Vangsvere Retold

By Devils_Assasin

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The Vampire world that once stayed hidden is now open, ruling the planet and overtaking all humans. With the... More

Chapter 1: The New World
Chapter 2: Oh Killian
Chapter 3: Mourning
Chapter 4: Not As Bad As I Thought
Chapter 5: The Pills
Chapter 6: Maybe Theyll Grow Back
Chapter 7: Heath & Zuri
Chapter 8: Wrath Of A Vengeful Mother
Chapter 9: Not My Little Girl
Chapter 10: First We Need A Boat
Chapter 11: Petra
Chapter 12: How Romantic
Chapter 13: Straight line.
Chapter 14: You're A Smart One Too
Chapter 15: The Scruffed Womanizer
Chapter 16: Alone
Chapter 17: Nice Job
Chapter 18: Shes Alive
Chapter 19: Took His Hand
Chapter 20: Dream
Chapter 21: The One I Longed To See
Chapter 22: You Have Family
Chapter 23: Witch Boy
Chapter 24: Its The Fucking President
Chapter 25: Besides Dorky
Chapter 26: She Was My
Chapter 27: Stay. Please.
Chapter 28: Forever
Chapter 29: Petra!
Chapter 30: A Beer
Chapter 31: We Buried A Man
Chapter 32: Two Annes
Chapter 33: For Fucks Sake
Chapter 34: Tell Me Your Story
Chapter 35: No Bitch
Chapter 36: Old Fashion
Chapter 37: I Can Remember That Too
Chapter 38: Nathan, Nate
Chapter 39: Romance
Chapter 40: Other Captain
Chapter 41: Hadnt Known He Was Still Physical
Chapter 42: Knight In Shining Armor
Chapter 43: Permission
Chapter 44: He's Part Dragon
Chapter 45: Joy and Happiness
Chapter 46: Dont Have Green Eyes
Chapter 47: Wait
Chapter 48: Its Coming
Chapter 49: Game On
Chapter 50: Jet
Chapter 51: Top Bunk
Chapter 53: Four Girls
Chapter 54: Russia It Is.
Chapter 55: Annes Child

Chapter 52: Niko

1K 42 81
By Devils_Assasin


Grabbing the big box off the counter, I placed it on the floor and used the box cutter to slice it open.


Staring up at the doorway, I stared at Winston with a slight annoyance, "Whatcha doing there Nickelback?" He asked with amusement while eyeing the box.

Nickelback? "Oh please don't remind me about that horrid ink." I mumbled grabbing out the packs of toilet paper.

He smirked and knelt down taking a roll, "Need help?" He asked with a small glance toward my lips.

I laughed sarcastically, "Oh yeah definitely. You could help me, with all the shit you're full of." I said grabbing out two packs and tossing them into different piles.

I'm stock piling everything, rationing it.

"Winnie would you leave the girl alone? I'm sure she doesn't need you trying to seduce her. She just came back to life." Lisa said rolling her eyes at Winston and grabbing the toilet paper from his hands.

Lisa was a beautiful blonde, nothing like Vydia who was absolutely stunning, but she was a hot blonde. She had these legs that went on forever. Although I'm not gay, I mean it, I love dick, but I can appreciate a beautiful woman when I see one. Lisa was one.

She gave me a sorrowful smile and shooed Winston out, "Sorry he's a total pig." She said sighing and helping me open up the other boxes.

I knew he was, as a ghost I often noticed him and his binoculars staring into others windows or jacking off to Lisa when she slept in bed. He's definitely a pig.

"Sometimes I think all men are pigs." I admitted aloud while she froze and gave me a small smile before nodding, "I mean I've had my eye on someone but, well he's always running off or seeming a bit busy." She said quietly while staring at the floor and then the toilet paper.

It made me wonder.... "Who's good enough to catch your eye?" I asked tossing a roll to one of the corners.

She blushed and smiled softly, looking embarrassed, "He's uh, he's sweet." She said before pursing her lips, "Levi."

Levi? Levi! Oh my god you can't be serious! "That nerdy over obsessive know it all? He's literally the most unattractive guy ever." I said with disgust and confusion.

