My SEXY enemy (Stony Highscho...

By JezzieRS

50.4K 2.7K 4.5K

One thing Steve Rogers didn't expect with moving to Malibu, was meeting someone like the rich kid Tony Stark... More

Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
Chapter 48
Chapter 49
Chapter 50
Chapter 51
Chapter 52
Chapter 53
Chapter 54
Chapter 55
Chapter 56
Chapter 57

Chapter 1

3.1K 82 116
By JezzieRS

"Steve honey, you're going to be late for school!" Steve could hear his mother call for him downstairs.

"Coming!" He groaned as he sat up in his bed, hair messy from laying down for such a long time. He was already dressed but hadn't found the strength or will to get up again after collapsing back in his bed.

He and his parents had just moved from beautiful Brooklyn a few days ago to Malibu in California. It was still very new, and he was always just as confused as the last time when he looked out through the window, not expecting the big city in front of him. He had not been happy about the fact that they had to move. His dad accepted a new job here so Steve was literally forced to pack all his things and say bye-bye to their old life.

He hated it. He didn't want to be here. He had to leave everything behind him. His friends, his school, and his girlfriend Peggy. Or ex-girlfriend by now. They decided to break up because they wouldn't be able to see each other. He missed her already and he was having a hard time getting over her.

Steve jumped up from his bed as he made his way over to his mirror. Looking at his reflection and fixing his blond hair a little, making it look more stylish than it actually was. When he was satisfied, or satisfied enough, he grabbed his backpack and ran down the stairs. He almost tripped over a perfectly placed box in the middle of the stairs, full of his father's things.

"Steve! We have to go!" He heard his mother yell, and he groaned slightly annoyed before jumping over the box and walking out of the house. His mom was waiting for him in her car and he made his way over the front lawn and sat down in the passenger seat. 

"Have you eaten?" Sarah asked and before Steve could answer, she had placed an apple in his hand. "You need your strength." She said and Steve smiled at her.

"Yes I did eat, but thanks." He said and took a bite of the fruit.

"You must be nervous, this is your first day after all," Sarah said kindly while starting the engine and pulling up on the driveway.

Steve chuckled lightly at her behavior. "You seem more nervous than I am." He said.

"Don't be silly." His mom said and Steve gave her a look before laying back in the seat. He looked through the small windows with tired eyes, watching the houses and people passing by outside. It was a beautiful day. A perfect day actually. The green trees were moving peacefully in the wind and the sky was completely blue, not a single cloud in sight.

Steve clicked his tongue lightly before turning up the volume on the radio. Music started beating in his ears and he smiled as High Hope's by Panic At The Disco made a feeling of excitement grow inside of him. He lazily pulled his sunglasses over his eyes as the sun blinded him a little.

"Are you okay sweetie?" His mother asked him and he laughed.

"Yes mom I'm fine." He answered with a smile, his blue eyes looking at his beautiful mother in the driver's seat. They continued the drive in silence while Steve finished his apple, the music making him relax while Sarah seemed a little I'm pleased by the loud volume. Of course, Steve noticed and turned it down. No need to make his mother deaf.

After a couple of minutes, they finally arrived at their destination. The large building in front of him made him whistle slightly impressed. The school was decorated in white and shining windows everywhere you looked.

"Fancy." He mumbled, a little hesitant after getting out of the car. He looked at the students around him with interested eyes. Everyone seemed to be having a good time. The atmosphere was nice and the sound of discussions and jokes made him feel pretty safe. Some of the students were just standing still and some were messing around. He let his eyes travel over the not so attention-catching people.

But suddenly. There was one group.

They were about six people, two extremely attractive girls and the rest of them were boys. They were laughing together and joking around, recording when one of the guys tried to impress them with some sick skateboard tricks. He was failing miserably as his laugh was taking over his concentration.

The darker-haired one seemed to have said something rather funny because all of them started laughing even more. Except for the redhead who just rolled her eyes in amusement.

Steve's attention got stuck on the dark-haired one for some reason. His skin seemed very pale as small dark circles were slightly visible under his big brown eyes. Steve didn't find the flaw unattractive tough. That smile he had on his lips suited him well and he seemed to be a very happy person.

Steve turned around quickly as the realization of his thoughts made him embarrassed, and he quickly walked away towards the building instead.

