Mated To The Bastard (lone st...

By Animejunkie13

70.7K 3.2K 308

My names Virgo its been a year since I challenge my cousin to be Alpha and lost. I don't regret it one bit be... More

Big lost
The Cresent Moon Pack
Save him
My Mate
Are you crazy
Who is He?
The Curse
The Talk
Meet your father
Tell me everything
it's crazy.
I'm leaving
Touch me
wild wild
Moving on
I'm off
Saying good bye and Hello
Rescue plan
Break the Curse
counter attack
A might Alpha
The Firefly Pack
wrap it up.

The Villains

1.5K 83 12
By Animejunkie13

On request I added a new photo of Virgo to the page.

Tell me what y'all think. He's suppose to be mixed.

His mom is black while his dad is white.

No one's pov

"Are sure we can trust her dad," Ann ask her father as she watches the hooded figure walk away.

"Dont worry princess, she's worked with our family for years and she's the one whom provided the information about your brother's whereabouts and the pack that he has chosen to get involved with." Her father smiles and says.

"Ok," Ann response.

"How about the prisoner we acquired," he then ask his daughter.

"It's looked away in the cell," she says as they make there way to camp.

They both head to a tent , stemping inside you could see the sight of a man chained to the ground.

His hands and legs were bounded and his mouth gag. While being unconscious.

"We now have the bait we need to kill there alpha and get back Nicodimus," Ann says.

"But before we start our plan there's something,  I want to know. Darling go ahead and wake up our guest so he can answer my questions," he tells his daughter.

Pulling out a bottle from her poket she throws the contain in the bottle on the man on the floor.

He starts to shake as he gets up with a shock look on his face.

"Where am I, " he says with a confuse expression on his face.

"Don't worry about where you are you monsters, worry about if you'll survive," Ann's father says as he pulls out a metal object.

"Now I'm gonna ask questions and you'll respond with an appropriate answer or dad will kill you," she bends down in front of him and says.

He trys to transform but the moment he starts to transform he is electrocuted.

"It seems someone needs an example,"she says and in a split second her father swings and hits him with the tool in his hand.

As it came in contact with him, it created a powerful electrical shock, a knocked him down on the ground.

His face was bruised and had burn marks, all while he was bleeding from his noise and mouth.

"Now tell us everything you know about your pack," she smiles and says.

After a hour a bloody mess was left lying on the floor.

"Lock him in the cellar," her father says as they walk away.

"Now how do we let your brother know we have his lover," He continues to say.

Smiling she says," that's easy, we just send a messenger."

Bello's pOv

"Will you stop being a child," i say to an agitated Brian.

Both of us got the text from Chester this morning that he left the pack and won't be back for awhile.

"The idiot of an alpha is forcing our brother to leave the pack so be can be with his mate," he shouted.

"Don't you see he's driving away his competition," he continues to say.

My brother was a little slow witted so I took my time with him as much possible.

"Brian, Chester left on his own accord. Virgo had nothing with him deciding to leave the pack," i tell him.

"So your taking that asshole's side over your own blood, and since when have you gotten along with him," he asked me with suspicion in his voice.

His questions brought up back memories of the past weeks that I've gotten to know Virgo.

We go off to a rocky start with him attacking Chester, i just wanted to hate him.

I tried to under mine his authority at every chance i got.

Leading us to buck heads more than a few times.

But I came to realise that he wasn't a total dipshit.

Looking back at what happened with Chester, i couldn't say if i was in his shoes, what I would've done.

Thinking about how bad i wanted a mate i probably would have done worst.

Most of the other wolves that I know from the other packs were mated and started families.

Even rat for brains was Dallas happy and expecting kids.

"Are you listening to me," Brian came in my face and shout breaking me from my deep thoughts.

"Brian can you stop bitching about it, Chester made his choice, no one was forcing him and from what I've understand he is the one that broke up with Najay," I tell him.

"Stop the hog shit both you and i know he was crazy about that ape, the only reason Chester broke up, is because he doesn't want to fight that other monkey, "he says while continuing to say.

"Our brother is probably scared for his life, that's why he left. I don't understand why you can't be Alpha,"

I pitted Brian sometimes, he was really stupid and ignorant.

Most wolves know they operate base on tradition.

When a pack is formed the first thing that happens is a Alpha has to make a deal with moon.

One of the biggest rules is succession, any thing you say or read to the moon most be carried out.

Because the ancestor of our pack made a deal that only the Alpha child can lead the pack that is the only person whom can lead the pack.

People use to make crazy deals with the moon back in the days and for most part it work.

Because only the moon blessing that is shared by being in a pack can allow us to function as an unit.

Just thinking about what my brothet didn't know made my perception of him fall even lower.

Suddenly i hear the cries of the hunter wolves.

I knew it was and emergency so i got up from desk.

"Hey do you hear that," Brian ask me as i got up.

Rolling my eyes i didn't answer, i moved swiftly and went outside.

As i opened the door i transform into my wolf form. I followed the sound of the wolves that were crying.

Running through the woods, I heard the sound of someone following me.

Looking around i saw my brothers golden wolf behind me.

Like my wolf our fur was yellow like the the most tropical beachs in the Caribbean.

Running along i saw two a wolf, one of them was bleeding, he was being helped by help by the other hunter wolf.

"What happened," i asked them as i got to where they were.

"Mwet is he ok," Brian rushes up and  ask, the wolf that wasn't hurt.

"Silas is okay," he breaths out.

"We were doing our norm scouting when out of nowhere he gets shoot," Mwet says.

"Where is the person that shoot him," i asked him next.

"He took off in that direction," he says and stopped speaking .

I could see their was something else on his mind that he was not saying.

"What is it," i adk him.

"It's just that after Silas attacker took off , Our Alpha came and started to chase him." Mewt says.

Things just keep on getting worst,not only was Virgo chasing whoever attack them.

But it seems the assailant from the way Mewt describe him was a hunter and a skilled one at that.

And in the next few hours the moon will rise.

"Brian help these two back to the pack," i tell my brother and started running fast as possible.

It took me around an hour to catch up to them but when i did.

I saw a crashed motorcycle burning and a hunter, pinned under Virgo's paw.

One think was obvious was that Virgo had skills.

Virgo's pov

When i heard the wolves howling i followed their crys and when i got there I saw the injured wolf on the ground.

The moment i arrived i heard the raving of an engine.

Not wanting there attacker to escape, i chased after him.

Even thou he was fast I managed to catch him, when i slammed him into a tree.

I wanted to tear this guy to shreds, I was beyond angery.

He had the same scent as the people whom attack me before i got go the pack.

I don't know what their doing on my pack land but i sure won't tolorate it.

Before i could ask my question i could hear another wolf approaching us.

Looking around i saw that it was Bello.

After verifying that it wasn't an enemy i turned back my attention to guy I have pinned to the ground.

"What do you want on my pack," i ask him.

"I came to deliver a message from our leader," he laughs and says.

Applying more pressure onto him, i could hear his ribcage break as he coughed up blood.

"Your really loyal, you know you won't be returning alive i tell him," while continuing to crush him.

"I don't care a devil like you will never understand,  but before i die i want to let you know we have the monster you call Chester and we plan to kill him if you don't surrender Nicodimus," he said before blacking out.

"Fuc*," was the only thing that could run across my mind. I was totally shocked to my core.

Please leave a comment and tell me what you think.

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