Removing My Mask ; Peter Park...

By widows-venom

168K 4.7K 3.3K

You were the new kid to Midtown high. After a long debate with your mother, you decided it would be best to g... More

Phase 1 - 1.1
Phase 2 - 2.1
Phase 3 - 3.1
Phase 4 - 4.1
Phase 5 - 5.1


2.2K 68 23
By widows-venom


"What's with the crappy costume?" Shocker asked.

"My web shooters!" I patted down my suit frantically searching for the cartridge. I looked up, seeing it right in the middle of shocker and me. Great.

I lunged for it, shocker readying another hit and sent me flying through the back door of a school buss. I sat up, quickly getting to my feet to hopefully get a punch in. The bus tumbled, my body hitting each seat uncomfortably before the bus stopped, landing upside down.

I coughed, tumbling out of the bus, "Why did he send you here?"

"Guess you'll never know." Shocker smirked at me, ready to hammer my head in.

I cowered, ready to take the hit. But the hit never came. I looked up to see a strand of my web attached the the shocker gauntlet.

"Ned!" I smiled in relief grabbing the web shooter from my best friend, switching it to a web blast and sticking Shocker to the side of the bus.

"That was awesome!" Ned danced around.

"Yes! Ned, the guy with the wings is y/n's dad."

"What?!" Ned stopped mid dance, brown eyes widening.

"I know! It's insane. I gotta tell Mr. Stark. Call Happy Hogan. He's Mr. Stark's head of security. And, uh, get a computer to track my phone for me."

"Are you going to be okay??"

I shrugged jumping up onto a streetlight, "Hurry, we have to catch him before he leaves town."

I swung out to the open street, noticing a sleeked out car approaching. Smirking, I knew it was Flash. Payback time Flash.

"I need your car and your phone." I demanded in a gravely voice.

"Uh, sir, technically this is my dads car sir. So I can't.."


Flash tossed me the keys and his phone, jumping out of the car with his date to the dance. I took his spot, quickly driving off taking a sharp right turn.

"Hello, Ned? Hey, hey, hey, hey, can you hear me?"

"Go for Ned."

"Ned, I need you to track my phone for me. I left it in the backseat of Vultures car."

"Genius move. Okay, he just passed the GameStop on Jackson Avenue."

I whipped the steering wheel harshly to take another right, the tires skidding across the road.

"Have you gotten through to Happy yet?"

"I'm working on it. I just gotta backdoor the phone system."

My heart hammered against my chest while swerving between cars trying not to die. I cut through an alleyway and popped a curb, running the red light.

"Wheres Vulture now?"

"Um... He stopped in an old industrial park in Brooklyn."

I furrowed my eyebrows, "That makes no sense. He said he was going out of town."

"Weird. Oh, I reached Mr. Happy. Don't think he likes you, by the way. It sounded like he was catching a flight. He said something about taking off in nine minutes." Ned said.


"He was surrounded by a bunch of boxes."

"Boxes? It's moving day. It's moving day! It's moving day! He's gonna rob that plane! I gotta stop him!" I rushed out frantically pressing the gas pedal further into the ground.


"I'm here, Ned. Just keep trying to get through to Happy." I sighed rolling my shoulders back, the empty building in front of me looked haunted.

"It's been an honor, Spider-Man."

I cracked a small smile, heading into the abandoned building. I entered through the vent in the ceiling, webbing down slowly. There was a bunch of computer equipment, blueprints of Stark tower and an inside look of Starks plane.

"Hey! Surprised?" I yelled jumping down on my feet.

"Oh, hey, Pete." Mr. Toomes smirked turning around, "Didn't hear you come in."

"It's over!" I hissed, "I got you!"

"You know, I gotta tell you, Pete, I really, really admire your grit. I see why y/n likes you. I do. When you first came to the house, I wasn't sure. I thought, "Really?" But I get it now.

"How could you do this to her?!" I shouted furiously.

"To her? Pete I'm not doing anything to her. I'm doing this for her." Mr. Toomes scoffed.

"Huh, sure." I scoffed webbing his left hand to his desk, "All you're doing is hurting her! You know what she's been through! She just wants stability in her life, a father to look up to. She doesn't deserve to do anything alone!"

