With Every Step Forward (Negl...

By Dracopyre321

979K 15.4K 16.1K

Y/N Rose is the middle child of the Xiao Long/Rose family, being Ruby's older twin brother. Life was great... More

Y/N Bio
Prologue Part 1/2: A Little Rose
Harem Update
Prologue 2/2: A New Home
Harem Update 2
Chapter 1: A New Rose
Chapter 2: Awakening
Chapter 3: Revealing the Truth
Chapter 4: Classes and Training
Chapter 5: Jaune Grows and Faunus Trouble
Chapter 6: Fight With the Fang
Volume 2
Chapter 7: Best Day Ever!
Chatper 8: Greeting an Army
Chapter 9: Awakening Pt. II
Chapter 10: Sharing the News
Chapter 11: Taking Inventory
Chapter 12: The Dance
Chapter 13: Field Trip
Chapter 14: The Reason Why
Chapter 15: The Real Reason
Chapter 16: The Long Ride
Chapter 17: Breaking Point
Y/N Bio Updated
Volume 3
Chapter 18: The First Round
Chapter 19: Gathering Info
Chapter 20: A Brawl Between Families
Chapter 21: Reunion
Chapter 22: Tastes Like Victory
Chapter 23: Giving a Choice
Chapter 24: Consequences and Conviction
Chapter 25: The Battle Between Kings
Chapter 26: Fear
Chapter 27: Battle of Beacon
Chapter 28: Unexpected Surprises, the Good and the Bad
Chapter 29: Chaos of the End
Chapter 30: Aftermath
Volume 4
Chapter 31: The Next Step Forward
Chapter 32: The Days Pass
Chapter 33: Fixing a Mistake
Chapter 34: Running
Chapter 35: Looking Forward
Chapter 36: Welcome Home
Chapter 37: Closing In
Chapter 38: Punishment and Consequence
Chapter 39: A Much Needed Talk
Chapter 40: Uncertainty
Chapter 41: A Hard Pill To Swallow
Chapter 42: Desolation
Chapter 43: Trials
Chapter 44: Arrival
Volume 5
Chapter 45: Welcome to Haven
Chapter 46: Dread Everywhere
Chapter 47: New Information
Chapter 48: What We Seek
Chapter 49: Unforeseen Truths
Chapter 50: Welcome Back
Chapter 50.5: The Twin Roses (Ruby Lemon, 18+)
Chapter 51: Decisions to Make
Chapter 51.5: A Night Out (Filler)
Chapter 52: I Burn For You (Yang Lemon, 18+)
Chapter 52.5: A Good Omen (Raven Lemon, 18+)
Chapter 52.75: A Mother's Love (Summer Lemon, 18+)
Chapter 53: Alone Together
Chapter 55: A Person's True Colors
Chapter 56: It Begins
Chapter 57: Confusion and Surprise
Chapter 58: Epiphany
Chapter 59: Together
Chapter 59.5: The Most Enjoyable Ice Cream (Neo Lemon, 18+)
Chapter 60: A Much Needed Explanation
Chapter 60.25: Mischievous Cats (Blake Lemon, 18+)
Chapter 60.5: Thunder and Lightning (Nora Lemon, 18+)
Chapter 60.75: Deflowering the Princess (Weiss Lemon, 18+)
Volume 6: Annoucement And Recap
Chapter 61: Planning Our Next Step
Chapter 61.5: Blooming Roses (Ruby/Summer Lemon, 18+)
Chapter 62: Return to Vale (+62.5: Required Extra Credit (Glynda Lemon, 18+))
Chapter 63: The Forbidden Tower
Chapter 64: Argus Ahead
Chapter 65: Relighting the Beacon
Chapter 66: Lost
Chapter 67: Truth
Chapter 68: Heightened Emotions
Chapter 69: Noice
Chapter 69.5: Overprotective (Saphron/Terra Lemon, 18+)
Chapter 70: Protection

Chapter 54: The Perfect Storm

3.7K 83 50
By Dracopyre321

Raven's POV

As she was sharpening her weapon in her tent, thinking about the events to come, Vernal opens up the curtain of the tent.

Vernal: "Raven, we have a problem."

Raven: "What is it?"

Vernal: "Salem's found us."

Raven's eyes open wide in shock.

Raven: "Salem. Okay."

Vernal: "Five of her followers are waiting to speak with you."

Raven: "Right. We planned for this. Bring me my helmet."

