Vangsvere Retold

By Devils_Assasin

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The Vampire world that once stayed hidden is now open, ruling the planet and overtaking all humans. With the... More

Chapter 1: The New World
Chapter 2: Oh Killian
Chapter 3: Mourning
Chapter 4: Not As Bad As I Thought
Chapter 5: The Pills
Chapter 6: Maybe Theyll Grow Back
Chapter 7: Heath & Zuri
Chapter 8: Wrath Of A Vengeful Mother
Chapter 9: Not My Little Girl
Chapter 11: Petra
Chapter 12: How Romantic
Chapter 13: Straight line.
Chapter 14: You're A Smart One Too
Chapter 15: The Scruffed Womanizer
Chapter 16: Alone
Chapter 17: Nice Job
Chapter 18: Shes Alive
Chapter 19: Took His Hand
Chapter 20: Dream
Chapter 21: The One I Longed To See
Chapter 22: You Have Family
Chapter 23: Witch Boy
Chapter 24: Its The Fucking President
Chapter 25: Besides Dorky
Chapter 26: She Was My
Chapter 27: Stay. Please.
Chapter 28: Forever
Chapter 29: Petra!
Chapter 30: A Beer
Chapter 31: We Buried A Man
Chapter 32: Two Annes
Chapter 33: For Fucks Sake
Chapter 34: Tell Me Your Story
Chapter 35: No Bitch
Chapter 36: Old Fashion
Chapter 37: I Can Remember That Too
Chapter 38: Nathan, Nate
Chapter 39: Romance
Chapter 40: Other Captain
Chapter 41: Hadnt Known He Was Still Physical
Chapter 42: Knight In Shining Armor
Chapter 43: Permission
Chapter 44: He's Part Dragon
Chapter 45: Joy and Happiness
Chapter 46: Dont Have Green Eyes
Chapter 47: Wait
Chapter 48: Its Coming
Chapter 49: Game On
Chapter 50: Jet
Chapter 51: Top Bunk
Chapter 52: Niko
Chapter 53: Four Girls
Chapter 54: Russia It Is.
Chapter 55: Annes Child

Chapter 10: First We Need A Boat

991 43 32
By Devils_Assasin

Andres's POV:

"I fucking said, don't touch the fucking mouse!" I shouted as they gripped her from my pocket.

One laughed mockingly before giving it a tight squeeze, "No! Stop! You'll kill her! Please! She's-shes my familiar." I blathered while they eyed me over with amusement.

The mouse was tossed at me and I quickly caught her, tucking her into my coat pocket.

"Keep it out of sight. We might want a snack later." One smirked and headed out shutting the cell doors behind him.

God dammit.

"What's so special about a dumb old mouse?" Charolette, a cousin of Minerva's and also a witch, gave me a look over in annoyance. Her daughter Angela eyed me over in a similar way.

I leaned back into the cell, "It's my pet, she's special to me. She's gotten me through some real bad times." I said quietly while hovering a hand over the pocket.

Charolette scoffed, "You're stupid, they would've killed you for that mouse." She stated under her breath while her daughter nodded in agreement.

Mans best friend is sometimes worth dying for.

"What is this place?" Zelda asked yanking the cell doors.

I eyed it over, "It's a cell." I replied sarcastically earning a glare, "Thanks captain smart ass. I think I noticed that much." She said channeling her dead bitchy daughter Roxanne.

Chief Dariko, Talia and Atika sat in a cell across from us with Reemus  and Vyken. The others were taken elsewhere and we believe it's to die. Well, I believe it's to die.

Wherever we are, it doesn't seem like we're alone.

The sound of hundreds crying and screaming and pleading to be released filled my mind and ears.

Jolene's POV:


Yanking my wrist from his grasp, I steadied my breath and tried not to fight the hells and heavens for my Rose. Wherever she is.

My poor sweet Rose.

"Please, please where is my daughter? Please!" Melissa cried out as they grabbed her and tossed her onto a podium chaining her ankles to the bottom and then her arms up at a metal beam.

I felt her pain, my daughters gone and I have no idea where.

My heart was aching, it was so heavy.

Delora looked terrified, she was trying to breathe and stay calm but she was softly crying and looking to Eva with so much fear.

"Chain this one there. We'll put blondie with the big ass right there." One of the vampwolves stated grinning.

I watched them drag and fight Lisa, she shoved at them, shouted and spit, she punched and grabbed and cursed. They chained her up and she spit on the beasts face before earning a hard slap to the face.

Misty was chained beside her and I realized once they chained me up, that we were for show.

It's like prostitution.

"It's a pleasure den." I said softly in fear and earned a squeeze to the ass while he earned an elbow to the nose.

Then I got rewarded with a hard bite on the thigh.


Alysia was numb and quiet as they chained her, I believe losing Vlad took a huge toll on her. I wish she'd have raised him to respect woman. He would still be alive had he, but I applaud Valdus for his work. As a survivor of that monstrous crime, I know what a huge toll it takes, I wish I had Valdus back then.