When he came into the school, he was met by a long corridor full of colorful lockers. In the middle, there was a big room of sofas and big glass cabins filled with trophies. Some of them soccer trophies.

A big smile grew on his lips.

"Mr. Rogers?" Steve turned around as he heard his name being called. He was met by a tall woman with brown hair standing in front of him.

"Yes that's me." He answered with a smile and the woman smiled back.

"I'm Miss Hill. Welcome to our school." She greeted him.

"Thank you." He answered as he scratched the back of his neck a little nervously. "This school looks really big." He noted and Miss. Hill chuckled.

"You'll get used to it, Mr. Rogers. Now come with me. Principal Fury is waiting for you."

Steve tried not to chuckle at the name. Well, this school year is definitely going to be great. A principal who practically has the name Fury. Nice.

They started walking down the corridors and Steve watched the new people in curiosity. Girls and boys with different looks and personalities filled up the corridors as they gripped their books from their lockers and made their way to their first class. Steve was so deep into his thoughts that he didn't notice when the woman before him stopped. He almost tripped over but caught himself just in time.

"This is where I'll leave you. I have a class in a few minutes." She said and nodded towards the door to the principal's office.

"Okay, thank you Miss, Hill." He answered and she smiled before turning around, leaving him alone. He took a deep breath before he knocked on the door, hearing a deep voice telling him to come in.

"Here we go..." he whispered.

Fury was very nice and Steve felt weirdly comfortable in his presence. He had already gathered a lot of information about the school, together with his schedule and keys to his locker. Fury had also told him that signing up for the soccer team was an excellent idea because they needed more players now when one of the best had graduated last year. In the middle of a conversation, he heard how someone knocked at the door.

"Come in." Fury said and the door opened. It was the redhead from the group before who appeared in the doorway. She was really beautiful with her short red hair and a slim body. She was dressed in a pair of jeans together with a black crop top, which seemed to fit her perfect figure tight and nicely.

Fury smiled as he saw her. " Miss. Romanoff. Mr. Rogers, this is Natasha. She'll show you around the school." The principal explained.

Steve stood up and held out his hand. "Nice to meet you." He said with a smile. Natasha looked at him uninterested, almost like she was scanning his body for information, before she smiled.

"The pleasure is mine, Rogers." She said and accepted his hand.

"Call me Steve." He said.

"We're not there yet," Natasha answered with the same stiff smile before she looked at principal Fury. "Is there anything more you two need to discuss or is he all mine?" She asked and Fury nodded.

"He's all yours."

"So kind of you." She answered dryly and smiled before she walked out. "C'mon. I don't have all day." She said and Steve smiled at her before following her shortly.

"So this is the local room. We call it the SD room." She said and pointed at the sofas over his shoulder.

"Why?" He asked as Natasha kept walking.

"SD, soccer dudes' room. It's where the soccer players sit all the time on their breaks." She explained and Steve nodded.

They kept walking and Natasha showed him the library, the gym, the cafeteria, the soccer field, and the skate park. Where she suddenly stopped.

"What is it?" He asked her and she rolled her eyes. She went over to one of the tables and picked up a small object in her hand. "Stark.." she mumbled as she slide it into her pocket. "He was searching for this the whole morning, no idea what it is but he seemed frustrated when it got lost." She explained.

Steve put his head on the side. "Who's Stark?" He asked interested.

Natasha shook her head as she walked up the stairs to one of the doors into the school again. "He's my friend, one of the most popular guys in school. Always wears the same red yellow jacket so you'll probably recognize him when you see him." She said as she held the door open for him to step in.

"I actually saw him with you this morning. He looks like a nice guy." He said when it suddenly clicked. Tony Stark, is the guy with the black hair.

"Tony Stark is the biggest asshole you could ever imagine." She noted and Steve raised one eyebrow.

"Then why are you friends with him?"

Natasha snorted. "He's nice to his friends, in his way." She explained as she stopped at a random locker. "This is yours." She said as she leaned against the one next to it.

"In his way?" Steve asked curiously and opened the locker.

Not it was Natasha's turn to tilt her head. "Why do you wanna know?"

Steve shrugged. "Just want to know. He seemed...interesting."

Nat snorted. "Believe me, he is. A huge prick and not so easy to soften up if you ask me."

Steve nodded understanding, but the work he had didn't seem to fade. "Then how did you soften him up?" He asked and Nat shook her head.