Vernal does as she's commanded, and Raven gets ready to speak to the five intruders in her camp. She dons the helmet and goes outside to greet them. Cinder, Emerald, Mercury, Dr. Watts, and Gilda.

Raven: "I don't recall inviting so many guests into our home." she addresses to the tribe. "Either I'm losing my memory, or you've all lost your spines!"

Cinder: "Don't be too upset with them, Raven. Your men simply recognize the power of a Maiden when they see it." Her eye glows fiery as she displays that she is, in fact, a Maiden. "Which is why we'd like to have a word with you." Her glowing eye fades to demonstrate that she's not here to fight.

Raven: "Leave us." she tells the tribe. "Pack your things, then break down camp. We're moving."

The tribe does as she commands, leaving her alone with the five.

Dr. Watts: "A little late to run and hide. You've been on our master's list for some time, so you must understand that we cannot allow you to slip away."

Raven: "I know all about your master, but I don't believe we've met."

She descends the stairs to meet them eye to eye, at least, as much as possible with the helmet on.

Mercury: "We're the guys you should be afraid of." he states with confidence.

Raven: "I doubt anyone should be afraid of you." she remarks condescendingly.

Mercury: "Oh yeah? Tell that to-"

Cinder: "Quiet." She silences him.

Raven: "That's what I thought."

Cinder: "I'm Cinder Fall. This is my associate, Arthur Watts. My disciples, Emerald and Mercury. And-"

Gilda: "I can speak for myself. My name is Gilda Pyrite. I am one of King Loke's commanders."

Raven: "Two children you've tricked into following you, a disgraced Atlesian scientist, the commander to a false king, and a Fall Maiden with a surname so appropriate, she probably picked it herself." Gilda starts fuming. "Something tells me you've got more than a slight case of egomania. Is that about right?"

Gilda: "You shall not insult Loke like-"

Cinder puts up her arm to stop her. As it stands, Cinder's the most powerful of their forces present, so she has no choice but to defer to her authority.

Dr. Watts: "Ahem. Uh, technically I was also a doctor, but I must say the rest was spot-on."

Cinder: "Aren't you perceptive?" she compliments Raven.

Raven: "It's what's kept me alive."

Cinder: "I'm afraid the only reason you're still alive is because you have something our master wants. Of course, if I'm wrong..." She summons a fireball in her right hand as a threat.

Raven: "Vernal!" she calls.

Vernal steps out of the tent and descends down the steps, standing next to Raven.

Cinder: "So, this is the long-lost Spring Maiden... Prove it."

Vernal looks at Raven, who nods for her to do it. Vernal extends her arms and as she does, the wind starts picking up. Storm clouds start forming above the camp, the wind becoming increasingly stronger, causing Watts, Mercury, and Emerald to brace themselves. Cinder stands there with a smile at seeing another Maiden's power and Gilda's not impressed. Of course, the Maidens' powers are impressive, but nothing compared to Loke's now. Vernal lowers her arms and the wind dies down. The clouds in the sky stay, but become slightly less dense.

Raven: "Vernal has done well under my guidance. I'd take that into consideration before you try anything."

Cinder: "Raven, I won't underestimate you, so please don't insult my intelligence. There is a slim chance you and your Maiden could escape here today. But if you know our master as well as you claim to, then you know you could never truly escape her. But we come bearing an olive branch."

Watts: "The Maidens are merely a means to an end." He approaches Raven, coming to stand directly in front of her. "Salem's true desires are the Relics locked with the Huntsmen Academies. Come with us. Allow Vernal here to unlock the Relic of Knowledge and all previous acts of defiance against Salem will be forgiven." He leans in. "It's the best deal either of you are going to get."

He walks back to his place beside Cinder.

Raven: "You talk as if walking straight into Haven will be easy."

Cinder: "That's because it will be. Headmaster Lionheart is loyal to Salem now. All we need is the key to the vault."

Raven (thoughts): 'Lionheart's betrayed Ozpin? I wonder..."

Cinder: "You're not the only one turn your back on Oz, Raven."

Raven: "I'm not helping Salem. I'm not helping Oz. I don't want a part in any of this."

Cinder: "That ship sailed when you chose to harbor a Maiden, but if you come with us to Haven, we'll leave you, your tribe, and your little secret to live out the rest of your days squabbling in the wilderness. We just. Need. The Relic." she emphasizes.

Raven: "I need time to think this over." She puts her hand on her sword.

Watts: "We don't have time. In two days, Haven Academy will be destroyed by the White Fang. You're going to choose now."

Raven: "Backed me into a corner, huh?"

Cinder: "So, are you with us? Or against us?"

