November | ✔

By anxhhh

2.9K 137 46

▪︎▪︎He takes a step forward and I immediately step back. But he doesn't stop. He steps forward and I step bac... More

1. Strong
2. Mr. Rich
3. Playing with fire
4. Princess
5. Call me Leo
6. You'll be mine
7. Omelets
8. One, two, three
9. Pervert
11. Shopping and fun
12. Weird feelings
13. Love and friendship
14. Drama and romance
15. Promises
16. Here for you
17. The eyes never lie
18. Kiss
19. Realisation
20. I love you
21. Date
22. Festive atmosphere
23. Letting go
24. Goodbye
25. Fresh start
26. Too late
27. Gunshot
28. November
29. Epilogue

10. Boyfriend

152 5 2
By anxhhh


Hello everyone. I know this update is very late but the whole Corona virus thing or in other words Covid-19, has affected the whole globe and every person living. This dangerous virus has caused a lot of deaths and thousands of people have turned out positive with this virus. Covid-19 arrived at my country too a week ago and has infected 50 people until now and has caused two deaths. Schools are closed for two weeks at my country and if this virus is going to infect the whole country, I guess schools will be closed for some more couple of weeks. I am doing online studying and it is a very hard thing to do. So this means I won't have time to update for the next month I guess.

But please stay safe and follow the rules to prevent Corona Virus from infecting you. Wash your hands very well and very often, also use a disinfectant, use a wiper to blow your nose and use your elbow when you sneeze. Keep one meter distance at least from someone. These can help to keep a clean hygiene. Don't be around crowded places and better stay home. Be safe!

// Back to the story //

Amelia's POV.

"Ugh, what the hell is this stain!" I say while scrubbing a spot on the couch. I just continue scrubbing it but it won't go away. I have been spending 10 minutes of hell to clean this stain but well, if you think I am going to surrender, you're wrong.

Scrub scrub scrub.

Annoyed by this fucking stain, I throw the wiper harshly on the floor.

Fine, I give up.

Leonardo has enough money to buy a new couch anyways. I'm just going to tell him that there is a stain on the couch and that's it. For the past two weeks since I moved in here, we haven't talked that much. He just has asked me about the chores or when to prepare the food and I just have done what he had said.

Mrs. Darwin has came to check up on me, Ellen also. They have been so nice to me and to my brother. Jonah started school two weeks ago and he's doing very well. He likes the school very much and has made a lot of friends. He went on a trip with the school and is returning back in two days. I didn't want him to go at first because I was afraid that something might happen to him, but Mrs. Darwin convinced me that it was better to let him have some fun with the kids of his age, and not to stay all day at home.

And me? Well, I'm just continuing my job as a housekeeper and getting paid. I'm not complaining though. I have a good salary and a place to live. As soon as that bitch Jennifer got in my nerves and told me to not get my hopes high for her "boyfriend" I decided to not get involved in Leonardo's life. I didn't want to mess with the stupid girls that craved him in every way possible, and not because I am afraid of them but because I am afraid they're gonna cry like little kitties if they see the other side of me, which no one wants to see.

Believe me, no one.

It was while Leonardo was working on the company the day we came in New York when a plastic doll with three inches fake eyelashes and thick eyebrows came to the apartment. As soon as I opened the door she stood there, eyeing me from head to toe in disapproval and disgust.

"Come in." I offered to her. But she just stood there.

"Umm." She started saying, popping her gum loudly and raising a thick eyebrow. "Honey, are you sure you are in the right apartment?" She asked me.

"Um, yes? I'm Leonardo's housekeeper." I replied.

She frowned, rolled her eyes and waved a hand in the air. "Oh, thank God you aren't one of his one night stands. Because you would be dead by now." She smirked and came inside.

I stared at her back when she walked past me and entered the apartment, swaying her hips left-right. She took a seat on the couch, clearly familiar with the place. I couldn't help it but ask her. "Who are you?"

She stared at me for a moment but replied to me. "I'm Jennifer, Leonardo's girlfriend, of course." She gave me a fake smile. "Well aren't you offering me something to drink? Aren't you the housekeeper?" She crossed her left leg over her right.