"Don't waste your energy, Rogers. He's not an easy person to handle." She said before she walked away, waving him goodbye over her shoulder.

"I think I'll manage." He said with a laugh.


Steve looked around uncomfortably as he tried to find somewhere to sit. This is the part he hated the most. He shifted from one leg to another like a nervous horse, before he finally spotted an empty seat. He sat down and took out his phone, scrolling through Instagram while he was at it. Only to notice the new follow request.


Steve smiled as he accepted the request and sent one himself. He was fully into his world as he suddenly saw how someone approached him in the corner of his eye. It was two guys, both the same age and with the same glow in their eyes. Steve scooted away hesitantly when one of them sat down in front of him. He was a dark-skinned guy with brown eyes and a smug expression on his face.

"Hey man! I'm Sam, you're Steve right?" The guy asked cheerfully and Steve nodded hesitantly.

"Yeah. How do you know my name?" He asked a little stiffly.

"Nat told us," Sam said as he opened up his water bottle casually, the other guy sat down next to him with an annoyed expression on his face. "Bucky over here has a little crush on her and just can't stay away," Sam said and elbowed the other guy playfully in the side. Almost like he enjoyed pissing the other guy off.

The guy named Bucky groaned and hit him back hard, making Sam flinch in pain. "I do not. Ignore him. He's an idiot." He said casually and Steve raised his eyebrows. Bucky had shoulder-length hair with ice blue eyes and a hard facial expression with slightly tan skin.

"I'm James, but you can call me Bucky." Bucky introduced as he picked up an apple and took a bite.

Steve watched him in curiosity. "Sorry to ask but, where does Bucky come from? It isn't even close to James." He said kindly.

That made Bucky laugh a little. "My middle name is Buchanan." He explained, only to be interrupted by his friend.

"Yeah yeah yeah enough of you princess," Sam said and Bucky rolled his eyes as his friend turned to Steve, causing the blond to lean back in his chair.

"You like soccer, right?" San asked.

Steve nodded while taking a sip from his water.

"Good cause we need a new captain." He said, making Steve almost choke on his water by the sudden attention. "Oh sorry. Too soon?" Sam asked.

"You're always too soon," Bucky said and Sam kicked him.

"What? Better tell him now than never." He said after getting an angry look from Bucky.

"Well, we could have waited until practice. He hasn't even met our team."

"And? What if-"

"I'll think about it." Steve interrupted their argument and both Sam and Bucky turned to him.

"Really?" Bucky asked with a smile, his blue eyes shining.

"See! I told you so." Sam said and punched his friend in the arm, earing a look from the brunette.

Steve chuckled amusingly at them. He had to admit, he liked these two dorks, yes they were fighting a lot but they looked like two cool guys.

All three of them got into a conversation pretty quickly. Both Bucky and Sam started asking him a lot of questions about Brooklyn and Steve felt how a comfortable feeling was kaid over him. Until suddenly Sam was hit in the head by something and he turned around.

"Who the fuck-?" He asked, not finishing his sentence. Sam had been hit by a juice box and they could see how a group was laughing at him.

Steve swallowed. There he was. The dark-haired boy with his red yellow jacket. He was sitting with Natasha and his friends while laughing with each other.

"Sorry Wilson, I was trying to hit the trash can," Tony yelled and waved at him cheerfully. Bucky stood up.

"Piss of Stark." He said irritated, which made everyone around the table stop laughing. Steve raised his eyebrow in realization. Were they afraid of Bucky?

" your boyfriend defending you?" Stark asked, only to be hit in the head by one of his friends with brown curly hair and classes.

"Sorry Bucky, he didn't mean it!" The guy yelled and Sam rolled his eyes.

"Sure he didn't." He said before sitting down again. Steve was watching the group as Tony rolled his eyes and went back to his food.

"Douchebag," Bucky mumbled as he sat down again. "Are you guys done?" He asked and both Steve and Sam nodded. "Good, what class do you have Steve?"

Steve thought for a moment. Trying to remember his schedule before it hit him. "Chemistry." He responded.

"Sweet! Me too. Sorry, Sammy." He said and pouted teasingly.

"Oh fuck off." Sam laughed.

So...this was the first chapter. Will probably update tomorrow. During all this corona time I don't have so much to do. Don't know how it is where you are but here the school is closed...

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