bag.
12- Queddy
13- there will be no snogging.
14- I'm sure she can handle some dishes.
15- Christmas Eve in the Crazy House.
16- Vic and Quinn; the drill Sergeants .
17- What did you say?
18- i was scared you'd threaten to hex the poor boy.
19- New Year, Same old Shit.
20- Sick and twisted
21- Sleeping Dragon.
22- "Little Red."
23- All we do is party.
24- Ew we're adults now.
25- She seems lovely.
26- Don't worry, it's not like we'll miss you.
28- The best memories.
29- A welcome home we didn't miss you, but we will pretend we did party.
30- What are we, chopped liver?
31- Tonks
32- Anniversery
33- Good Luck.
34- I'm this close to killing you.
35- They're 11, 13 and 15.
36- Hot coco.
37- Tell us what?
38- Goodbye.
39- Our weirdest christmas eve yet.
40- New Year.
41- I call maid of honour!
42- Do you have a death wish?
43- Haha suck it Vic!
44- Who needs em?
45- That was not bloody 10 minutes.
46- Gorgeous.
47- sounds fun
48- A white dress really?
49- Dancing in the kitchen.
50- I'm getting married.
51- Married.
52- Their story
53- Adam is banned from making any future speaches.
54- have a nive honeymoon.
55- Celebratory drink
56- Jealousy isn't a good colour on you.
57- Boat trips and skinny dips?
58- Happy birthday Uncle Harry.
59- No i'm not going to 'talk you out of it'!
60- April 5th
61- We are not calling our child that!
62- Theodore!
63- I'm gonna be a mum.
64- They're so small!
65 - Maisey and Wesley
66- One more surprise.
67- "How did uou gind out?"
68- "See you soon."
69- Lemmonade
70- Their Story

2- Feast to end all Feasts.

2.1K 32 40
By ErinJorgiaxx

"How was the prefect meeting?" Asked Stacy as the two walked a bit behind the boys towards the carriages. "Boring as ever. Be glad you aren't a prefect."

"Trust me I am." Giggled the other girl. "So Daniel said he saw you an Teddy cuddling on the platform, what's up there? You two a thing?" Asked the brunette making the other girl laugh.

"Me and Teddy?" The other girl nodded, "Teddy as in our Teddy, Teddy Lupin Teddy?" Her flustered and high pitched voice made her friend laugh at her, "common you two have so much romantic tension not to mention the sexua-."

"If you were about to say sexual tension....I will not hesitate to kill you Wood." Snapped the ginger, growing even redder by the minute.

"I hate you, you I fun." Stacy pouted. "Who's no fun?" Asked Adam turning around to them as the group joined thy r que for the carriages. "Quinn." Stacy said pointing at their friend.

"Well I for one believe you are heaps of fun Miss Weasley." Daniel smiled at the girl. "Sure you do." Snapped the girl.

Once they reached the school, Teddy and Quinn were dragged off by Headmistress McGonagall. "Well you two are now heads, which means you are responsible for the well-being of your fellow students and in charge of the prefects who organise them.

Now it used to only be my job to arrange the sorting but since we are changing a few traditions we have decided you two can do it. Mr Lupin if you would please read the names while Miss Weasley places the hat on the students heads." The older woman did not miss a beat before she thrust a long parchment list and quill into his hand and the dusty old hat into hers.

"Now follow me to the entrance hall. I'll introduce you. I believe your cousins are joining us this year, correct Miss Weasley."

"Yes professor." Quinn nodded be alright running the catch up to the elder witches brisk pace.

"Wonderful." Was the exasperated response. "Don't worry professor, Rose and Albus are nothing like James and the others." Teddy smiled.

Eventually the three reached the large doors to the entrance hall. Inside they found a sea of around sixty faces peering up at them.

McGonagall commanded their attention immediately. "Good evening and welcome to Hogwarts School of witch craft and wizardry. I am Headmistress McGonagall, and Will me today is your Head boy and girl: Teddy Lupin and Quinn Weasley. I expect you all to treat them with the respect you would a professor as they have been chosen particularly for being 'model students.' This will be your home for the next seven years and with in this home we are a family. Now in a few moments you will pass through those doors, and into the great hall, where you will be sorted into your houses. Your houses will be like your family for the next seven years and you will enjoy every class with your housemates. Now I will leave you with these two capable students while I address your peers, good evening and welcome." The professor finished her short speach and left with a wink and Quinn and and gesturing ten minutes with her fingers at the girl who nodded.

Teddy then addressed the crowd. "Well as the professor said my name is Teddy. This is Quinn. Has anyone got any questions?"

A small girl near the back raised her hand, "yes, what's your name?"
"I'm grace." The girl said, "I'm I'm muggle born so I don't really know what's going on."

