With Every Step Forward (Negl...

By Dracopyre321

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Y/N Rose is the middle child of the Xiao Long/Rose family, being Ruby's older twin brother. Life was great... More

Y/N Bio
Prologue Part 1/2: A Little Rose
Harem Update
Prologue 2/2: A New Home
Harem Update 2
Chapter 1: A New Rose
Chapter 2: Awakening
Chapter 3: Revealing the Truth
Chapter 4: Classes and Training
Chapter 5: Jaune Grows and Faunus Trouble
Chapter 6: Fight With the Fang
Volume 2
Chapter 7: Best Day Ever!
Chatper 8: Greeting an Army
Chapter 9: Awakening Pt. II
Chapter 10: Sharing the News
Chapter 11: Taking Inventory
Chapter 12: The Dance
Chapter 13: Field Trip
Chapter 14: The Reason Why
Chapter 15: The Real Reason
Chapter 16: The Long Ride
Chapter 17: Breaking Point
Y/N Bio Updated
Volume 3
Chapter 18: The First Round
Chapter 19: Gathering Info
Chapter 20: A Brawl Between Families
Chapter 21: Reunion
Chapter 22: Tastes Like Victory
Chapter 23: Giving a Choice
Chapter 24: Consequences and Conviction
Chapter 25: The Battle Between Kings
Chapter 26: Fear
Chapter 27: Battle of Beacon
Chapter 28: Unexpected Surprises, the Good and the Bad
Chapter 29: Chaos of the End
Chapter 30: Aftermath
Volume 4
Chapter 31: The Next Step Forward
Chapter 32: The Days Pass
Chapter 33: Fixing a Mistake
Chapter 34: Running
Chapter 35: Looking Forward
Chapter 36: Welcome Home
Chapter 37: Closing In
Chapter 38: Punishment and Consequence
Chapter 39: A Much Needed Talk
Chapter 40: Uncertainty
Chapter 41: A Hard Pill To Swallow
Chapter 42: Desolation
Chapter 43: Trials
Chapter 44: Arrival
Volume 5
Chapter 45: Welcome to Haven
Chapter 46: Dread Everywhere
Chapter 47: New Information
Chapter 48: What We Seek
Chapter 49: Unforeseen Truths
Chapter 50: Welcome Back
Chapter 50.5: The Twin Roses (Ruby Lemon, 18+)
Chapter 51: Decisions to Make
Chapter 51.5: A Night Out (Filler)
Chapter 52: I Burn For You (Yang Lemon, 18+)
Chapter 52.5: A Good Omen (Raven Lemon, 18+)
Chapter 53: Alone Together
Chapter 54: The Perfect Storm
Chapter 55: A Person's True Colors
Chapter 56: It Begins
Chapter 57: Confusion and Surprise
Chapter 58: Epiphany
Chapter 59: Together
Chapter 59.5: The Most Enjoyable Ice Cream (Neo Lemon, 18+)
Chapter 60: A Much Needed Explanation
Chapter 60.25: Mischievous Cats (Blake Lemon, 18+)
Chapter 60.5: Thunder and Lightning (Nora Lemon, 18+)
Chapter 60.75: Deflowering the Princess (Weiss Lemon, 18+)
Volume 6: Annoucement And Recap
Chapter 61: Planning Our Next Step
Chapter 61.5: Blooming Roses (Ruby/Summer Lemon, 18+)
Chapter 62: Return to Vale (+62.5: Required Extra Credit (Glynda Lemon, 18+))
Chapter 63: The Forbidden Tower
Chapter 64: Argus Ahead
Chapter 65: Relighting the Beacon
Chapter 66: Lost
Chapter 67: Truth
Chapter 68: Heightened Emotions
Chapter 69: Noice
Chapter 69.5: Overprotective (Saphron/Terra Lemon, 18+)
Chapter 70: Protection

Chapter 52.75: A Mother's Love (Summer Lemon, 18+)

12.5K 123 191
By Dracopyre321

(A/N I made this a .75 chapter simply to try it out. I wasn't sure how I felt with making Yang's Chapter 52, so this is mainly to keep main chapters separate from filler/lemons, but we'll see how I feel after the Battle of Haven)


Three Days After the Night with Raven

It's a little more than a week until the White Fang will attack in full force. Weiss, Nora, and Neo have tried to get closer to you like Ruby and Yang had, but were met with little success. It's not that you didn't want to. They just kind of... failed each time they tried to approach you about it, either because of themselves or others...

