Vanished || l.h. au

By MandyVera

24.3K 1K 558

"Tick tock Your clock is almost out That's bad for you, but good for me Because two can keep a secret, if one... More

twenty one
twenty three
twenty four
twenty five
twenty six
twenty seven
twenty eight
twenty nine
thirty one
thirty two
thirty three
thirty four
thirty five

twenty two

355 24 7
By MandyVera

A/N: Whaaaattt? An update? I know, finally haha Sorry for the hiatus guys, I just had to finish up my semester at uni, it takes a lot of focus. But I'm on break now and to celebrate, here's a new chapter :) Thank you for all those who continued to read and vote, means a lot. Also, during the brief period off we have gotten almost up to 6k views! That's exciting haha


My mind remained spaced out for the rest of my work shift. I was suddenly appreciative of the minimum amount of work that came with this job because I could not focus on anything but Michael and his possible association with Luke’s case. Was it possible that Michael was the mastermind behind it all? It didn’t make any sense though. Michael and Luke were best friends, what would even be his motivation? They seemed so close. Luke, Michael, and Ashton were like the three musketeers; none of this is making sense.

“Something bothering you, Miss?” A voice snapped me out of my thoughts. I let out a quiet groan, lifting my head from the position where it was previously buried in my hands. I made eye contact with the officer who worked across from me, someone who I have yet to learn his name yet even though I talk to him more than anyone else in this station aside from Holden.

I shook my head. “I’m fine. Just a headache. How long until my shift is over?” I asked, knowing that he knew my work schedule better than I did for some reason.

“Eager to get out already?” He asked, raising an eyebrow in amusement. He shrugged back his sleeve a little, flicking his wrist to get a better view of his wristwatch. “About ten more minutes. You can leave now though if you want, I really doubt anyone is going to care. Besides, the Sheriff isn’t even in today.” he shrugged, shifting back in his seat.

I rolled my eyes with a slight smile, turning around in my chair to grab my bag. “Is he ever though?” I asked, rhetorically.

“Nah.” He laughed, then turned back to face his computer screen where a game of Solitaire was probably displayed.

I placed my bag’s handles on my shoulder, standing up and tidying my shirt before reaching in my bag to grab my car keys.

“Have a nice day, Ms. Laude.” The still unknown officer waved to me as I walked past his desk and towards the exit.

“You too sir.” I called back, promising myself that next time I see him I will ask for his name. Why couldn’t his desk have one of those name plates that you always see in movies? But at the moment, I had more pressing matters to deal with than over an officer’s name.

I sat down in the driver’s seat of my car, sticking the key into the ignition and listening to my car come to life. I rubbed my hands together, getting them to defrost from the frigid temperature of the station, a sharp contrast from the blazing summer heat of outside. Finally putting my hands on the steering wheel, I back up out of my parking spot and started my drive home, where Luke would hopefully be.

Sometimes I hated being alone because that’s when my thoughts took complete control. At least when I was with other people I could block out most of what was creeping up from my subconscious, solely focusing on what they were talking about or the topic being discussed. But being alone after uncovering news that could change so many things, there was no one there to distract me or to set the record straight. I knew I had to confront Michael, but should I just come right out with it or trick him into telling me? Would I even have enough restraint to do that? Should I bring Luke with me? I mean it is kind of his problem too. After all, he is the case.

“You look stressed.” I heard the voice I’ve been longing to hear for the past few hours, say. I looked up, closing the car door behind me and just about ran into his arms, until I realized where we were. I looked around quickly, searching for any lurking neighbors.

“Get back inside, Luke, someone could see you!” I yelped, already pushing him back towards the door. He dug his heels into the ground, letting out a laugh.

“Beth, no one but you can see me remember? Unless I let them.” He reminded me, grabbing my arms gently. I let go of my grasp on him, realization hitting me.

“Oh, right. I’m sorry.” I said, shaking my head. He tilted his head, his eyes analyzing me as his eyebrows furrowed.

“Are you okay? You seem a little out of it.” He commented, reaching out to brush a piece of my hair behind my ear.

I shook my head again, moving my feet forward to walk into my house. I had been standing outside practically talking to air, I didn’t need people to start thinking I’m going insane.

