Back Home (A Larry Stylinson...

By TimeToRead2485

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Harry Styles became the fastest selling record artist with sold-out concerts and an award winning actor. He p... More

Chapter 1 - We had some good times, didn't we?
Chapter 2 - Happily?
Chapter 3 - Spaces between us
Chapter 4 - When we were 18
Chapter 5 - The music is so loud
Chapter 6 - The script was written
Chapter 7 - Looking in the dark
Chapter 8 - I want to write you a song
Chapter 9 - Does he know?
Chapter 10 - Story of my life
Chapter 11 - It's gotta be you
Chapter 12 - Better than words
Chapter 13 - Silence and Sounds
Chapter 14 - See you smile again
Chapter 15 - Sweet Creature
Chapter 16 - I wanna tell the world that you're mine
Chapter 17 - Tell me that I'm wrong
Chapter 18 - Don't Forget Where You Belong
Chapter 19 - We don't say what we really mean
Chapter 20 - How many nights till it takes
Chapter 21 - I show you my heart
Chapter 22 - Taste of my Tongue
Chapter 23 - Midnight Memories
Chapter 25 - I get down on my knees for you
Chapter 26 - I was like... Nanana!
Chapter 27 - Perfect For You
Chapter 28 - We Made It
Home (Epilogue)

Chapter 24 - If I Could Fly

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By TimeToRead2485

Hello everyone! Here is another update for you and expect that I will be more active here since I am not doing anything here in the house, due to the Corona Virus. Speaking of, I was kind of sad and has been crying these past few days because I decided not to go to Louis' concert anymore because I am scared of what will happen to me. So, even if I already bought tickets (Yeah! two! just for myself because I thought the most expensive one is the closest to stage, but I found out the floor is the nearest on stage!) and booked my plane tickets back and forth to Indonesia. I had no choice but to make myself safe and healthy. Let us pray for our world to be completely healed. Stay safe everyone!

Harry's POV

There was only one day left before the tour started. I was excited, but my body and heart were so heavy that I had no choice but to leave Louis for months. I promised him that I would not leave him, but I did it again. We just got back together, and this time, we would not see each other again for eight months making me sad and miserable.

We were in our closet room and Louis was with me helping packing my things. He kept on reminding me to always take care of myself. It was always him who did the talking which he quickly noticed my silence.

"Haz? Are you okay?" He asked as he sat beside me while rubbing my back.

"Yeah. It's just that, I'm gonna miss you."

"Babe, it's just only eight months. You will never know, it is already finished. And besides, we can always Facetime. I'm just a text or call away from you."

"I know. I know. The thing is, we just get back together, and here I am, leaving you again..."

"And surely you will come back. Cheer up, babe! Everything will be okay."

He wiped my tears, cupped my face and kissed me. He was smiling at me making me smiled at him as well.

"Let's have a dinner outside. Please?" I asked.

"Are you sure? Cos this is our first time to have a date?" I was hesitant again with us being in public.

"I am sure! You have been taking care of me since the day I got here. You've been supportive and so understanding despite my busy in schedule of practice. And I haven't returned anything of those to you. Taking you out is the best that I could."

"You know I love taking care of you, Babe. And I am not expecting any returns coming from you because I love what I do. I love you and you being here with me is all I want."

"I love you too. You are the sweetest and the most loving boyfriend in the world. So, please, will you go out in a date with me?"

"Yes!" He said and left me in awe going to the bathroom. "Are you joining me in the shower, babe? Or?"

I quickly got up and followed him. You know what will happen next! "Loueehh!"

We arrived in a fancy French restaurant which Louis booked. We all dressed in a casual attire making sure not to get some attention. There was a waiter attending us in our table. We noticed how shocked she was finding out who she was talking to, so we just smiled at her giving her our orders.

While waiting for the orders, I took Louis' hand making him surprised. His eyes roamed around the restaurant if people recognized us. I didn't care actually if they did, as long as I was with him. I held both his hands, massaging them, rubbing them on my cheeks and kissing them once in awhile.

"What are you doing? You are so weird!" He asked laughingly.

"I just want to hold your hand. I won't get the chance to feel this for eight months. So, please, don't stop me." I was starting to get teary-eyed again.

