Revenge:After Death

By Akam97

7.5K 266 40

Aria's gone, Jason's going in a downward spiral with his new side chick and his new gang....his new life...bu... More

Revenge:After Death
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30

Chapter 27

160 9 2
By Akam97

Alex POV

I look at the wild party going on in front of me as I sit at the bar drinking a beer. My third one. I cant stand it, Brice looks so frickin hot but she is with him. It feels like a never ending love story and im the fucking fool who never gets the girl no matter how hard I try. Shes always gonna want him cause he has the money and the clothes, he can take care of her. I can barely take care of myself but hey atleast im trying.

I want to be that person for Brice but things are so damn difficult between us.

I take a swig of my beer as someone sits next to me.

"Lucy?" I say in shock

"Might not wanna drink too many of those, especially if your the one driving home tonight" She says taking the drink away

"What are you doing here" 

"Its my day off remember" She says taking a swig of my beer

"Well yea but, how do you-"

"I used to babysit his brother, he invited me here" She explains and I nod

"Stop it" She says not even looking at me.

"What" I say looking at her

"Stop making it so obvious" She says drinking the beer

"I dont know what your talking about"

"You keep staring at her making it obvious that you want her and there are a lot of paps around so believe me when I say that if they catch you staring, they will turn it into a story" She says before getting up and walking away.

I sigh and get up to walk to the bathroom.

I walk down the hall and go into the bathroom. I hear a couple fucking in one of the stalls so I quickly do my buisness and wash my hands before rushing out of there only to knock into Brice.

"Sorry" We say at the same time


"Brice I-"

"Please dont" She says looking down

"I....I love you Brice, screw it im in love with you, I dont know how many more times I have to tell you that for you to believe it. You havent even told me if you feel the same way" I say trying to get her to look me in the eye.

"Alex, a lot is going on ok and I cant keep doing this-"

"Say you love me-"


"Say you love me"


I cut her off with my lips as they capture hers. My hands go down to her waist and hers touch my chest. She wants to pull away, or maybe she doesnt but either way...this is happening and even though she hasnt said it, I know she loves me. I break off the kiss and our foreheads touch.

"Say you love me" I whisper.

"I- I love you" She says breaathlessly

"But I love Khalil too" She says before pulling away from me

"And im not gonna lead either of you on, Im gonna break up with" She says turning the corner.

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