There was Weiss's attempt...

Weiss Flashback

You were in the training room, polishing Svartur, as well as Ddraig's gem. You hear someone walk down the stairs, revealing Weiss in her pajamas.

Y/N: "Hey Weiss. What are you doing up so early?"

Weiss: "Y/N? *yawn* I should be asking you that."

Y/N: "After some morning exercise to warm up for the day, I'm taking care of my weapons."

She comes over and puts her hand on your dragon arm, rubbing it to feel how different it is than human skin.

Weiss: "I still can't believe this is your arm now... It feels different than when you showed us your Sacred Gear when we were still in school. It feels less like a gauntlet and more like your arm. I can feel warmth through it instead of it just feeling like metal."

Y/N: "It is my arm now."

Weiss: "Yeah... Y/N..."

She leans in and kisses you, unexpectedly. This is the first time since you got back that she's done this. Well, initiating it at least. She grips your shoulders and you grip her waist back. She moves onto your lap and releases the kiss, only to kiss you again, yet deeper this time. She tries to move in closer to you, starting by trying to separate her legs and straddle you, but...

Weiss: "AH!"

When she tried to move, she slipped and ended up on the floor of the training room. She quickly stands up, embarrassed, and darts out of the room without saying a word.

Y/N: "Guess that wasn't proper form, was it?"

Flashback Over

Then there was Nora...

Nora Flashback

Today, it was your and Nora's turn to go shopping. As you're walking down the street...

Nora: "Y/N! What are we getting!?"

Y/N: "Well, we're getting flour, chicken, beef, eggs, milk, butter, four bottles of maple syrup because I know you'll eat at least two of them, and a few other things."

Nora: "Yay! Pancake stuff! You'll make them for me won't-"

Someone rushes past, knocking her into you and knocking both of you to the ground. Your eyes shut due to the impact.

Y/N: "Ow... Nora, you o-"

There's something squishy in your hand. You know what it is.

Y/N (thoughts): 'So soft!'

Nora: "Um... Y/N?"

You open your eyes and see that her face is red. You instantly stop and try to sit up, with her straddling your lap.

Y/N: "I am so sorry! I don't know what just came over me, I-"

Nora: "It's not that... This is just not the time nor the place for that... Maybe later..." she says extremely embarrassed.

Y/N: "O-Oh! R-Right! Hehe..."

She gets up, pats the dust off her skirt, and helps you up.

Y/N: "R-Right... You know, to make it up to you, I'll make a double batch of pancakes."

Her eyes start to shine.

Nora: "YOU CAN'T TAKE THAT BACK NOW!" and she runs down the street towards the market.

Flashback Over

And finally, Neo.

Neo Flashback

When you were cooking dinner, Neo comes up behind you, placing her hand over your dick.

Y/N (whisper): "Neo! Not here! I'm cooking dinner!" you whisper-shout to her.

She continues rubbing your growing member over your pants and you can't really say much else.

Summer: "Oh Neo! Would you come over here and help me with the broth?" she interrupts.

Neo begrudgingly stops her teasing and goes over to Summer, who's chopping up the vegetables.

Y/N (thoughts): 'Thanks Summer...'

Then you quickly realize something. She wasn't helping you. Just denying Neo.

Y/N (thoughts): 'You crafty MILF...'

Flashback Over

Of course, Ruby and Yang have tried to do the same thing to you again. Cornering you while doing laundry, walking into your room unexpectedly. You woke up this morning and both of them were cuddling you nearly naked... Jeez...