"Oh, of course. What would you like to drink?" I gave her one of my best fake smiles for my job's sake, because this girl was really getting on my nerves the first second she appeared at the door. My intuition never lies when it comes to poeple. I can clearly see what type the person is without knowing them personally.

"White wine." She replied, picking on her fake nails.

I got her a bottle of white wine and filled up the glass. She gently took it and took a sip of it. I stood on my feet, watching as she was savouring the wine.

"Leonardo is at work." I mentioned.

Jennifer threw me a look. "I know." She took another sip of her wine. "You call your boss by his name?" She asked, swirling the glass softly.

I nodded. "Well, we agreed to not use formality, mentioning the fact that we met before, and I know his grandmother also."

"How do you know his grandmother?" She asked me, clearly wanting to know more.

"I've been taking care of her since I moved to Georgevill and, since then we've been inseparable. Me and Leonardo met at the hospital where his grandmother was being cured and they took me with them in here as a sign of gratitude. Now, I work here." I explained through gritting teeth. I was really trying to be nice, but this girl was clearly not happy about this. She took another sip of her wine and got up.

"Oh, I see..." She faked a high-pitched laugh, showing her pearly white teeth.

I furrowed my eyebrows, not obvious of what she was trying to say. "Excuse me?" I asked in confusion.

"So, you really think Leonardo is going to buy this role of the 'good girl'?" She asked, putting the word 'good girl' in imaginary quotation marks with her fingers. "The heroine who took care of the prince charming's grandmother and married him later. Oh please, you are nothing compared to him. Look at you!" She gestured to me, waving her finger up and down. "You really think he is going to fall for you when he has me?"

I was really trying to calm my nerves down by counting from one to ten, but my anger was raising more and more each second passing by. "You really think I am here to make Leo fall for me?" I faked a laugh.

She stepped closer to me. "Hah, you even gave him a nickname already. Listen here very well girl, maybe you can fool him, Ellen or his grandmother, but you can't fool me. And do you know why? Because I know very well girls like you, ready to do everything for a man's attention, especially the rich ones. You are predators!" She accused.

"I think you mistaked you with me." I snapped back. "I am not a predator, I am just a girl trying to do her job to take care of herself and her brother, nothing more!" I raised my voice. "Not everyone is a rich men chaser and gold digger like you." My nostrils were flaring with anger.

Jennifer opened her mouth in surprise, taken aback from my words. "You bitch! I'm going to tell Leonardo about you and you'll be fired just with a snap of his fingers!" She grabbed her expensive bag and ran past me.

"Oh yeah? Guess what, I don't fucking care!" I yelled behind her just as she shut the door behind her.

What the hell was that?

Frustrated, I screamed at the top of my lungs. Yeah, it wasn't the best day possible. I thought that Leonardo would fire me or something, but when he came to the apartment he didn't say anything except 'I am hungry.' So I guess Jennifer didn't tell him anything about the conversation - more of the fight- or he just decided to not do anything about it. Which I doubt.

So that's how the past weeks went by. We have been talking here and there but we are keeping distance. Actually, I decided to keep distance between us. I don't want him to think I was a gold digger like Jennifer said. I just want to do my job, and take care of my brother. After all, he is my boss now.

Anyways my train of thoughts is interrupted as soon as I hear the door being opened, followed by some male voices. I can clearly notice that one of them is Leo, but I can't say the same about the other voices. Just in that moment, three boys enter the living room, laughing and patting each other's backs. They don't even notice me for a moment.

One of them was Leonardo, in his business suit as always, his hair flipped back with gel and always looking charismatic.

The other one was blond, in the same height as Leonardo, wearing a V-neck shirt and jeans, his curly hair bouncing on his head with every move.

The other one was brown haired, with short hair and was a little shorter than the other two. He's wearing a shirt, trousers and shoes.

When they notice me, they stop laughing and focus their attention to me. I just continue staring back at them.

"Dude, you were right, she's hot." The blond one says.

Leo slaps his head. "Shut up, Parker."

"But forreal tho, she's very hot." The other one says.

"Jason." Leo warns him.