Lisa laughed and gave me a warning stare, "He's sweet, and I guess you haven't noticed but that's not really easy to find here. I mean Koda's a sweet guy but he's definitely taken, he's crazy about Jessa. I see why, she's very kind." She said looking to me and then back at the rolls of toilet paper.

Yeah, Jessa is a very kind girl.

I feel bad, all the shit I've said to her and yet she's the reason I'm even here right now.

"She's a good kid." I replied feeling guilty before staring back at Lisa, "So you and Levi huh?" I smirked and she nodded.

Alright then.

The door opened and I stared at Niko, his hair back and his annoyance clear as day. "Where's the bath towels?" He asked looking to Lisa and then me.

His eyes hung over me for a moment, he has no idea who I am, even if I said 'I'm Petra' he wouldn't know who the hell that is. He was gone most of the time. I only knew him because he used to follow Anne around the castle and I had to keep an eye on him.

"Towels are on that chair." I said pointing to the chair using the box cutter.

Niko grabbed a towel and nodded before leaving, and I watched Lisa stare from the door to me, "He's cute." She suggested.

A laugh slipped my mouth, "Oh no, he's got some serious daddy issues. That and I'm sure he's in love with little miss perfect." I said yacking as I said it.

Lisa laughed, "Who? Lana?" She asked while I stared at her confused.

Since when is Lana more perfect than Anne? "No, Anne. Lana isn't perfect, she's like, well she's a bit like a beautiful train wreck continuing to maul everything in its path and unable to stop its self destructive ways. She'll die when this is all over." I said thoughtfully knowing Lisa isn't fond of Lana anyways.

She gave a small nod, "I think the same thing. It's why I'm so annoyed about Valdus being so close to her. He's going to die if he sticks with her, she's cursed." To me, they're all cursed.

A knock came to the door before it opened, Jessa walked in with a small smile, "Sorry to bother you both but dinners ready and Viktor wants us all to sit together." She said softly.

I put the paper rolls down and smiled over at her, "Thank you Jess. We'll be there. Make sure Niko knows to be there. I think he went to shower." I said watching her nod and go out the door.

Lisa and I headed out the door and down the hall, "What do you know about Viktor? He seems so anal." Lisa said looking to me.

I didn't know much about Viktor, I knew he loved a woman and she just died. I also know he loves his wife very much, and sobbed when she finally let him sleep in the same bed with her again. I also know Valdus is his favorite son, and Lucien is his brains.

But most of all, he loves Vydia as if she was his own daughter.

"I know he's a good guy." I admitted while she gave a nod.

Pulling the double doors open, I went in noticing a lot of the people in the dining hall all sitting at the tables laughing and talking while eating and drinking.

It felt like Vangsvere all over again.

I stared at the table with Anne sitting beside Michael, both of them smiling and stealing kisses with one another. Kris had Eva in a headlock laughing while she continued to taunt him. Lincoln was talking with Koda and Lucien, Jessa talked with Vydia and Lily. Ryker was playing cards with Ace and Valdus and Lana was gossiping with Katie. Even Amelia, Rosie and Jameson sat there at that table.

The simple moment, as small and insignificant as it may have seemed, was a precious and priceless gem for me.

I've craved the opportunity to sit with these idiots.

Grabbing a tray of food, I thanked Melissa and went to the table sitting down beside Rosie who gave me a small smirk. Koda stopped talking and stared across the table, catching my stare and smiling. He was happy to see me here too.

Anne leaned over and tossed a packaged cookie to my tray, "As a welcome back gift." She said before looking back to Michael.

My heart stumbled, conflicted with wanting to hate her.

Emma reached over the table grabbing Jameson's tray, "Stop pouting like a broody vampire. God you're always so depressed." She said taking his fruit cup and handing him his tray back.

He stared at the tray with annoyance before looking at her, "I'm not gloomy." He said defensively.

Lily knudged his shoulder, "You're pretty gloomy." She said staring up at him. He gave her a small scowl before looking to Kris, "Am I gloomy?" Kris stared from Lisa to Jameson and nodded, "Yeah, you're pretty fucking gloomy." He replied.

They all laughed while Jameson sat with his small rain cloud.

I laughed and looked up at one of the tables, most of the other Viper brothers sitting down together, talking and laughing. Even Roscoe was with them, but he looked really badly beat up. I'm sure they did that.

