Innocent Fighter- (Jimin x Ma...

By FFwritingFuN

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BTS goes on a brake and visits a small town called, Free Soul's. They are staying for six months, and never e... More

⭐️One- Free Soul⭐️
⭐️Two- Attraction⭐️
⭐️Three- Bloody Fight⭐️
⭐️Four- New Couple⭐️
⭐️Five- Foot Down⭐️
⭐️Six- Birthday Present⭐️
⭐️Seven- BDay Present #2⭐️
⭐️Eight- Telling ARMY⭐️
⭐️Nine- Giggles, Home⭐️
⭐️Ten- Jealousy⭐️
⭐️Eleven- Stripper BF⭐️
⭐️Twelve- Scary Man!⭐️
⭐️Thirteen- ARMY's Flirts⭐️
⭐️Fourteen- Concert⭐️
⭐️Fifteen- Scary Movie⭐️
⭐️Sixteen- Fun Day with BTS⭐️
⭐️Seventeen- Angry Sex, tired day⭐️
⭐️Nineteen- Woah!⭐️
⭐️Twenty-Dark ⭐️
⭐️Twenty-One- Tease⭐️
⭐️TwentyTwo- Singer?!!⭐️
⭐️TwentyThree- Office Sex⭐️
⭐️TwentyFour- Walkless⭐️
⭐️A/N Note⭐️
⭐️TwentySeven- Drunk, fight⭐️
⭐️Thirty-Lovely Stage⭐️
⭐️Thirty-One- Work!⭐️
⭐️ThirtyTwo- Kinky⭐️
⭐️ThirtyFour- Friends⭐️
⭐️ThirtyFive- The Couples Games of 2020
⭐️ThirtySeven- The CouplesGames of 2020 #2⭐️
⭐️ThirtyEight- Cute⭐️
⭐️Forty- Fiancé in Hawaii⭐️
⭐️FortyTwo- Home, Gang⭐️
⭐️FortyThree- Football⭐️
⭐️FortyFour- Weak Boi⭐️
⭐️FortyFive- Wedding Plans⭐️
⭐️FortySix- Nerves⭐️
⭐️FortySeven- Bachelor & Bachelorette Party's⭐️
⭐️FortyEight- HangOvers⭐️
⭐️FortyNine- News⭐️
⭐️Fifty- Wedding Day⭐️
⭐️FiftyOne- Married Couple⭐️
⭐️FiftyTwo- Car Sex⭐️
⭐️FiftyTwo- Getting Caught⭐️
⭐️FiftyThree- House & ARMY Blog⭐️
⭐️FiftyFour- Lovely⭐️
⭐️FiftyFive- Here we go⭐️
⭐️FiftySix- Soft Daddy⭐️
⭐️FiftySeven- House⭐️
⭐️FiftyEight- Scary Storm!!⭐️

⭐️FortyOne- Wowser⭐️

446 10 1
By FFwritingFuN

"So, they want to know how long you've been planning to propose." Jimin giggled while reading the comments on the live. "For the past two, maybe three months? I don't know, maybe like two and a half years? Plus three weeks?" Chen shrugged while the smaller boy laughed. "So since we first met?" He asked and Chen nodded eagerly.

"He's been in love with me since the beginning, but hay, who isn't?" Jimin bragged. He read the comments as ARMY began asking questions about the little accident he had yesterday.

"About that, I drank a little to much punch. But it's all good now...." he said nervously while reading the comments. "I'm not answering that....I was drunk! My brain wasn't thinking!" He started getting in an argument with ARMY. "Oh please, it was only because I was drunk I called him that! I don't just walk around saying it, get your heads out of the gutter please."

"You can't prove it!" He yelled at the camera. "But I can!" Chen yelled from the kitchen and Jimin gasped and ran further into the house. "Ignore him, he's lying. I swear on ARMY's Purple Heart, I don't say daddy often." He mumbled. Then Chen came around the corner and tackled him making the boy scream.