Oh great, there are two more Leonardos two bear with.

"Hello sweet lady, my name is Parker and I'm in your orders." The blond boy takes my hand and kisses the top of it.

"Finally we met. My name is Jason, nice to meet you." The other boy takes my other hand and shakes it gently. I smile awkwardly at both of them.

"Amelia." I introduce myself as I pull back both of my hands from theirs.

"We know." They both say in unison.

My eyebrows rise in surprise. "You do?"

"Bruh, of course, Leonardo told us everything about you." The blond boy whose name was Parker says as it was no big deal.

"He did?" I ask again surprised, averting my gaze from Parker to Leonardo, who looks like a grenade ready to explode.

"Of course." Jason joins the conversation. "And believe me when I say, you snapped with that babysitter thing. I laughed my ass off when I heard about it."

They both start laughing to that as I try to remember what they're talking about. Then, my mind brings back that memory which happened between me and Leo before moving to New York.

Oh god...

"Okay enough!" Leonardo says pissed, his voice echoing in the living room. This causes the two boys to stop laughing and to throw him a glare and me jumping in fear. "Can you stop talking about unnecessary stuff?"

"Dude, we were just having some fun." Parker waves his hand in the air.

"Go at my room, now!" He orders. Both of them stick their middle fingers up and leave.

Leo frowns. "Amelia, sorry for their behaviour. My best friends can be such jerks some times."

"It's okay." I say, not knowing what else to say.

"Can you prepare us three coffees?"

"Of course." I nod my head.

He nods and gets ready to leave, but I remember something. "Wait a minute."

He stops on his spot and turns his head to look at me. "Yeah?"

"There's a stain on the couch which won't go away. I don't know what to do anymore with it." I say, biting my bottom lip.

"No problem, we're gonna buy a new one." He waves it off and leaves to his room.

Just as I thought.

In some minutes, I get ready to serve the coffees. I put three mugs full of coffee on the tray and bring them with me to Leonardo's room. I knock on it with my leg since my hands are busy, and Parker slowly opens it for me, and nods his head as a sign for me to come inside. I put the tray on the small coffee table which was placed in front of the TV. They are playing a football game and pause it just to grab their mugs to taste the coffee.

I turn on my heel to leave when Jason calls behind me. "Hey, this coffee is delicious."

"Agree." Parker says.

I turn around and smile at them. "Thank you. Glad you like it."

Parker takes another sip and then puts the mug on the table. "Why don't you join us? We have plenty of room here."

"Me?" I ask in disbelief. Why would they want me here with them?

"Yes you." Jason agrees with Parker. "You'll get bored alone. Come stay with us."

"Umm..." I start saying, taking a quick look at Leo who seems indifferent and uninterested if I was there with them or not.

"Pleaseee." Parker begs, sticking out his bottom lip and making a puppy face.

I laugh. "Okay then."

They are sitting on the floor, Leonardo in the middle, Jason in his left and Parker in his right. I decide to sit beside Parker who gives me a wink as I sit down beside him.

Leonardo seems to notice his gesture and just rolls his eyes. Then, he focuses his attention on the football game that the three of them were playing.

"So, how old are you Amelia?" Jason asks me.

"Eighteen, but turning nineteen soon." I answer.

"I'm twenty-two, Parker is twenty-three, and Leonardo is twenty-three too but he's turning twenty-four really soon. So, I'm the little guy in here." He says jokingly.

I just chuckle, tucking a piece of hair behind my hair.

"So,do you know how to play football?" Parker asks as he scores a virtual goal. This causes Jason to give him a deathly glare.

"Um, I'm not very into it but I can play though. I used to play football with my dad some years ago but since..." I pause my sentence, not wanting to bring back the moment when my parents died.

They notice the change of my expression and a awkward silence overwhelms the air. Since they said they knew everything about me, it means Leonardo must have told them, including that I was an orphan.

"Well." Parker begins to say, dragging out the 'w'. "How about we play together and beat the hell out of Jason and Leonardo. Two versus two. You in?" Parker challenges.

"I'm in." I say, shrugging my shoulders.

"Okay then, let's start."

