By Bel_la_la

513K 14K 2.5K

An evil smirk appeared on his lips as he walked closer and closer. "You can't escape from me baby girl." My... More

Chapter 1 ~ Suicide
Chapter 2 ~ It isn't over
Chapter 3 ~ Escaping
Chapter 4 ~ Who is he?
Chapter 5 ~ The dark room
Chapter 6 ~ Fear
Chapter 7 ~ Torture
Chapter 8 ~ Painful
Chapter 9 ~ His anger
Chapter 10 ~ Punishment
Chapter 11 ~ I will fix you
Chapter 12 ~ Don't be so daring
Chapter 13 ~ Shoot
Chapter 14 ~ Tricked
Chapter 15 ~ His warning
Chapter 16 ~ Don't play with fire
Chapter 17 ~ Like a prey
Chapter 18 ~ Betrayer
~ Update ~
Chapter 20 ~ Can it be?
~ New Chapter ~
Chapter 21 ~ Broken Soul
Chapter 22 ~ Ooh Shiteu
Chapter 23 ~ Regret
~ Authors Note ~
Chapter 24 ~ Revenge
Chapter 25 ~ Love me back
Chapter 26 ~ Forgive me
Chapter 27 ~ I Love You
Chapter 28 ~ Making love to you
Quitting the story??
Chapter 29 ~ Don't mess...
Chapter 30 ~ Lipstick stain
Chapter 31 ~ Nauseous
Chapter 32 ~ The Devil
Chapter 33 ~ Execution
Chapter 34 ~ Too late
Chapter 35 ~ Deserved
New Story
Chapter 36 ~ Valentino
Chapter 37 ~ Childish
Chapter 38 ~ Training
!!Chapter 39 is coming!!
Chapter 39 ~ Elenoor
Authors Note about Mr. Zayn
Chapter 40 ~ Without you
Note ~ Chapter 41
Chapter 41 ~ Only Mine
! ~ Chapter 42 ~ !
Chapter 42 ~ My wish
Chapter 43 ~ Came true
Chapter 44 ~ Valeria
Where have I been...
Chapter 45 today!
Chapter 45 ~ Nightmare
Chapter 46 ~ Who?
Chapter 47 ~ Delmar Ramirez
Chapter 48 ~ Untold feelings
Chapter 49 ~ Heartache
Chapter 50 ~ Missing you
Wattpad deleted my story
Update on Caught in his Darkness

Chapter 19 ~ The truth

9.8K 259 66
By Bel_la_la

The sound of a gun loading made me wake up.
Opening my eyes slowly, scared of where this sound came from.
Zayn was standing in front the drawer with his back towards me. He was all dressed up.

"What are you doing?" I asked.
He turned towards me, his face dead serious.
"Did you already forget what I told you yesterday night?"
"Yesterday night? Aah that, ye-yes I remember"
"If you want to go with me then get up, I don't have all day."

Geez he's not in a good mood today.
I got up and quickly wore some clothes.
"I'm ready."
"You sure you wanna go with me?"
"Yes, I want to confront him myself, even though my mom won't believe me"

"What do you mean?" He walked closer standing a few inches away from me.
"My mom never believed what my step father did to me. She always accused me of seducing him. Like why on earth would I seduce an old man?"
He poked his inner cheek with his tongue and nodded.

"Anything else?"
"Ye-yes, my mom believes that I've killed my dad." Tears we welling up in my eyes. Those damn tears.
"Then I'll give your mom a surprise today."

"What do you mean?"
"Just wait and watch."
I panicked. "Do you know who has ki-killed my dad?"
His eyes were piercing my mine.
He nodded.

My eyes widenend. Does this mean that he already knew from the beginning who had killed my father? I screamed and fell to the ground, the horrible scene of my father lying in a pool of blood didn't leave my mind.

"Jasmine! Calm down damn it!" He kneeled beside me taking my face in his hands.
"Noo! You knew from the beginning who it was, wh-why didn't you tell me Zayn, why?"
"What would be the benefit if I had told you?'
"I-I would have killed him with my own hands!"

He chuckled.
"Crazy girl, do you even think you make a chance?"
"Yes! Of course, why not!"
"Don't shout!"
He grabbed me face a bit harder.
"Listen carefully and don't interrupt me," he said sternly.

"I didn't do this all on purpose. This person who has killed your father is a big mafia boss. If you would go to him now, he will cut your body into pieces. What would you achieve with that? Your dad and I had a good bond with each other. So killing this mafia boss is something I'm just as impatient for as you are. So calm the f*ck down and don't ruin my plan." He hissed.

