Back Home (A Larry Stylinson...

By TimeToRead2485

523K 15K 28.9K

Harry Styles became the fastest selling record artist with sold-out concerts and an award winning actor. He p... More

Chapter 1 - We had some good times, didn't we?
Chapter 2 - Happily?
Chapter 3 - Spaces between us
Chapter 4 - When we were 18
Chapter 5 - The music is so loud
Chapter 6 - The script was written
Chapter 7 - Looking in the dark
Chapter 8 - I want to write you a song
Chapter 9 - Does he know?
Chapter 10 - Story of my life
Chapter 11 - It's gotta be you
Chapter 12 - Better than words
Chapter 13 - Silence and Sounds
Chapter 14 - See you smile again
Chapter 15 - Sweet Creature
Chapter 16 - I wanna tell the world that you're mine
Chapter 17 - Tell me that I'm wrong
Chapter 18 - Don't Forget Where You Belong
Chapter 19 - We don't say what we really mean
Chapter 20 - How many nights till it takes
Chapter 21 - I show you my heart
Chapter 22 - Taste of my Tongue
Chapter 23 - Midnight Memories
Chapter 24 - If I Could Fly
Chapter 26 - I was like... Nanana!
Chapter 27 - Perfect For You
Chapter 28 - We Made It
Home (Epilogue)

Chapter 25 - I get down on my knees for you

13.5K 394 505
By TimeToRead2485

Hello everyone! Here is another update! By the way, I just want to express my gratitude to the 33k reads and counting. Also, thank you for the votes and comments, especially to LarryIsLegend. You made me smile reading your comments! Hahaha! Anyway, TimeToRead Larry!


Louis' POV

"Remember to always update me and check your cellphone because once in awhile, I will be calling or texting you and don't you ever ignore it Freddie Reign. Because if you will do that..."

"I will ride a rocket ship just to be with you in an instant!" Freddie stopped me continuing what I was supposed to say for some reminders before Harry and I left. "Dad, you have been telling me that for a hundred of times already. I'm grown up now and I can take care of myself. Besides, Aunt Lottie is there and so are my cousins."

"I know! It's just that, this will be our first time to be separated. Eight months is too long and I'm gonna miss you my sunshine. Are you sure you're okay with it?"

"Dad, you've been taking care of me for a long time. And I would be very selfish if I will stop you from your happiness. Paps needs you and you need him. You love each other and no one can separate you. And if that makes you happy, then I will be happy for you, are you?"

"Yeah! Of course I'm happy being with your Paps." I hugged him. "Don't worry, once in awhile I will come back and visit you. Okay? I love you, sunshine!"

"I love you too, Dad."

Harry and Lottie joined our hugs. As we left, I could see my son from the rear view mirror, wiping his tears and hugging his Aunt Lottie tightly. I knew he would feel sad not being with me the whole time but he was very understanding knowing how to make me happy and he was such a strong boy not showing his sadness in front of me.

Harry's hand was on my back rubbing it gently knowing I was already teary-eyed. I looked at him making him wiped my tears and kissed me giving me an assurance that everything would be okay.

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

Five months had been passed since Harry started his sold-out world tour. He went from one country to another. So far, so good. The travelling for us was kind of tiring especially for him, but every time he performed on stage, he became different as if that was his first concert. He became more confident as his concert went on which the comments and the reactions of the fans and the media were all positive.

No doubt, he still had the magic and charm. I was so proud of him with all his success and achievements and I was lucky to witness all of them. This was what he wanted ever since and seeing him on stage enjoying made me happy as well.

The next leg of his world tour was Asia. We arrived to the Philippines two days ahead. We were walking with our carry-on baggage in the airport, holding hands. We tried to be discreet not to be noticed by everyone, but someone approached us.

"Hi Harry! Hi Louis! Welcome back to the Philippines!" A woman in her mid-thirties said shyly. "Can I have a picture with you two?"

"Sure!" We both said as we let her stood in between us. We waved at her to say our goodbyes but as we were about to leave, she stopped us.

"Any plans while you are here?" She asked.

"None actually. Maybe we will just stay in our hotel and have some rest?" Harry answered.

"Oh! Why don't you stay in my hometown? It's a one-hour drive from Boracay. You know Boracay right?"

"Yeah! Niall went there before. He said it's a nice island." Harry was so patient in dealing with his fans.