Defeated, Raven takes her hand off her weapon and takes off her helmet.

Raven: "Agreements like these are built on trust, and forgive me for saying, but I don't trust a single one of you. You're going to need to give me more."

Watts: "You are in a poor position to negotiate."

Raven: "I want my brother and Y/N Rose dead."

That surprises her adversaries, but Cinder gains a smile on her face.

Cinder: "I suppose my first question is why? I thought Y/N Rose was your ally?"

Raven: "Was, yes. Not anymore. They know I have Spring, and if I help you get your relic, they're going to become a problem. As for Y/N, it's a bit more personal than that. I saved him from Loke. I offered him a place here. He then stabbed me in the back for my kindness, both figuratively and literally, saying that Qrow told him not to trust me. I imagine they've already reunited."

Gilda: "All the more reason not to give in to your demands. If you hadn't interfered, Y/N Rose would be dead."

Raven: "A poor judgement on my part. It turns out he's not the type of man I originally thought he was. I figured that if I saved him, he'd join me, but as you can see, I was wrong. He used me to try and get information. However, I'd like to correct that. I take it Loke will be participating?"

Cinder's eyes shine, as she also wants Y/N dead. Gilda nods to Raven's question.

Gilda: "Two of the members of Loke's teams were captured and brought to your secondary camp for questioning. One of our own silenced them."

Raven: "Yes, I sent Y/N on a mission to interrogate them, but he failed in getting anything. It was after this that he struck me in anger and betrayed me. And now here you are, giving me the information I desired, but offering it as an ally."

Cinder: "Interesting. He did not strike me as the type of person to do such a thing, but I imagine both you and Qrow have rubbed off on him."

Raven: "Back to business, Loke'll be the one to take care of him. Qrow doesn't trust me, but he does trust Ozpin's other lieutenants. If Leo really is loyal to you, then you can order him to invite them right into an ambush. He arrives at Haven, we take him down, you get your Relic, and we all leave happy."

Cinder: "*giggle* Now this is a proposition I can get behind."

Gilda: "For once, we agree."

Dr. Watts: "All right, ladies, let's pause for a moment." He turns to Cinder. "We have one objective: retrieving the Relic of Knowledge. Now, Qrow Branwen and Y/N Rose may be on our list of individuals we would very much like dead, but neither of them of are going down without a fight. This fight, especially one between Loke and Mr. Rose, would not be quiet. Our advantage here is just as you said: We walk straight into Haven. No resistance, no one the wiser. A battle throws that all out the window."

Raven: "Qrow's good, but not that good. All of us against Qrow with Loke against Y/N, who already beat him once... It'll be over in a heartbeat."

Emerald: "But it's not just them. There's also the students from Beacon."

Raven (thoughts): 'Seems like they don't know about Summer...'

Cinder: "And your point?"

Dr. Watts: "If we leave that school a bloody mess, it will draw the attention of the authorities. The kingdom will be on high alert and the White Fang's attack will be ruined."

Cinder: "Then we attack just after Hazel and Adam get there. Leo invites Qrow and his little fighters to Haven. As soon as the battle is won, the White Fang demolishes Haven and any evidence we may have left behind is lost along with the school. Besides, if Loke and Y/N are fighting, the White Fang won't have to do as much, and things will go that much quicker. While I would love nothing more than to kill him myself, Loke can do so and cause as much collateral damage as possible. The White Fang take the credit with limited actual involvement, we'll have the Relic, and we get rid of everyone in our way."

Raven: "Then Salem leaves my people alone. For good." she stresses.

Cinder: "You have yourself a deal."

She extends her hand towards Raven with a smile, but Watts grabs her wrist.

Dr. Watts: "Wait." Cinder looks at him with anger. "Don't think I don't see what you're after. If this falls to pieces over your grudge with a child, I will not be taking the blame."

Her eye starts glowing.

Cinder: "Then what are you worried about?" She lets out flames from her wrist, burning Watts's hand. "Fly back home and tinker with your machines." She walks towards Raven and extends her hand again. "And tell Salem she'll get what she wants. And more."

Raven grabs Cinder's hand and shakes it, coming to an agreement.

Ghira's POV

Ghira jumps onto a pillar as he takes down more White Fang members attacking his home. One charges at him with a spear, but he takes the spear from her hands, throwing her across the room into Fennec Albain and knocking him down. Corsac responds by firing a fireball from his wand at Ghira, who in turn, throws the spear, pinning Corsac to the wall by his hood. The fireball hits Ghira, knocking him backwards, but otherwise leaves him unharmed due to his Aura.