"Yes you do!" He giggled as Jimin tried justifying himself. "I do sometimes, only during sex I swear, and I've never-" "Don't lie, you normally wake me every morning by-" "SHUT THE FUCK UP CHENYOUNG!" Jimin whined.

"I'm just telling the truth." He mumbled and rolled over. They where now in there master-bedroom laying down on the bed. "You don't have to lie to them, they already know." He pouted and scooted away from the small fuming boy.

Jimin took deep breaths while closing his eyes, "I swear if you say one more thing, I will personally take away all snuggles, kisses, hugs, and most of all I will take away the-" but he paused when he saw Chen sulking on the edge of the bed.

The boy looked like a huge marshmallow, mixed with a baby. His cheeks where puffed out and his eyes where closed, mouth in a pout, and he was curled up in a ball. The smaller boy fiddled with his fingers now feeling bad with his terrible threats.

"Chen....Chennie....I'm sorry..." he mumbled and looked over at Chen who still hadn't moved from his sulking spot. "Hug?" Jimin asked. But Chen shook his head and sulked even more. "Kiss?" He asked. And of course, the sulking boy shook his head.

"I'm sorry." Jimin said again, but the boy hasn't moved or say a thing. So instead Jimin moved over and hugged him even though he shook his head, "Stop sulking! I'm supposed to do that!" He whined and squished his lips to Chen's cheek. "Mmmmmwwwwaaaaa!" He said kissing his cheek.

The boy couldn't help but smile and Jimin cheered. "I got him to smile!" He clapped his hands together. Chen opened his arms and made grabby hands at Jimin, who gladly took his hug. "I love you." He mumbled while gently moving the hairs on Chen's forehead. "I love you too baby." He mumbled back.

"You look super handsome, did you know that?" He smiled and kissed Chen's forehead. "And, your so warm and cuddly. Funny and kind. Perfect." He slowly and quietly. "My fiancé, future husband, is very strong and lovable. You somehow know how to always brighten my day, and your wise." He smiled as he saw Chen's eyes becoming droopy.

"You make me so happy all the time. And when I'm sad or depressed, you always know just how to make me happy. And your kisses are always filled with love. Your hugs are always so warm and comfortable. I don't think there is anyone more perfect than you." He whispered as Chen's quiet snores filled the room.

"I love you daddy." He whispered quietly for only him to hear and kissed Chen's lips one more time before grabbing a pillow and gently swapping himself out. Chen mumbled nonsense in his sleep while hugging onto the pillow and digging his face into the soft covers.

Jimin grabbed the streaming camera and quietly walked out of the room and shut the door. Then he sat in the living room and sat the camera on the table. "Chen is very....unique..." he smiled. "He has different ways of expressing his love. He needs lots of affection and reassurance, and the most important is skin-ship." He said slowly.

"He is very particular with skin-ship. When we are in public he would rather hold hands or have his arm wrapped around my waist....he often feels very....uncomfortable....when we aren't close together he, feels....I don't really know the word, so I'll just say unsafe.... he doesn't like so many people around, he feels like someone might do something he isn't aware of. So he keeps me very close to him at all times." He said calmly.

"ChenYoung is also a very hard worker....he'll stay up all hours of the night working to improve the company...... and sometimes he gets so stressed, it can be difficult to get him to calm down...." he giggled, "But he has this thing, where he'll get a task and stick to it. I learned this with the first argument we ever had." He sighed while shaking his head.

"He was getting out of the Hospital and the doctor said he shouldn't work out or do much for at least three weeks. And I woke up one morning and he was gone, it hadn't even been a full week since he was discharged and he was at the gym for over three hours! As soon as he got home I tried speaking to him about it but he was so worried about a sock and it got me overworked up." He laughed at the memory.

"And shortly after that he did the same thing, and then I realized he was very particular about many things. When he had his mind set on something, he needed to fix or find or do it. And nothing could get in his way, which is why he is such a hard worker. He got his mind on raising his company to the top charts of five, so he worked until it was accomplished." He smiled. "That's why-" he stopped when he heard a thump.

