
By LilySaxton7

11.5K 498 32

It's been three months since Chris went back up to the mountains , rescuing Josh , who was in the process of... More

The night before
Getting ready
Getting there
Meet up
The time warp
A cry for help
Finally ;)
Boyfriends ?
Pjs and drives
Loss of control
we need to talk
party ?
Morning darling
the hunt
Butterfly effect
Movie star
Can we order pizza ?
Why did you hurt him?
How to take a wendigo on holiday
lets go to the pool
they all know
when the worst happens
wendigo walkies


214 9 0
By LilySaxton7

When they entered the supermarket , Chris's hand was interlocked with Josh's as they grabbed a trolley to collect their supplies. Every ailse was filled with families dashing around collecting their weekly shop ; Josh felt his nostrils fill with the overwhelming scent of tempting flesh as people pushed passed him . He felt his incisors push against his tongue , drawing blood , as the luscious smell of fresh meat slowly became more and more intense.  Chris turned towards his boyfriend and noticed Josh's strained features , his eyes flicking from person to person . He pulled Josh closer to him as he started walking towards the meat and poultry ailse . "Grab a lot , you're going to need it " the unknown voice whispered once again , as soon as the two of them reached the meat ailse . Josh shook his head , trying to somehow make the voice fall out , to leave him alone for one second . But nevertheless Josh reached to the delicious smelling red , blood soaked hearts , kidneys , steaks , lungs , everything and piled the trolley full . Josh stared and the amount he had thrown in and gasped , Chris never bought this much home to him , ever . He turned to Chris , to find some reasurance that he'd bought a healthy amount but Chris looked almost as shocked as Josh . " Josh do you think you're going to need all that?" Chris murmured . "Trust me you will ..." The voice piped up again . " I think so ... " Josh trailed off , as he felt a hand grab his shoulder . The grip was strong and firm , yet almost definitely feminine . Josh turned around and stared into the eyes of his mother . "Josh?" The petite curly haired woman whimpered.  Josh was lost for words and stumbled back into Chris , feeling his boyfriend's hands grab onto his shaking shoulders .  The smell of flesh that surrounded the whole supermarket , engulfed him even more as his mother reached out to grab him , whilst whatever she was saying droned into the background , as Josh felt himself completely shutting down . Everything was too much , his mother , the hunger , the diagnosis , everything . Chris looked down at the shaking Josh who seemed completely distant , with a glimmer of hunger in his eyes . Miranda Washington was repeating the same questions in a row to her son , expecting some kind of response "Are you okay ? Josh why haven't you seen me ? What's happening with you ?" She said again and again . As Josh began looking more terrified and starving every second . Chris noticed how terrified his boyfriend appeared and promptly turned to Miranda. " Hey Mrs Washington is it okay if you meet us at the little coffee shop down by church Street in like a couple of hours , to properly discuss this , I don't think a crowded supermarket is the best place to talk about this , please ?" He said , a pleading look on his face , as Josh just stared into his mother's eyes trying to stop the urge to scream or even hurt her . Miranda looked taken a back , but she noticed the terrified look upon her son's face and sighed , distressed and concerned , so she pulled a business card from out of her pocket and handed it to Chris , " If you insist , this is my new mobile , if anything changes ring me but I expect you both to meet me there at 6pm sharp " She said curtly and walked away . Josh just slowly turned towards Chris , tears threatening to escape from his milky eyes , " I don't want to tell her Cochise " he murmured , feeling as though she's be entirely disgusted by his new form . Before Chris opened his mouth , Hannah's voice started flooding into Josh's brain . "Mother always thought you was a disgusting cursed boy even when it was just the odd breakdown but now she'll see you truly are a pathetic monster who's actions resulted in the death of her perfect family " her harsh tone said , it started as a whisper but each hateful word she said increased in volume so much that Josh didn't even stop himself shrieking in pure agony at the overwhelming insults , his hands clasped over his head , Chris didn't notice his boyfriend was having an episode until he shrieked , and collapsed into the floor of the supermarket his hands covering his ears , and rocking back and forth . The scream definitely sounded inhuman to the fellow shoppers around the pair , as they stepped away from the two , looks of fright settled on their faces .  Chris slowly kneeled down next to Josh , and placed his hands over his boyfriends shaking ones , slowly bringing his hands away from his ears . "Joshy it's me , whatever you're hearing it's not real , centre yourself on my voice " he whispered , his mind flicking back to the handwritten instructions Dr Hill had given him incase something like this happened . Josh felt his boyfriends arms pick him up from the floor , but when he looked up to see Chris , he saw his sister's stood behind him , laughing as the disgrace Josh looked like , Beth still looked like a corpse ( she did every single time Josh hallucinated her) but Hannah looked beautiful , as if she'd just entered from heaven itself . "Are you going to tell mum , her perfect daughter is a monster as well as you
?" She snarled transforming into a beast once again . Josh involuntarily shrieked again . "Leave me alone !" He screamed at the startled customers who were actually behind Chris . " Josh please it's me , just listen to my voice " Chris whimpered , noticing how the market has gone deadly silent ; everybody was watching them . A young man in a uniform slowly walked up to the two . "Is everything okay ?you're scaring several customers?" He asked professionally . Chris ignored the man and looked back into Josh's eyes , which seemed lost and terrified . "Baby please , focus what you're seeing isn't real " Chris said softly his hand slowly stroking Josh's shaking one. Josh gulped feeling the electricity shooting from his boyfriends palm into his , and managed to whimper through the unrelenting hallucinations. "Cochise , I can't stop them " but his clawed hands dug into Chris's as he brought himself to stand up . Chris saw how much his boyfriend was struggling , but knew things would get worse if he didn't take the food back to feed the hungry wendigo . Chris gulped and stared at the still present shop worker who was looking more and more petrified. He looked down towards the name tag , noticing it read Marcus . " Marcus? Look my friend Josh here , has severe schizophrenia and he's having an episode so I need to take him to the doctor , is there anyway someone can purchase this food for me , I have the cash on me , but can someone please pay for it while I take him back to the car , then I can return for it?" Chris pleaded to the young man. Marcus gulped but smiled " I'll do that for you sir , just please take him outside , and I'll bring the food to your car which one is it ?" . Chris smiled at the small act of kindness and pulled several twenties from his wallet . " The light blue jeep , thank you so much , keep the change " Chris said giving the trolley and money to him before grabbing Josh's hand . " PATHETIC!" Hannah screamed again as Beth's rotting had rolled on the tiled supermarket floor beside Josh , as he felt Chris drag him to the exit . " You're so weak , so pathetic just let the wendigo out to play and you'll see how strong you could become " the psycho boomed in his ear , as Chris pulled him into the parking lot ."SHUT UP!" Josh shrieked again , but he let Chris slowly guide him to the car , and sit his shaking body onto the chair . "Baby what do you want me to do ?" Chris whispered , slightly scared himself at his boyfriend's unexpected episode . Josh gulped , Trying his best to quieten the deafening voices . "Don't make me see her " he whispered sounding lost , as he knew that only heartache would become of Miranda Washington knowing the last of her lineage was a freak , disgusting and cursed , he'd be better off dead like Beth , he thought to himself , ,as Chris backed away and grabbed the groceries off Marcus and loaded them into the boot .

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