Removing My Mask ; Peter Park...


172K 4.7K 3.3K

You were the new kid to Midtown high. After a long debate with your mother, you decided it would be best to g... Еще

Phase 1 - 1.1
Phase 2 - 2.1
Phase 3 - 3.1
Phase 4 - 4.1
Phase 5 - 5.1


1.4K 30 6


"I don't like this. Something is definitely up." MJ said standing up from her seat, the bus coming to a halt.

All of our head craned towards the building in the distance, grey smoke kissing out of it.

"That doesn't look good..." I shifted uneasily on my feet.

"Well at least it's fake so there's nothing to worry about." Ned said.

"It's still unsettling." MJ hit his arm.

"Maybe we should go down to the lower level. It looks like it's getting closer." I gulped.

"Good idea." Ned and MJ nodded.


"Alright, coms check. Can you hear me kid?" Happy said.

"Yeah, I can hear you! It's just a little loud out here!" I yelled, continuing to stick to the outside of the plane.

"Hey, Happy?"


"Drop me above the storm. I'll go in through the middle and he'll never see me coming." I said.

"You got it."

Happy lined the plane up above the thick storm. I jumped off the plane, whizzing through the air. When I got close enough, I dropped my spider parachute I invented, slowly settling down inside the storm.

"It's not real, it's not real!" I chanted to myself, breaking through the barrier and crashing into a drone, "Ow."

I stood up on the drone, sticking a web to it and leaping off onto the next drone, sticking another web on it. I did this to all the drones, weaving in through their choreography. When they were all connected, my taser web went off and killed their system, the illusion of the storm monster fading.

I saw beck standing in the middle of the cat walk, a few drones by his side. I leapt off the drone and aiming towards him, getting knocked out of the sky by another droid.


"Where's the bus driver?!" Ned panicked as soon as we made it to the lower level. Our heads wiped to the side when a loud crash came up from the water.

All three of us yelled, Ned screaming like a little girl.

"Get off the bus, go!" Mr. Harrington said pushing us all out the bus. We all ran out, ducking our heads as lighting clambered above us.

"You guys, get in!" Happy yelled.

"Who are you?" Flash asked.

"I work with spider-man! Now let's go!" Happy gestured towards the jet behind him.

"You work for spider-man?!" Flash gasped.

Happys face turned red in frustration, "I work with Spider-Man not for him!"

Happy turned so fast when a droid crashed into the plane, making it blow up.

"Woah!" I gasped.

"Well what the hell we gon do now?" Ned made duck lips and I looked at Happy.

"Okay, everyone inside lets go!"


"EDITH, target Spider-Man." Quentin told his AI, feeling panic start to overwhelm him.

"On it."

Drones chased after the web slinger, shooting bullets as he ducked and weaved through each one of them, not even getting a scratch.

Back with Happy and the others, they all ran into the queens vault, a stray drone chasing them. They all hid behind a corner, Ned hiding behind Happy while MJ and Y/n stood across from them.

MJ glanced at the large mace weapon, picking it up and slamming it on the drone, injuring it. They all ran towards the room in the back, shutting the door while the drone started melting the lock.

"Happy, did you find them?" Peter asked through the coms, falling onto of a car and crushing it.

"Yeah, we're being attacked by some drones." Happy said.

"I'm trying to get to Beck but I can't shake these drones." Peter huffed, swinging a drone into another and making it explode.

"If we die in here, I just want you to know that I love you all." Ned whimpered.

"We're not going to die." Happy reassures quickly, "Peters got it all under control."


The explosion sent me flying over the bridge, allowing me a great angle to shoot a web grenade, the remaining drones smashing into it and exploding.

I shot a web at the bottom of the bridge, my body skimming over the water and extinguishing the fire on my suit.

More drones came flying at me and I made quick work of taking a few out, webbing them up into a line before smashing them onto the ground. One of the drones bullets sniped through my web, making my body fall onto the concrete.