Y/N: "Well, at least they're all happy."

Right now, you're stacking some supplies in the walk-in cold storage. The door's propped open since it can't be opened from the inside for whatever reason. This house shares the storage with the surrounding neighbors, so most of it in here isn't for your use. Since the neighbors have been neighborly and helping with things like telling you and the rest where the markets are for goods, you offered to organize everything for them as thanks.

All of a sudden, you feel arms wrapped around your waist. You look down and the person whom they belong to is short and pale. Either Ruby or...

Summer: "Hey Y/N."

You finish stacking the box you're holding and pull her hands off.

Y/N: "Hey Summer. What are you doing in here?"

Summer: "I can't just see my man?"

Y/N: "Well, you can, but you see me all the time."

Summer: "Yeah, now..." she says solemnly.

You hear the door to the storage shut. That sends a chill down your spine and that's not just because it's cold in here.

Y/N: "What the..."

You move her to the side and go over to the door. You try to push it open, but to no avail.

Summer: "Does it not open? I know I didn't touch it! I'm sorry if I did though..." she sincerely apologizes.

You think for a moment before placing your hand on her head.

Y/N: "It's fine. Can you try your scroll?"

She taps a few things on her scroll and shakes her head.

Summer: "The walls must be blocking it out."

Y/N: "I was supposed to meet with the next door neighbor in about a half hour anyway to tell him that I was finished, as well as find something that he lost in here. I found it earlier when I was organizing, but I decided to hold on to it until I was done. Sooner or later, he'll come to retrieve it. Until then though, we just need to hold out."

Summer: "So... what do you wanna do until then?"

Y/N: "Are you cold?"

Summer: "A little. Why?"

You take your jacket off and drape it across her shoulders. She pulls it in close and sits on one of the boxes. You go ahead and take a seat next to her.

Summer: "Thanks, but are you sure you won't need it? You've been in here longer than I have." She asks concerned.

Y/N: "I'll be fine. I'm more concerned about you."

Summer: "That's sweet of you. Thank you, Y/N."

She leans against your body and you place your arm around her. Despite the cold, this is nice. But this is the perfect time.

Y/N: "Hey Summer... can we talk about something?"

Summer: "Yeah? What's on your mind, sweetie?"

Y/N: "So... I've been wondering. For a while now. What made you decide to fall in love with your son? Don't get me wrong. While I was a bit uncomfortable with the idea at first due to the taboo, I slowly came to accept it and I love you like that too. But... what made you have these feelings for me in the first place?"

Summer: "I was wondering when this would come up. Well... you see, after you were gone for so many years, I missed you terribly. I didn't really know what your father had done to you, but I still knew that you left for a reason. When I saw you again, I was so relieved that you were safe and happy. I was happy that I got to see you. Over the week that the tournament was held, you and I were finally reunited and I wanted to love you again. But I realized something..."

Y/N: "Yeah?"

Summer: "I realized that some of my feelings were... well, wrong. You're my son. I know that, but I still couldn't help feelings of love other than the love a mother would give her child. I was disgusted with myself at first because I knew they weren't normal, but I talked to Ruby and Yang about it. They're your sisters, but they still love you in the same way and don't see anything wrong with it, so I decided to give it a shot too. I didn't say anything until after Beacon fell because I didn't want you to reject me. I didn't want you to leave me again. However, seeing you like that... injured and with these..." she points to your dragon limbs. "I realized that we don't have time to me to hold things back."

Y/N: "But what made you have these feelings in the first place?" you ask confused.

Summer: "Honestly, I don't know. All I know is that when I saw you again, I felt ecstatic. I saw your face, unharmed, and I think it was love at first sight. Like I said, I wrestled with these feelings, but in time, I grew to accept them. You're a tough person, but you're also a good person. You're a good man and I'm proud of you. I need to thank Mr. and Mrs. Arc for helping you become that way."