After he didn't hear anything else he shrugged his shoulders and continued speaking. "That's why he is always so-" but he stopped when he heard another thump and a small cry. "Am I just hearing things? You guys heard that too right?" He asked and looked at the comments. After everyone was agreeing he picked up the camera and headed upstairs.

Then he heard a tiny muffled cry and froze and listened. 'Is it La Llorona?' Jimin thought with fear. Then he heard a few sniffles and his heart shrunk as panic filled his body, 'Chen must have woken up.' He thought and ran into the room. He threw the camera on the table carelessly and rushed over to Chen who was clearly having a panic attack. He was shaking, sweating, and tears ran down his cheeks.

"Hay baby, look at me it's ok." Jimin whispered and tried holding his hand. But Chen's eyes where clouded with fear, he backed away from Jimin like a helpless child. More tears ran down his cheeks as he shook his head and sobbed.

Chen's POV:

I had seen that terrible nightmare again. The one where my father beat Jimin right in front of me and I couldn't do a thing about it. My lovers blood was everywhere and his skin was dead and bruises. I rubbed my eyes and sobbed trying to clear the image out of my head. But it wouldn't leave me alone.

I looked up and my eyes widened at the sight of a dead Jimin reaching towards me. I backed away and shook my head while sobbing even louder, I'm so sorry baby, I tried to save you but I couldn't. He's back to haunt me.

But then I heard his voice and he didn't sound dead. "ChenYoung breath ok? Close your eyes, your not seeing right." I couldn't breath and my chest tightened as I closed my eyes and took deep breaths. Then I felt small, fragile, warm hands on my cheeks. "Can you open them now?" He asked.

Honestly I feel terrified to open them, but I know it's just dream, it's my fucked up brain messing with me. I slowly opened my eyes and looked at my beautiful angel who has once again saved my life.

His gentle smile calmed me as I quickly hugged him. My skin was tingling with sparks like fire. "Do you wanna tell me what you saw?" He asked gently. I have to tell him some time don't I? But explaining what I saw is so difficult and terrifying. "You...and appa... h-he hurt you, a-and you wouldn't move. And when I opened my eyes you where still dead, I was scared." I felt like I was torn apart thinking of Jimin being hurt.

He smiled a little and shook his head, then he gently pecked my lips. "I'm right here and I'm very much alive if you can't tell." He giggled, "so no need to be afraid. Now go take your medicine ok?" He asked and I nodded. Slowly I got up and went down stairs with Jimin fallowing close behind me.

Stupid nightmares.

This is so embarrassing.

Reader's POV:

"Sorry about that everyone, sometimes Chen has some nightmares. But he's taking some medicine and is getting better. This one wasn't that bad I guess, normally it takes a little more for him to calm down." He shrugged.

He laughed as an ARMY was panicking over the fact that Chen was crying, she was going on about how beautiful his smile was how he shouldn't be crying and how she just wanted to hug him. "You must really love Chen Huh?" He giggled.

Then he frowned seeing ARMY pour there hearts out for Chen, saying that they'd do anything for him. "Ok now, remember he's mine." He glared as ARMY's where beginning to mess with him by flirting.

'I wouldn't mind if Chen ran me over with a bus.' 'Man those muscles will make yo pussy throb!' 'Sheit y'all thirsty, I got a pic with this guy sweaty and shirtless!' 'Goddamn that man is fine, fine, like summer whine!' 'Goddamn ChenYoung is just so sexy!' 'His strong ass can punch me in the face' 'I wouldn't mind being squished between his biceps!' 

"Y-Yah! Stop saying such things, he's my whine weather it's summer or winter! And y'all won't get even the smallest of a sip!" He scolded. But ARMY continued to flirt which only fired him up even more.

Then the boy came out of the kitchen shirtless which made Jimin take a deep breath as he glared at the camera. "Where is your hoodie?" He asked. "I think there's something on my back, I can feel something but I can't see it!" He asked trying to scratch his back.

He turned around and there was a small spider sitting on his back. "Chen don't move, there's a spider. I'll get-" but before he could finish his sentence the spider moved up to Chen's shoulder and the boy carefully grabbed it and looked at his hand.

