Vangsvere Retold

By Devils_Assasin

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The Vampire world that once stayed hidden is now open, ruling the planet and overtaking all humans. With the... More

Chapter 1: The New World
Chapter 2: Oh Killian
Chapter 3: Mourning
Chapter 4: Not As Bad As I Thought
Chapter 5: The Pills
Chapter 6: Maybe Theyll Grow Back
Chapter 7: Heath & Zuri
Chapter 8: Wrath Of A Vengeful Mother
Chapter 9: Not My Little Girl
Chapter 10: First We Need A Boat
Chapter 11: Petra
Chapter 12: How Romantic
Chapter 13: Straight line.
Chapter 14: You're A Smart One Too
Chapter 15: The Scruffed Womanizer
Chapter 16: Alone
Chapter 17: Nice Job
Chapter 18: Shes Alive
Chapter 19: Took His Hand
Chapter 20: Dream
Chapter 21: The One I Longed To See
Chapter 22: You Have Family
Chapter 23: Witch Boy
Chapter 24: Its The Fucking President
Chapter 25: Besides Dorky
Chapter 26: She Was My
Chapter 27: Stay. Please.
Chapter 28: Forever
Chapter 29: Petra!
Chapter 30: A Beer
Chapter 31: We Buried A Man
Chapter 32: Two Annes
Chapter 33: For Fucks Sake
Chapter 34: Tell Me Your Story
Chapter 35: No Bitch
Chapter 36: Old Fashion
Chapter 37: I Can Remember That Too
Chapter 38: Nathan, Nate
Chapter 39: Romance
Chapter 40: Other Captain
Chapter 41: Hadnt Known He Was Still Physical
Chapter 42: Knight In Shining Armor
Chapter 43: Permission
Chapter 44: He's Part Dragon
Chapter 45: Joy and Happiness
Chapter 46: Dont Have Green Eyes
Chapter 47: Wait
Chapter 49: Game On
Chapter 50: Jet
Chapter 51: Top Bunk
Chapter 52: Niko
Chapter 53: Four Girls
Chapter 54: Russia It Is.
Chapter 55: Annes Child

Chapter 48: Its Coming

978 39 57
By Devils_Assasin

Jolene's POV:

"No! Nevana! God dammit Nevvie!" I shouted slamming my fist into the door.

Silence filled the home and then a gasp came, and Petra clung to Koda crying softly. She did it, god dammit Nevana.

I dropped to my knees and laid my head on the door sill while keeping one hand pressed to the door.

After a few minutes, the door opened and Viktor held Nevana's cold and limp body in his arms. He'd wrapped her neck in a thick white gauze and his eyes were cold. Over the years Nevana had grown to be closer to me than I was to some of my sisters. This pain, this loss, was a heavy one.

Alice's cry stung the air, staining it with the reminder that this wasn't just some nightmare. With it, was Killian's cry, a realization to what he'd lost.

It was a realization to what we'd all lost.

This was a dark day.

Nathan's POV:

The bedroom door slowly pushed open, I stared over at the couch, noting Ace and Katie asleep.

Yet, the door still opened, and then it showed the silhouette of a goddess. Oh wait, that's just Kilana.

I watched her puffy eyes look from the couch to me and she gave me a small smile, "Join me in the tub?" She asked furrowing her brows and trying to stay calm.

Slowly, I quietly got out the twin bed and headed out the bedroom with her, shutting the door behind me.

The sound of soft cries from bedrooms came, and you could feel the loss, Nevana wasn't an unloved woman. It's clear she was a big part of everyone's life here.

Kilana pushed open a bathroom door and I noticed the premade tub. I shut the door and she reached up into the cabinet and pulled out a bottle of whiskey before sitting in the tub fully clothed.

I watched her for a moment, until she stared up at me tired and a bit drunk, "I promise I won't bite....hard." She said with a small laugh but sadness was evident in her eyes and on her face.

This woman's in mourning and still finding the time to crack a joke.

My kind of woman.

