Watching His Memories (One Pi...

By Darkleer-Senpai

829K 17.7K 8.7K

One piece watches Luffy's memories!! I own nothing from the anime/manga!! Enjoy! A mysteriously cloaked man... More

Intro and Luffy's start!!
That's Ace!?
How did Luffy survive!?
The Tiger!?
The boy with the hat and goggles
This is just the begining..
Ace's stubborness
Luffy's reason
Looking after the youngest
The Rich and Poor
A Sudden Visit
The treehouse

Mama Marco

45.9K 1K 232
By Darkleer-Senpai

"You idiot!" Sabo screamed at Ace, "Come on!"

"Once I face an enemy, I never run!" Ace just shouted out to him, gripping the pipe tighter than ever, readying himself for an attack.

"YOU!!" Sabo,Garp and Marco prepares their fist and-


"IDIOT!!" They shout.

Ace is holding his head which has three large bumps. Sabo sits back down next to him as he crosses his arms and looks away huffing.

Marco now pinched the bridge of his nose while his brothers and Pops calm him down a bit.

Well his Pops was laughing loudly.

Garp huffs angrily and walks away, sitting down as he continues to huff and mutter about his "idiotic grandson" while Sengoku just looks at him disapprovingly.

The StrawHat's too emerged into the memory didn't even acknowledge Ace's groans of pain.

Marines sweat dropped and muttered to themselves,

"What? You brat!" Porchemy yelled.

"Don't!" Sabo yelled desperately, still holding onto Luffy, "He's on a completely different level than the delinquents from town!"

Usopp yells, "listen to him, Ace!!" Chopper nods and says,

"They have to get out of there and treat Luffy's wounds!!"

"Don't you get it?" Porchemy sneered, "Playtime is over now! You stole our money! You will obediently return it to us, you insolent brat! I'm sure you realize you've done a bad thing."

He pointed his sword at Ace's face and said, "I won't hurt you if you give the money back."

Zoro and Sanji scoffed at that,

"like he'll believe you" Sanji said taking a new cigarette out and lighting it.

Nami shakes her head and said, "that's not the point! Ace has to get out of there!!"

Robin merely sighs.

Ace just used his pipe to smack the sword aside as he yelled, "We're gonna make much better use of it!"

Sabo mutters curses towards Ace who slightly hunches over.

Thatch chuckles a bit at Ace's sulking.

"What did you say? Enough of the bullshit!" Porchemy cried, losing all façade and his face was contorted with anger.

"You...just wait here a minute!" Sabo said to Luffy before dropping him to the ground like so that he could fight with Ace.

"Don't just drop him like that!" Nami yells exasperated, throwing one hand up.

Whitebeard raises an eyebrow, slightly pitying poor Luffy.

Marco sighs deeply staring at the little boys body that laid limp on the ground. He noticed that Luffy was desperately trying to still lift his head to see.

A swell of worry and pity hits Marco for the small boy. Despite the way Ace and Sabo treated Luffy, he already cared dearly for them.

Sabo now was hunched over like Ace, embarrassed of his action.

Ace snickers a bit which caused a hit to his side.

"If those injuries get any worse, he could die." Said Robin bluntly as she glances down at Luffy's body, Chopper immediately shouts in surprise at what she said now yelling,

"Luffy's gonna die!!"

"He's not!!" Yelled Zoro annoyed as he tensed a bit and lifted his head more up to see the fight.

"You're being too reckless!" Sabo hissed to Ace, "Why are you always doing this?!"

"I never back down!" Ace said seriously staring ahead at his opponent.

"Kami" said Nami rubbing her neck.

"Don't be ridiculous!" Porchemy yelled, raising his sword up and striking it down.

Ace jumped up to try and knock it out of his hands, but instead Porchemy slashed through the pipe right in half and left a deep cut on Ace's forehead.

"Again not thinking before fighting.." Sabo said as he placed his chin in his hand and leans forward.

Ace merely scoffs and says, "I don't think we had the time to think, Sabo"

Marco cuts in, "yes, but giving signals on where to attack first, is an option too Ace"

Marco's arms crossed but twitching as he stares at Luffy who was now looking forward at the battle, while he was bleeding.

'If only I could run up and help the poor brat' Marco thinks to himself.

Ace then goes right back to sulking at Marco's comment while Sabo looks smug about the fact that he was right.

Chopper freaks out about Ace getting cut, "Ah!! He has to get that checked!!"

Zoro losing his patience and yelled, "does it look like they have a doctor near by!?"

Nami smacks his arm at his yell as Chopper cowers behind her.