"Babe, don't cry. Please. You know, it breaks my heart when I see you sad."

"I'm sorry. I promise you, Loulove, that I will always call or facetime you. If I have the chance, I will come home during my rest days. I promise, I will be a good boy on the road. I will never cheat on you. I will never..."

"Harry!" He stopped. "I trust you. Okay?"

I nodded.

"Alright. I was supposed to surprise you tomorrow, but..." He took his cellphone and was searching from something in there.

"What do you mean?" I asked. He gave me his cellphone showing something in there. "What's this?"

"I'm joining you! I talked to my business partners the other day requesting if I could take leave of absence to be with you while you are on tour. And they said yes. So I am part of your team now!"

I was completely shocked. I was so happy from his news that all I did was to cry making him changed his seat next to me. He rubbed my back.

"Haz, why are you crying? Don't you want to be with me?"

"No. No. I am just happy. These are tears of joy."

"That's what I thought. My plan really was to surprise you tomorrow after your concert in the O2, but I can't take seeing you so sad. It makes me sad as well. So, why not surprise you now instead of tomorrow. It's still the same surprise! Right?"

"You will really do this for me, Loulove? I mean... What about Freddie? What about your business?"

"He is okay with it. He will be with Lottie. And I can do my business on the road. And if it is okay with you, once in awhile, I will go back here to be with him and check the business." "Of course! If we are not in public, I could kiss you right now. I love you so much!"

He looked around. "I think everybody is minding their own business." He gave me a wink.

I chuckled. I moved closer and kissed him on the lips. "I love you, Lou. I am so happy right now. Thank you."

"I love you, too, Haz. I'm glad you're happy now."

The next day, I woke up with my phone ringing. I moved slowly making sure not to wake up Louis who was spooning me. It was a call from Jacque.

"Morning Jacque..."

"Harry, open your twitter. Now! It's about you and Louis!" She screamed.

I ended the call button and opened my twitter. It was trending, #LarryIsBack. The headlines said "Harry Styles was seen dating with a man!", "Who is this guy Harry Styles dating?", "Harry Styles spotted having a dinner with Louis Tomlinson?" And there were pictures and videos of me with him. I was searching if they caught us kissing but there was none. I kept on scrolling with the reactions and so far, there was no negative. I smiled when fans after all these years were still enthusiastic with our relationship making me giggled.

I felt Louis moved. He was now sitting, giving me a kiss on my shoulder. Then, I kissed his forehead in return. He looked at my phone feeling curious of the reason why I was laughing softly. I showed it to him and he laughed when he saw we were again trending and the crazy funny comments of our fans.

"Not too bad for our first public appearance, eh?" He joked.

"Yeah! I mean, we all thought nobody can recognize us."

"Haz, I am dating the Harry Freaking Styles! Who doesn't know you?"

"Hey! Well, this Harry Freaking Styles is so lucky that he can date the hottest and the most handsome Louis Freaking Tomlinson!"

That night, Mom and Gem were there. Niall, Liam and Zayn were there too. And before the concert started, they met Louis and Freddie. I had some happy-tears seeing them together, as if nothing happened in the past. While I was busy preparing, they bonded easily, catching those times that they weren't together. And being Louis, he took care of me, fixing my clothes and organizing things that I couldn't attend to. I asked if he could watch me in front of the stage, and without a second thought, he granted my wish.

When the show started, I saw him with my family and friends, all cheering for me at the VIP section at the side of the stage. He gave me the brightest smile making me inspired to perform well. I blew him a kiss, didn't care if people notice it or not.

The O2 Arena was jam packed. The crowd was getting wilder singing and dancing along with me. For one hour, I had a great time. I gave them the best show ever better than what I had done before. I was so happy feeling so hyper and motivated because this was what I wanted to do ever since. And seeing the love of my life, my Louis, in the crowd, watching me being so proud and happy, I couldn't ask for more.

"O2 Arena!!! Are you having fun?!" The crowd screamed. "I just want to say, thank you all for coming into my concert! You are all great! You are all legends, I must say! You have been with me after all. I really appreciate your never ending support. Thank you very much! I love you all!" The crown clapped their hands, yelling to the top of their voices. "This last song is very special to me. Someone wrote this for me. And uhmm... he made me feel that TRUE LOVE exists..."