Fennec: "Brother!"

Fennec unleashes a torrent of wind from his wand, causing Ghira to put up in arms in a block. Another of the White Fang hides behind a pillar, coming out to shoot the distracted Ghira.

???: "YAAAAAH!"

Sun crashes through the window, knocking down the grunt and saving Ghira. Corsac breaks free by removing his hood and rejoins his brother. They look at each other, nodding, before unleashing a wind/fire combo from their weapons, giving birth to a fiery tornado. Sun spins his staff in his hands to block this impressive combo attack, being pushed back by the sheer force.

Sun: "Hurry!" he yells.

Corsac and Fennec notice Blake loading Gambol Shroud from above and stop their assault on Sun, instead choosing to shoot fire and wind shots at her as she leaps off the balcony. They miss and she lands between them. They both go to stab her, but Blake pulls the trigger and creates an ice clone right as they're about to hit her, freezing their hands and weapons in it. She jumps away from them and meets with her father and Sun.

Blake: "Dad, where's Mom?" she asks worried.

Ghira: "I'm not sure. I got ambushed right away."

Blake: "Once we take down Corsac and Fennec-"

Ghira: "No, go now." he demands.

Blake: "But-"

Ghira: "You keep assuring me your friend isn't a complete waste of space. Let's see him prove it!"

Sun: "We got this, Blake! I've wanted to sock these creeps since the day we met."

They look at the brothers as they're attempting to melt the ice clone and three themselves.

Ghira: "You'll have to get in line." He tells Sun. "Blake, go!"

She obeys her father and exits the room. When she does, the brothers break free, ready to fight the pair of Faunus.

Sun: "I won't let you down, sir!" he exclaims confidently.

Ghira: "Shut up."

Sun: "You got it!"

Raven's POV

Sitting in her tent contemplating her actions of this afternoon and holding something in her hands, she notices someone outside.

Raven: "Yes, Vernal?"

She enters.

Vernal: "I followed them as you asked."

Raven: "Did they spot you?"

Vernal: "*scoff* Of course not. They have a ship two klicks west of here. Looks like they're staying there for the night."

Raven: "Thank you, Vernal. Anything else?"

Vernal: "Do you... actually believe they'll let us go once they have the Relic?" she asks concerned.

Raven: "Of course not. They'll never leave us alone. Once our purpose has come and gone, we'll be discarded. Salem only uses people until they are no longer useful. If we want to have any chance of defending ourselves against her, then we need this Relic. I've thought this a possibility ever since Y/N found out the information about the attack."

Vernal: "Speaking of that man, are we really going to fight him? He's the Red Dragon Emperor and, as much as I dislike it, your husband. You even lied to them earlier about your... involvement with him."

Raven gets up from her bed and throws what she was holding away.

Raven: "I know. I had to make them think we were enemies so they didn't suspect us of working together, even if we actually aren't. We don't have a choice in fighting if we want to survive. This path won't be easy for us, but we must do what's right for the tribe, even if it means fighting loved ones..." she laments.

Vernal: "I know. I'll do whatever it takes."

Raven: "Good."

She changes into her raven form and flies off, observing that most of the camp is packed up.

Vernal's POV

As Raven flies away, she looks back in the tent what Raven threw away. It seems to be a pregnancy test. It hasn't been that long since their... night together, so would a home pregnancy test even work right now? She picks it up and reads "N" on it, tossing it back into the waste afterwards.

Vernal: "I see. That's too bad. I know how much you wanted that." she says to herself.

Qrow's POV

Sitting in his room, Qrow drinks from his flask and looks outside as a crow caws. He looks over when he hears footsteps. It's Oscar.

Oscar: "Hey, Qrow? Oz needs to talk to you."

He gets up to follow Oscar and talk to Ozpin.

Blake's POV

Blake runs through her house, opening door after door to try to find her mother. As she's running through the halls, she becomes increasingly worried. She eventually finds herself in the foyer, where she spots Ilia sitting on the balcony with her mask on. Ilia stands up and reaches for her weapon. Blake responds by putting her hand on hers. Ilia does the same and Blake, knowing she must fight Ilia, draws.

Shorter chapter, but things as coming up to their boiling point. Raven must work with Salem for her family's survival, even if that means fighting Y/N. A shame really.

Blake's house is a war zone and she must confront Ilia about their conflicting ideals. Can Blake save her from herself and Adam?

(Also, this is the 69th part of the story. Nice.)

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