"Oh, Peter." Toomes jutted out his bottom lip, "I appreciate the fact that you care so much about my daughter, really. But you're talking as if I'm going away. I don't plan to go anywhere Peter, and when all is said and done, Y/n is going to be looking for a new boyfriend."

My spider senses tingled, Toomes pulling out a pocket knife and cutting into the webbing on his hand. I backflipped into the air, dodging his flying wings that burst out of the wall. When I landed, that thing veered back around, letting me side step to avoid being slashed.

"I'm sorry, Peter." Vulture sighed.

"What are you talking about? That thing hasn't even touched me yet." I scoffed.

"True." Toomes shrugged, "Then again, wasn't trying too."

My eyes widened when I heard the crumble of the pillars surrounding me. The weight and rocks caved in on itself, spilling debris and rubble around as the ceiling fell on-top of me, pinning my body down. My breathing started to quicken and anxiety settled in.

I couldn't breathe, my eyes glazed over with tears as I struggled to move the rubble that was burying me alive. I watched vulture fly away and I whimpered for help.

"Oh, god. Okay, okay." I gasped taking off the mask so I could try and breathe a little better.

"Okay, okay ready?" I took a breath in and let it out pushing up on the rubble, trying to break myself free.

I whimpered falling back down to the ground, the edges of the rocks cutting into my skin making me cry.

"Hello! Hello! Please. Hey, hey, please. I'm down here. I'm down here. I'm stuck. I'm stuck. I can't move. I can't..." I screamed, my throat rubbing raw as hot tears ran down my face.

I felt like I was going to die down here, that nobody other then Ned was going to know I was here and I wouldn't be able to say goodbye to my friends, May, y/n.. god, y/n! I was going to die down here after just getting a girlfriend and she was going to find me in my spiderman suit.

What would she think? She always talks about how cool it is that Spiderman saves the city, but what would she think if she knew I was the one doing it? I couldn't tell her I'm sorry for always blowing her off or for acting so distracted. I just wanted to protect people.

"You're not going to die down here, Peter. Y/n needs you. May needs you. Ned and MJ needs you. New York needs you." A new wave of determination set in while I got a better grip on the rubble.

"Come on, Peter. Come on, Spider-Man. Come on, Spider-Man. Come on, Spider-Man. Come on, Spider-Man!"

I let out a loud grunt when I pushed the debris off me, my legs and arms burning lifting up all the rubble weighing me down. I was free!

I ran out of the warehouse, seeing Toomes fly off a billboard towards the Avengers plane. I shot a web string, hitting the back of his wings. I wasn't going to let him get away with this.

"woah!" I gasped when we both broke the cloud line.

We approached the plane, my body bouncing up and down until I managed to get a good grip. I let go of the webbing I used to hang on and climbed towards vulture, his body hiding inside the wings of his suit like some vacuum seal.


"Hey, y/n! Where's Peter?" MJ asked coming over with her date Vanessa.

I shrugged, "He left. I thought you guys weren't coming?"

"I wanted to see you and Peter looking all cute, and the free food too. What do you mean he left?" MJ furrowed her bushy eyebrows.

"My dad dropped me off, I came in here while my dad talked to him and when Peter came inside, said he had to go." I explained with a shake of my head, "It's whatever. I don't really care."

"Come on, let's get out of here." MJ grabbed my hand.

I scrunched my eyebrows following MJ and Vanessa out of the gymnasium, "Where are we going?"

"There's a carnival on the beach. Let's go have some fun!" MJ grinned.

"Wait," I pulled back making the two girls stop, "We're going in our homecoming dresses?"

"Girl you look hot, stop!" MJ grabbed my hand again leading us towards Vanessas car.


"Just a typical homecoming on the outside of an invisible jet... Fighting my girlfriend's dad." I huffed kicking Vultures wing suit. The suit moved aside a bit, the air pressure increasing.

Vulture jumped out from inside the plane, his wings attaching back to him, "You just don't quit?!"

He stabbed his wings into the panels of the plane I was holding onto, the metal rising up making my grip fall.

"Oh god!" I yelled falling back. I shot a web at Vultures chest, being suspended in the air.

Vulture ripped the web strand off. My body fell back towards the propellers, the metal blades spinning.

"Web grenade!" I shrieked shooting one at the engine. The grenade went off, the blades sticking together just in time for my body to fall on the cushion.

"Can't believe that worked." I sighed in relief after escaping near death. I regained my footing to the best of my ability, jumping back when Vulture launched at me.

