Vangsvere Retold

By Devils_Assasin

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The Vampire world that once stayed hidden is now open, ruling the planet and overtaking all humans. With the... More

Chapter 1: The New World
Chapter 2: Oh Killian
Chapter 3: Mourning
Chapter 4: Not As Bad As I Thought
Chapter 6: Maybe Theyll Grow Back
Chapter 7: Heath & Zuri
Chapter 8: Wrath Of A Vengeful Mother
Chapter 9: Not My Little Girl
Chapter 10: First We Need A Boat
Chapter 11: Petra
Chapter 12: How Romantic
Chapter 13: Straight line.
Chapter 14: You're A Smart One Too
Chapter 15: The Scruffed Womanizer
Chapter 16: Alone
Chapter 17: Nice Job
Chapter 18: Shes Alive
Chapter 19: Took His Hand
Chapter 20: Dream
Chapter 21: The One I Longed To See
Chapter 22: You Have Family
Chapter 23: Witch Boy
Chapter 24: Its The Fucking President
Chapter 25: Besides Dorky
Chapter 26: She Was My
Chapter 27: Stay. Please.
Chapter 28: Forever
Chapter 29: Petra!
Chapter 30: A Beer
Chapter 31: We Buried A Man
Chapter 32: Two Annes
Chapter 33: For Fucks Sake
Chapter 34: Tell Me Your Story
Chapter 35: No Bitch
Chapter 36: Old Fashion
Chapter 37: I Can Remember That Too
Chapter 38: Nathan, Nate
Chapter 39: Romance
Chapter 40: Other Captain
Chapter 41: Hadnt Known He Was Still Physical
Chapter 42: Knight In Shining Armor
Chapter 43: Permission
Chapter 44: He's Part Dragon
Chapter 45: Joy and Happiness
Chapter 46: Dont Have Green Eyes
Chapter 47: Wait
Chapter 48: Its Coming
Chapter 49: Game On
Chapter 50: Jet
Chapter 51: Top Bunk
Chapter 52: Niko
Chapter 53: Four Girls
Chapter 54: Russia It Is.
Chapter 55: Annes Child

Chapter 5: The Pills

1.1K 52 54
By Devils_Assasin

Valdus's POV:

Grabbing the fire logs, I walked them over to Lana's house and placed them down on the porch. Last night I earned a lot of enemies and many hated me.

Not that I care too much about that, I'm sick of men trying to take advantage of Jessa.

The door opened and I watched Misty walk out and give me a careful stare, "Going to axe me to death?" She asked coldly.

I gave a small grin, empty of actual amusement and instead filled with annoyance, "Don't tempt me." I said quietly.

She scowled and Ben walked out looking down at Misty, "Valdus." Ben said blankly while staring at me.

I watched Misty leave and gave him a long stare, "If it was Lana you'd have done the same." I said watching him give a nod before looking around.

He eyed the logs, "We can get our own logs from now on, we don't need more enemies." He said staring out at the other homes as he said it.

Scoffing lightly, I nodded, "Best not to be seen around the psychotic axe murderer, right? Not like half this island is filled with assassins and murderers." I said watching him just look to me and then head inside shutting the door behind him.


I turned to walk off the porch but the door opened. I went to tell Ben to fuck himself but stopped when I noticed Lana.

She gave me a soft smile, "I would've done the same. Thanks for cleaning the scum up, Grumpy." She said as she leaned into the door sill.

Her hair was spilt down her back, dark brown hair and big green eyes. She'd grown into her womanly figure since that night she held a gun to my head.

I gave a single stare at the door, "If you need more wood, let me know." I said watching her smile softly and nod.

Going down the steps of her porch, I felt a weird feeling in my chest and wondered why I always choose the ones who are taken.

Why can't I like someone like Lisa or Misty? Or even Amelia.

I eyed Amelia who was watching Kristoffer from afar, her smile focused back on the kids and I noted the chemistry there.

Alright, maybe not Amelia.

Going to the back of the house, I opened the shed and pulled out one of the fishing spears but stopped as I heard the moaning.

Turning my attention behind the shed, I walked around and caught Alice making out with Judah.

She pulled back and tucked her breast back into her shirt before turning to the water. Judah nervously looked at me and I smirked softly, "Why don't you two find a room? Or go into the shed?" I asked watching Alice laugh embarrassed.

I turned and headed to the beach tossing the spear in and catching a few of the fish before bucketing them.

Petra's POV:

Going around the island, I checked every home, doing a check up and noted everyone doing pretty much the same thing as they have the last three days.

Michaels still trying spells to find Anne's corpse and failing. Jolene is still secretly calling Rose, Annalise and listening in on everyone's conversations. Rosie is still fucking Alex unprotectedly. Amelia still wants to get at Kris's dick but Kris isn't getting it. Vydia is still a crying and a sobbing mess, it makes me wonder if she knows how dramatic she's being. I mean if Michael can go about she can too.

Viktor is still hating himself for having done anything with Nevana. Alice and Judah are still fucking. Oh and Jessa is slowly growing a crush on Koda.

Going to Lana's room, I watched her stand there holding Heath and staring out the window, her eyes glued to someone.

I walked over to the window and when Ben's foot steps came, she stood and went to put Heath down.

Looking out the window, I watched Valdus cutting the logs, he was shirtless, showing off every flexed muscle and looking great as he did it. He chopped the logs and I wondered how Anne was such an idiot. She could've fucked him and she didn't. 

Michaels got nothing on Valdus.

Jameson's POV:

Lifting the pills, I grinned and watched Sabrina give me a small look over, "Shut up and help me." She said grabbing the pills and spilling them into the pot of sauce.

She began mixing it in and masking the taste with garlic and peppers.

"Grab me the rosemary." She said pointing to the top shelf.