I slowly stepped in the tub and lowered into the hot water. We buried Nevana six hours ago. Everyone went to sleep but some stayed up to softly cry. That Michael boy did a spell to entwine Nevana in a coffin of roses and vines before they pulled her into the ground. But he said she deserved a burial from her blood. Her daughter Alice helped along with Petra and Rosie. Even Amelia had a help.

Viktor tossed in the last flower before Michael gave him a rose that he enchanted with her scent.

It was a gift he only gave five of.

Her three children, her husband, and her first love.

Kilana handed me the bottle and I took it, taking a drink before she crawled over and laid with her back to my chest while she shut her eyes and took the bottle.

She'd lost a close friend to her, I was comfort and I didn't see how, but I suppose she needs this. I lifted my hand, hesitating before running it over her hair and softly massaging her head. She laid her head back into my shoulder and let a soft moan out. But I just stared down at her, thinking how magnificently beautiful she was. Her spirit was bright. She was light and I was a cave, dying for her to shine within me and let me feel warmth once more.

The bottle slipped from her hands and into the tub but she didn't seem to care. She was enjoying the massage. We didn't talk, not once during the next two hours. But she eventually fell asleep and I wondered how I'd get us out the tub without her freezing.

Twenty minutes into my struggle to reach for a towel, the door opened and I looked to Valdus who went to apologize and leave, "Wait." I whispered watching him stop and stare over at us.

I pointed to the towel, "She fell asleep." I said watching him give a nod and pull the towel off handing it to me. Then he walked over and unplugged the tub by our feet and nodded at Kilana, "Might want to sleep with her tonight." He said before walking out and shutting the door behind him.

I waited for the water to subside before placing the towel over her body and slowly sitting up before lifting her out the tub.

I took her to the bedroom and felt awkward but stripped off her wet pajamas and put her into a pair of my sweatpants and a T-shirt. She was so drunk she kept calling me
Thomas and saying she was tired.

Changing into something warm, I laid her in the bed and then sat at the edge of the bed staring at the couch to see Katie asleep snoring with Ace.

It's not easy, deciding how the end of the world will go on. How your life will go on. Especially when you have a kid. Staring down at my hand, I eyed the ring for a while, her smile and face filling my mind in a hazy way. I softly slipped the ring off and placed it to the dresser, watching it with a sadness and guilty feeling.

Shaking it off, I laid down in the bed and stared at the ceiling before Kilana turned and laid on my chest. Her light, I could feel it softly filling me, the depression and emptiness slowly fading.

Shutting my eyes, I let the sleep engulf me.

Arabella's POV:

I ran my hand over Jessa's hair and she sniffled a few more times before turning to Aunt Melissa and hugging her tightly.

Staring around the room, I looked to Judah who laid in the rocking chair holding Alice who was asleep but blotched from crying so much.

Lex was with Rosie who was also asleep after having cried.

Viktor walked-stumbled is a better way to describe it, into the room drunk and with eyes so red he looked high. I watched Thomas get up and walk him to the other rocking chair while Viktor cried again. It was weird seeing him cry, especially when I knew it was for another woman.

Aunt Melissa was crying softly but her eyes stayed shut, I ran my hand over her arm and looked back at Viktor.

Vydia was with her dad Killian who was a complete mess.

Luce walked over and told Thomas he's got it and he should go back to Jolene. Kilana was somewhere drunk, I don't know where, all I know is she said 'It should've been me' and walked out slamming the door.

Jess felt guilty, like she was the reason and I hated having her feel like that.

Koda was with his sister Petra who was also sobbing and thinking it was her fault. But I don't think it was anyone's fault, Petra and Jessa are so young, they have their entire lives to go, and I feel like Nevana did the right thing.

I brushed Jessa's hair back and she softly fell asleep.

Dimitri was sitting against the wall staring at me with a soft look, a smile softly grew over my lips and he sent a small smile back, a sort of smug one.

He's always looking smug and villain-ish. But he's not a villain, he's a good guy with some bad experiences. Valdus walked into the room carrying a bottle and going over to Viktor telling him to drink it.