"They are cute!" Chen giggled and looked at the tiny black spider sitting on his finger. "Hay little one, how about we take you back outside?" He smiled and quickly walked outside, and gently set the spider down.

The small spider turned around and looked at Chen, the boy smiled, "Be careful. Not everyone likes spiders like I do, some people will be scared of you even though your harmless. They could hurt you, so stay outside ok?" He spoke gently. The spider smiled and ran into the grass. Yes, spiders have emotions!!

"Bye bye!" He waved as he watched his little friend run back home. Then he walked back inside where Jimin watched him amazed. "You just spoke to a spider as if it could understand you." He said looking at him oddly. Then Chen's entire face changed to an angry one.

"They can understand me! Don't call them an it, it's disrespectful! Use the pronouns they and them! And they also have feelings and can understand words through gestures and personality!" He scolded Jimin. "Sorry, Sorry, I didn't know you where that sensitive about spiders." He apologized. "Not just spiders but all animals, reptiles, and insects. Along with any kind of nature." He said matter-of-factly.i love ChenYoung, he's honestly the best character I've ever created

"Right well, you where very gentle with them." Jimin smiled as Chen nodded in approval. "Yes I love spiders." He giggled, "They are so cute." Jimin felt disgusted at the thought of spiders, but smiled anyway. "Right....anyway, go put on a shirt!" He yelled while covering him.

"Why? It's hot in here because you have all the windows and stuff open." Chen whined and sat down on the couch. Jimin threw an extremely thin white blanket at Chen, "There." He mumbled and sat next to him. "Who is your celebrity crush ChenYoung? Ummmm..." Chen looked at Jimin in the eyes.

The smaller boy blushed as he giggled, "Shakira." Chen smiled at the camera as Jimin looked at him with an unbelievable expression. "What?" He asked offended. "Oh come on, you have the hots for Blake Shelton and I have the hots for Shakira." He smirked as Jimin put his hand on his chest and just stared at the camera like, 'Bitch what?'

"Shakira, you have- you have ruined me. Yah you still love me more right?! If you could choose between marrying me or Shakira you would still choose me right?!" He asked. "Ummmm.....well....." he took a deep breath, "Don't be mad..." Jimin shot up from the couch while screaming, "WHAT?!"

Chen burst into laughter while standing up and hugging Jimin from behind. "Baby, baby I'm just kidding!" He yelled and kissed Jimin's cheek. "I'm kidding, don't be mad!" He giggled. "Nope its to late! To. Late!" Jimin threw a fit and was trying to wiggle out of his arms.

"I can't believe- I CAN'T BELIEVE MY OWN FIANCÉ CHOSE SHAKIRA OVER ME!" He cried while slapping Chen's arms. Chen simply picked him up and sat down on the couch while giving Jimin a large bear hug. "No!" He screamed while wiggling and kicking. Chen left tiny kisses on his neck while hugging him and giggled, "I was just kidding! I'll always chose you over everything! Even Shakira! Your the one wearing the engagement ring right?" He mumbled.

Jimin nodded and smiled, "I know your kidding, I'm just dramatic." He put his hand on his forehead as if he was fainting, "Because I belong I in the theatre!" He said. "Yes very dramatic, that's why I love you." Chen kissed his cheek and giggled some more. "Yah! I'm dying- s-so c-c-c-cute!" He stammered and acted as if he was dead.

He closed his eyes and his body went limp, and his tongue hung from his mouth. Chen shook him lightly, "No wake up! You can't die!" He cried while shaking him. "Wait, I think I know the cure!" He looked at camera then poked Jimin's tongue with his finger making the boy sit up and look at him.

"Why did you do that with your spider fingers!?" He asked pouting. "You woke up didn't you?" Chen laughed as Jimin sighed and nodded. "Indeed I did." The smaller boy nodded while pouting, Chen kissed his pouting lips making him smile.