Y/N: "I'll have to introduce you sometime. Come to think of it, you've only met Jaune, right?"

Summer: "That's right. He's the only Arc I've met. Well, I guess technically, you're an Arc too!"

Y/N: "Yeah, but I'm also a Rose." You go ahead and kiss her on the cheek. "*sigh* You should meet everyone. Did I ever tell you that Jaune and I have seven sisters?"

Summer: "No you did not!" she jealously says. "You didn't do anything with them, did you!?"

Y/N: "They're my sisters! I couldn't- Never mind, that wouldn't help in my particular case. But to answer your question, no. They teased me a lot in ways like that, but they were just teasing."

Y/N (thoughts): 'Although... Saffron did like to wash my back in a bikini sometimes, especially when I got older...' You shudder at the thought and not the cold of your surroundings.

Summer: "Y/N? Are you alright? You sure you don't need this jacket?"

Y/N: "I'm sure. I want you to be warm."

Summer: "Cuddle me then..."

She scoots closer to you, putting the jacket halfway over you and halfway over her, with her arms around your waist. Her head sits on your chest and you put both your arms around her now.

Summer: "I love you, Y/N..."

Y/N: "I love you too."

You lean down towards her lips and kiss her slightly. She deepens the kiss by pushing into your mouth harder. Despite the numbing cold, you can feel her hand on your thigh.

Summer: "You know, they say skin-to-skin contact is the best way to keep warm."

She reaches up your shirt to feel your hardened abs. You start to reach up hers and-

Mr. Jackson: "Y/N!? Miss Summer!? What are y'all doing in here? Don't you know that shuttin the door's dangerous? It can't open on the inside!"

The door had shot open before you even realized it and Mr. Jackson from next door was standing in the doorway. You quickly take your hand out of Summer's shirt and stand up, hiding the half-boner you had.

Y/N: "Ahem... Thank you, Mr. Jackson. It accidentally shut when we were both in here and we didn't have a way out. Since I knew you were coming, we decided to wait it out. I found your box of meats and put it... Ah! Here it is!"

You pick up the box next to you and hand it to him.

Mr. Jackson: "Thank ya kindly. I wasn't interrupting anything, was I?"

Y/N: "N-No! Of course not! Y-You w-weren't interrupting a t-thing!" you stutter out from the cold and embarrassment.

Mr. Jackson: "That's good. Two people, locked in a confined space together, huddling to get warm. A lot of things that can come from that." he jokes with a wink.

Y/N: "Ahehe..."

Y/n (thoughts): 'He knows exactly what he interrupted.'

Summer: "Come on Y/N! We should probably get back inside to warm up. Thank you, Mr. Jackson, for helping us."

Mr. Jackson: "'Course missy. You people are pretty good neighbors, even if you're only staying for a while. You're nothing like the usual rabble that stays here."

Summer: "Sorry for all the noise we make..." she apologizes.

Mr. Jackson: "I know you try to keep it down, but you've got who knows how many youngsters there, so I understand. Well, I've gotta be off. The missus and I are having a family dinner with our three sons tonight. See you later!"

He goes on his way with the box while you and Summer shut the door behind you.

Summer: "Just when it was getting to the good part..." you hear her mumble.

Y/N: "Well... there's one way we can warm up, you know..."

Summer: "Why Y/N, whatever do you mean?"

She knows.

She takes your hand and pulls you to your room. Half of the others are shopping and the other half are training in the yard, so there'll be no one the wiser. For now at least. She jumps up onto you and kisses you ferociously while you shut the door, locking it behind you. Her legs wrap around your waist and you support her by grabbing her ass with both hands. She nearly rips off your shirt when you squeeze it. Like Raven, she's a fully-trained Huntsman with the muscles to match, but like Ruby, she's still really soft. Your back hits the wall and she starts dry-hump you, but one of her hands goes somewhere else. You're not sure where.


While your dragon hand supports her ass, your normal hand goes up her shirt, revealing that she isn't wearing a bra today.