This made a few kids snicker and Quinn scowled. "If any of you find Grace's lack of understanding funny, you can bring that up to me any time in detention. Here at Hogwarts we do not and I repeat do not, tolerate discrimination or bullying. If grace or anyone else is unaware of a Hogwarts practice and you aren't the is your obligation as a peer to help her not laugh at her. Now I will hear no more of that laughter am I clear?" There was no response, "am I clear?" She asked again with a colder tone. "Yes." Was a small reply from most.

"Good. Now that that's been enforced. I'll quickly run through the houses. There are four, Hufflepuff, Gryphindor, Ravenclaw and Slytherin. All four are exceptional groups, none are better then another and each house has a colour and an animal of it's badge, for Gryphindor there is Red with a brave lion, for Slytherin it is green with an ambitious snake, for Hufflepuff there is yellow with a patient and kind Badger and for Ravenclaw a wise bird. Now no matter what house you are in you are sure to make friends. Only for this evening and the closing evening at the end of the year, is it mandatory to sit with your houses. Quinn and I are good friends despite our house differences." Teddy recited this all to the children as Quinn peered around the group looking for Rose and Albus who listened intently.

"Anyone else have a question?" Teddy asked. Albus slowly raised his hand, "yes Albus," the boy flushed at his god-brother telling the all his name.

"W...what do we do to be sorted?"

"Well I'll call your name and you'll sit in a stool in front of Quinn and she'll place the sorting hat on your head. It will decide your house."

Another hand shot up. "What houses are you in?" Asked a small blonde girl. "I'm a gryphindor and Teddy is a Hufflepuff."

"Do the houses have quitich teams?" Came another voice.

"Yes but first years can't play or try out. Sorry those are the rules. Though I do know the captains for this year so if you wish to try out next year I could help out in a few good words. Oh look at the time we have to go. Follow us in an orderly line and don't worry you'll all do great." Quinn the lead the way towards the large wooden doors pushing them open and revealing the breath taking sight that was the great hall.

Thousands of floating candles glowed suspense in mid air above their heads, illuminating the large oak hall, as it's antique tables and powerful looking banners caught the light. On the left of the hall were the Ravenclaw and Gryphindor tables while on the right were Hufflepuff and Slytherin.

Teddy and Quinn stood at the front of the hall ahead of the professor's table as all t he other students watched on. Albus and Rose stood in nerves and glee as they waited their turn.

The first name was called: "Thomas-Finnegin, Sophie"
The whole hall erupted into clapping as the red table erupted into cheers.

Eventually the list moved down and next up was: "Malfoy, Scorpious!" After some time the hat called out "SLYTHERIN!" The house erupted in clapping.

Next was another farmiliar name: "Longbottom, Alice." Who ended up a gryphindor, her father a professor of herbology also clapped ferociously.

Next came "Potter, Albus." And the whole hall fell silent. After some time deliberating the hat called out, "SLYTHERIN!" And again there was only shocked silence.

Then a holler came from the red table, "yes al!" It was the boy's brother as Teddy and Quinn started clapping, Quinn gaining him a short hug then pushing him off to join his house. He remained pale yet still smiled.

Finally came the last name "Granger-Weasley, Rose!"
"RAVENCLAW!" The hat called making Rose grin as she sprinted to join Vic and Molly who embraced her.

"Thank you for watching the sorting. Now I would like to introduce our new head boy and girl. Mr Teddy Lupin and Miss Quinn Weasley. Their prefects have been chosen as for Gryphindor: Miss Rachael West and Mr Luke Grayson. For Slytherin: Miss Amanda Huxley and Mr Ian Farrowell. For Ravenclaw: Miss Victoria Weasley and Mr Michael Lourdes. And for Hufflepuff: Miss Augusta Wrightworth and Mr Thomas Pheebes.

Finally Quittich captains will hold tryouts next week and the first game will be October 15th. Thank you. Welcome back for another year, tuck in!" Professor McGonagall cheered and the whole hall broke it's silence as the food magically appeared upon the tables.

"wait Mr Lupin, Miss Weasley, can I see you both after the meal?"

"Of course professor." Quinn smiled. "Good now off you two go."

The two exchanged a smile and Quinn moved left towards her table as Teddy head over to the right to join Dan and Adam who patted his seat.

Stacy and Jacob were beside themselves laughing when she sat down, "well hello there, professor Weasley, how kind of you to join us."
"Shove off Wood." Snapped the ginger girl as her house applauded her arrival with "congrats/well done s".

"Hey Quinn." Came a small voice making Quinn smile, "oh, hi Grace, I see you get in the best house."
"I thought you said there was no 'best house' we're all equal."
"Still gotta have house pride." Quinn winked at the girl.

"Hi I'm Rose Weasley." Rose stick her hand out for the girl.
"Grace Coalman."
"Pleasure to meet you Grace." Rose grinned, having already made a new friend.

"How'd you think Albus is doing?" Asked Roxanne across the table to Quinn as they all watched James' dumbfounded expression, "come on James, it's fine, who cares that he's in Slytherin." Jake said to the younger boy.

The Potter boy just shuck his head, "I don't care I just never expected it to be Al of all people." He said.