"Correct! But I know it's too crowded and people might recognize you there. So, I reckon you to stay in our private resort. It not as beautiful as Boracay, but I guarantee, you will love it."

"I'm not sure with my schedule though. But, we appreciate your invite. Thank you!"

"Do you have a calling card or something?" I asked making Harry glared at me surprisingly knowing it would be impossible to go somewhere with his hectic schedule and he, as a very kind person, did not want to give false hope to a fan.

"Yeah! Of course!" She handed me her calling card. "My name is Lily and I am big fan of you two. I am a teacher if you may ask. I just came from my vacation from the place that I told you and I made sure to come back here in Manila because I will be going to your concert, Harry!"

"Oh really?! Well, expect me to shout out your name during the concert."

"Thank you! I can't believe I'm here talking to you both. And I just want to say thank you for letting me know and witness what I have been believing all these years."

We were confused at first, but when we looked at her, she was now staring down to something else. We both chuckled finding out what she had been looking at. It was our intertwining hands.

"I knew Larry is real. Oh gosh!" She yelped softly not making any scene in that case. "So when will I hear the bells?"

"Bells?" I asked curiously.

"You know, wedding bells!?"

There was angel passed by and you could hear the sound of the crickets, so we just laughed because we did not know how to answer her. We all said our goodbyes and we walked towards the exit of the airport.

"I like that girl." Harry said once we were in the car heading to our hotel. I nodded agreeing of what he said. "She seems nice."

"Once you finished your tour, let's find a way to come to her place. What do you think?"

"Yeah sure! Maybe, for our honeymoon?" He giggled wiggling his eyebrows.

"Oh really?!"

"Why not?"

I laughed making me blushed as I couldn't believe he considered and thought of what the fan said to us. Marriage? Was it too fast for us?

Same as what happened from his past concerts, it became successful once again. The fans were so great and supportive, especially when they did their fan project. Blue and green lights were swaying all around the arena while Harry was singing Home.

The feeling was always the same every time he sang it. He sang it with all of his heart and soul that I could transcend from far away standing next to him. And it felt like home making my heart beat faster. It was a sound of happiness and love. And when I remembered a fan that we met a few days ago uttering about wedding bells, it made me awaken.

I wanted Harry to be part of my life not just for that moment but for the rest of my life. I wanted to live a lifetime with Harry. I wanted to see him as I opened my eyes to start my day and as I closed my eyes to end up my night. I wanted Harry to be part of all my adventures with Freddie. I wanted to take care of him. I wanted to love him forever. I wanted him to be called my husband. And I needed to do something about it.

I went out of the VIP room to call someone. I searched for her number. I needed to talk to her. After three rings, she answered.

"Hello, Lou?"

"Anne? How are you?"

"I'm good. Thanks. How are you and Harry?"

"Great! Everything is great. He is actually on stage performing now. I need to talk to you though. Are you busy?"

"No. What about?"

"I... I want to marry your son. And as his mother, I am respectfully asking for your approval to let me marry Harry. Please?"

There was a silence on the other side of the line, probably she was shocked from the news that I brought. I was nervously and patiently waiting for her answer. And after a few seconds, she answered.

"Oh, Louis. I thought you will never ask that. Of course, you can!" She said making me sighed in relief. "I know how much you love my son and he is in good hands with you because surely, you will take care of my baby. I am so happy you finally come up with a right decision."

"Thanks, Anne. Rest assured, I will love and take care of him to the best that I can be. I love him so much."

"And he loves you too. So, what's your plan?"

"I am not sure yet. I have tons of ideas but I will let you know. I will try to update you. Just, please, do not tell it to him?"

"Sure. My lips are sealed. Oh, Lou, I am so happy right now."

"Me too. Gonna go now. He is almost done. Need to meet him backstage. I love you! Bye!"

"I love you too. Take care always! Bye!"

Once the show finished, I ran towards the backstage. I saw Harry in the dressing room wiping his sweat and at the same time taking off his suit. I jumped at him, wrapping my arms around his neck and my legs around his waist, giving him the most passionate kiss as if we had not seen each other for ages. He was surprised at first, but then I felt his hands on my back hugging me tightly and kissed me back.

After a minute of it, I moved away from him putting my feet back on the ground. I smiled when I saw his eyes glowing and smiling adorably, making me not controlled myself but to shower him kisses all over his face. He could not help but to giggle from my gestures.