"If you ruin this jasmine then I'll kill you, understand?! I worked on this for a few years so don't you dare doing something that will cause problems for me, do you get me?"

"Shut up, and get up." He said with zero emotion.
I had so many questions, but I couldn't ask him. He wouldn't listen to me anyways. All of this is so bizzare, things just doesn't make any sense.

I wiped my tears and got up.
"I'm ready." I mumbeled.
"You're not."
He turned towards me holding a bulletproof vest.
"I don't need that."
"I didn't ask you for your permission," he said rudely as he approched me.

He pulled my hoody in ons go up leaving me speechless.
"Zayn stop what are you doing!"
"Shut your damn mouth for a second," he hissed.
When he was done he pulled my hoody back.

"Stay close to me and don't try something stupid without my permission, am I clear?"
I nodded.
"Let's go then."

He walked in front of me, if that was even walking cuz I was basically running behind him. When we reached the car I saw some of his men getting in cars. What, are they all going there?

Zayn opened the door for me and pointed to get in. I got in and he walked towards the drivers seat. After he got in he started the car and drove away.

"Do you know where my step father lives?"
He looked at me as if I had asked the most stupid question.
"No I'm just driving here because I have too much time," he said with a sarcastic tone.

Ouch... he was clear. Of course Jasmine, he knows everything you stupid girl, he is a damn mafia. I cursed myself.

I was looking outside the windown. The nature was all so beautiful. It was so peacefull. Sometimes I wished that I was born as a bird, so I could fly away. Far away from all the problems that I had in live.

Suddenly the car stopped. I swallowed hard and my hands were trembling.
"Are you scared?"

He grabbed my chin, forcing me to look at him.
"I'm with you, nothing can happen to you. You don't need to be scared, nothing will happen, am I clear?"

"Good girl, and now get out we don't have all day." Pfft why is he like this?
I got outside and stood in front of my stepfather's house. Would my mom be at home? And my stepsisters? I got shivers, all the bad things they had done to me.

Zayn walked towards me. He grabbed my hand and pointed towards the door.
We walked towards the door and I rang the doorbell. His men were all standing behind us.
I don't want to scare my mom, even though she has never been there for me. His men will scare her.

"They will stay with us."
I looked at Zayn, how does this guy know everything.

The door opened. It was my stepfather. I gulped his disgusting face reminded me of the bad things he has done to me.
"Jas-Jasmine it has been a long time."
He seemed shocked.

I looked at Zayn, his jaw tightened. I knew that he was trying to control his anger, but I also knew that this rage of him could burst out at any moment.

"W-where is mom?"
"She is inside."
"Won't you let us in, that's a bit rude isn't it?" Zayn said, the anger in his voice was clear.

"Who are you?"
"Oh my mistake I need to introduce myself.
I'm Zayn Mattel , you must have heard my name." He smirked.
My stepfather wanted to close the door, but Zayn blocked the door.

"That was a bad choice, stepfather in law," he hissed.
My stepfather ran into the living room. Closing the door behind him. I heard my mothers and step sisters voices.

"Why did you close the door honey?" That was my mom, I have missed her voice. It broke me, I loved her so much but she never did.

Zayn kicked the door and the door burst into two pieces.
They were all screaming.
"Wh-who are you?" My mother asked.

"Jasmine," he called me.
I walked towards them, standing slightly behind Zayn. My mom covered her mouth in disbelief.

"Tell them, who am I?"
"H-he is my husband, Zayn Matteo."
Her eyes widened even more. My step sister were looked like they could shit in their pants at any moment.
"You little whore after killing your father you married a mafia! I should have killed you that day!" She screamed.
Her hand was up in the air as she tried to slap me, but Zayn was quick and grabbed her arm.

"Never, I repeat never try to even lay a finger om my wife, am I clear?" He hissed.
He pushed her aside, she was shocked.
"You all better stay out of this or else you'll have to face the consequences." He pointed towards my mom and step sisters.

He walked towards my stepfather and dragged him towards me.
"You've touched my wife, I repeat MY wife. That wasn't wise of you. You'll have to face the consequences."

He punched him in his stomach making him fall on the ground. He was whining in pain.
"Stop stop don't touch my husband."
My mother hovered above my stepfather protecting him from Zayn.

Zayn let out a sarcastic chuckle.
"He'll die today, and you won't be able to protect him."
He was about to punch him again when I grabbed his arm.