"It's Louis!" A girl screamed making everyone screamed. She was holding a placard saying, "Larry is real." I gave him a thumbs-up.

"If you know the song, sing with me. This is Home!" While I was singing, I was surprised with their fan project. There were blue and green lights waving and swaying. But all of a sudden they shouted. I was curious why they did it, but then when I saw it in the screen, it was a split shot of me and Louis. Then I looked at his direction giving a wink and blowing him a kiss. I mouth 'I love you' to him which he did it as well and blew a kiss to me too making everyone screamed for joy.

When the concert was finished, I met him at back stage. I quickly ran towards him. We kissed not minding the people around us. I was so happy. My heart wanted to burst with joy and love. I hugged him so tightly and whispered to him how thankful I was for his support and his sacrifices.

"You were on the screen. It's the cameraman... I didn't know about it. I'm sorry." I said.

"It's okay, babe. I don't care anymore." He kissed my forehead.

"I guess, everyone knows already?"

The next day, we woke up from a knock of Freddie. We made sure that we were in a fully clothes before I opened it. We were surprised with his gesture of bringing breakfast in our room. We decided to eat in the terrace connected to the master's bedroom. I noticed how clingy he was to his father which I completely understood for he would not be with him from a long time. We planned to drop him off to Lottie's house before going to the airport and he agreed with it.

We were laughing and joking around reminiscing about what happened in the concert when I had a call from Roman Kemp. He asked for an interview which I approved eagerly. I already expected to ask me about Louis, but I would just give it a go.

"Let us now hear over the phone fresh from his very successful concert last night, give it up for, Mr. Harry Styles!"

"Hello everyone!" I greeted. Louis and Freddie were watching me and eating at the same time.

"First of all, congratulations to your successful concert. It has been awhile since you had your concert, how does it feel coming back on stage performing?" My long time-friend DJ asked.

"It feels great! I had a blast watching the crowd singing and dancing my songs. You know... They never fail to surprise me. They are so hyper and so wild! I love it! I love them so much!"

"I was there too! And I must say, you are such a great entertainer! After all those years, you are still the same Harry Styles as before!"

"Thank you. Thanks, man! It's the fans that keep on making me doing it. I love performing on stage."

"Speaking of... something happened last night?" He asked giggly.


"And I am not sure if you saw it in the Twitter and Instagram already, but it was trending again. To our surprise, we saw someone unexpectedly on the screen!"

"Okay?" I smiled. I knew he would ask it.

"Mr. Louis Tomlinson, your former 1D bandmate, was there!"

"Yeah! I... I invited him and also Niall, Liam and Zayn. They are very supportive of my come back. And seeing them watching me feels like weird and at the same time happy because I know they are very proud of me."

"I know! It's like a 1D reunion but the only difference was you were alone on stage! However, Mr. Styles, one of the highlights and the most talked of the town right now was when you sang Home."

"Yeah, everyone was singing my song. I love my fans. They are all so great!"

"Stop changing the topic, Harold! You know what I am talking about! Everyone saw it! What is going on? Care to explain, please?"

"Last night is my first of my world tour, and I am scheduled next in Australia the day after tomorrow. I am looking forward..."

"Oh c'mon! Spill the tea once and for all, Harry. What is going on between you and Louis Tomlinson?"

"Hahaha! Louis and I... He is very, very special to me, same with the rest of the lads. They love me as much as I love them."

"So, there's nothing going on between you two?"

"What you see is what you get. Please check out my website for more information of my world tour. Again, thank you all for coming last night. I really, really appreciate it. I love you all! See you! Bye, Kemp!"

"Hahaha! Alright! I guess, it's for us to find out not this time but sooner! Good luck, mate! Have a safe trip! Have fun! Say hi to Tommo for me, okay? I know he is beside you."

Louis grabbed my phone. "Hello Kemp! Hello everyone! Bye, bye!" And he clicked the end call button making us laughed. Surely, it would be the talk of the town again. 

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