"Lou, I'm sweaty. What's that for?" He asked giggly. "What's with that sudden extra sweet gesture?!"

"Nothing? I just love you... is all!" I gave him a wink. "Are you hungry?"

"I love you too. And I'm starving. Can I eat you?"

"Harry, you!" I looked at everyone in the dressing room and they were all laughing making us laughed too. We ate our late dinner and went back to our hotel.

The next day, we were still in our hotel room. He was laying half on my chest and as usual his face was on my neck, he was wrapping his hand on my torso while I was gently stroking his hair with my hands and I could hear his snore. I pitied how tired and exhausted Harry was, so I just let him sleep.

I carefully sent a message to Freddie about my plans. My phone vibrated from his call.

"Dad! Are you serious?"

"Yup..." I whispered. "Fred, can't talk right now. Your Paps is still sleeping."

"Oh, I'm sorry. But anyway, I am so happy for you, Dad! Whatever happens, I will always be here for you and Paps. Do you have any plans yet? When will you buy the ring?"

"I will talk to you later, yeah? For the meantime, take your shower now, you're going to be late."

"Okay! Love you, Dad! Hug Paps for me, please?"

"I will! Love you, too. Bye."

Just as I hang up the phone, I noticed him moving against me. I felt a peck of lips on my neck. I moved away from him, looking at his green eyes. He smiled at me showing his dimples.

"Was that Freddie calling?" He asked.

"Yeah, it was him. Good morning, babe!" I greeted him. 

"Good morning! What time is it?"

"Well, it's almost one o'clock. I noticed how comfortable are you and I know you are tired, so I did not wake you up. The food is already set on the table. Do you want to eat?"

He nodded stretching out and yawning at the same time making me climbed out of the bed. I brought the bed tray table with food and placed it in front of him.

"Here's your food, Master Harry!"

He just chuckled.

I joined him on the bed and we were both silently eating our breakfast/lunch. I wanted to tell him about me leaving him for awhile to go to London but I was not ready of what would be his reaction.

"You are in deep-thought. Is there something wrong, babe?" He knew me so well.

"I was thinking of going back to London? If that's okay with you?"

He paused.

"Ehmm, Freddie has a football game and he needs me there. Also, I have to check my business there. The secretary called me up yesterday and there is an important company meeting that my presence is needed."

"Yeah, sure! Of course!" He smiled at me.

"A-aren't you mad?"

"No. Babe, as much as I wanted to be with you, I know you also have your life. You are committed to them, especially with Freddie. And I will not hinder you for that."

"Thank you, Haz."

"When will you go to London?"

"Ehmm, as soon as possible... tomorrow?"

"Whoa! Tomorrow?! And for how long will you stay there?"

"Two weeks."

"Hmmm... Two weeks without Louis Tomlinson?" He thought putting his index fingers on his lips. "I can still live with it."

"And there's cellphone so we can call, FaceTime or text! Right?"


"I love you, Haz."

"And I love you so much, Lou."

Harry's POV

My two-night concert in Japan was already over. It had been a week since Louis went back to London. I was already used to Louis waiting for me backstage with open arms hugging and congratulating me every after concert, but now, it was completely different. When I was with him, I did not get tired. He was like my source of energy.

I went straight to my hotel room with the heavy shoulders. Many tried to cheer me up but they failed. I jumped to my bed holding my phone as I was texting and updating him. Unfortunately, there was no reply. I then called my mom.

"Baby, how are you?"

"Tired. I'm not okay, Mom."

"Is it because of Louis?"

"I missed him so much. But I have no choice but to let him go. He has a life of his own. He has Freddie and business in London. As much as much as I want him to be always with me, he can't just follow me all the time."

"I know... I understand your situation."

"But what I love about him is he is willing to do everything for me! Joining me in my world tour is a sacrifice."

"Haz, Louis is happy when is with you. He does it because he wants it, baby. He wants you to be happy because he loves you."

"Exactly. And it breaks my heart knowing I haven't done anything for him."

"And what exactly do you want to do?"

I paused. What do I really want? What should I do to prove to him how much I loved him? What should I do to return back all the sacrifices that he had done for me? Then, I smiled for I already knew the answer. I chuckled. I hit my forehead making me laughed.

"Harry? Are you okay in there?"

"Mom, I want to marry Louis!"        

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