Coby, trembling a bit in worry as he stares at the sword in Porchemy's hand.

Dragon looks ready to just run in and pick his son up to help.

Shanks had been glancing between the fight and Luffy, not knowing which he should be keeping his eyes on.

Garp is slightly muttering directions at the scene towards Ace and Sabo hoping they heard it.

"If I lose to a pair of kids, I'll quit being a pirate!" Porchemy declared, raising his sword again.

"Then we'll make you quit!" Ace and Sabo yelled as they rushed forward together raising their pipes ready to attack together.

"I'm gonna slaughter you!" Porchemy screamed out with a  crazy look in his eyes; and that's when the fight really broke out.

"If only this wasn't a memory," Sanji yelled. "I want nothing more than to kick the bastards ass"

"You're not the only one" said Haruta who gazed at the man with cold eyes, Thatch agreed as he clenched his fist over his heart.

Shanks had silently agreed hoping to beat the pirates ass. This only reminded him of the bandit that took Luffy to the sea.

"I too want to fight him" Brook said as he steps a bit forward.

Ace and Sabo could only gaze at their little brothers face that looked scared and worried over them.

"He was always worried over us, huh?" Said Sabo as Ace slightly nods.

"He should be worried about himself with the amount of times we had to save his ass" Ace said crossing his arms remembering fond memories of saving Luffy from being eaten by crocodiles and getting beaten by thugs.

Sabo smiles and closes his eyes remembering how Luffy would run forward into anything while they ran behind yelling at him to stay put.

"When this is all over..." Sabo starts as Ace now turns his head to pay attention, "I'm going to find Luffy... I'll make sure to find him and kick his ass a bit to teach him a lesson,"

Ace snickers grinning as Sabo continues, "but to also tell him not to worry anymore, because his big brothers will always watch over him," Sabo then turns his head to look at Ace with a warm smile and finishes with,

"No matter what"

Ace eyes glisten a bit as he looks forward at the scene, he saw the determined looks they had, because at that very moment in fighting Porchemy,

They decided to watch over their new baby brother.

Ace responds with a shaky voice as he says,

"Make sure to kick his ass real hard for me, Sabo"

Sabo also felt his eyes water, he looked forward and placed a hand on Ace's knee as he says,


Whitebeard hears their conversation, he smiles a bit as he looks at Luffy's small form,

'You have two good older brothers, don't you, brat?'

Marco slightly moves a bit closer to the two brothers after hearing the conversation. He then pictures the moment he stepped in to save Luffy from an attack by Akainu.

Marco did it because it was Ace's last wish, but he also too sent a small message to Ace who was probably watching over them in that moment,

'I'll watch over him for you'

Marco promised to continue watching over Luffy when they all go back home. Even if the Whitebeard pirates are separated. He'll carry on that duty for Ace,

To watch over Ace's only brothers left.

Luffy just sat where he was and watched in awe and worry—even though the two boys were getting beaten up, they were still able to fight him, until they were finally able to bring him down.

Bleeding and hurt, Sabo grabbed Luffy once again and then he led the way out of the shack, with Ace right behind them.

"Thank goodness" Nami said sighing in relief,

Zoro nods a bit and says, "they put up a good fight"

Brook then says, "Yohoho! Luffy-San made it out alive!!" He raises one hand up in celebration.

Usopp seemed to sag in relief as he then says, "man, can't believe Luffy went through that..."

Chopper nods, "he would most likely be traumatized by the event"

Robin sighs a bit sadly for her captain.

Marco sits next to Ace and Sabo, they both smile towards him, well Ace grins while Sabo just smiles welcoming him.

Marco takes a deep breath in and asks, "was he alright after all that?"

Ace then smiles warmly and says, "yeah" he then pats Marco's back and continues,

"Don't worry mama bird! Luffy was patched right up after we found somewhere safe to hide!"

Marco scowls at the nickname but sighs in relief when he hears that Luffy turned out alright.


Me during this chapter:🥺

Hello, remember sure to wash your hands for 40 seconds and to spray alcohol (medical) and Lysol onto door handles and light switches or anything that has been touched by unwashed hands and such.

Make sure to clean up your house/apartment/living space. Dust can travel from the outside and carry bacteria. Make sure to remind your family members as well, travel safely and avoid touching your eyes when outside.

Also stock up on needed supplies, where I live, stores are closing early around 10:00 pm. They are still open early in the day but only two people can leave the hows, no more than that. Hospitals are also closing due to lack of supplies and such.

And there's a new rule where people have to stay 6ft apart.

So please be careful!

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