Y/N: "What's this? Braless today?" you manage to say in between kisses.

Summer: "That's not the only thing I'm not wearing." She naughtily grins.

You squeeze her breast and she dry-humps harder. Your erection is trying its hardest to burst out of your pants, so you take your hand out of her shirt and unbutton and unzip your pants, letting them fall at your feet. You resume your assault on her breasts and she unbuttons her own pants, revealing that she wasn't wearing panties underneath. You lay her on the bed, but she uses her Semblance to flip you over quickly.

Summer: "Mommy's gonna take real good care of you..."

From behind her, she takes out what looks like a pair of fuzzy handcuffs and quickly cuffs your hands to the headboard of the bed. She takes her pants fully off, revealing her pussy to you. Before you can say anything, her nice, firm ass in shoved into your face and you inhale the scent of roses and vanilla.

Y/N: "MMMPH!" You try to speak but nothing can come out.

You instinctively know what to do, so you lick her pussy up and down, making sure to get her clit in the process.

Summer: "Y-Y/N..." she moans loudly. "Get to work young man and maybe Mommy will reward you."

You continue your licking as she gets wetter and wetter. She leans down and pulls your underwear down, inadvertently smacking herself in the face with your boner. You can feel the back of her throat and she tries to take it all, but physically can't. She gags on your cock a few times before coming back up for air. Your tongue goes into her pussy, exploring all inside her, licking her all over.

Summer: "That's a good boy... Y-Y/N... I- AH~!"

Her hand grips tighter on your cock and you feel her wet pussy tightening around your tongue before a swath of fluid comes out into your mouth. You swallow all of it and both of you breath heavily, her from her orgasm and you because your breathing's been somewhat cut off for the last few minutes.

Summer: "Now, here's the main course..."

Her ass lifts off your face and she grinds her pussy against your cock. You just want to be inside her so badly right now.

Summer: "Now, what should I do? Should I... oh who am I kidding, I want this so bad!"

She lifts herself onto your dick and slams down on you, while you slam up. You feel electricity going through your body as you reach all the way inside her, to her womb even. Based on her reaction and the lustful look on her face, she does too.

Summer: "Fuck~ you're so big! Pound your Momma's pussy hard!"

She lifts up and slams down on your cock, over and over. You reciprocate by slamming upwards into her as she does and the ecstasy move through your body, especially your dick, is amazing. She puts her hands on your chest to balance herself. You'd do it yourself, but you're still handcuffed. She takes off her shirt and fondles her breasts with one hand while keeping balance with the other. You hadn't gotten a chance to actually look at her naked before, but even though she's older, she still looks incredible.

Summer: "Fuck me... HARDER! Y/N! Y/N...!"

Her body leans over as she grabs your shoulders, a small bit of drool coming out of her mouth as her eyes roll back. You reach your head forward and suck on her neck, her increasingly loud moans causing you to thrust into her with greater force. You feel your climax coming as her fingers, and her pussy, grip you harder.

Y/N: "I..." You can barely start your thought, much less finish it.

Summer: "Shoot it... Shoot it INSIDE ME Y/N!"

At first, she couldn't form a coherent sentence either, but she fixed that with what was probably a reflex thought. You thrust balls deep inside her, shooting your load directly into her womb, filling her up completely. Her juices flow down your dick and balls, soaking the bed beneath you.

Despite the fact that the past week has been full of sex for you, you can still go strong, as evidenced by your still-hard erection still cumming within her. Her head rests on your shoulders as her relatively small body's still shaking. She shakily releases the handcuffs, letting you wrap your arms around her.

Summer: "I'm never letting you go again..." she softly states. "Still not done?" she asks. "Mommy said she'd take care of you, so you can go as long as you want... Y/N... I want you to satisfy yourself with my body..."

You lift her up off your dick and push her chest against the wall. Semen is somewhat flowing out of her pussy and you feel your dick go between her firm, yet soft, ass.