Stumbling I got to my feet, my eyes going wide when they all released a sonar blast, sending the car in front of me to go flying at my body, pinning me against the car behind me and sending us over the bridge into the water.

"I'm going to be so bruised." I grunted pulling my weak body back onto the road.

I tossed a piece of debris out into the open, catching the attention of one of the drones. I ripped off a street sing and used it as a shield, running towards the drone as it got ready to create another sonar blast. When it did, I used the sign to boost me up into the cat walk, shooting through the glass and landing on the ceiling.

I grabbed Beck by the collar of his suit, punching the glass bowl on his head and cracking it. Beck grunted and stumbled back. I grabbed him again and held his body into the air.

"Your lies are over, Beck!" I hissed.

"This certainly isn't ideal, but... I have contingencies. EDITH?" Beck shrugged, clearly not worried.

My body went flying back when a drone hit me.

"Just give me the glasses!" I growled standing to my feet.

"You want these?" Beck quirked an eyebrow, pulling EDITH out of his motion capture suit, a army of drones surround him, "Come and get them." He smirked.

The drones activated their cloaking mechanism and the projection system. The corridor turns dack and green mist flows over the floor.

I took a deep breath to ready myself, "Come on Peter tingle."

I closed my eyes and went for it, jumping all across the corridor destroying drones, getting closer to Quentin.

"Why aren't these drones firing?!" Quentin hissed.

"You're in the strike zone. The chance of getting hit-"

"No, FIRE... ALL THE DRONES... NOOOOOOOOOW!" Quentin roared.

More drones started shooting at me but I was in my zone, feeling betrayed and angry, fighting my way through them.

One of the drones went flying, shooting a rogue bullet right into Quentins chest. I stepped towards my former friend when all the drones were destroyed, taking off the glass bowl.

"Beck! Beck... You lied to me. I trusted you." I said sadly.

"I know. That's the most... disappointing part. You're a good person, Peter. Such a weakness..."

Quentin took the glasses off and handed them to me, "Stark was right. You do deserve them."

My spider senses went off and I grabbed something to the right of me.


The Quentin I was talking to disappeared as the real one was in front of me, a pained expression on his face.

"You can't trick me anymore." I mumbled, my body shaking. I grabbed the real glasses from him as he fell to the ground, putting them on.

"EDITH, Turn off all the drones."

"Biometric scan complete. Welcome back, Peter. Shall I execute all cancellation protocols?"

"Do it. Execute them all."


I watched from the window as all the drones started flying back towards the sky, most likely going back to their satellite.

"How could you do this?" I asked Beck.

"You'll see, Peter. People tend to believe... And nowadays... they'll believe anything." He whispered.

"Is he... is this real?" I asked EDITH with a shake in my voice.

"All illusions are down, Peter." EDITH said.

I nodded, taking one last look at the man i once saw as a friend and head back out into the street.

Once y/n saw me, she booked it and crashed into me. She released a shaky breath and hugged me tighter.

"Are you okay?" I asked, pulling back from the hug and checking over her body.

Y/n nodded, "I'm fine. Are you okay? Where's Mysterio?"

"He didn't make it." I said in a mere whisper. I know he was the bad guy, but I wouldn't wish death upon anyone.

Y/n gave me a small smile, knowing what must have been going through my head. The others caught up with us, pulling us into a group hug and I gave Happy a grateful look.

Happy nodded his head at me and I turned back to my friends.

"So much for a vacation, huh?" Ned laughed, nudging me.

The rest of us laughed along with him, hugging once more. I loved my friends and I would do anything to protect them but something deep down inside said that I would have many more battles to fight, whether that be on my own or with a team, I knew I could count on this bond right here to keep me sane.

"I love you." I mouthed to my girlfriend, hearing Ned talk to me about him and Betty decided to break up.

Y/n smiled, mouthing the words back.

"Alright guys, lets get out of here." Happy smiled, the rest of us agreeing.

I definitely couldn't wait to be home.


Epilogue coming next and then it's the official end! Had so much fun writing this book and I hope you all enjoyed reading :)


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