Drarry Soulmates AU

By DisasterChild20

67.2K 2.1K 259

In a world where everyone has a mark that represents and matches with their soul mates mark. Harry Potter, a... More

The Snake And The Burn
Letters And Shopping With The Weasley's
Gringotts And Lazy Day
Meeting Your Soul Mate
Hogwarts And The Sorting
First Night At Hogwarts And Breakfast
Potions And Hagrid's
Flying Lessons
Midnight Duel
First Quidditch Practice And Parcels
Day With Cissa
The Quidditch Match
Start Of The Christmas Holidays
Mirror Of Erised
Snape? Referee?
Snape's Match
Dragon's Egg
Exams and Through the Trapdoor
Chess and the Man with Two Faces
End Of First Year
First Night of Summer
R.I.P Helen McCrory
Beginning of the Summer Holiday
Dadfoot And Moomy
Not a chapter but something I drew
Back to the Dursley's
Quidditch and Stories
New Hogwarts Staff
Back to Diagon Alley
Second Year Welcome Feast
Breakfast and Mandrakes
Cornish Pixies
Ministry Delegate and a Lazy Day
Detention and Quidditch Practice
Slugs, Slugs and... More Slugs
Detention with Lockhart and the Disembodied Voice
Kwikspell and the Invitation
Deathday Party
Writing on the Wall
History of Magic
Spiders and Myrtle
Moste Potente Potions
Bludger Attack
Dobby in School?
Starting the Potion
A/N: Competition
Potion Explosion
The Snake

The Beginning

7.8K 182 23
By DisasterChild20

I don't own any of the Harry Potter Franchise, characters, places, spells and any references to the franchise, all rights go to J K Rowling. Who created this amazing wizarding world.

"Wake Up! You have to be ready for Dudley's birthday." Aunt Petunia, a tall, skinny, woman, shouted through a cupboard door. A 10 nearly 11 year old boy with floppy black hair, green eyes and a lightning bolt scar on his head jumps awake when he hears her. He quickly puts on his round glasses on his nose and gets dressed into clothes that are way to big from his skinny frame. While dressing he saw the mark on his right forearm. A green bird in mid flight, he sighed wanting to know who his mark matched with. *Thud Thud Thud* "WAKE UP!" Screamed Dudley, a rather pudgy boy with a round face and spoilt attitude, while jumping on the stairs above the Cupboard. As the boy opened the door to the cupboard Dudley ran past slamming it in his face throwing him backwards onto his bed. "Mum! He's still not up!" Dudley screeched at his mother. "Harry Potter get out of bed and make breakfast for us NOW!" Screamed Aunt Petunia.

Harry quickly jumped up and out the cupboard and made his way to the kitchen to make breakfast. "He giving you hassle Petunia Dear?" asked Uncle Vernon, a similar built man to Dudley but with a big walrus moustache under his nose. "Well not now" Aunt Petunia snobbily replied. Harry served breakfast to everyone and then ate what was left over. Soon after everyone had eaten they headed to the car to go to the Zoo for Dudley's birthday. Along with a warning to Harry from Uncle Vernon telling him to not ruin Dudley's special day.

Across the country a blonde boy with pale blue eyes was woken up by his mother Narcissa Malfoy, a pale woman with kind eyes and blonde hair with a strip of black. "Draco, Darling. Its time to wake up and start the day." The blonde boy moved slightly and his eyes fluttered open smiling when he saw his Mother in front of him. "Morning Mother. I'll get dressand and be straight down for breakfast." His Mother smiled and nodded at him before leaving the room. Draco jumped out of bed and got dressed in a black shirt and blue trousers. He looked down to his left arm and gazed at the red bird in flight on his forearm. He smiled looking forward to meeting whoever his soul mate is and all the good times they'd have.

He made his way downstairs and to the dining hall where he saw his Mother talking to his Father, Lucius a stern looking man with long pale blonde hair matching his sons and a pointed nose. "Morning Father" Draco politely addressed his Father as he sat at his place at the table. "Morning Draco" his Father responded. The quietly ate breakfast before Lucius walked out of the room to head to work at the Ministry. Draco sighed and looked down, his Mother looked at him sadly. "He'll be home for dinner sweetheart. He promised." she told him. "He always promises but never follows through." he mumbled sadly. "Excuse me Mother I'm going to head to the library to do some reading." she nodded and smiled softly at him.

Author's note: I know it's short. I just wanted to start the story off.

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