It's A Mafia X Agent Kinda Th...

By LiuhWrites

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AU Video


150 7 4
By LiuhWrites

Nabi's POV

"WHO THE F*CK DO YOU THINK YOU ARE?" Someone yelled in my face as he shoved me against the wall and trapped me in between his arms. I looked straight into his eyes, Taeyang. For some reason, the way he behaved triggered something in me and I dropped to the floor into a ball and started panicking. "What are you doing? Get up" Taeyang said. I wanted to listen to what he said, but I just couldn't. I was having a panic attack without any reason.

Rowoon quickly came running into the room. "Get away from her," He said to Taeyang as he slowly walked towards me. "Didn't I tell you not to bring her over, ever?!" Taeyang yelled. "Stop yelling. She's been through some stuff. Please, just go downstairs and I'll explain. You can even ask the guys so you know you get the right story in the end" Rowoon said calmly. Rowoon walked towards me and Taeyang stepped a few steps back but he didn't leave.

Right as Rowoon wanted to help me up I stopped panicking so he stopped what he was doing and watched my every move. All of a sudden I got a really bad ache in my chest, more to the left. My breath started to accelerate and I put my right hand on the place where it really hurt. It was either my heart or my left lung. "Nabi, calm down. Breathe. Through the nose in, out via the mouth. Come one, relax. It's okay" Rowoon said. My heart rate went down and I didn't feel the pain anymore.

I looked to the side to look at Rowoon and then at Taeyang, who was watching us with an emotionless face. I don't know if he's really not feeling any emotion or if he's just really good at hiding emotions. "What the hell just happened to me?" I asked. "I have no idea, but it didn't look good. Can you stand?" Rowoon asked me. I stood up without problems, but as soon as I stood up straight my head felt really dizzy and ached like hell. I grabbed my head and made a sound indicating I was in pain again. After a few seconds, however, the pain was already gone. "Honestly, can this day get any worse? What is happening to me?" I asked. "Let's get you downstairs first and give you some water, then we'll talk," Rowoon said.

As we were walking I looked at Taeyang as he looked at me with a little guilt, but it was gone really fast. He has a weakness, I can see it... good.

We were downstairs as I sat on the couch drinking a glass of water while getting stared at by the guys. "Okay, now let me introduce you to everyone. This is Hwiyoung, Chani, Jaeyoon, Zuho and you've met Taeyang" Rowoon says. I gave Taeyang a quick glance but he wasn't looking my way. Chani, Hwiyoung, and Jaeyoon greeted me quite nicely while Zuho stayed quiet just like Taeyang. "Everyone, this is Nabi. She became a really good friend of mine in a short time. She is my colleague at the cafe. She's here because she fell asleep and she was not okay during the drive either. A few minutes ago she also collapsed onto the floor. We have no idea how it happened but I couldn't just leave her behind at the cafe, she doesn't even have a proper home. She stays at a motel" Rowoon explained.

"Ah, so you're a homeless girl?" Taeyang asked me quite rudely. I just looked at him. I don't know what triggered my panic attack but I do know it started when Taeyang got mad at me. He looked at me as well and was giving me the face you would give when you're waiting for an answer. "I asked you a genuine question," Taeyang said. "Yes, I am homeless. Happy?" I asked. "I am. A girl with bad manners, homeless and soon to be jobless. Who else in the world is having it worse than you? Oh exactly, nobody. Poor thing, get out of my house" Taeyang said as he got up and grabbed me by the arm.

I was not planning on stressing myself out again over what just happened, I stayed calm and got out of Taeyang's grip. "I didn't bring myself here. Rowoon, as the decent human being he is, brought me here because I wasn't in a good state of mind. Who are you to go against him? You're not his dad" I said. Everybody behind me gasped for air while Zuho was looking at us amused. "Nabi, it's better if you take back what you just said," Hwiyoung said. "Why would I? I know I am right" I said.

I turned back to look at Taeyang and he was up in my face. I got a little jump scared and moved back a little. Taeyang smirked and nodded. "Okay, I appreciate the bravery and fierceness. That doesn't mean I can't kick you out of MY house. Rowoon might've brought you here but this is still my house, so if you don't leave willingly we'll have to do it the hard way" Taeyang said as he bowed a little so his head is at the same level as mine. "I'm not leaving unless Rowoon tells me to, he brought me here," I said and crossed my arms. Don't be afraid Nabi, what just happened in the bathroom was a one-time thing, then why am I still caught up on it?

Taeyang smiled for a second and grabbed my chin harshly and his face turned to an emotionless face again. Nobody was doing anything. I guess Taeyang really is their boss, they are not willing to risk anything. "Listen here you annoying girl, leave" Taeyang ordered me. Okay, I had enough. I grabbed his arm, pushed it off of my chin then grabbed him and pushed him up against the wall with his face against it. "NABI, Nabi let him go. You're only bringing yourself into trouble" Rowoon said. I didn't listen to him.