“I found out some news today, and I’m not really sure how to take it or what to really think of it.” I explained, walking into my house and waiting for Luke to come in before I closed the door.

“What did you find out?” Luke asked, leading us over to the couch. I sighed plopping face down and burying my face into the couch pillow. “That bad?” he asked, rubbing my back as he took in my reaction.

I huffed, lifting my head from the pillow and resting my chin on it.

“How close are you and Michael?” I decided to ask, easing my way into the news. Luke looked taken aback by the question, his face scrunching up.

“Um, I would say we’re pretty close. I would even go as far to say he’s like a brother to me.” he replied, his voice slow as if he was unsure as to why he was even answering this question.

“Do you think he would do anything to hurt you?” I asked, sitting up. Luke raised an eyebrow at me, his posture straightening.

“No, I don’t think he would. Why are you asking me this?” he finally asked. I scratched my head, trying to figure out how to tell him. I mean how exactly do you tell your boyfriend that you think his best friend might have had a hand in his disappearance?

“Well.” I started, clasping my hands together in front of me. “Today I found out some news about Michael and-”

“What news about Michael?” He interrupted me. “Did he tell you he likes you or something? Do you like him, too? I swear I’m going to punch that-” I got up interrupting Luke’s short rant as he stood from the couch as if the news was too much for him.

“You are so off topic right now, Luke, I promise you it has nothing to do with that.” I soothed him, letting out a small laugh. Luke’s cheeks quickly flushed, and he casted his gaze downwards.

“Oh.” he choked out. I shook my head at him.

“You don’t have to be insecure about me leaving you, you know? My only interest is for you, okay?” I assured him, running my hand softly against the base of his jaw.

He nodded, grabbing my hand in his. “Sorry. I just get scared of losing you sometimes. Especially now.” he said softly, and I wasn’t sure if he wanted me to hear him.

“Anyways, what I was saying about Michael.” I started again, squeezing his hand. He nodded his head, letting me know he was listening. “I was at work today, and while I was going through the files, I found one on Michael.”

Luke raised his eyebrows. “Michael has a file?” he asked in surprise.

I nodded my head. “At first I thought it was going to be something stupid, like stealing a Poptart from the local grocer or something, since the rest of the files are nonsense like that. But then I opened it to read what his crime was and… Luke, I don’t know what to think anymore.”

“What did the file say?” he pressed on.

“It said that he was caught stealing a vial labeled Atropa belladonna from the hospital. It’s the same serum that was injected into you to fake your death.” I told him, watching his expressions change as he processed the news. Confusion, anger, betrayal, sadness -- they all blurred in his eyes with every blink. It was like he couldn’t pick an emotion to stick on.

“It’s too big to be a coincidence. I want to talk to him about it, but I’m not sure how to approach him.” I continued, knowing that Luke probably didn’t know what to say at the moment.

He quickly shook his head, his eyes searching around.

“No, don’t go.” He said, putting his hand over mine. “We don’t know what he will do anymore, I don’t want to put you in any danger. Let me go talk to him.” He said, his voice low and seemingly void of emotion.

“Luke, you can’t. If he sees you, everything is just going to get more complicated. Let me go talk to him. He won’t do anything to me.” I assured him, even though even I was unsure about that, especially after our last encounter.

“Well if you go talk to him, at least let me come with you. I promise I won’t show myself.” He said, his voice lacking emotion. I tried to read Luke, but he was closing himself off. All I could tell was that he was really taken down by the news, but he was hindering any emotion from displaying on his features.

I nodded my head, accepting his request.

“Okay. Let’s go talk to Michael.” I said, ready to push myself off the couch. I looked up expecting to see Luke standing there, waiting for me to get up. Instead, my gaze flicked around the room searching for my suddenly missing boyfriend.

“Not again.” I whispered to myself, a fear creeping up inside of me that he vanished again. I ran to the door, swinging it open, and I looked immediately to my car hoping he was standing by it waiting for me.

Instead, I saw his figure waiting in the passenger seat of my car, already buckled in (as if he needed it), and waiting for me to hop in and go.

I shook my head at him, rolling my eyes.

“So impatient.”


Aw snap it's about to go down

Vote and comment please!! Let's get this story back to being active lol

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