Viktor sobbed harder and Valdus put the bottle to his lips before Aunt Melissa began crying louder now.

Shit, here they go again.

Jolene's cry grew and all three began sobbing before Alice woke up and cried with Rosie and Jessa.

Dammit. We just got them all to stop.

I watched Valdus tip the bottle and Viktor drank it before Valdus began giving some to the others. He gave Melissa some and then two minutes later they were all asleep.

Those witches brew up some good shit.

Valdus placed the bottle on the dresser and looked to Nik, "Roscoe?" He asked quietly.

I watched him nod, "Leon's watching." Nik replied before Valdus gave a nod and headed out the room.

About two hours later, Vydia walked in with an exhausted walk before laying into Lucien's lap and sleeping on his chest. He held her close and I hated that I longed for that. The touch.

The love.

Lily's POV:

I could feel it.

"Ryker." I said softly shaking his arm.

He opened his eyes and looked up at me, "Nightmare again?" He asked brushing my hair back in his half asleep state. Nightmare, no, this time it's more.

I shook my head, "It's more than a nightmare this time. I-I need to see Lincoln." I said standing up and hurrying out the room and to Lincoln's room. I pushed open the door and shook Lincoln's arm.

He blocked his eyes from the light in the hall and I stared at him waiting for him to stop being a bitch, "Lincoln, have you had any dreams yet?" I asked impatiently.

Lincoln sighed and rubbed his eyes, "For the love of god Lily, no I haven't. Why do you insist on waking me up? If I have a dream I'll tell you." He said tired and annoyed.

Biting my lip, I stared out the window, "Lincoln something's coming. I can feel it." I said quietly and low enough I knew not a soul could hear but him. He held my stare and I nodded, "Go to bed, I'll see if I can channel it." He said while I gave a nod and headed out the room.

I looked to Ryker who was holding a glass of water to me, "Can we go outside? I just need to see." I said anxiously while he gave a nod and walked with me out the backdoor and to the backyard.

The clouds hung eerily in the sky and the moon was hidden from sight. Somethings definitely wrong.

An unnatural breeze of wind splashed over my arms, goosebumps running up my arms and the hairs on my body rose.

In the far distance, I could feel it. Maybe some odd gift or some instinct, but I could feel him.

He's coming.

Emma's POV:

"Would you just pick a god damn shirt? It's not a fucking boutique Jimmy." I said annoyed as he changed his shirt for the sixth time.

He stared back at me and scowled, "You are a real bitch. You know that?" He asked pulling the shirt off and pulling on the first shirt.

I'll kill him.

I rolled my eyes and finished reloading the guns, "Lincoln." I said watching him walk into the room adjusting the backpack on him, I tossed him a shotgun and he took it staring over at Jameson, "Is he really still searching for a shirt to wear?" He asked me.

A smirk grew on my lips as Jameson slammed his hand on the door and turned to us with his anger issues, "You ever try to kill wearing something uncomfortable? It's not great." He commented.

Oh wow, "Right, because the moment before you kill your victim, their first response is 'Damn what a nice shirt! Where'd you buy it?'" I joked while a shirt was tossed at my head.


I tossed him a gun, "Let's get to the Viper home already, I'm tired of this shit." He muttered while catching the gun.


The sound of something- a chopper like, or....what the hell...

I walked over to the window and stared out watching as the massive beast flew over the home. Holy shit.

Running out the house, the guys followed and I pushed open the front door staring at the fact Lucifer was literally flying past us. He was headed toward the coast.

Toward the Vipers home.

"What the fuck is that?" Lincoln asked in disbelief.

The massive bat like wings were twice the size of Anne's, both about the size of a grown grizzly bear, his body massive, a giant, He was as big as those Vampwolves. But scaled and red, and a long tail with a pointed spear at the end.

He was hell on wings.

"I think Nyx is sending her backup." I said softly.

Jameson walked out and stared at the beast muttering "Fuck." And then shaking his head, "Uh no, that's not-he wasn't part of her plans. If he came from wherever she was, she's dead." He said squinting at the beast.

Was he on her side?

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