"You getting sleepy?" Jimin asked seeing Chen's eyes becoming droopy. He nodded and they stood up and walked upstairs, "It's my cuddles time! It's my cuddles time! IT'S MY CUDDLES TIME~" Chen sang like in Frozen. Jimin couldn't help but burst into laughter.

Chen plopped down into bed and excitedly got under the covers while making grabby hands at Jimin. His feet where wiggling in excitement as Jimin slowly made his way to Chen and laid down next to him.

"Come here, cuddle, cuddle, cuddle, cuddle, kiss, kiss!" He mumbled like a baby and puckered his lips making Jimin laugh as he pecked Chen's lips. "Cuddle, cuddle, cuddle!" He said happily and hugged Jimin close while snuggling under the covers.

"Your excited about your nap I can see." Jimin giggled and began running his hands threw Chen's hair. He stayed quiet while running his fingers through Chen's curly, silky locks that smelled like oranges. Then he heard soft snores and smiled and began whispering.

"ARMY he snores like a baby pig when he's asleep." He giggled and quiet so they could listen. "It's so cute isn't it?" He smiled while gently kissing the boy's forehead. The ring on his finger shone extra brightly as the sun peeked into the room through the large window next to there bed, his eyes focused on Chen's face, and he didn't even notice how long he had been staring.

'How can he be so handsome just by sleeping?' Jimin asked himself in his mind. Chen's soft lips where pink and plump, as his cheeks where squished against Jimin's chest and the pillows. His tiny nose twitched every now and then as his eyebrows rested perfectly above his eyes.

Jimin's face showed nothing but admiration and love, which ARMY's ate up and panicked by themselves wrapped up in blankets while screaming silently because their parents where asleep.

"Jiminie look......froggy....." he mumbled in his sleep which made the smaller boy hold in his laughs, Chen snuggled his face deeper in Jimin's upper stomach and took a deep breath before lightly snoring again. "Well ARMY I'm actually getting tired myself, I hope you guys have a good day! And if it's night where you are, go to sleep! Eat well, rest, study, and stay beautiful! Goodbye love you guys!" He smiled and whispered at the camera while waving.

Then he ended the live and gently sat the camera on the bedside table while cuddling Chen until he fell asleep himself...


*buzz, buzz, buzz, buzz*

*ding, ding, ding, ding*

*bum, bum, bum, bum*

"What the hell?" Jimin whined and grabbed his phone tiredly. His phone was being blown up by Twitter, Instagram, Facebook, TickTock, and Twitch. He opened Twitter first knowing that's where all the info he'd need would be.

"Wha-" he gasped confused. There was a whole trend going around once again world wide between ARMY's. Shakira tagged ChenYoung's Instagram page, everyone was making edits of Jimin and Chen with there future kids, everyone was freaking out over Chen's child like behavior when it came to nap time, and most of all the new biggest hashtag in the American and Korean history was going around.


"We did one live, one. And now we have broke three different records without even trying." He gasped while looking on the other apps. Then he went to TickTock and almost died on the spot, they broke BTS's own record for getting the most likes and views on a video within the first twenty-four hours.

"How?" He whispered and put his phone away while giggling. 'Chen is Mother Nature.' He giggled some more. He poked Chen's nose with the tip of his tongue, which made the sleeping boy wiggle around.

He did it two more times. "Jiminie stop." Chen mumbled in his sleep. He waited a minute before doing it again, when Chen didn't move he slowly moved his tongue closer to Chen's nose.

Chen's eyes opened as his eyebrows furrowed, he was quick to bite down on Jimin's tongue making the smaller boy squeal. "Eww!" He yelled and covered his mouth while wiggling away from Chen. "Oh please, we've done nastier things than that, and you weren't complaining." He smirked when Jimin burrowed under the covers in embarrassment.

"Aww, my baby is embarrassed." Chen mumbled like he was talking to a baby, and used that weird groggy voice people use when talking to babies. He stared and waited for Jimin to remove his hands, then he seized his moment and smashed there lips together.