"Zayn stop Zayn!"
He looked at me angrily.
"I want to do it myself."
He looked surprised and grinned.
"Go ahead princess."

"You slut, how can you beat your own stepfather. Wasn't killing your own father enough!" She yelled.

"I have never killed dad! I never did that! You have always hated me mom, always. You never believed me, this men her whom you call your husband has tried several times to rape me. I showed you my bruises but you never believed me! You see this scar I turned around, he gave me this scar!"

She seemed shocked. "I don't believe you."
I grabbed my stepfather in his collar. "Tell her the truth damn it!"
"I haven't done anything!" He whined.
"Don't believe her honey."

I heard a gun loading.
I looked up and saw Zayn pointing the gun at my stepfather head.
"You have 3 seconds, if you don't tell the truth then you're finished old man."

"One. Two. Three."

"Aah!" He whined in pain. Zayn had shot him in his leg.
"Shut up asshole, you have one chance or else this time the bullet won't miss your f*cking head."

"Jasmine, Jasmine please tell him to stop," my mom begged while the tears were streaming down on her cheeks. My step sisters were now standing behind my mom. They begged me too.

"No I won't, he has done many bad things to me." I got up and grabbed Zayn's gun.
"I want to do this," he nodded with a grin his eyes glinstering devilishly.

I didn't give him 3 seconds and fired on his other leg.
"Aaah!" He screamed.
"Say it asshole or this time you'll die!"

"No please don't shoot again, I'l tell her everything. I did that to her, I gave her that scar. I tried to rape her, I accused her and I abused her. She was always right but you never believed her."

My mom was shocked.
"You're lying."
"No honey, I'm not."
Finally the truth. I pointed the gun on my sisters. "You two, confess now!"
"M-mom we have abused her as well."
They said while stuttering.

"She is also not the one who has killed your husband," Zayn said.
"You, show them the tape."
One of his men put the tv on, and there it was.

My legs were shaking.
My dad was in the living room when men entered and shot him. I felt like I could throw up any moment. The men skipped the video a bit and there I was, running towards my dad.

"Stop it stop it!" I screamed, the tears were streaming down on my cheeks unstoppably.

I was about to fall on the ground, but a strong arm hold my waist. His eyes were piercing mine. There was a bit of pain in his eyes as well.
"Turn it off," Zayn commanded.

"We'll go for now, but let this be a warning for the all you. If you ever touch my wife again then you won't stay alive. I'll find you." He warned.

He lifted me up bridal style and walked outside. I dugged my face into his chest, still crying.
He placed me in the passenhers seat and closed the door. He got into the drivers seat.

"Jasmine!" I looked up and saw my mom screaming.
"Jasmine please don't go! Please I'm so sorry please don't go!"
She ran, towards the car with bare feet.

"Zayn go, go please!" I cried.
He drove away.

I saw my mum running in the mirror. She fell on the ground, it broke my heart. But she deserved this, at least for now. I was still crying my eyes out.

Zayn grabbed his phone.
"You guys can go, I'll come later."
The cars behind us in which his men were drove past us. Zayn stopped the car on the side of the road and got out. He grabbed my hand and got me out from the car.

"Why is life unfair Zayn? Why!"
I yelled. He embraced me in a strong hug. Kissing the tip op my head.

"Shh baby shh, it's all going to be fine. You'll get through this. I'm here with you."
I hugged him even tighter.
"Th-thank you Zayn, without you this wouldn't even have been possible. Without you I would have commited suicide by now. Thank you." I cried.

"Shh baby shh." He looked at me with pity as he wiped my tears away. "T-thank you." A slight smile was formed on his lips. I have never seen hin smiling. My heart was pounding fast, even when he was smiling he looked breathtaking.

"You look cute when you smile."
He raised his eyebrows. "Is that so?"

He pushed me a bit backwards causing me to lean on the car with my back.
"You shouldn't have said that," he smirked.

"Why?" I smiled back.
"Because," as an answer he kissed me.

I was shocked but I didn't stop him and kissed him back. I wanted it too, I wanted him too. My body was craving him.

His kiss got deeper and more passionate. After a while he pulled back placing his forehead against mine. We were both breathing heavily.

"You drive me crazy baby."
"You drive me crazy as well Zayn."

Hi everyone! Hope you guys liked this part. I know there are many grammer mistakes, but I'll correct them later on. Let me know what you guys think of it in the comment section. And don't forget to vote☆

Lots of love to you all!
Xx Bella♡

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