"Jolene, I don't want to, I can't-I cant be here." Eva broke, She was crying and gripping the chains as she stared at me with sobbing eyes and shaking legs.

They brought Lily in a couple hours later, she was emotionless, mouth hung open and heavy dark circles to her eyes. Shed just given birth a while ago but she was stitched up and made ready to use again.

"Lily." I said softly, watching her stare ahead as they chained her, then they left and she looked to me.

I wanted to hug her, hold her, but I couldn't, "You'll be okay Lilypad, I'll get us out of here." I said watching her drop her gaze to the floor, empty.

"Melissa, help me figure out a way out of here." I said to her while she nodded and began blinking her tears out to focus and study the room around us.

We have to get out of here, who knows where the kids are, if they're even okay. Oh god. My heart.

Zuri's POV: (She's our darling baby wolf)

I heard Lucas calling for his mom and then Jenna calling for hers.

Staring down at Heath, he was getting a little fussy. I think he's hungry. 

Pushing the door open, I placed him on the floor of the shed and pulled myself up, shutting the door behind me and picking him up taking him out the shed.

Lucas was breathing quickly and nervously.

"Don't worry, your momma will be back. I promise, okay?" I said to Lucas who gave me a nod while he held baby Rose.

All the monsters came and took our parents. I tried to fight them but it didn't do anything, they were too big and too strong. If Anne was here she'd have saved us all.

But if Anne can't be here, I will be!

I'm a grown Eight year old, I can manage this. I got this, and I'm going to be as great as Anne!

Jenna, Norahs eldest daughter, walked over carrying the bottle, "Rose needs to drink." She said quietly while staring down at Rose.

As Jenna handed me a bottle, I fed Heath while nervously staring at him.

Lucas took the other bottle and placed it to Rose's mouth, "Food?" Belle, Melissa's daughter, asked while looking to me.

I looked to the other kids who all rubbed their eyes from their tears and sniffled.

Besides Lucas, Im the oldest one here, I have to take initiative, I have to be the leader. Lucas is good I guess, but he cried for a good five hours after the whole thing went down. Jenna who's only five was very quiet and shy, and then Amanda, her younger sister was whiney.

Jenna's sister Amanda gave me a small frown, "I hungry." She commented holding Jenna's hand. See, she's whiney.

I sighed, "Alright. Here's what we're gonna do." What would Anne do? "First we're going to make sure we have everyone." I said giving them a firm stare. That's something Anne would do, she doesn't leave people behind.

"We'll all sleep in that house and I'll get food. Lucas you're coming with me." I added while gesturing for Lucas to follow me.

He handed Rose off to Jenna and they went to the house while Lucas and I began collecting all the food and snacks we could find.

I put baby Heath in the sink so he wouldn't roll off the counter.

We had to survive on our own for a little, "Norah will save us. She won't leave us behind." Lucas said quietly as he filled the bin with crackers.

I felt bad for him, I don't think he's ever lived on his own. I got lost one winter and had to stay in a cave by myself for a whole week until I was found. I ate bugs and little creatures that passed by. Lots of those snow foxes.

"Just keep filling the bin Lucas." I reminded him while he wiped a tear and gave a nod.

Putting the bag down, I walked over to him and carefully took the bin from him. He was shaking a bit trying not to cry, I know because I was scared too.

Giving him a hug, I felt him hug me back and then he cried, "I miss my mom and Jax, and Norah. I miss my family." He said crying more.

Poor kid, "I know, me too. We'll see them again, I promise." I said before letting go and patting his shoulder like grandpa does to others.

He gave a nod and wiped his face with the bottom of his shirt, "I think we should find a way off the island." Lucas said sniffling.

Why? "But we have everything we need here, and our family knows where to find us." I gave him a strange look and he nodded, "So do the bad guys. We have to hide somewhere else. We can pack and then go to the city." He said filling the bin.

The city huh?

"The big city?" I asked raising both my eyebrows.

He gave a nod, "Ever fly a plane before?" He asked but kept staring at the cans and cereal boxes.

Fly a plane? "No, have you?" I suddenly wasn't liking this whole plan. It doesn't sound very safe.

I watched him shut the cabinet, "No, not in real life but I have in a lot of video games. It can't be that different." He said shrugging.

I guess.

"Where are we going to get a plane?" I asked the more realistic question, like Anne would, and he grinned, "I've seen them land planes out the island. We just gotta get something to float to the land." He said looking around the house.


Oh we don't have a boat.

I glanced over at baby Heath in the sink and felt a turn in my stomach.

Honestly, Heath scared me. Not him but his mom, I've heard stories about her, and how ruthless and mean she can be. "We have to protect him at all cost." I said out loud while peering over at Heath.

Lucas nodded but gave me a confused look, "Why?" He asked as I placed the pacifier back into his mouth.

"Lana will kill us if we let anything happen to him." I replied watching him stare at Heath with fear too.

We gotta take real good care of him.

Lucas dragged the tub out the kitchen, "First we need a boat." He reminded me.

Yes, we do.

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