A Dragon's Love (Young Justic...

By wolfangel3

68.4K 1.8K 152

Esmeralda's had a pretty interesting life. After having been banished from her home realm, she is found by Dr... More

The Day
The Six of Us?
Burnt Cookies
A Plan
A Gift
Cult of The Kobra
Bike Riding
Soothing Heartbeats
Going to the Beach
New Mission
You Are Not My Master!
Going to the Tower of Fate
The Tower's Tricks
Old Friend
The Best Of Travels To You, Kent...
Who Is Esmeralda?
Little Miss Dragon Scales With Her Racing Heart
Are You Convinced That You Belong?
What Is This Pain?
You Like Him...
Running Through The Hallways And... Going To Rhelasia?
Did I Hit A Nerve?
Jem And Tula
If Only
Get It Away!
Better Than I Would Have Done...
Alpha Male
Irrational Anger
An Angry Atlantian Is A Scary Atlantian
A Gorilla And A Brain... Interesting...
Can I Keep Him?
Saved By A Brother
Apology Accepted
CCC: Creepy Clown & Crew
Look At Me
Why Look For A Dragon When We Already Have One?
Please, Don't Do This To Me...
Hunting Down An Android
Professor Ivo's Telling The Truth
Magma? You've Got To Be Kidding Me.
More Human
The Loss of An Archer
Just In Case I Don't Get The Chance Again...
Bringing Courage To The World
Invading the Mothership, And Gaining A Broken Heart...
How Are We Alive?
Is It True?
A Day For Celebration
Tattoo and Dancing
Running From A Black Heart
Secrets Out and Legends Foretold

A Fight Between Fate And Chaos

1K 29 0
By wolfangel3

(3rd POV:)

Wally opens his eyes to find himself inside an endless room. "Ok. Ok. No problem. I'm not here. I'm just delusional." He tells himself. "Still don't believe?" A voice asks, surprising him, "Seriously, kid, how'd you get so bullheaded in 15 short years?" Kent comes walking out of the shadows. "But-but you're-you're-" Wally's cut off from his stuttering. "You, but don't feel bad. Soon as this little brou-ha-ha is over, my spirit will ascend, and I'll be reunited with my beloved Inza." Kent tells him.

"O-oh. Ok. Wait. Does that mean that I'm-" Wally is cut off once more, beginning to freak out. "Ah, you're alive, but your soul no longer controls your body. See, we're inside the helmet. You put it on, but my soul got sucked in, probably because I spent so many years serving it's master." Kent says. "Master?" Wally questions. "Nabu," He explains, "The real Doctor Fate, one of the Lords of Order I told you about. He's the guy controlling your body now. Wanna watch?" He asks.

They look out into the real world, where Doctor Fate is flying, fighting against Klarion the Witch Boy. "Give it up, Nabu. Order went out of style in the 20th Century." Klarion yells, blasting at the shield in front of Fate. "This battle is pointless. You sought to take the helmet before it claimed a host, but you are too late." He states, narrowing his eyes. "And you've hurt Princess Esmeralda. You've hurt your own childhood friend to try and get the helmet."

"Shut it, you old fart!" Klarion shouts, glancing at the unconscious girl before attacking once more. Fate dodges, sending a spell back at him. Klarion disappears, and Fate goes lower to the ground. Klarion appears behind him and zaps him.

"Ahh!" Wally yelps, falling to his knees. "What gives?" He asks Kent. "Well, it is your body." "Then let me control it. With Fate's power and my speed-" He's cut off, once again. "Sorry, kid. Doesn't work that way. But you can see why I've barely put on the helmet in 65 years." Kent tells him. "And if Fate loses this fight?" Wally asks. Kent goes grim. "You see Inza before I do."

Klarion sends a dragon made of fire from his hands, and Fate dodges out of the way, only to get hit in the back from another blast. While they're battling, Emma sits up, rubbing her head. She looks around before remembering where she was and what the situation was. Klarion was currently spewing fire at Fate as he flew around in the sky. She stood up as he raises his hand, and Fate comes falling down from being hit by a geyser of red flames. "You're out of practice, Nabu, and that pathetic host body, zero affinity for the mystic arts." He claims, creating a storm in the sky above.

Esmeralda steps in front of Fate as he slowly gets up. Klarion backs up in hesitation, his eyes wide. "He may not have affinity for magic, but I do." She states before spewing fire at him like he did to Fate. He covers his face with his arms, and a shield covers him. He look up at her, a glare staring straight through her soul. "Not enough fo ryou to beat me!" He yells, bringing down lightning from the clouds above.

Emma stands ready for the hit, but a bubble shields her. She looks behind her to see Fate on his knees, hands up in the air in concentration. "Ohh, rainbow power." Klarion comments. Teekl gives him a meow, and he turns to talk back. "I am paying attention, you stupid cat." He tells him. "Rowr!" "In case you hadn't noticed, I'm winning." Fate's eyes narrow, and he sends a blast from his chest, making the shield disappear and the lightning stop.

"It is difficult for a Lord of Order or Chaos to maintain a presence on the physical plane." Fate states, the two of them standing inside a ring of yellow fire. Klarion stares, before becoming enraged and sending even more powerful blasts of magic. Dracona jumps to the side, but Klarion is more focused on Fate to care what she was doing. Truth be told, deep down, he was angry with her, but he didn't want to hurt her. She was his only friend after all.

"I am bound to the helmet and use a human host. But that is not your way." Fate says, sending a blast of his own. Klarion blocks with a wall of rock. "You're babbling, Nabu." He yells. "Am I?" Fate asks. He sends another shot of magic from his chest. Klarion creates a shield to stop it, but it misses him entirely, hitting Teekl instead. Esmeralda gasps. "Teekl!" Klarion and she screams. "I can't believe you would assault a defenseless pussycat." Klarion yells, turning to glare at Fate, but not before giving Emma a glance.

"We both know that creature is no cat, With Boy, and without your familiar, you have no anchor to this reality." Fate explains, as Klarion starts fading away slightly. Emma stares, aghast. While she was angry at Klarion, she was still very glad to see him, even if they were on opposite sides. Klarion turns to him, clenching his fists.

"Bully! Killjoy! Geezer!" He yells. Fate sends a spell at him, and he disappears through a hole behind him. Emma looks over, and he reappears next to Teekl, picking him up. "Holy carp. We're outta here!" He yells, disappearing once again. Emma stared at where he stood, tears falling from her eyes once again.

(A.N.: Whew! That was intense, let me tell you. Wow! Anyways, the picture up top is what Emma's crown turns into in her half-human form, from the last chapter. Hope you're all enjoying so far!)

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