Summer: "You want to do it there? Okay... I... I've never done that before, but anything for you, Y/N..."

Y/N: "I thought you were the dominant one, here?"

Summer: "Sometimes I am, sometimes I'm not."

Y/N: "Either way, you're all MINE!"

You shout that last part as you enter her ass and she responds with a yelp. You make sure to go slow at first, but when she looks at you with her longing and beautiful silver eyes, you pick up the speed. Her ass is ever tighter than her pussy was.

Summer: "Yes...! Yes! Fuck my ass Y/N! Your dick's all mine right now, so I want you to FUCK ME UNTIL I CAN'T MOVE! Y/N!!!"

Her breath becomes more ragged as you mercilessly fuck her, until recently, virgin ass. You pull her towards you such that only her head and hands are against the wall. You see her toes curl as she screams out in pleasure.

Summer: "Y/N! Fill me up more! Make me your personal fucktoy! I WANT EVERY LAST DROP YOU'VE GOT!"

As you're pounding your mother's ass harder and harder, faster and faster, you feel your dick become hotter as you know what's coming. Her stretched asshole gets filled up nearly as much as her pussy did as you cum inside her, causing her to scream in pure pleasure. As you finish up a few last thrusts and start to pull out, she manages to form a few coherent words.

Summer: "No, don't! I... want to stay like this a little... a little bit longer..." she says between breaths with what almost looks like heart-shapes in her eyes.

You comply with her request and stay like that for a few extra minutes, kissing her neck and back. Seeing as you're not done yet, she notices and shoves your dick all the way back inside her, indicating that she's ready for yet another round, despite her shaking body.


A Few Hours Later
Ruby's POV

Ruby: "Everyone! We're home!"

When nobody responds to her calls, the others she's with, meaning Qrow, Jaune, Reese, and Ren, go to the training room. However, Ruby goes to Y/N's room.

*knock knock knock*

Ruby: "Y/N! You in there? We're back!"

When she tries to turn the knob, only to find it locked, she listens in and hears some moaning through the door.

Summer: "AAAAAH! Y/N! How many times is that? I love you!"

She blushes heavily upon hearing Summer and Y/N doing exactly what she thinks they're doing. She's not angry or sad or anything, just... in the middle of the day!?

Ruby: "I'll just... come back later... Sorry!"

She quickly runs down the hall, grabs a "Do Not Disturb" door hanger from one of the drawers, and goes to hang it on the doorknob.

Ruby (thoughts): 'Wait! If I do that, everyone will know!"

Jaune: "Hey Ruby, Y/N in there? He's not outside with everyone else."

Jaune comes up seemingly out of nowhere.

Ruby: "NO!" She takes a moment to regain her composure. "I mean... Nobody's in there. I already checked, so there's no need to open the door to check. In fact, I checked down the hall, so there's no need to go past here!" she says suspiciously.

Jaune: "Right... Well, when he comes back, could you tell him I went to Reese's? I'm having dinner with her parents tonight, so I won't be home until later."

Ruby: "Of course! Leave it to me!"

Jaune walks away while Ruby listens in a little more to Y/N and Summer's lovemaking, slightly envying her mother.

Ruby: "I want him to do that to me again..." she says while rubbing her legs together.

And that does it for the lemons for now! Summer's is the last lemon until after the Battle of Haven. From here on out, it'll be main plot. I estimate another 2-4 chapters until the Battle of Haven, but you know what? We'll see.

As always, tell me what you think. Ruby's was the first lemon I had ever written, and I hope that I improved over these four lemons. I tried not to make it too repetitive, but I still wanted to have the same formula for each (meaning climax twice and then, with the exception of Yang, saying that more sex was on its way) just to make it easier to write and so I wouldn't run out of ideas. However, there will be more lemons after the Battle of Haven, including Y/N and multiple girls at once, so... Man, our dick's gonna be so sore from now on.

Anyway, I will see you guys next chapter, where we pick up with Blake and what she's been doing!

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