"I'm not going out empty handed, Peter!" The bird man snarled at me.

He launched at me again, his wing slicing the chest material of my suit. I winced, tumbling down the back end of the plane. Shooting a web at the back turbine, I hung on for dear life while Vulture began ripping apart the ceiling of the plane.

Quickly, I climbed up my web strand, noticing the plane crashing right for the city Carnival.

"Oh my god!" I shrieked shooting a web at the right wing of the plane. Using my strength, I turned the plane away from the carnival, aiming for the beach instead.

"Shit!" I cursed right before the plane crashed into the sand. I held my hands over my head to brace for impact, tumbling along through the ravine the plane created, metal lying on my back.


"Holy shit!" I gasped as we all watched the plane crash on the beach, "That was insane."

"Come on." MJ grabbed my hand looking worried, dragging me towards the crash leaving Vanessa standing there in awe.

"MJ what are doing?"

"We have to see if he's okay!" She gulped, both of us running faster.


I shakily stood on my feet, the metal falling off my back as I took off the mask. My ears were ringing and I felt hot blood trickle down my temple.

My back hit the sand, the air being sucked from my lungs as Vulture lunged at me, his wings sparking immensely.

"Hey, Pedro." He smirked throwing punches at me.

I caught one of his punches, head butting him making his grip loosen. I was going to hit him once more when I felt his claws dig into my shoulder blades. I screamed, my body being lifted into the air.

I shakily lifted my hand up quickly, shooting a web his face so he couldn't see. The metal claws let go of me, my body falling down towards the sand again. Shooting another web at his body, my decent slowed.

Vulture growled, cutting my web off as I crashed back into the sand. I coughed up some sand and some blood, my body feeling sluggish as I got up. 

"Your wing suit! Your wing suit is going to explode!" I screamed after him trying to run.

Wearily I lifted my arm up, shooting a strand of webs at his wings, pulling his body back. Vulture whipped around, pulling even harder.

"Time to go home, Peter!" Vulture grunted.

"I'm trying to save you!" I whimpered pulling again.


"Time to go home, Peter!" I heard my dad yell pulling on forward.

"I'm trying to save you!" Peter whimpered pulling him back.

"No, no!" I gasped in shock, tears welling in my eyes.

My father cut the webbing off of him, flying towards a crate. His wing suit sputtering, sparks flying everywhere and it didn't take a genius to know it was going to explode.

"DAD! STOP!" I yelled running towards him, despite Mary Jane yelling at me. I kicked off my heels so I could run faster in the sand, still yelling at my dad.

The wing suit on my dads back exploded, his body falling to the ground before a bigger explosion went off.

"no!" I mumbled rushing over. Peter ran in front of me, not even noticing I was there as he dove through the wall of fire circling my father.

I took a few steps back, whimpering. My head was spinning I had so many questions, so many emotions swirling through my head but the main one was I didn't want to lose either of them.


I ran into the wall of flames, seeing Mr. Toomes lying still on the ground. I gripped the metal of the wing suit, yelling when the hot metal burned through my gloves.

I shook my head, gripping the metal again and lifting Toomes up. I carried him using the last of my strength out of the wall of fire, lying him down on the sound. I coughed up all the smoke from my lungs, collapsing next to him.

"Peter? Dad?" I whipped my head towards the smooth voice of my girlfriend, seeing y/n approach us with tears running down her face. I shot up running towards her, "Y/n, you can't be here. It's not safe."

"I don't care about that, Peter." Y/n sighed trying to push past me to see her dad.

"I'm sorry." I mumbled weakly.

"Yeah? You say that a lot, Parker. What are you sorry for this time?"

I opened my mouth to say something, feeling overwhelmed and angry with everything. Y/n shook her head, a new set of tears welling in her eyes as she walked towards her dad.

I had to keep telling myself I did the right thing. That stopping Vulture was the right thing to do. He was the bad guy and this city, y/n even, wasn't safe while he was out making illegal weapons and stealing from Avengers planes. I just knew it was going to take y/n awhile to see it that way.


I'm going to be doing a time jump within the next few chapters, nothing too dramatic

Phase 4 I'm going to be combining both Infinity War and Endgame because Peter doesn't really have that much scenes

Hope this fight was good! Peter and y/n have got some tension sooo oops

I appreciate you all!


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