Slowly he crawled over Jimin and caged him under his body, not letting a breath between there lips. The smaller boy wrapped his arms around Chen's neck to bring him closer, he moaned feeling his large warm hands snake under his shirt and hold onto his waist. "Ch-Chen it's broad-daylight, w-we can't have-" He couldn't finish his sentence before he moaned again.

Chen was leaving hickeys down his neck while slowly sliding his shirt up. Jimin sat up and helped remove his shirt, shorts, and underwear then let Chen attack his body with hickeys. He tugged at the boys shirt wanting it removed, but as he expected his request was ignored as he gasped feeling his tongue glide against his collarbone.

" off! Shirt!" He whined while moving his shirt up, Chen sat up and winked down at the smaller boy before taking the shirt off his body and showing off his muscles. Jimin's small hands moved over his chest and abs while he whispered, "Daddy...." quietly.

Chen smirked and hovered above Jimin, staring down at him darkly while gently moving the hair from his eyes. "Do you want to or no?" He asked gently. Consent Ladies

Jimin didn't want to only because it was broad-daylight. But now that he was completely exposed to Chen and he was seeing the god hovering over him, he couldn't stop himself from nodding.

"Good cause....I was really scared you wouldn't want to." He laughed and gently kissed him. "B-But, c-could you b-be gentle? I want t-t-to go to th-the festival today...." he stuttered unable to look Chen in the eyes. It was difficult to speak when your completely naked under a hot muscular god that was about to have sex with you. On top of that, you where asking him to be gentle, when you really wanted something rough.

"Of course baby." He whispered and kissed down his jawline and left a small hickey below his earlobe. Then he stood up and took off his pants and underwear and got back under the covers again.

He positioned himself and looked at Jimin for permission. He took a deep breath before nodding and closed his eyes, then Chen slowly entered the tip, and gently pushed in. "Oh f-fuck!" Jimin whined and buried his face in the covers while gripping the sheets.

Chen stopped at half way and waited for the smaller boy to adjust. He felt guilty every time they had sex. At the beginning Jimin was always in pain and it hurt him to see the boy like that, but he knew it would get better.

He looked Chen in the eyes signaling for him to move, then he squeezed his eyes shut feeling his lower bottom burning in pain. "Faster!" He moaned and arched his back while clawing at Chen's shoulder's.


Chen collapsed next to Jimin panting lightly, both of them where sweaty and had smiles on there faces. "I love you." Jimin mumbled and pulled him close, "I love you too."

They snuggled until Jimin got a phone call, "Hello?" He asked, "Jimin-ah! What are you doing?" Jungkook asked in a bored tone. "Ummm, I just woke up?" He said, which helped cause his voice was scratchy. "Oh....I guess I need to tell you something..." he said nervously. "What?"

"Well....yesterday, we all went to this party Jackson threw.....and we got split up, Jin and Namjoon tried finding us but we all got lost...then I found Taehyung so we where trying to find downstairs thing led to another and...." he paused and Jimin gasped, "YOU GUYS SLEPT TOGETHER?!" He yelled.

"Yeah....same with Yoongi and Hoseok. So now your getting married, I'm dating Taehyung, Hoseok and Yoongi are dating, Namjoon and Jin finally stopped arguing and are now back together." He said slowly.

"Hyung?" He asked nervously as Jimin stayed quiet. "It's about time." He mumbled confusing Jungkook. "Huh?" He asked. "I said it's about time, me and ARMY knew it was gonna be one of these days we all started dating each other. guys anyway." He giggled. "I thought you'd be upset, I don't really know why though." Jungkook sighed in relief.

Jimin put his phone away after they where finished speaking. He squealed as his tiny body wiggled in excitement, "It finally happened!" He said happily. "Really? I was waiting." Chen chuckled and kissed his forehead. "I know right! It was obvious Yoongi liked Hoseok and Taehyung and Jungkook. It wasn't that hard to see the stars." Jimin yawned.

"Nap first, then shower and festival!" He said tiredly and Chen nodded. Then they snuggled up in silence and slowly fell asleep to the sound on waves in the distance.

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