I reached up and grabbed it, handing it to her and watching her check me out before taking the bottle.

She used to piss me off, but recently she's been a lot less annoying than she used to be.

As she added the rosemary, she mixed for a bit longer until she broke into a smile, "We'll be having a lot of fun tonight. Make sure everyone enjoys some. Everyone. Except the kids. That ones for the kids." She said gesturing to the meatballs and veggies sprinkled with some sleeping medicine.

When Sabrina came over asking if I knew of any drugs that could make everyone feel really good and happy, I thought she meant just for herself. Then she began telling me she was in charge of making tonight's dinner.

As soon as the pasta sauce was ready, she had me strain the pasta before she began making the twenty different "Vodka" infused pasta. She said we'd emphasize its not for the children.

I was down for a bit of mischief and fun, always.

After handing out all the dinners, we stayed silent and waited eating our bowls of pasta and letting the trip hit us.

Slowly, my body began warming up, my heart racing and my smile growing.

Laughter was coming out of houses and I watched Sabrina look to me and grin, "About time they lighten up." She said softly.

About time.

Vydia's POV:

Bringing another fork full to my mouth, I ate it trying not to laugh too hard.

The guys all began eating with their hands and I watched Mom laugh as she took the pasta out eating them one at a time.

Whatever was in that pasta, it made us feel really good.

Since Viktor still had us eating together at a table, we all just sat around the table laughing and tripping out.

I listened to the sound of a guitar being played outside and Viktor stood taking Moms hand and walking her outside.

Lucien took my hand and hurried me outside, pulling me to his chest and grinning down at me. His sinister smile bringing my chest into flutters and my heart exploded with love.

Dancing wildly with Luce and Jessa, I moved to Kayla and swayed beside her as we danced to the music.

Dayna stood on top of a small crate and began singing while Rhye played guitar. It was a really nice feeling, to just let loose. I'd forgotten what I was sad about, there was so much to be happy about.

Running my hands up Lucien's body, he took my lips and deepened our kiss. We moved together in sync and kept our bodies close, longing for one another in a passion I could only compare to the night I took him on his bike.

"Nirvana." He said quietly with a grin.

I gave a nod, "Baby I think we're beyond that." I said before kissing his neck and feeling him melt beneath my hands.

Valdus's POV:

Fucking hell.

I leaned my shoulder into the porch and watched her, she had her long hair down, her big eyes watching her friend Misty. The two of them dancing together as she laughed and rolled her hips.

My eyes were stuck on her, and no matter how many girls danced around her, I could only see her.

She tossed her hands up, swaying and then laughing moving her hands down her body and nodding.

Moving closer to her, I held my glass of liquor in one hand and watched Jessa apologize as she tripped in front of me. I brushed it off and headed toward my main target.

I felt amazing. I felt like a million bucks and starving, quenching a thirst and hunger that's long over due.

Taking her hand, I gave it a small pull watching her turn and spin in, her hand pressing to my chest. She stared up at me and gave me a soft grin before swaying her hips.

I moved with her, watching her turn and sway her hips against me before she ran her hands up my chest and around my neck.

She left off my body quick and I watched Ben give me a warning look before he pulled Lana to her and she laughed jumping up and wrapping her legs around him.


Michael was sitting in a chair staring out at the water with a smile on his face, I walked over and sat down in the chair beside his while keeping my eyes on Lana.

He looked to me and then Lana, "Don't you ever get tired of chasing girls who are taken?" He asked laughing and rubbing the bridge of his nose.

I smirked, "I figured you'd be happy I'm over Anne." I admitted while he cocked an eyebrow at me, "Got over her pretty quick." He said before looking back to the water.

Laughing I gave a nod, "I think I just liked that she was badass. She had a lot of bad habits though, and then there was you." I said grinning while he leaned forward shaking his head and smiling softly.

He looked back at everyone dancing and partying by the campfire.

His focus went back to the water, "Even this high, feeling this good, you're still thinking about her?" I asked him feeling a bit amazed.

Michael didn't look to me, he just stared at the water, "I'll never stop thinking about her." He said softly.

Damn, "That's love." I don't think I've ever loved someone like that before.

He stared over at me and gave a small grin, "Its way more than that." He had said but I didn't quite understand it, instead I gave a nod.

We sat in the silence while I watched Lana run to the water spearing fish and laughing as Ben tried to get her to stop. He kept saying she'd stab her foot but she seemed capable.

I watched her hold up the spear with four fish on it proudly, "Fish sticks baby!" She shouted while laughing and running to the fire pit holding the fish over the fire.

She was Anne I suppose, in some way.

Michaels POV:

The ocean waves rolled back, reaching the shore and all I could see was her. I could see her stepping out the water saying how much the water was refreshing.

I could feel her every touch along my skin, I could smell her sweet scent of honey and hear the laughter of her melancholy voice. I could practically see her roll her eyes and even give me that famous look that said she wanted me right then and there. Only to find us kissing and hugging and just enjoying one another's presence.

Anne and I aren't just love, we're so much more than that.

I'll never love, so long as I live, I will love Anne and I will be hers.

Sitting back, I listened to the sound of the music and softly whispered the spell, watching the rose bush slowly rise from the sand. I ran my hand over the rose and plucked it before the bush faded back into the earth.

I held the rose in my grasp and brought it to my nose, smelling it softly. It held Anne's scents honey and overly sugary candies.

Laying it on my chest, I stared back at the waves, the worlds over. I suppose this is the end times, and we should enjoy every bit of our lives.

I don't want to though, after I make sure Lily and Jolene are okay and safe from all of this, I'll go seek my soul mate, my sweet honey scented, candy blooded, winged devil.

My Annalise Dragos.

I'll see you soon my love, in our own paradise of an eternal afterlife.

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