By all of this, my heart rate was going up and my heart started aching again. I gasped and I had to loosen my grip onto Taeyang. He took this as the opportunity to grab me and push me up against the wall again. All through the pain of my heart, I didn't show it. I looked Taeyang straight in the eyes as he stared back into mine. You would normally say that's quite romantic, well, in this case, we were just spitting out fire with our eyes alone.

Jaeyoon came towards us and pulled Taeyang off of me. "Okay, that's enough. Sit down and we'll fix this" Jaeyoon said calmly. We all sat down again. Taeyang and I were giving each other glances that could kill a person.

After a while, Jaeyoon came with a proposition. "Okay, Nabi can stay in Dawon's room since he's not here anyway. Until we have another place for Nabi to stay, she can stay here BUT has to avoid anything that has to do with Taeyang by Taeyang's command. Are we okay with this?" Jaeyoon asked. "That's fine with me" Rowoon said. "Yes," I answered. "If I don't have to see her ever again, fine" Taeyang said to my surprise. "Amen," Hwiyoung and Chani said. I could tell those two were close friends. "Okay, can we all go to sleep now?" Jaeyoon asked. Everybody nodded and got up to leave. "Come, I'll show the room you'll be staying in," Rowoon said. I nodded and got up with him.

"This is the room. Across is me, to the left is unfortunately Taeyang. If there is anything, please come to me" Rowoon said. "Thank you, for sticking up for me even though you don't really know me. Also, who is Dawon?" I asked. "He's another member of ours but he got caught by the police recently" Rowoon answered. "Ah, okay. Well, goodnight I guess" I said. "Goodnight," Rowoon said and disappeared into his room. I walked into my room with all my stuff that was still in the bathroom.

I put everything in a corner and then grabbed my right shoe. I pulled an earpiece out of it and put it in. I quickly looked out the door, making sure nobody could hear me. "Nabi to Youngbin, hello?" I asked. "I'm here, why are you whispering?" Youngbin asked me. "I'm in. I'm in the mafia boss's house. It won't take long for me to finish this mission" I said. "You did? Great! But please be careful. I know you got this in the bag but knowing your personality, you might get a little heated" Youngbin said. "Sure. Besides that, I'm here to say and more ask to not contact me. That will only put me in danger. I will search for you when I have information" I said. "That's all good. Also, remember the rules. Don't fall in love with him" Youngbin said all of a sudden. "Why did you bring that rule up?" I asked. "I was looking at a picture of your 'mission' He's quite good-looking isn't he?" Youngbin asked. "Well, he might have the looks, he sure as hell doesn't have a good personality to match with it. Don't worry, that rule won't be an issue" I said. "Okay, Goodluck Nabi," Youngbin said. "Thanks," I said and pulled out the earpiece and immediately crushed it again. I grabbed all the pieces and went to the bathroom. I flushed the evidence of the earpiece in the toilet and went to my room. Finally, some sleep.

I got woken up by the sun shining right into my face. I looked at myself. I'm alive? Taeyang didn't try to kill me in my sleep? I got dressed in the clothes I had yesterday and walked downstairs only to see Zuho and Rowoon having breakfast. "Nabi, join us" Rowoon suggested. I joined them and sat down quietly. Rowoon gave me a plate and some fruit to eat. Zuho hasn't said a word to me yet. "How are you?" Rowoon asked me. "Oh, I'm fine, I think. Thank you for asking" I said. Rowoon smiled innocently and got back to his fruit.

After some time Hwiyoung, Jaeyoon, and Chani joined us. Eventually, Taeyang came to sit next to me because that was the only place left. I looked at him weirdly but he didn't even give me a glance. Hwiyoung and Rowoon were both looking at me concerned as well. I shrugged and ate as if nothing happened.

"You know, if you're going to stay in my house, let me at least know who you are" Taeyang suddenly spoke. I choked on a piece of strawberry and looked at him. "You really asked me to tell you about me?" I asked. "Yes, what did you not understand about that question?" Taeyang asked. "Maybe if you ask nicely I will," I said. Rowoon and Hwiyoung almost choked on their food by trying to hold in their laughs. "Do you even know who you're talking to?" Zuho suddenly spoke. I looked at him. "What a good time to finally let me hear your voice," I said sarcastically. Zuho rolled his eyes. "Well I think it actually is," Zuho said. "Oh yeah? Why?" I asked him. He looked at everybody and then back at Taeyang. Taeyang gave him a look as if he was interested to hear what Zuho had to say.

"Tell me, why is it a good time to let me hear your voice?" I asked. Everybody got quiet and waited for Zuho to speak. I looked at everybody one by one. They all shrugged, not knowing what he meant either. "To answer Taeyang's question. Who are you? Nabi? Well, I think you better tell us" Zuho said. "And why is that?" I asked. "Or do you want me to tell them who you are?" Zuho asked me. I raised an eyebrow. "You don't know who I am," I said.

"I know exactly who you are"

End of this Chapter

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