Viktor was sitting at a table with all the other adults, they laughed and smiled talking too.

Humans sat together, werewolves sat together and all the kids sat at a table laughing and coloring as they ate.

All in all, this, this was home.

An entire dining hall filled with laughter, love and families.

Niko walked in freshly showered and grabbed a tray before sitting at a table alone, I watched him eat for a few minutes before I grabbed my tray and stood, walking over to his table. "Mind if I sit?" I asked while he slowly stared up at me and then furrowed his eyebrows "If you can find a seat to sit in. I know the tables pretty crowded." He joked while a smile grew on my lips.

He gave a small smile back and blushed before poking at the scalloped potatoes "You don't have friends here?" I asked prying as I ate a baked carrot.

Niko laughed short and shook his head, "I uh, I'm not a very social guy. I don't make friends." He said catching my attention.

I smirked, "Yeah me neither. Everyone usually is too dumb or uninteresting for my time." I admitted, feeling a bit conceited now. Only he smiled, "I'm honored then." He said softly.

His smile was very nice.

I blushed and tucked my hair behind my ear, "I'm Petra by the way. Koda's twin. I was dead but uh, I came back." I said stupidly.

God I can talk to guys so easily, but the one time I want to sound normal, I sound like an idiot.

He squinted thoughtfully, "I'm sorry I don't remember you." He replied apologetically, and I knew he wouldn't. He was too busy watching Anne to pay attention to me.

I waved it off, "I died the night of the first battle outside the academy. It's completely understandable if you don't know me." I said shrugging like it was nothing.

Niko and I shared a small awkward laugh.


I eyed Niko over, noticing him and Petra, she just got up and went to him, most likely he's going to get trapped in her web.

Staring at Koda, I noticed his heavy stare on Petra and Niko, then he looked to Anne, "Why's your friend talking to Petra?" He asked protectively.

Anne eyed the table, "Niko's a good guy. I think. She'll be fine, it's Petra. If he tries anything she'll make sure he regrets it." She said a bit proudly.

I never know how she feels about Petra.

A flick came to my finger and I stared ahead at Emma who cocked an eyebrow at me, "We're going to have to teach you manners." She said quietly.

Oh please, "I have manners." I said low.

She nodded, "I know you left that night, I didn't see you anywhere." She was talking low, catching my attention now.

Her eyes fell to the tray, "I'll have to teach you loyalty too." She said giving me a long stare before focusing on her food.

I stayed silent but nodded, wanting to stop her from talking about all the things I needed to learn. Clearly I wasn't good in a lot of their eyes, survival was always my main drive but she wants me to focus that on family.

Not so easy.

My eyes ran over Anne, she was talking with Lana while her hand stayed entwined in Michaels, her fingers pressed to his lips while he listened to Valdus.

She was good with that idiot.

Lana stood holding Heath, she bounced him and smiled staring into his face. She rarely smiled but when she saw Heath, her face always lit up. Valdus stopped what he was doing to watch her smile at Heath.

Romance was in the ai-

"Sonny," I blinked out my thoughts focusing on Emma. Did she call me Sonny?

That's a new one. "They'll kill you." She warned. Right.

Don't stare.


I stood and took Heath, "Finish eating." I told Lana as she reluctantly sat back down eating her food.

Taking the fussy Heath out the loud dining hall, I went to the large library rocking him in my arms and wondering how life exists in such a small creature.

Going to one of the books, I picked it up and sat on one of the couches, laying back and putting Heath on my chest before opening the book.  "Chapter one, the beast and the stars." I said quietly and soothingly.

Heath began to quiet down as I continued to read the book, and by chapter four, he was out. The door opened and I continued to quietly read until Jolene walked over and smiled at me before looking back at Lana.

Lana thanked her and then walked over tiptoeing. She slipped off her shoes and walked to the couch staring at Heath. I opened my arms and held her stare as she slowly moved, curling herself up against my side and running her hand over Heaths back.

I continued to read softly and quietly, I ran my hand over Lana's hair and she slowly fell asleep with Heath. I read till chapter twenty before I shut the book and placed it on the floor.

"I'll take care of them Ben. I promise." I whispered.

He was the luckiest man.

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