"Well like Jake says, who cares." Said Louis. Quinn just turned to Stacy and began chatting about last months Puddlemore Win.

Eventually, they were all stuffed and ready for bed. "I can't believe you're leaving me alone with Jake." Stacy whined as she realised that Quinn wouldn't be in the Gryphindor common room anymore. "I'll still be in class and in the common room, just not the dorm."

"Why do you get you own dorm Quinn?" Asked Grace and Rose, "well as head girl I get to share a common room with Teddy."

"You two are utter clean freaks can't wait to come and trash it." James grinned evilly.

"Not gonna happen." She snapped at him.

Suddenly the mountainous desert platters evaporated and the tables were perfectly clean once again. "Prefects please organise your first years and lead wait till all other students have left. Straight up to your common rooms now." Called professor Longbottom. Alice, Rose and Grace stood beside Quinn as he helped her prefects corral all of the fifteen gryphindor first years into a group near the end of the table. James and the others departed with the rest of the house and eventually all of the first years left too.

Teddy and Quinn made their way back over to the professor's table. "Ah! Quinn, Teddy, professor McGonagall gave me this to give you." It was a small ledger book, "here you write the new passwords for your house Miss Weasley and pass them on and Mr Lupin as your house has a simpler means of entrance I have nothing for you, but this is your key to the Heads common room, it's on the seventh floor corridor beside the ' Hero's walkway'. Please keep it in order as all the other common rooms are expected. And I hope you enjoy. Head meetings are once a month and your patrols will be during the day on a Monday and Thursday and evening in a Tuesday and Wednesday. The other shifts are to be decided by you by next meeting." The professor gave them the key and the ledger. Now off you go. Miss Weasley this weeks password for your house is apple tart."

"Thanks professor." Teddy grabbed Quinn's hand and led her to the seventh floor. It was tradition for them every year to go and greet the portraits of Teddy's parents and Quinn's mum along with others.

They passed through the hall known as the 'Hero's Walkway' smiling at the moving pictures. The beaming faces of Teddy's parents came into focus. "Teddy! Oh Remus look he's here." Painting Tonks noticed their son first and pulled to illustrated husband to see their son.

"Hey Teddy!" Called Picture Remus, "how are you?"
"Good dad thanks. Quinn's here too." He pulled Quinn into the frame. "Ah hello there Quinn dear. How are you?"

"Good thanks Dora."
"You two should be heading off soon, it's getting late. Came the voice of Eva, "hi mum. Don't worry it's Saturday so we don't have to get up for classes tomorrow." Quinn beamed at her mother.

Teddy wrapped an arm around Quinn, her placing her head on his shoulder, "plus the walks not too far to our common room."

"Teddy sweetie I know you get your forgetfulness from me but it's clear that Hufflepuff's common room by the kitchens is a bit further away from the seventh floor." Tonks chastised him. Quinn giggled, "oh Dora look, maybe Teddy's walking Quinn up to her tower how adorable." Cooed Eva.

"Mum! No!" Flushed Quinn.
"Quinn and I are head boy and girl our dorm's just round the corner." Teddy told their parents.

"Oh." Tonks said. "Well congrats son. We're so proud." Remus smiled making teddy's eyes gloss over. "You too sweetie, I'm so so proud." Called Eva as she too seemed to want to cry Dora dragged her into a hug and Remus held the two women in the painting, "well we, we better get going. I love you guys."

"We love you too!" Called their mothers and Teddy's father.

Quinn's face was now streaked with melancholy tears as Teddy guided her back around the corner. They shared a hug as he cried into her hair and she into his chest.

"It's ok Q, it's ok." Teddy almost seemed to be assuring not just her but himself.

"Common Ted, let's get to our common room." She said rubbing his back as he put his arm around her shoulder and they walked towards their new common room.

Tucked away in the dark corner of the far corridor on the seventh floor stop a small oak door, with a large key hole in it. Teddy reached forward unlocking the door and pulling the it open.

A staircase led them inside and up into a small room with two more sets of stairs in different directions.

The room was small yet cosy and homely. And on the small coffee table sat two steaming mugs of hot cocoa. "I love it." Beamed Quinn.

(Imagine the decor in this photo is red and yellow) "and it's our house colours!" Teddy hollered. Quinn giggles excitedly throwing herself onto the sofa and gazing up at him. "Our rooms!" She giggled.

He grabbed her hand and pulled her back up. He dragged her towards the stairs which they decided to explore left first:

(Imagine yellow decor)
The first room that they found immediately grabbed Teddy's attention, "dibs." He called tumbling onto the bed, Quinn just laughed. "Ok."

Next they found what Quinn claimed to be her room;

"This is the best day of my life." Quinn threw herself onto the bed as teddy just watched her laughing to himself.

"That settled then?"


"This year is already looking up." Teddy grinned before he excused himself to grab his trunk from downstairs. "You coming?" He called.

"Yeah!" She yelled back.

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