We grab our remotes and start playing. Me and Parker versus Leo and Jason. At first I had some difficulties playing this game since I haven't played in a long time, but I get better and score a virtual goal.

"Yes!" High five!" Parker holds his hand up for me to give him a high five. Laughing, I lightly do it.

On the other side, Leo and Jason have a surprised expression on their faces, not really expecting me to play well.

"Oh wow, you play very well!" Leonardo shakes his head up and down in amazement. "Not to mention the fact that you are a girl."

At his last words, I frown and my eyebrows rise up. "And? Are you saying that girls can't play football?"

"I didn't say such thing." He disagrees. "But since girls are more into makeup and fashion, you know, girly stuff, I am surprised that you are more into football." He finishes, waving his hand in the air.

"Well, I'm not like other girls, Leo." I cross my arms over my chest, raising one eyebrow.

"Yeah, I've figured it out."

We both continue staring at each other, as if having a telepathic conversation.

"I can feel the sexual tension." Jason whispers loudly, and this causes him to get punched in the ribs by Leonardo. "Dude what the hell!"

"Hopefully this will learn you to keep your mouth shut." Leo warns him through gritting teeth. Parker just giggles, but stops when Leo sends him a deathly glare.

"Wait a minute." Parker begins saying, as if something clicked in his head. "Did she just call you Leo, or do I have some wax stuck inside my ears?"

Leonardo doesn't answer.

"Yes indeed." Jason confirms.

"Can you guys stop?" Leo warns them with a quiet tone.

"No we can't." They say in unison. "I mean, we, your best friends can't call you like that but she, can?" Jason continues, using his thumb to gesture at me.

"Stop making a big deal out of this. Drop it!" Leonardo warns again, but this time with a higher and authoritative tone. They look at each other as if saying something with their eyes which I am not supposed to hear. After some seconds, Jason nods his head.


"So, are you losers in for another round? Or are you afraid that we will score again?" Parker teases, laughing. I'm glad he decided to speak because the tension between the three of them was clearly obvious.

"We'll see who's going to cry now." Jason stretches his muscles in exaggeration. Just as we are about to grab our game remotes, Leonardo's phone goes off. He accepts the call and after some seconds he hangs up.

"Sorry guys, dad needs my help in the company. I have to go." He gets up from the floor and heads towards the door.

"Okay bye." Parker greets and throws an arm around my shoulders. This action takes me by surpirse and I quickly take a look at Parker, who winks at me. I remove my glance from him and look at Leonardo, whose eyebrows were raised.

"Well? Aren't you coming?" Leo asks, arms akimbo.

"Now that I'm thinking about it, I'm giving Amelia some company. I mean, alone all day? Boring." He says the last word slowly.

I let out a chuckle, but I swear I can see Leo's face reddening.

"Parker." He warns his best friend.

Frowing, Parker gets up letting go of me, followed by Jason. They head towards the front door and I follow behind them.

"It was nice meeting you Amelia." Jason extends his hand towards me and I gently shake it.

"Me too." I smile lightly.

Just as I am about to greet Parker, he quickly places a light kiss on my cheek. "Nice meeting you too, Amelia." He winks.

I just smile and nod. Meanwhile, Leo is impatiently waiting for the two boys to leave and is rolling his eyes. I'm sure if he keeps rolling them some times more, his eyes are going at the back of his head.

"I have a question..." Parker starts to say, and I nod as a sign for him to continue. "You don't happen to have a boyfriend, do you?" He nervously asks, rubbing the back of his neck nervously.

"Umm, no." I say nervously.

At my words, his shoulders loosen and he smiles widely. A dimple pops up on his left cheek, which I didn't notice previously. "Good." He simply says, sending a wink my way before leaving with Jason. On the other side, Leo just looks at me with a neutral expression.

"I'm coming late tonight. Don't prepare dinner." He says, and before I can say something, he closes the door behind him.

I make my way to my room and throw myself on the bed.

I had a feeling that I was going to meet these boys again, and for sure it was going to be interesting.


Thank you for 300+ reads 🖤

Hopefully I'll be able to update as soon as possible. Let's pray this whole Corona Virus thing will be over soon :(

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